Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Always Be My Baby? (Part One of the Family Sagas) ❯ Part Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: You and I know they belong to someone else.

Will You Always Be My Baby?, Part 5

Hilde straightened the simple black sweater dress she was wearing and smoothed her hair over her hair that she had decided to leave it to curl around her shoulders. She looked at her reflection in the mirror of her vanity. A simple strand of pearls circled her neck and tiny diamond studs adorned her ears. The necklace had been a gift from Duo on her eighteenth birthday and the earrings had been a gift from Eric when she turned twenty-one in April. She was still as slim as ever due to the fact that she took kickboxing every day. She turned away from her reflection and left the room. She walked out into the spacious living room where Eric was sitting with Christopher.

Eric looked up when she came into the room. "Damn, you look wonderful in that dress," he said as he stood and walked over to her. He pressed a kiss on her cheek. "You certainly do not look like a mother to me."

Hilde laughed. "You would say that," she said, pleased with his comment. "What time is it? They should be arriving soon."

"Let's see. It's almost six. They should be arriving any minute," Eric said as he looked at his watch.

Hilde went over to the couch and sat down next to her son. "And how is the birthday boy?" she asked with a smile.

Christopher gave her a wide smile. "Mama," he babbled and held his arms up to her.

Hilde picked him up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I take that as good," she laughed as she walked across the room to the kitchen. She set him down on the kitchen chair and checked on all the food that she had put out on the island. "Well it looks like everything is ready for tonight," she said.

Heero pushed the button for the elevator to go upstairs to the penthouse where Hilde and Eric lived. He looked over his shoulder at Relena, who was talking to Catherine about babies, while holding onto Victoria. He then glanced at Quatre, who was gazing at his wife indulgently. He switched the bag containing gifts from everyone to his other hand. It had been a good flight except for that one piece of news from Wufei. Duo was following them. He had been constantly been looking around, his soldier's instincts becoming extremely sharp. The elevator door slid open. "Come on you guys, you can talk about babies with Hilde when you get up there," he said.

Relena wrinkled her nose a little at her husband. "You're just saying that because you think I want another baby right away and because I yelled at you the entire time during labor," she said sweetly.

Heero snorted. "That too. But keep in mind, Duo is walking around New York looking for Hilde. I knew it would be only a matter of time before this happened," he said as the door slid open to the penthouse floor.

"We should have told him in the first place," Quatre mumbled. "But good old Heero decided that we shouldn't. Now that I think about it, I much rather would have been killed by someone going by the nickname, the God of Death."

Heero glared at Quatre, who glared back. "Too late for that now," he said shortly as he rang the bell. "Just be glad that so far there has been no sign of Duo. He might have lost track somewhere."

"Are we going to tell Hilde that he's here, looking for her?" asked Catherine.

"No. It's best not to worry her about it," said Heero as he straightened his tie a little.

Eric went to get the door when it rang. He opened it to find Relena, Heero, and their daughter, Victoria, and his cousin Quatre and his wife, Catherine. "Hey you guys come on in," he said as he opened the door wider. They walked in, exchanging greetings as they removed their coats.

"Where's Hilde?" asked Relena as she handed her coat to Heero.

"She's in the kitchen ladies," Eric said as he motioned his head towards the back.

Hilde was busy folding napkins in the adjoining dining room as Catherine and Relena came in. She looked up. "You guys are here!" she exclaimed happily as she went over to them.

"Yes, we made it. You look wonderful Hilde," said Relena as she gave Hilde a hug. She looked over at Christopher who was sitting in the chair, watching avidly. She shifted Victoria to her other hip. "Hello Chris, it's you Aunt Relena," she said. "And I brought you a new playmate."

Chris smiled at her and stretched his hands out to her.

"Hilde, you put us all to shame in that dress," said Catherine as she walked around Hilde. "Even after having a kid, you still look great."

"Thanks Cathy. It took a lot of work to get to look like this again," she said as she spread out her arms. "But both of you look pretty good too," she said as she gestured to the purple sweater and long black skirt that Cathy was wearing and to the knee length sapphire silk blue dress that Relena was wearing. "Where is Heero and Quatre?" she asked as she went over to Chris and picked him up.

"Oh, they're talking to Eric more then likely," said Relena as she followed them back into the spacious living room.

Heero, Quatre, and Eric turned around to the sound of the women's voices as they came into the room. Heero stood and went over to Hilde. "You look great Hilde," he said as he pressed a kiss on her cheek. "And how is my godson?" he asked as he looked at Chris.

