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"Wild Wings" Reviews/Comments [ 65 ]
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 Reviewed By: graypheonix85  On: February 17, 2011 21:22 EST
Fucknell, first time for an update in two years, and three chapters, it's a fucking miracle! As such, it is good to see more of the story (and some short sex scenes to boot, along with an advancing plot alongside canon. Of course, all of this requires you to update more regularly (once a month would be nice again you know, even for shorter chapters). As such, continue to update will ya? Update again soon, ja ne.
 Reviewed By: amytheevitable@gmail.com  On: September 06, 2010 12:59 EDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I truly hope you will continue this story -- the character interactions are compelling, and I love the way Duo is negotiating between the sense of self he's had all his life and his animal instincts. Love the pilot interactions -- the masturbation scene tole me so much about Trowa's character -- that he deeply cares about those to whom he is alpha, both psychological and physical welfare. Can't wait to see how Heero effects the mix!
 Title: :D
Reviewed By: wishes2accomplish  On: September 04, 2010 18:03 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Thanks for sticking with this fic, it means a lot to us readers as im sure you know. Congrats on your job and such, and I cant wait for the updates :D
 Reviewed By: salllzy [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2010 22:46 EDT
please update soon need to know what happens next
 Reviewed By: Serena1985 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2010 03:38 EDT
Yay!! Can't wait til you update. I still want to know what happened lol!
 Reviewed By: GrayPheonix [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 09, 2010 03:56 EST
Hmmm, nearly 9 months since an update, and this is still one of the best Gundam Wing fics I've ever read. In terms of smut (and uniqueness of material) it's one of the best, and a fun read too. So why stop updating? Kinda sucks that there's been no updates in all this time. Still, it's good to touch base and remind ya that you have readers on this site still waiting for an update. So, update will ya? Update again soon, ja ne.
 Reviewed By: Twillightfairy [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2010 15:47 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love what you've written in this fic so far, and can't wait to read more. I want to see if Duo completes his mission and how the others react to him going off on his own.
 Reviewed By: Serena1985 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 31, 2009 01:28 EDT
So then what happens?!?! Please update, must know.
 Reviewed By: to log in or not to log in Dark Princess thinks not to log in  On: May 30, 2009 03:40 EDT
I foresee a world of trouble for Du-chan in the near future. One T'o-chan will not be happy, Two Hee-chan will not be happy, Three he just gave OZ his finger print, and four...Du-chan has a fairly high probability of being caught in that duct doesn't he? I can just see it 9:00PM its night and the wolf wants out. This sounds bad, but I can't wait for the next installment. Also sorry for not having read the chapter sooner ^_^ I haven't checked my e-mail in a while. OH! I don't know where you live but I'm hoping its in FL cause in a few weeks MetroCon is happening and we have all the Gundam Boys minus Wufei and Treize *squeee for most of the boys cries for lack of Wu-bear and Treize*
 Title: Wild Wings
Reviewed By: I'm to lazy to log in as well. Laesk  On: May 15, 2009 18:14 EDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 6 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
a good story but it took a long time to write the next chapter, I hope for more soon. thank you for writing.
 Reviewed By: DarkPrincess dosen't wanna log in  On: May 03, 2009 21:10 EDT
you are missed please return soon T.T
 Reviewed By: Dark Princess dosent wanna log in right now  On: March 13, 2009 04:30 EDT
I heart you to, you have been missed :D do well in your studies ^_^ now on to story review: Noooooooooo poor Hee-chan *cries* he must be on some high dose drugs for him to be that out of it. So now we have T'o-chan taking care of Hee-chan while Du-chan plays distraction. Where are Hee-chan & T'o-chan going? they can't go straight back to the den as T'o-chan said. does this mean T'o-chan & Hee-chan are going to establish a bond of some kind now? i can't wait for your next chapter :D
 Reviewed By: Dark Princess dosent wanna log in right now  On: March 13, 2009 04:29 EDT
I heart you to, you have been missed :D do well in your studies ^_^ now on to story review: Noooooooooo poor Hee-chan *cries* he must be on some high dose drugs for him to be that out of it. So now we have T'o-chan taking care of Hee-chan while Du-chan plays distraction. Where are Hee-chan & T'o-chan going? they can't go straight back to the den as T'o-chan said. does this mean T'o-chan & Hee-chan are going to establish a bonf of some kind now? i can't wait for your next chapter :D
 Title: Amazing!
Reviewed By: Shi-koi [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 02, 2009 02:07 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*heart* Heya, I'm reviewing from the first chapter because I've just worked my way backwards, saving the story to my hard-drive. Yes, it is that good. --grin-- God! This story is unbelievably good! You've written it so amazingly well that I was stunned for a moment when it ended. I was all 'Nooo! That can't be it!' and everything. --whistles in admiration-- What a ride! I can't wait to see where you go with this, and I must admit, seeing what creatures you assign for Heero and Wufei is setting me in a nervous panic, mostly because the ones you chose for Duo, Quatre and Trowa suit them to a tee. I am so darn impressed with this story. Seriously. *heart*
 Title: This is DarkPrincess I don't feel like logging in
Reviewed By: DP  On: October 12, 2008 00:17 EDT
are you still alive? we misses you greatly T.T
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