Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Still Love Me? ❯ Chapter 3

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DISCLAIMER: All characters, and original titles belong to SotsuÓ, BandaiÓ, and SunriseÓ, and to the respectful writers/creators/producers etc. of Gundam WingÒ. I claim no rights to this story.
A/N: Still no lemon, but keep readin'. R&R if ya got sumtin' to say. Speak Up!

Will You Still Love Me? PT 3
Nanashi Tenshi

Relena hated that she was to blame for wrecking Trowa's well-earned, and long-delayed established life. He had finally had the chance to live the life he wanted, and now she was to blame for taking it all away again.

Trowa had to quit the circus and leave his only family to move into the room next to Relena's as to become her new personal bodyguard. But Trowa could not even hope to replace Heero. Trowa could never be there for Relena like Heero could, they both knew it.

At night Trowa would lay silently in his bed, listening to the hushed sounds of Relena's sobbing. He felt the constant urge to go to her, and console her but the last thing he wanted was to embarrass her. Most importantly he didn't want to cross any personal boundaries; He was strictly business, and made sure he did not appear otherwise. He never went into her room unless he was doing his required, daily periodic checks, and she was usually in her office for those. But he had night checks too. Trowa would have to go into her room at least thrice a night, but he would always make sure he was not visible through the shadows, so he would not disturb her.

During the day he would do just the same. He would complete his checks, avoiding any social contact, or any unnecessary conversation with the Vice Foreign Minister. Relena was quite aware of Trowa's very obviously deliberate avoidance of her, and the guilt she felt for him having to be her bodyguard flooded her conscience along with the painful yearning for Heero back. Heero never let her out of his sight when he could help it, and Trowa's distant behavior did not ease the loneliness she felt deep inside.

In the night, while she wept, Relena would hug her pillow tight to her chest, and scream his name into the night, only to be further disappointed when he did not come to her beckoning call. She knew Trowa came into her room during the night, always sure to come after her hysterics had calmed some, and he would sneak through the shadows just as Heero would do, thinking she couldn't see him. Each time the "Master of Silence" came in the night for checks, he would come right next to her bed, close enough to touch her, and leave as silently as he had come.