"He's fine. He's happy that people are going to be here. And I think he's taking a quick liking to your daughter," Hilde said as she watched Chris stretch his hands towards Victoria.

Heero paled a little, but gave a small chuckle. "Yes, she's a beauty just like her mother," he said as he gave Relena an admiring glance.

"And how was the labor with Relena?" she asked with a smile.

"Don't remind me," Heero mumbled. "She nearly burned my ear off with the language she was using and she nearly broke my hand."

Hilde laughed. "So it was the same as mine basically."

"You could say that," he said as he went over to Relena and took Victoria from her.

"And when are you going to start a family Quatre?" Hilde asked when he came over to greet her.

"Soon I hope. I would love to have kids," Quatre replied as he smiled at Catherine, who was talking to Eric.

"They're a joy, believe me. There is nothing better then having someone that loves you unconditionally," Hilde said as she hugged Chris gently.

Quatre smiled at her and Chris. 'That is something that I am definitely looking forward to," he said.

"Come on, it's time to eat," Eric announced. "Hilde spent hours in the kitchen today. And you know her cooking is worth it," he said.

They all made their way to the dining room. Hilde and Relena adjusted the two high chairs for Chris and Victoria.

"When did you find time to change?" Eric asked his cousin as he sat down next to him.

"We changed on the Concorde. We didn't want to let Duo know what we were up to," Quatre replied in a hushed voice. "But that didn't do much good as you know."

Eric nodded. Heero and Quatre had said that Duo had followed them, but they haven't seen him although Heero was keeping a close eye on everything now. "Well let's just hope he doesn't find this place because all hell might break loose."

"I couldn't agree more," said Quatre as they both returned their attention to the table.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

Duo parked his rented car across the street, where he had seen the rented car Heero had used. It had taken a lot of persuading and a little flirting with the girl behind the car rental desk to tell him the I.D number of the car that Heero had taken. He climbed out and looked up at the ornate old building. "So, she's here. Pretty expensive looking," he said as he walked across the street and into the building. The porter tipped his hat at him as he walked through. "That was too easy, " he said as he looked at the brass plated mailboxes. "Let's see." His eyes scanned the names and numbers. His eyes fell on the one of the bottom plates. It read E. Winner and H. Schiebecker. "E. Winner, huh. That better be a girl," he muttered as he went over to the elevator and pushed the button. He toyed with the end of his braid as he waited for the elevator. He had no idea what he was going to do when he saw her. The elevator arrived and he stepped in. He pressed the button for the penthouse floor. As it ascended, he pondered what was going to happen. He knew she would be shocked and then mad. He grinned at that. She always looked gorgeous when she was mad. Her blue eyes would flash and her cheeks would get all flushed. A bell pinged when it reached the floor. He walked out and went to penthouse Two. He smoothed his hand over his hair and straightened his leather jacket. "Well here goes nothing," he said as he pressed the bell.

Hilde heard the bell ring as she wiped Chris's mouth with her napkin. "You're a little pig, you know that," she said to him as she put the linen napkin next to her plate. "I'll get it," she said when no one else made a move to get the door.

The others froze and prayed it wouldn't be who they thought it was. "Maybe I should get it," said Eric as he started to get out of his chair.

"No, I'll get it," said Hilde as she rose from her chair. "I'm closer to the door then you are anyway." She walked through the living room and reached the front door. She looked out the peephole and saw someone with his or her back to the door, apparently waiting. She tugged down the hem of the sweater dress she was wearing and opened the door.

Duo waited a little. Then he heard the door opening. He turned and saw her. His eyes widened.

Hilde thought she was seeing things. She blinked again. Nope, she wasn't seeing things. She felt like she would go into cardiac arrest, for her heart was pounding so fast. His name was at the tip of her tongue. She didn't raise her eyes higher then his chin. He looked as good as ever with the black leather jacket, a deep red dress shirt, unbuttoned a little that she could see the chain of his cross that he wore, black jeans, and black boots. "D..D..Duo," she stuttered as she took a step back.

Duo stood there for a minute, gazing at her. She looked as beautiful as ever. That short black sweater dress gliding over her soft curves contrasted with her pale ivory skin. He noticed that she was wearing the pearls that he had given her. He also noticed how the color drained from her face and how she stuttered his name. His own heart was pounding rapidly at the sight of her. He didn't know what to say, so he did what came naturally. "Hello, babe, miss me?" he asked giving her a lazy smile.

