Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Wings ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author: Tami Veldura
Title: Wild Wings
Status: Series
Part: 1/? Incomplete
Pairing: 1x2 (Heero/Duo Gundam Wing)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Duo's first full moon on Earth is one he never expected. When he finally accepts that it wasn't a fluke, things get curious. When the other pilots show signs of the same secret, things get downright interesting.
Archive: By all means! But please send me a cursory message. ^^
Feedback: Please!
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em... I'm not stealing, just... borrowing.. *shifty eyes* without permission... *cough*
A/N: This is a gratuitous fic, really. An idea that I found in another fic... expanded a bit. The premise is rather shaky and probably quite full of holes, but I don't really care. It's not meant to be a work of literature, anyway :D Just enjoy it for what it is. Histories and events are only semi-canon (due to the inherent nature of this plot bunny) but I tried to make personalities as intrinsically canon as I could. Any help in that realm would be highly appreciated.
Beta: Nope.
Chapter One
Duo cursed under his breath and twisted his hand around. He was buried up to his shoulder in wiring and computer boards in Deathscythe's collar and he'd just lost the wire he'd been trying to rig somewhere in the mass. Without being able to see and with every other wire in the gap coated in the same latex rubber, finding it again would be like a Taurus in space. That is to say; fucking impossible until the live ends crossed and he got the static jolt of the century.
“You have the vocabulary of a seven-year-old, Duo!”
The teen flipped Howard the bird with his free hand over the edge of `scythe's shoulder and smiled with the older man's chuckles. Now if only fishing that wire would be so easy. He didn't want to open the shoulder any more than he had to but it wasn't looking good. With a sigh he twisted his hand again and nearly pissed himself when a hundred and twenty volts shocked through his hand, up his arm, and all the way down his legs until it fizzled out at the rubber in his boots.
Any normal man would've yanked his hand out at the first sign of trouble, but this was a rather important wire so Duo grit his teeth and pulled it up. The simple fact that the teenager had enough mental capacity while being electrocuted to even consider such an action should have clued him into the fact that maybe he wasn't quite normal. Then again, Duo wasn't intimately aware of what the human body could and couldn't take in terms of electricity. Growing up in the slums of L2 certainly limited one's technological education.
So, with a twitch in his eye that was considerably more annoying than the actual jolt, Duo went to work. He stripped another two inches of the wire, trimmed the end and wrapped them around the spare battery he had installed only moments ago. Some electrical tape ensured nothing would move in the middle of battle.
It was nearly three hours later, when Howard commented, that Duo realized most of the stray hairs around his head were standing on end (still!) and the twitch in his eye hadn't gone away yet.
“What'd you do, boy? Stick your hand in the outlet?”
“Yeah, something like that...” His answer was somewhat distracted as he continued to run his diagnostics.
Howard hooked one foot in Deathscythe's cockpit and pulled himself onto semi-firm ground. That belaying rope was hardly steady. “That was supposed to be a joke, Duo. What'd you do?” He reached forward to play with some of the flyaway hair.
Duo dodged the motion with an automatic twist of his body. He barely glanced at the mechanic. “Some of the wires crossed and I grabbed them. I'm fine. My boots are rubber.”
“Hah! Rubber boots don't mean a thing when you've grabbed lightning by the hand. Two hundred volts and you're fried chicken!”
“It was only one twenty—“
“One TWENTY!!” Howard lunged forward but Duo was faster, out of the chair and in the small space behind it before the mechanic could blink. “Not possible, Maxwell. You would've been screaming; burnt at the very least.”
Duo's voice was low with warning. “I may run and hide, but I never tell a lie, Howard. Get out of my cockpit.”
“Get out. Of my. Cockpit.”
Howard frowned and groped for the belayline. Once found he slipped out of the Gundam and triggered its decent. Duo leaned out to watch him and heard the man mutter to himself about crazy Gundam pilots and electricity. Once Howard was safe on the ground and clearly leaving the area he sat himself down and continued his diagnostic.
The entire event was forgotten in minutes. Duo surfaced from the trance of code and schematics when his tests checked out and his stomach refused to be denied food any longer.
The kitchen proved to be a veritable kaleidoscope of edible delights. Although, compared to L2, any decently stocked kitchen would have looked the same but that was hardly the point. Duo wolfed down an energy drink and threw together two sandwiches. He chowed on the first and was half-way done before he reached the hanger and located the other teen pilot. What was his name? Yuy?
“Hey, Heero. I thought you might want some grub.”
There was no answer from the stoic pilot. Duo wasn't even sure he'd been heard. The boy scrambled up Wing's supine form and managed to get within reasonable speaking distance before Heero pulled his gun.
Duo froze, then grinned like a loon. Howard had bitched for an hour about Heero's protective overobsession with Wing. How he'd let no one get within three feet of the machine, let alone help him with repairs.
