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"Wild Wings" Reviews/Comments [ 65 ]
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 Reviewed By: sylenctone (who is too lazy to sign in)  On: April 20, 2008 20:58 EDT
Haha! This chapter just confirmed most of my suspicions! And it was such *fun* too! Quatre's rather pushy in bird form, and I'm very pleased to see that there's a more voluntary aspect to their beast forms. I can only speculate as to what peculiar effects this lovely twist will have on the actual 'missiony' sort of stuff they'll be doing. And I bet they're both getting suspicious of the others. Hehehee! Oh such fun! And the Manguanacs just made it more so! Still, I worry about the more mundane aspects of the story too. I've a feeling things are going to get busy for them soon! Thank you for writing! ~jess, your delighted fangirl
 Reviewed By: Dark Princess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 19, 2008 04:19 EDT
ok the dude below my post is a bit weird but hey I cant really say anything I guess ^_^''' any way *run, run, run, skitter, skitter, skitter, smacks wall, run, run, run* I love it :D ok so now we know Q-bean isn't a hawk but is instead a rapture-bird-thing, that for some reason I'm picturing is about the size of a chicken, and sounds like a parakeet...odd but ok. Now what and where are my darling Hee-chan and T'o-chan? Though in all honesty anyone but a joking Du-chan would probably get a bullet soon after calling Hee-chan darling. P.S. when going to YouTube make sure you type in Youtube.com ...if you get PornTube unplug your comp. quickly and hope nothing happens. The results otherwise are not pretty T.T
 Reviewed By: Graypheonix85  On: April 18, 2008 11:00 EDT
Dude, SWEET!!!! Hahahaha, oh man, the freedom of flight alongside another. Heh, well, at least they didn't have sex, that would have been weird as hell. Not to mention awkward, I mean, hey, bird having sex with a wolf with wings? Eerie. Heh. Continue to update, will ya? THIS STORY ROCKS!!!! Ja ne. Oh, and PS: What forms do the other guys have? I MUST KNOW!!!!
 Reviewed By: Dark Princess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 15, 2008 08:55 EDT
So poor Q-man is the female of the pack, how cute ^_^ and what happened to make the Oz-ies chase him? Do we get to find out later or was it just somthing to get Du-chan on the good side of Q's 'guys'?
 Reviewed By: sylenctone [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2008 22:49 EDT
Oh this is such fun! I love the Dunehopper! Quatre might balk at his 'packfem' status if he ever found out though. hehe. And I can't help but think that the Maguanacs are so protective of Quatre because of his were status. I'd be a little leery about bringing some outsider into a situation like that. And I can't help but wonder what those guys wanted with poor Q. Thanks for writing! --jess
 Reviewed By: GrayPheonix [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2008 17:01 EDT
Hmmm, interesting. Packfem? Heh. Okay, need to read more, update again soon, will ya? Ja ne.
 Reviewed By: Dark Princess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 12, 2008 04:12 EDT
PS. I'm glad you didn't make Q-ball a Camel
 Reviewed By: Dark Princess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 12, 2008 04:06 EDT
LOL a boom box :D and CDs are getting old even now. I love it ^_^ ok so now I know what Du-chan, T'o-chan, and Q-ball are. I have hints to what Hee-chan is. So what is Wu-bear and will he show up more than his...*pulls out her GW info book (yes I have an official Japanese GW info book)* 31/49 eppie. times? And honestly I can't see Wu-bear being anything other than a lizard of some kind...or a Panda...but then again I'm not sure he'd be too happy being a Panda ^_^- and where did T'o go? Was he following Q-ball and Du-chan or did he go off on his own, I'm not sure I got that part T.T and if you're wondering I Cosplay as Du-chan so I tend to use his nicknames for the others just a lil bit :D
 Reviewed By: Dark Princess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 12, 2008 03:27 EDT
HAZA!!!! i know what kind of animal Q-ball is :D now back to the story ^_^
 Reviewed By: sylenctone [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 09, 2008 13:11 EDT
I somehow managed to miss the last chapter. Bad fangirl. So I'll just have to comment on both. :) I wasn't too sure before but I see that now everyone (except Wufei) seems to be on a first name basis. Though it seems like Trowa is the only one with the dubious honor of being labeled 'packmale' (though maybe it's the ears). heh. And I'm really enjoying the way you mostly follow the time-line whilst adding in all the fun bits in between. Though I doubt poor Heero is thanking you. heheehee. As for ch13, I think I'm getting a bit suspicious of Quatre too. This little slip: "We came to an eyâ€"a safehouse" sounds like 'eyrie' to me. Combine that with Duo's observation of "eyes sharp like a hawk" and I come up with some sort of Were-eagle or hawk. Hehee. Such fun. And I'm also glad Q is forcing Duo to let his body heal. Of course, Quatre's a pretty observant fellow and I'm sure he noticed the way Duo 'wolfed' his food down. I bet he already has his suspicions, particularly if he changes himself. I'm not quite sure what Heero or Wufei will be, but I'm sure they'll be just as fitting as the other three! You've thought this out really well. And I must add that I absolutely loved the 'grooming' scene! So cute! I wonder if Q will be elevated to Trowa's packmale status? hehee! Thanks for writing! Your verbose fangirl, -jess
 Reviewed By: KrystalFoxx [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 09, 2008 04:23 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh my! Another piece of artistry that's grabbed my attention. I'm extremely pleased with this and I'm delighted that you are continuing to update this on a fairly frequent basis. The development of the characters is coming along nicely although I'm a bit disappointed there hasn't been any further forays into the paranormal. Nice slip up done by Q. :D Just a little taste of what's to come? I'm fascinated by the thought of what the others personalities will manifest as and can't wait to see what more is in store. I wish you good plots and plenty of free time!
 Reviewed By: GrayPheonix [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2008 22:44 EDT
Heh, cool latest chapter, but I don't think any of the pilots could ever pass as normal. Trowa is probably some type of were, especially with the dog like way he follows Heero. Neh. Dunno about the others, but it would be cool to see em as somethign supernatural. Heh, 'Fei as a dragon would be pretty neat. Neh. Update again soon, ja ne.
 Reviewed By: Dark Princess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2008 15:18 EDT
I'm kind of glad it was as long as it was 'cause I was able to finish it before my most hated class, but at the same time I want more. T.T Now here's another question, are all the pilots were-animals? Or are they humans with different powers? Also is it just a coincidence that the title Wild Wings is also a song from the soundtrack? Can't wait for the next update, Dark Princess
 Reviewed By: GrayPheonix [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 06, 2008 13:36 EDT
Man, New Edwards really fucked things up. Neh, there's not much that can be done about it, to be honest. Neh. Of course, the other pilots are all gonna be affected by these upcoming battles and...whatever, I'm rambling. Just update again soon, and show that the other pilots might be werewolves, or bird things, or whatever. It'd be cool to see how they turn out, or if Duo's the only weird one. Neh. Update again soon, ja ne.
 Title: Awesome!!
Reviewed By: Lady Laori [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 01, 2008 13:48 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Well, I sure am very interested in what is going to be happening next. Please don't delay with the next installment. I'll be waiting eagerly. Fantastic read.
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