Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Willing Slave ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Willing Slave
by KCbakeneko, aka KC, aka KCwriter, aka "that psychotic freak"

Warnings: shonen ai, yaoi, violence, tiny tiny implied yuri,

Setting: Alternative Universe, in a fantasy past

Disclaimers: Gundam Wing characters belong to Mixx Entertainment, Koichi Tokita, the SOTSU Agency, Sunrise, Kodansha and anyone I may have forgotten, not to me. I make no money off of this.

Other Info: Although this is posted with an R rating on, the lemons deleted from that site are intact and displayed in their entirety here. In other words, this story is rated NC-17 for lemons and violence.


It was pitch black in the room, save for the pathetic glow one little candle radiated, lighting up a patch of darkness. Heero held the candle up fearlessly even though it pinpointed his position to anyone looking in his window, certain that there wouldn't be any assassins tonight. There never were after a day of executions. Crime always radically dropped when people saw their loved ones dismembered alive in front of them. Normally he would lock the window and the door, but tonight they were wide open in a show of defiance, to show that the prince was not afraid of anyone who would try to murder him. Of course he had his sword with him at all times, but that was in case one of the guards was bribed to kill him.

Heero took the candle with him as he went to the side room, placing it on a table as he closed the door. Slowly he removed his shoes and outer royal garb, sighing in relief as he was left in his tank top and tight black leggings he'd cut off a few inches above the knee. Executions were always a ceremonial occasion, requiring that he make an appearance in full traditional robes. The blazing summer sun and the stiff clothing had ruined his mood, which had in turn worsened the suffering of the condemned.

He had just readjusted his sword belt when he heard something fall in through the window, followed by a rather loud "Ow!" He frowned and went to the door, looking out just a crack. His eyes had already become accustomed to the darkness, so he could make out the shadowy form of someone standing up and stumbling a bit.

This can't be an assassin, he thought. They aren't this foolish. But then who...?

The intruder finally became quiet again, creeping through the room as if he was looking for something. Heero watched intently, then blew out the candle and stepped into the dark room. "Who are you?"

The form whirled in shock, unable to see anything but a shadowy figure. "Um...I'm the sandman! I've heard you haven't been sleeping well lately, so I decided I'd better pay a visit. You really should learn to relax, then these trips wouldn't be necessary. See, I've got my bag all full of sand, just lay down and I can sprinkle some in your eyes and hey, do you happen to have a candle? It's pretty dark in here, I nearly broke a leg getting in. Maybe you should consider a ladder outside your window, I mean, if there was a fire, you'd be trapped and--"

Heero took a step back. How on earth could this person talk so much? "Silence! I asked you a question!" He snapped his fingers and the candles throughout the room flared up magically. To the intruder, it was amazing. To Heero, it was expected. If the room had not been lit immediately, a certain sorcerer would be in for some explaining.

Once his eyes adjusted to the sudden light, he stared in shock at the person in front of him. The first thing to catch his attention was the long braid falling past the trespasser's waist, the light brown color a stark contrast to the black clothing he wore.

More like black rags, Heero thought. "I won't ask you again, who are you?"

Cheerful eyes locked onto his own blue eyes while a cocky grin surfaced simultaneously. "Duo, at your service! I seem to have wandered into the wrong home, it was an honest mistake, though, I can explain! See, I was walking along your wall minding my business when this really strong gust of wind--"

"Silence!" Heero growled, one hand still on his sword. If this is an assassin, he is either a fool or highly skilled, trying to put me off my guard. "Why are you here?"

"Like I was saying, this really strong gust of wind just happened to make me stumble forward! If that hadn't happened, I would have my token by now and disappeared. And speaking of which--!" Duo turned and ran back for the window.

Acting purely on instinct, Heero lunged forward, seized the trailing braid in one hand and yanked hard. Duo yelped in pain and fell backwards, striking his head on the floor as he toppled. Heero followed him down, holding him to the carpet with his weight. Duo tried to push him off, but Heero easily grabbed his wrists and pinned them to the floor. He held tight while Duo struggled frantically, using all his strength to thrash beneath him. After several minutes, Duo finally slumped in exhaustion, panting for breath.