Hilde glanced up at his face. She could see that damn sexy smile of his. She also saw the dangerous glint in his eyes. "What…How?" she asked.

"Easy, its called I followed. I'm a little tired of trying to pry information out of the others about you. So I did the other thing I could possibly think of. I found you by following them," he said as he leaned over her a little. "So are you going to invite me in or you going to leave me in the hall?"

Hilde's eyes narrowed at him. "The thought of leaving you in the hall is appealing," she said waspishly.

He almost grinned at her tone. He leaned down until his eyes were level with hers. "I wouldn't advise it though babe," he said in a low voice.

She stepped back and let him in. Her whole body was shaking at being that close to him in such a long time. "I'm not going to be intimidated by him, I won't," she said under her breath as she shut the door with a slam.

In the dining room, all ears were listening. They heard the door open and then nothing. They heard Hilde's voice and the muffled sound of someone else's. Then they heard the door slammed rather hard.

Duo looked around him. "Nice place, Hilde," he said as he turned to look at her. "So this is the place that you've been hiding from me for so long. I must say I can see why you stayed," he said, trying to keep some of the anger he was starting to feel out of his voice.

"I wasn't hiding," Hilde said defensively as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"You sure as hell could have fooled me. Let me think more then a year and a half, and I have absolutely no idea where you are or what you're doing. And no one would tell me because you made them promise not to," Duo said as his voice began to rise.

Heero and Quatre raised their eyes to each other when they heard the raised voice. "Shit," Heero muttered as he pushed back his chair. The others followed.

"Like it was any of your business of where I was and what I was doing," Hilde snapped. "I had a good reason."

"That's bull, Hilde! You walked out on me, what the hell was I supposed to do or think? You walked out because I didn't do what you wanted!" he hissed at her. He was struggling to keep his anger in check.

"You wouldn't understand!" Hilde shot back. Her nails dug into her palms.

Heero and the others stopped and took in the scene before them, Hilde and Duo squaring off against each other at opposite ends of the room.

Duo turned his head towards the footsteps. He saw Heero and Relena with Victoria, Quatre and Catherine, and another young man, holding a little boy. "So, you thought you could hide this forever, didn't you Heero?" he growled.

"Duo, it wasn't out place to say," Heero replied shortly.

Duo held up his hand to Heero. "I'll worry about what I'm going to do to you and Quatre later. I'll deal with Wufei and Trowa in due time, I'll leave the women alone," he said coldly as his eyes connected with Heero's. "And if you interfere anymore, you'll wish you didn't," he threatened.

Heero glared back, but said nothing.

Duo returned his attention to Hilde. "And as for you babe, I think you're going to talk very, very fast."

Hilde turned her nose up at him. "Like hell I will! You can't tell me what to do," she said haughtily.

Duo walked over to her and looked her straight in the eye. "Fine, We'll do it the hard way," he said as he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. He felt her fists pound at his back. He gave her a hard smack on her backside. "Quiet onna! You're not getting your way this time!" he said as he started walking. "Where's your room?" he asked.

"Down the hall to the left, jackass," she hissed at him.

"Good. I don't think you want to fight with an audience," he said as he walked down the hall and opened the door. He pushed it shut with his foot. He walked over and dropped her unceremoniously onto the bed. He went back to the door and locked it. "Now, you talk."

"Go to hell," Hilde said defiantly as she rubbed her backside, where he had smacked her.

"You know, being a bitch isn't going to help you," Duo warned as he leaned against the door.

"And you, being a asshole, isn't going to help you either," she shot back.

Duo sighed. This always happened when she was good and angry. He walked over to the bed and sat down on the end of it. He looked over at her. "I want to know everything Hilde. And I mean everything. And if there's another nasty retort on the tip of your tongue, I'll give you a harder whack on that tight little ass of yours," he said.

Hilde glared at him. "I left because you didn't want to marry me. After I tossed you out, I called Relena and Heero. I told them I wanted to leave. So with the help of the others, I packed all my things and walked out. And by the time you got back, I was on my way here. Does that answer your question?"

"Keep going," Duo said as he looked at her. He saw anger flickering in her eyes.

Hilde cursed him mentally. "I got here and I move in with Quatre's cousin Eric."

"So he was the blonde standing behind Relena. Should have known he was a relation," Duo mused. "And how close are you and Eric?" he asked.

Hilde gave him a nasty smile. "Wouldn't you love to know," she said in a saccharine voice. She saw jealously flare in his eyes.

Duo growled in his throat and leaned closer to her face. "I wouldn't do that Hilde," he warned again.