Heero finally looked up and his brow creased, calculating the distance between them with concern—or, at least what passed for concern in a human/machine interface. “What do you want?”
Duo lifted the sandwich, not at all apologetic when a mixture of mayo and mustard hit polished Gundanium with a thick splat. “Food. For eating. Do you ever get hungry?” Now that Heero was aware of his presence Duo felt no qualms about approaching further. The pistol simply wasn't enough of a deterrent.
Heero tensed. Duo disregarded the warning and slapped the sandwich into the pilot's other hand. He reached behind him to pull an energy drink from the waistband of his pants when Heero's pistol fixed on his head. The soft click of the safety echoed in the hanger.
“Heeeey, relax there big guy, I'm jus—“ Duo began.
“Shut up.”
“Shutting up.”
“Hands where I can see them; turn around slowly.”
Duo put his hand back up in the air and unbent to turn around. There was a moment of stillness, then the cold aluminum of the soda can disappeared from his back and the street rat heard the unmistakable hiss of carbonation.
“Sooo... can I move now?”
No response.
Duo glanced over his shoulder and saw Heero in his peripheral vision. The pilot wasn't even paying attention anymore, his entire focus on the laptop and his sandwich. Duo dropped his hands with a sigh and spun around.
The speed with which Heero drew his gun was rather surprising. Duo's violet eyes went slightly wide before he could cover the reflex and he backed up a half-step. Heero's stare was narrow under a slash of brown bangs.
“I'll just... sit right here, then?”
Duo backed up another two steps so he was on Wing's abdomen and slumped to the Gundanium. It was cold.
“Yanno, if you just let Howard take a look at it, they could have this hunk-a-junk up and running by the end of tomorrow. I mean, honestly. It's just a few surface abrasions and a couple of shot synapses. A bowl of mama's hot chicken noodle and some bed rest and he'll be good as ne—“
Duo twisted. “You talken' to me? It's too late to ask for my help, yanno.”
“Could you keep it down?”
“Well fine—“
A beep within the fallen Gundam grasped their attention. Heero was in the cockpit and pulling a screen in front of him before Duo was half-way to his feet.
“Whatcha got there?” He asked, peering into the heart of the machine over Heero's glowing screen. He couldn't help but notice the Gundam was eerily similar to his own, especially on the inside.
“A mission...” Heero didn't sound like he was answering Duo's question so much as speaking to himself. “A large shipment of Gundanium... I'll take care of it in the morning.”
“What? Are you nuts?! In this condition? You'll never make it out of the hanger unless you get Howard and his boys to help you out.”
Heero looked up at the American silhouetted in his Gundam's cockpit. “Maybe you can't. I'll be fine.”
Duo pushed away from the Gundam and turned, walking back along the torso. “Well excuse me for being merely mortal.” He dropped to the cement and put his hands on his hips. Duo muttered to himself as he turned away, “Yah gotta learn how t' relax, Yuy... Take a load off now and again. We both have Gundams for a reason...”
Duo woke early the next morning to the sound of a rocket launching inside is brain.
Well ok, it was a Gundam and it was in the hanger, close enough. The braided boy rolled over before he remembered Heero's mission this morning. With a jolt he sprang from the bed and ran full-tilt down the hall to the hanger where he managed to catch the tail-end of Wing's jet propulsion cloud.
“Well I'll be damned. He actually did it overnight? The man's inhuman...” He muttered.
“We've been robbed?!”
Duo spun around. “What?”
One of Howard's men had his hands in his hair and disbelief written all over his face. “That kid stole parts from Deathscythe to fix his Gundam, we've been swiped!”
“Why that bastard!” Duo shook his fist at the fading vapor trail. “And to think I was just praising you, yah thief! I'll get you for this!” The vapor dissipated without a reply.
Duo spun back toward the hanger. “Damn it. What's missing?”
“I'm not sure of everything yet. A few panels of Gundanium around the left leg are the obvious bits. Probably a few pieces of hardware from the exposed area.”
The pilot growled to himself and triggered the belayline. It zipped downward. He let it wiz him up to the cockpit and nearly snarled. The trigger for the door was loose. Not by much, but Duo knew his machine down to the last wire. With a grunt he opened the hatch and looked around before stepping foot inside. If there was something missing he couldn't see the theft.
He sat down with some hesitation and powered the cockpit up. He wanted to know what was gone. It would probably take all day to run a full diagnostic. What he found instead was rather surprising. And efficient list of parts scrolled over his main screen and were cross listed on a map that blinked on the left-hand plasma display.
“So what if he cataloged what he stole, he still stole it!” Duo spent half a minute memorizing the list and the local areas he was likely to get the missing items. He was almost certain the Wing pilot wouldn't be returning which meant it was up to Duo to retrieve the parts. What a bastard.