Heero stared at him for a long time, enjoying the heated flush that rose to his captive's cheeks, the panicked look of fear in his eyes. He especially liked the way his wrists fit perfectly into his hands, unable to fight. Knowing Duo couldn't get away, he intentionally tightened his hands and drew a gasp of pain out of him.

No, this is not an assassin. Probably just a little thief trying to make a name for himself. Hmm...a pretty thief, and amusing as well. "I think I'm going to keep you," he whispered, a vicious smile spreading over his face.

"Wh...what?" Duo asked.

"First things first," Heero said. "I need to clean you up."

Duo seemed to figure out where things were going, and he started struggling again, this time aiming to do damage. "I'm not a toy! Let me go!" Duo cried, pushing against Heero again.

Heero frowned. A little disobedience was amusing. Too much was not to be tolerated. He let go of Duo's right hand only to slap him as hard as he could and show Duo just how much stronger he was. Duo yelped and turned his head aside, trying to escape the pain.

"Now," Heero said. "To the baths."


A few minutes later, Duo found himself on a cold tile floor, hands locked in heavy manacles. The bathing room looked immense to him, possibly capable of holding thirty people at once. Dripping water echoed in the eerie silence.

"Hold still," Heero said, beginning to tear the black clothing off of him. "Why do you wear such poor clothing?"

Duo, whose left cheek bore a bruise from Heero's hand just moments before, lowered his head demurely. He knew better than to annoy Heero now. "It's all we have on the streets. It's hard to tend to your clothing when you're stealing to survive."

"Thievery is illegal in our city," Heero said.

"It was either that or starve," Duo said. "And I can't eat your proclamations."

His head was jerked back as Heero yanked his hair. Tears sprung to his eyes and the manacles rattled as he covered his face in his hands.

"You will speak to me with the proper respect and reverence," Heero said. "Or do I have to slap you again?"

"N-no..." Duo said.

"And you will address me as Master, is that understood?"

"Yes..." Duo felt Heero's hand tightening on his hair again, preparing to pull, and he quickly amended "yes, master."

Heero relaxed his grip and unfastened Duo's braid, loosening his hair until it lay in waves behind him. Not expressing how lovely he found it, he forced Duo to his feet and pulled him to the large pool filled with hot water, guiding him down the built-in steps and making him sit there, so that the water lapped at his chest.

" warm..." Duo sighed, muscles relaxing.

"Hold still." Heero grabbed the liquid soap and lathered up the hair that floated on the water's surface, amazed at the amount of dirt that rinsed out. Knowing it probably wasn't clean yet, he washed it twice more before gathering more soap and rubbing it over Duo's shoulders and chest.

"I said hold still," he growled as Duo's muscles stiffened and he tried to pull away.

"Y-y-yes, m-master," Duo whispered. "I've just...never been..."

"Touched like this?" Heero said. He carefully cleaned Duo's arms next, massaging the hands and fingers as he worked, relaxing his slave. Once his control and dominance had been assured, he had no urge to hurt his new slave. Slaves, especially bed slaves like this one would be, worked best when they were comfortable.

"I suppose you've never had a bath before, since you're covered in dirt," Heero said.

Duo shook his head. "Water's for drinking, not bathing."

Heero narrowed his eyes at him, making Duo shrink back in fear. "There are enough water reserves to allow everyone to bathe every day, twice if they so desire. I do not tolerate lies."

Duo met his eyes. "I don't lie," he said in a soft but firm voice. "I run and I hide, but I never lie. There is not enough water...master," he added before he forgot.

Heero chose to drop the subject and finished up with Duo's side and back, then moved to his other side. Once that was done, he placed his fingertips on Duo's face and washed away the light layer of dust and dirt. "Hold your breath," he said before pulling Duo farther into the pool and dunking him.

Unable to swim, Duo clung to Heero's arms until his body was lifted just enough so that his head broke over the surface. "Keep your eyes closed," Heero said. "The soap will sting your eyes."

Duo complied as he felt Heero's hands splashing water onto his face and hair, rinsing all of him off. Using the manacles as leverage, Heero tugged Duo after him back up the steps and left him shivering on his knees in a puddle of cooling water. Heero deliberately took more time than necessary to retrieve a large towel, intending to demonstrate to Duo that his comfort depended on his master's inclination. When he did dry Duo off, though, he drew in a sharp breath of surprise.