"He's only my roommate and nothing more," she said quickly when she saw his eyes flicker murderously.

Duo let out a mental sigh of relief. "And who does the little boy belong to?" he asked as he looked into her eyes.

Hilde paused. "He's my son," she said bluntly.

"You're son! You're son!" he practically shouted. "And who does he belong to?"

Hilde felt her eyes fill up with some tears. "If you really needed me to answer that, you baka," she said softly. "You should know that the only man I was ever with was you."

Duo leaned away from her and looked into her eyes. He could see tears shimmering in them. Then the realization hit him like a ton of bricks. "You're saying he's mine?"

Hilde nodded her head as she looked at him. "He's yours. He has your eyes, your hair color, and your manners," she said as she looked away from him.

He turned away from her. His son, he couldn't believe it. "You left me for more then just me not marrying you. You left me because you were pregnant with my son," he said slowly.

"That's true. I did. The others begged me to tell you, but I didn't want them to. I didn't want them to force you or to ask me out of obligation," she said as she drew her knees up to her chest.

He turned to face her again. "You really think I would have married you for the wrong reasons? Hilde I loved you so much and I still do," he said in a soft voice.

Hilde looked up at him. She didn't see anger in his eyes anymore. She could see all the love that he had in him in his eyes. "I loved you too and I wanted so much more then what we had. I wanted to tell you that I was pregnant, but I said to myself, if you weren't ready for marriage, how would you be ready to raise a child. I didn't want that. So I left."

"Yes, you left. Left me to figure out what I did wrong. Hilde there were so many times, I wished that I had been ready to marry you then. I would have, just to make you happy. I was also angry for you walking out on me and at the others for refusing to tell me," Duo said sadly.

"I felt some guilt about it. But I did what was right for me. I needed to do it. Try to understand that Duo. I wanted all or nothing. I wasn't going to settle for anything less," she replied simply. "I even said as much to some other guys."

Duo's ears perked up at the mention of other guys. "What other guys?" he asked as stared at her.

"Just a few guys that I work with," Hilde said lightly.

"Did you see other guys?" he asked in a low tone.

She noticed that the jealousy was beginning to burn in his eyes again. "Sort of. I dated two men earlier in the year," she admitted.

"And did they know that you were a mother and you belonged to someone else?" Duo asked, hating the feeling of jealousy welling up inside of him.

"No, I didn't tell them that I belonged to someone else. But they did know I had a son," Hilde replied honestly.

"And what did you do with them?" he asked as his eyes bore into hers.

Her lips quirked up into a slight smile. "Why, jealous?" she asked.

Duo narrowed his eyes at her smiling lips. She was baiting him. It was something that she did very effectively.

She raised her brow when he didn't reply. But she saw the narrowing of his eyes. "Are you going to answer?" she prompted. "It wasn't like I was married or anything." And with that comment she found herself, flat on her back with him leaning over her.

"If either of those men, so much as touched you, I will kill them. And if you let them, I'll kill you because you're mine. You understand that babe," he said in a silky voice as he leaned close to her face. He could smell French vanilla wafting off of her skin.

Hilde looked at him with wide eyes. "No, neither of them tried anything," she said quietly. She could feel his weight pressing down on her and his lips were so close to hers. It had been a long time since she felt like this. "I never encouraged them because I was a mother."

"Good," was all he said. He could feel her heart pounding against his. The moonlight cast a soft glow in the room. He could see her face illuminated by it. Her lips were parted. He wanted to kiss her again and he knew that was what she was expecting. He pulled away and saw the flash of disappointment cross her features. He sat up and went over to the door and unlocked it. "I'm going to get acquainted with my son now," he said as he left the room.

Hilde sat up and stared after him. Her whole body had been aching with suppressed emotion. She had seen the look in his eyes. He had wanted to kiss her, but didn't. He was going to punish her instead. He knew exactly how to keep her in a state of arousal for hours without doing anything. It made her mad as hell. "Damn, damn, damn," she hissed as she pounded the bed with her fists.

Duo walked down the hall with a grin on his face and walked into the living room. Every one of them was sitting there. "What, waiting for another war to break out?" he asked as he looked over at them.

"We could hear some shouting," said Relena as she turned on the couch to face him. "So how are things?" she asked a little uncertainly.

"Let's just say, they're better then they were," he replied cryptically. He looked over at Heero and Quatre. "But you two, there might just be another war."

Relena sighed. "Do you really think beating the crap out of the both of them will make you feel any better?"

