Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Still Love Me? ❯ Will You Still Love Me? ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

DISCLAIMER: All characters and original titles belong to SotsuÓ, BandaiÓ, and SunriseÓ and to the respectful writers/creators/producers etc. of Gundam WingÒ. I claim no rights to this story.

A/N: There WILL be a lemon scene eventually in this fic, and it's the first time I've ever posted a story with more than one part, so bear with me. The two pairings in this story are my top 2 fav non-yaoi pairings, so If you absolutely gag at the thought of Relena with someone other than Heero, I suggest you don't read. And if you scoff at non-yaoi, I don't think this is for you, but prove me wrong if you want and R&R, I can't stop you. I personally enjoy some yaoi, cuz there's plenty to choose from that's for sure.. I'm not 2 good at writing it though. Anyway, there will be a lemon later, not sure with who, but you'll have to keep reading it to find out I guess!

Will You Still Love Me?
By Nanashi Tenshi

Fresh, warm tears rolled down the blanched cheeks of her face as she watched her lover pack his clothes into a small knapsack. He always packed light whether he was to be gone for months or days at a time. The solemn, Prussian blue eyes that she knew all too well met hers, glassy and red from crying.

Heero saw her tears from the corner of his eye, while he kept his head down pretending to concentrate on the last pair of jeans he placed inside his bag. He knew she'd be upset, that's why he had procrastinated for so long in telling her, but it seemed to just make parting worse. Heero didn't possess the words to comfort her, though time and again he wished he did. Instead, the stoic body that was Heero knelt in front of the chair in which all that made him human sat weeping for him, giving her a silent promise of his return, as he took those delicate hands of hers in his own, all dark and callused, jaded with the scars of war.

He had been assigned another mission, this one no more risky and dangerous as previous ones, but it wrenched Relena's heart to see Heero so boldly knock on the door of fate during these futile tasks he was rarely given, but often accepted for reasons Relena did not seem to understand.

"Heero. Please, don't make me beg! Don't go, the wedding is in only 2 months! I can't afford to lose you now." Her trembling voice was drowned out by her incessant cries.

Relena's persistent pleads echoed in his ears, tearing at his soul, but the "Perfect Soldier" could not deny his purposeful existence. He was born to be a fighter, a preserver, and he couldn't help but feel compelled to walk the path laid in stone for him.

"I have to go. I promise I'll be back in time. I won't be a minute late for the wedding, I'm always on time."
Unless I'm dead…

Heero gently stroked Relena's smooth cheek, she just let her head fall into her hands, not being able to look into his eyes. Heero was the only one to ever see her tears, and it always made her feel weak, and degraded. He couldn't ignore her sobs, as much as she wanted him to, he could never. Heero gathered her into his arms soothingly. The world stopped when he could hold her in his arms, and he wished that her love could be enough to fulfill him.

When her weeping had ceased, crying herself to sleep, Heero decided now would be the best time to leave. He was a coward to Relena's hopeless begging, and only he knew that she had the power to make him stay. He could fight off a troop of Mobile Dolls fearlessly, but when it came to a certain honey-brown haired girl, he could not bear the guilty ache in his heart it caused him to see her so upset because of him.

I am not worthy of her sorrow…

Heero tactfully got up from the chair in which he had held her, without waking the sweetly slumbering woman. With soft steps, he slipped out of the bedroom with his knapsack slung on his shoulder and whispered an "Aishiteru" before stepping out of the house for the last time.

Alright. The next part is on it's way soon, as soon as I copy it onto the computer, so stay tuned! Things are never as they appear- something for all of you who accept bluntly what you read.