Duo was far more beautiful than he'd first thought. The brown hair shimmered with a golden sheen in the lamp light and circled around his thighs, longer than any hair Heero had ever seen. No longer covered in dirt or rags, Duo's skin was a pale cream color that contrasted gorgeously with his hair. But his eyes, Heero could finally see Duo's eyes clearly as his slave looked up at him. He'd known they were a strange shade, but...

"Violet eyes," Heero murmured, stunned that he was actually seeing them. "I'd heard they existed, but I never thought I'd see them..." He placed his hands on Duo's face and tilted him even further up. The bruise on his cheek marred the overall look, but nothing could hide the boy's beautiful features or the light in his eyes.

"You belong to me," he said in a whisper. "You are mine. You are my slave, with no freedom or rights save that I will not beat you to death or torture you. In return, I will keep you safe and sound. No one will touch you but I. Is that clear?"

Unable to nod, Duo stared intently at him. This was the first time he had a clear view of Heero, and the sight nearly brought a smile to his face. The prince was absolutely magnificent in his eyes, despite the fact that his heart was ice. His wet clothing stuck to him, revealing his trim outline, and Duo had never seen bluer eyes. Lured by his emotions and the offer of safety and comfort, Duo closed his eyes. "Yes...master."


"You are confined to my bedchambers," Heero told Duo, still chained and nude, as he led him back inside the sumptuous quarters. "You are not permitted to leave under any circumstances, save when your life is threatened."

"Can I at least look out the window, master?" Duo asked, casting a wistful glance at the dark sky.

Heero nodded. "Any place in this room is free for you to move in, including the balcony outside the window." And you would look so good with the stars as your backdrop... He forced himself out of his thoughts and looked back at him. "However, you'll be kept in those manacles until I know you won't run." Heero locked the door behind himself, turning his back for just a moment to see if his slave would bolt. Instead, when he turned around, he found that not only had Duo remained still, but the boy was completely absorbed in staring at one of the glowing lights on what appeared to be a magick candelabra.

"How does this work?" Duo asked, forgetting in his curiosity to call Heero master. "Is it magick? Is it a glowing stone? Is there a little worm inside making it light up? How come it doesn't burn up? It's not hot, is it?"

Heero raised one eyebrow while he watched Duo stare intently at the light, so charmed by Duo's innocence that he let the boy's forgetfulness slide. "No, it should be cool to the touch. My sorcerer personally cast the light spells in this room. And there are no worms inside."

While Heero was speaking, Duo's attention shifted to a little ornament beside the candelabra, a golden cage no larger than his hand with a tiny bird made of gold and jewels perched inside. "Wow...what's this?"

Heero noticed his slave's new focus and sighed. "A frivolous toy sent by a royal trying to win my hand in marriage. I was going to get rid of it when you dropped in."

Duo tapped the small lever on the side and gasped in delight as the bird chirped a few notes while flapping its wings. "It's beautiful..." he whispered.

It's useless, Heero thought firmly, but the look of joy spread over Duo's face convinced him to keep the bauble, at least for now. "Come, it's late enough as it is, and I must wake up early tomorrow."

Duo reluctantly left the bird, the chain on his hands being used as a handle for Heero's convenience. When he saw that Heero was drawing him towards the bed, though, he halted in fear, trying to pull back.

Heero turned and glared at him, his look promising violence if he was not obeyed. Duo cringed and shut his eyes tight.

"I'm sorry...master...I...I've never..." he stuttered.

Heero's look didn't change.

"I've never...been with anyone that..." Duo eyes filled with tears that spilled out in a rush, and he turned his head aside, certain that he was going to be hit.

He's terrified, Heero realized. He's really never lain with anyone. His glare softened. Then I will seduce him...but not now, tomorrow perhaps. Heero lay his hand on Duo's cheek, gently stroking his loose hair. "I will not force anything upon you tonight," he said in his usual flat tone. "But you must get used to sleeping beside me, because I will require you to do things later on. Do you understand?"

Duo gave a shaky nod, relieved at this short reprieve and troubled by what he knew Heero would want later on. "I...yes, master."

Heero's fingers didn't leave immediately. For a few minutes, Duo held still as Heero stepped closer, only inches away, and wiped his tears away. Duo looked up, surprised that the prince would do this for him, then cried out as Heero bent quickly and swept Duo up into his arms. Offering no explanation, Heero set Duo down on the soft mattress and climbed in after him, drawing the blankets up over their bodies. He snapped his fingers, turning the lights off, and pressed his body against Duo's, enjoying the feel of the long, luxurious hair running along his own skin.

