Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Still Love Me? ❯ Chapter 2

[ A - All Readers ]

DISCLAIMER: All characters and original titles belong to SotsuÓ, BandaiÓ, and SunriseÓ and to the respectful writers/creators/producers etc. of Gundam WingÒ. I claim no rights to this story.

A/N: Alright, part two, here it is. R&R, and be brutal! I don't mind constructive criticism, besides, it's not like I know where you live or anything… Anyway, I know what you're thinking, "Where's the lemon!" yea yea, it'll come eventually: Good things come to those who wait! And patience is a virtue!

Will You Still Love Me?
By Nanashi Tenshi

When Heero never returned from his mission, he was presumed dead by the rescue searchers who scanned the area of his disappearance thoroughly after multiple orders from the Vice Foreign Minister to re-search the premises. And when the news reached Miss Darlian, she locked herself inside her house, barely ever leaving her own room. For weeks, to no one's knowledge (since she refused to speak with anyone) she neither ate nor slept.

Finally. After a month of this, Duo had taken the initiative to work his magic on Relena, sitting outside her door, stubbornly refusing to leave until she let him in. For a week or so after Duo's first visit, he and Quatre were her most frequent visitors, as well as Noin. Duo of course, sometimes came with Hilde, and Quatre sometimes with Dorothy. Milliardo visited every so often, alone but he always felt she had not, and would never forgive him. Relena, had two years prior to Heero's disappearance, made Milliardo promise not to let Heero get into any unnecessary danger when he accompanied Heero on a mission. Somehow, Zechs knew that Relena must blame him for what happened, and subconsciously, she did.

Through out the month, all of her friends and family had visited, or called at least twice, excluding one acquaintance: Trowa. Relena had never known Trowa that well, and it was assumed that the only two people in the world who did must be Quatre and Catherine (despite the fact he was engaged to Dorothy). Even so, when Sunday evening rolled around, a soft knocking was heard on the bedroom door.

Relena sat silently as always on the edge of her bed gazing in somewhat of a Zen out of her glass balcony doors, her back to the door. The fragile woman was somewhat surprised, not expecting to have yet another visitor so late in the day, but her well-mannered habits that were result of such a privileged childhood that was confined by an inevitable aristocratic lifestyle, told her to let the visitor in like a polite lady should.

"Come in" she somberly murmured, a very bad attempt at politeness, she chided sarcastically to herself. A soft click was heard as the unknown arrival opened the door, shutting it silently behind him.

Relena did not bother to ask who it was that stood behind her; she assumed that who ever it was would state so. But the mysterious visitor did not stir from his place in front of the closed door, and she could feel his eyes burning into the back of her head. Becoming frustrated, Relena sprang from her seat on the bed, still refusing to turn around.

"What do you want?" she grunted impatiently, feeling her hands ball up into tight fists.

What's wrong with me? Why am I being like this?

"It's me, Trowa." A low voice cut through the air, unmistakably belonging to a full grown male.

Embarrassed by her rude behavior, Relena immediately spun around to meet two very intense, green eyes that could speak a thousand silent words. Her face relaxed, and it returned to her usual solemn expression.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you Trowa… I beg your pardon, but what are you doing here anyway?"

Her words had come out blunter than she had wanted them to sound, and she hoped Trowa hadn't noticed her unnecessary anger. Of course, she hadn't slept in days.

Can't I just be allowed to be cranky without feeling so guilty!

"I came to pay my respects." He paused to look somewhat sorrowfully into space, a look Relena had thought was permanent on the quiet man's face. " I'm sorry for the loss of such a strong comrade."

Silence swept over the room once more, and Relena found her gaze wondering back into those lucid orbs that seemed so mysterious.
Heero's eyes were like that too…Heero…

"I apologize for not coming sooner, but I assumed you'd be getting enough visitors as it is, and I needed to speak with you alone…"

His low, monotonous voice trailed off, and Relena wondered why in the world Trowa would need to speak to her alone?

"Alone? What about Trowa?' Relena inquired, somewhat caught offguard by his strange statement.

"Maybe you should sit."

The very serious tone in his voice told her that it might be a good idea to do as he suggested, and so she took a seat at the window seat, looking up at him in anticipation.

"Before Heero…disappeared on his last mission, he had asked me to promise him something, and I am not one to go back on my word."

Relena looked confused, and so he continued.

"Heero had made me promise that if anything were to happen to him, I would find someone suitable to take his place as your personal bodyguard. I've kept my promise, and with your permission I'd like to take on the duty of becoming your personal bodyguard."

Trowa spotted the tears in Relena's eyes, but said nothing. He knew he couldn't replace Heero Yuy: The Perfect Soldier, but he would keep his promise to protect her. After all, Heero had dedicated three very faithful years of his life to protect her, surely he could handle it.

Trowa's memory replayed the scene in which Heero had asked Trowa to make him this promise. Of course Heero had not directly asked Trowa to take on this enormous responsibility, he would never do that, but Trowa knew he was right for the job; Heero most likely hadn't drawn his name from a hat.

"Trowa, you needn't burden yourself with me. You have a family - Catherine to look after. I could never ask you to do such a thing."

She was right, he knew it. He had Catherine, he couldn't leave her, he didn't want to…

I have to. Duo has Hilde with a baby on the way, and Quatre simply could not be a bodyguard being a high-ranking politician himself, he has bodyguards of his own. And Wufei has a family with Sally and their newborn daughter…

"Please, I've made up my mind."

"But, the circus you'd have to move in - I couldn't ask you to -

"Just say the word."

A/N: Alright, next part comin' soon, so stay tuned! O, and I know the parts are small, but it wouldn't work out as well if I hadn't made them small, and well, the longest story I've ever written for GW was only 70 pages, so cut me some slack! I'm knew at this part/chapter stuff!