"Well throwing them off of the terrace out there has certain appeal," Duo smirked.

Relena threw her hands up in defeat. "I give up. What is it with the five of you threatening each other?"

The three of them looked at each other and answered, "Habit."

Hilde in the meantime composed herself and came back out into the living room. Duo was answering Relena's question. "I thought you came out here to meet your son?" she asked.

Duo turned to look at Hilde. Her cheeks were still flushed. He walked over to her. "Well I thought it would be fitting for you to introduce us," he said softly.

Hilde had to take a step away from him. Being so close to him after so long was making her body heat up. It was making her long for his touch.

Duo noticed her step away from him. He grinned and leaned down to her ear so only she would hear. "Thinking naughty little thoughts Hilde," he whispered.

She froze when she felt his breath brush her ear. She turned and looked at him. He was grinning like a Cheshire cat. She felt the flushing of her cheeks intensify. She went over to Chris and took him from Eric's arms. She sat down on the couch. "Well come over here then," she said with some exasperation.

Duo smiled and sat down on the couch next to her. And this time he got a good look at his son. It felt a little odd staring into eyes that were just like his. But that smile, that smile his son had was Hilde's.

Hilde watched as father and son studied each other intently. And she couldn't help but feel some of the heaviness lift from her heart. "His name is Christopher," she said softly.

He looked up at her. He could see a slight smile creasing her lips. "You chose a good name for him. He has your smile," he said as he gazed into her eyes.

Hilde was captivated by the look in his eyes. She felt Chris wiggle a little on her lap and stretch his arms out towards Duo. "He likes you," she said. "Would you like to hold him?"

"Sure," said Duo as he took his son into his arms for the first time. He felt love pour through his heart and a wide smile crossed his face. "Hey Chris, I'm your dad." His son laughed. Duo looked up at Hilde. "Thank you," he said as he leaned forwards and pressed a light kiss on her cheek.

She was momentarily surprised by his actions. But as she watched father and son get acquainted with each other, she understood why he said thank you. She felt Eric's hand on her shoulder and she glanced at him.

"Feel better now," Eric whispered in her ear.

"Much better," she replied as she watched Chris tug on his father's braid. She smiled when Duo tossed it back over his shoulder.

Relena felt Heero's hand slip into hers. She looked up at him and smiled. "This makes me feel so much better now," she said softly.

"I'm glad it does," said Heero as he gave his wife a kiss. He pressed another kiss on Victoria's pale blond hair.

Quatre sat with his arms about his wife, watching the proceedings. He felt Catherine look at him. He smiled at her and gave her a light kiss as well.

The rest of the evening seemed to go well. Duo enjoyed getting to know his son and torture Hilde a little. And every time he got to close to her, she moved away, and she would start blushing like crazy. He was aware of her too. Her perfume was driving him crazy and the way that she looked in that clinging black sweater dress served as a rather large distraction. His own body was telling him how long it had been since he had held her in his arms and kissed her senseless. He grinned when she walked past him again for she was trying to stay far out of his reach. "No such luck sweetheart." He leaned a little bit out of his chair and pulled her onto his lap.

"Duo!" Hilde exclaimed indignantly and tried to pull away, but his arms were locked securely about her slim waist. She glared at him over her shoulder. "Let go, I have to get Chris ready for bed and then so am I."

"Want help?" he teased, ignoring the look she was giving him. He saw color instantly flood her features.

"Not for what you're thinking," she shot back at him. She could feel her cheeks burning. "Now let go," she said with a little more emphasis.

Duo released her and she practically jumped up off his lap and took Christopher from Eric's arms. He watched her leave the room, her black heels clicking on the hardwood flooring. He could feel the other's eyes on him.

Everyone noticed the reaction Hilde was having to Duo. And how he was enjoying every second of it. Eric, Relena, and Catherine were grinning at each other. Heero and Quatre rolled their eyes.

"You know what I think I'm going to see to my son," Duo said as he casually stretched his arms over his head and stood. He started to walk in the direction Hilde went. He looked over his shoulder at the others. "If I don't come back, you'll understand," he said with a wink and left the room.

The five of them rolled their eyes at his last statement "He can't even keep his hands off of her for three hours," Heero muttered.

"What do you expect when he's that in love with her," Relena replied. She knew what Duo was up to and was glad that he was finally getting what he wanted after so long.

Author's Note: I know this chapter was kind of long, but I wanted to make sure I got in as much as possible. Next chapter will be a lemon, so hold onto your hats!