Duo wondered if he would drown in such a suffocatingly soft mattress under the fluffy blankets, but Heero's arm was wrapped around his waist and his arms were still locked up, so he couldn't try out sleeping on the plush carpet. With a resigned sigh, he relaxed on his pillow and closed his eyes.


When Duo woke, he at first wondered where he was. The bed he was in was too comfortable to be his pile of filthy rags on the dirt floor, and he couldn't hear the screaming vendors in the marketplace. And he couldn't move his arms.

With a muted groan, he sat up and looked around. Bright morning sunlight poured in through the far window, illuminating the rich furnishings and--

Oh, yeah, Duo sighed, remembering the night before. He looked down at his hands and found that the manacles were still in place, but that he could move around if he tried. Out of habit, he pulled his hair around the side of the bed, letting it fall to the floor as he began to part it.

The door suddenly burst open, and he yelped in surprise, glad that the blankets were up to his waist.

"Calm down, Duo," Heero's voice came from the door.

Duo glanced up and saw Heero and someone new, dressed entirely in white, coming in. The stranger was obviously of the far eastern people, with slightly slanted black eyes and tanned skin with his hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. He seemed no older than Heero, but it was the black staff in his hand and the dragon curled up on his shoulder that really caught Duo's eye.

"This is Wufei, my sorcerer," Heero told Duo. "Wufei, this is the slave I was telling you about."

Wufei smiled at Heero. "Quite a pretty catch. And daring, if what you say is true. Hard to believe anyone would be foolish enough to try to steal from the prince's bedchambers."

"I didn't know what room I was in," Duo tried to explain. "I" he lowered his eyes as he saw stern stares he was receiving. Apparently they hadn't expected him to speak unless spoken to.

"He is daring," Wufei whispered to Heero. "I don't think he's afraid of you, at least not as much as the last slave."

Duo's eyes widened when he heard that. "Last...slave...?"

Heero nodded. "Assassins tried to use him to murder me in my sleep."

"Instead," Wufei continued, "with a few well-chosen words, I had him confessing his crime on his knees, begging to be spared. No spells needed," he smiled.

"Did...did you spare him?" Duo asked.

They both frowned. Heero shook his head. "Treason is to be dealt with quickly and efficiently. I had him executed the next day. Wufei," he said, turning to face the sorcerer. "Are you ready?"

The Chinese boy nodded and leaned against his staff. "A partial command geis?"

"Best to be thorough," Heero said. "Full truth spell and command geis."

Wufei raised one eyebrow. "You think he's that dangerous?"

"He got through the castle perimeter, past the guards and even through your wards on the window. Speaking of which..."

Wufei switched to another leg to lean on and allowed his dragon to readjust likewise. "It's probably because of the warding language I used. People who intend to harm you are kept out. The boy did not want to kill you, he only wanted to steal something." He gently pet his dragon's head, smiling when he heard it hiss in pleasure. "Nataku and I will change it today so it keeps everyone out."

"Later. This comes first."

Duo pressed himself back into the headboard as the pair came closer, eyes intent on him. Heero sat beside him, holding him tight so he couldn't move away farther, while Wufei stood by the night stand and leaned his staff against the wall.

"Nataku, I will not need you for this," he said in a clear voice. The dragon leaped from his shoulder and darted across the room, landing next to the candelabra and golden bird toy.

"Will this hurt?" Duo asked in a small voice.

"Only if you resist. Do as you are commanded and you will feel no pain. This should help," he added, taking a little white pebble from some concealed pocket and dropping it into a glass. "If you would, your highness?" he asked Heero, who left with the glass and returned with it filled with clear water. Wufei handed it to Duo, who had to wrap both bound hands around it because of the chains. "Now, drink it all, but don't drink the bone."

Duo peered warily into the water, but with a mild sigh he drank it all down. "What is that thing?" he asked as he handed it back. His eyes were starting to feel heavy.

"The proper tiger's bone," Wufei said. "It will put you to sleep soon." Giving Duo no more time to stall, he placed his hand on Duo's chest and whispered something in a language the braided boy couldn't understand. A warm sensation washed over him, leaving him even drowsier.

"C'n I take a nap...?" he slurred.

"Not yet," Heero said. "Is the truthspell up?"

Wufei nodded. "It will be up for an hour at full strength. After that, you will have to use the command geis to restart it."

Heero stared at Duo as he helped him sit straight. "Duo, what is your full name?"

"Duo," he replied in a sluggish voice. "Just Duo."

"Do you have any friends or family?" he asked next, wondering if he had to pay a slave's price to anyone.

Duo shook his head slowly. "No...they died...plague...war..."

Wufei sighed and sat down on the floor. "I told you we'd still feel the effects of the injustices from your father's reign."

Heero nodded once in agreement. "True, but at least he's nearly dead. Once he's gone, I can really start to fix things." He turned his attention back to Duo. "Have you ever lied?"

"Nope...I run, I hide, but I never lie..."


"Yeah...gotta...either that or starve..."

"Is that your only skill? Theft?"

Duo smirked, even in his sleepy state. "I've got this really great knack for fixing things up...'specially mechanics...I guess I'm good at talking--"

"He should be," Wufei said, "with all that practice."


"--and I'm a master at evading the police...but I've never been able to make things blow up...they always fizzle out, for some reason..."

"That's enough," Heero said, looking back at Wufei. "Put the geis on him now."

Wufei nodded. "Remember, you have to tell him to say "I will obey your commands," or else this won't work." The sorcerer pulled out a white strip of cloth already prepared with painted symbols running down the length. He reached up and pushed it against Duo's forehead. "You will obey Heero's commands and never attempt to leave or hurt him." Once he finished his short sentence, the cloth evaporated.

"Huh?" Duo wondered, half-way to dreamland.

"You will remain in this room at all times, unless you are with me," Heero ordered. "You will speak to no one I do not permit you to, and you will not attempt escape."

"All right, Heero...uh...Master," Duo whispered, eyes closing.

Heero and Wufei stared at each other. The prince had not asked Duo to repeat that final sentence that would seal Duo's unswerving obedience. Instead, Duo had responded in agreement freely, and the truthspell guaranteed that he was being honest. Duo was not fighting Heero, and seemed to willingly accept his commands.

"A willing slave..." Wufei gasped. "But that could only mean that he loves you."

"He's only known me one night," Heero argued. "He couldn't have formed an emotional bond that quickly."

"He said it, he meant it," Wufei said. " gentle with this one."

Heero frowned, and then stared straight into Duo's eyes. "Do you love me?"

Duo's eyes shut entirely as he hovered near sleep. "Uh-huh..." he nodded, head drooping forward. He started to tumble to the side and Heero instinctively reached out to hold him up. Heero could feel Wufei watching with a small smile as he gently lay his braided slave back onto the pillows.

"I don't understand this," Heero murmured. "Slaves caught like this are notorious for fighting back. They don't fall in love with their masters."

"Maybe he doesn't see you as his master," Wufei offered. "He calls you by your name, after all. Perhaps he believes he could leave at any time. He is a thief, after all."

Heero shook his head to himself. But if he loves me, then why was he so afraid to sleep beside me? He said he's never been with anyone, he said with anyone "like that"...I'll have to question him about his past more thoroughly, and I'll have my personal physician look him over.

Hesitant knocking came from the door, bringing him out of his thoughts. "Enter," he commanded.

The door opened, and Wufei smiled and stood when he saw his own lover come in.

Heero didn't need to look up when he saw his sorcerer's reaction. "Yes, Khushrenada?"

"My apologies for the intrusion," Treize said, bowing. "But I came to make certain that you were all right."

Heero glanced at him. "What's wrong?"

"There's been a breach of security," Treize continued. "One servant was caught mixing poison in the wine for tonight's banquet, and we have reason to believe she is not alone."

Heero's expression never changed. "Better assume that every servant has been compromised. Have only your most trusted lieutenants examine each worker. Wufei, you'd better go with him."

Wufei nodded and recalled his dragon, then walked over to stand next to Treize.

"I'll put Zechs and Noin on it," Treize replied. "And perhaps Une, as well."

"Wufei," Heero called out as they went out the door, "tell Sally to come here when she has time. I want her to look over Duo."

"I will go immediately," Wufei said, then closed the door behind himself.

As he and Treize walked down the hall, the taller man turned and glanced at Wufei. "Duo?"

Wufei smiled slightly. "You noticed."

"I had to hold myself back from gasping in disbelief," Treize said. "He always calls his slaves just that, slaves. He's never bothered to learn their names before."

"He's never captured one in his room before," Wufei said.

"What?" Treize paled. "In his room? How on earth did that little runt get inside? Past my guards?"

"If it's any consolation, he got past my wards," Wufei sighed.

"That's not the problem. I'm the Captain of the Guard, things like that are not supposed to happen!"

"He's a thief," Wufei said, as if that was a decent explanation.

"Through the castle walls and grounds without being caught?"

"All right, he's a very good thief," Wufei amended. He held up one hand as they approached the medical facilities. "Just a moment. Sally!" he cried, leaning inside. "Hey, onna!"

Sally's annoyed face popped up from behind a desk. "What do you want?"

"Not me, Heero," Wufei said. "I would never want anything from your hands."

"Yes, you have your silly superstitions and magick to cling to," she smiled sweetly.

Treize put an arm around Wufei and a hand over his mouth before the sorcerer could run in and break the doctor's neck. "Heero wants you to look over his new slave, Duo."

Sally sighed but she nodded anyway. "Okay, I'll go in a minute."

"And Lady Une," Treize raised his voice a notch, "I thought you were working on next month's execution list."

"Finished early, sir," a muffled voice came from behind the desk.

Wufei's eyes widened and he pressed against Treize, hoping he wouldn't suffer a violent nosebleed in front of Sally. Treize smiled and tightened his hold on his lover. "Very well, then. I'll need to see you in my office in an hour to discuss new security evaluations."

"I'll be there, sir."

Wufei allowed himself to be drawn out of there and back into the hall, where he suffered through a long kiss from Treize. "We have an hour..." he said.

Treize sadly shook his head. "Tonight, my little dragon. Right now, I need your help in rounding up Zechs and Noin. They're probably in the practice hall."

As they walked down the corridor, Wufei sighed and slipped his hand into Treize's. "I'm afraid to ask what they're practicing."


An hour later, Sally stood in front of Heero, whose face hadn't changed expressions.

"Are you certain?" he asked, after a moment.

She nodded once. "No doubt about it. He was raped, and recently, too. Maybe a week or a month ago, but no earlier."

Heero looked over at Duo, who was still sleeping peacefully in his bed. "Any other injuries?"

Sally shook her head. "Only that he's somewhat malnourished, but that will dissipate over time. Those manacles are going to cut into him if they're left on much longer, too." She bit her lip but forced herself to press on. "Are...are you going to keep him?"

Heero glanced up at her with a surprised look on his face. "What makes you think I wouldn't?"

Sally sighed. "If your highness will forgive me, you've discarded previous slaves over lesser things."

"True," Heero agreed. He walked back over to Duo and stared down at him. His long hair hadn't been put back in a braid, and it flowed around and on top of him like another blanket. For a long time, neither of them said anything.

"I...could find a place for him in the kitchens," Sally added.

Heero shook his head. "No, I'm keeping him. Thank you, Sally. I only wanted to make sure he was physically well."

Understanding that she was dismissed, Sally headed for the door. Just before she left, though, she looked back at Heero. "I could send back some herbal teas that might help him relax," she offered. "He seemed pretty tense, even in his sleep."

Heero considered, then nodded. "That would be fine. Thank you."

As she disappeared, he sat back down next to Duo, watching the boy as he slept. Idly stroking his fingers through his hair, Heero frowned when he hit a tangle. In fact, Duo's hair seemed to be full of tangles. He retrieved his own brush from his cabinet and placed a hand on Duo's shoulder, shaking him gently.

"Duo? Duo, wake up."

The violet eyes opened up slowly and focused on him. "Heero? Hey...where'd...where'd the dragon go?"

"They left awhile ago," Heero explained. "You fell asleep."

"Oh...sorry 'bout that..." Duo pushed himself up to a sitting position even though he was still sleepy.

"Don't be, you were supposed to fall asleep. Now hold still, I need to brush your hair." Heero tucked the handle of his brush in his pants and bent, placing his arms beneath Duo so he could lift him up along with one of the thicker blankets. Startled by the rapid ascent, Duo threw his arms around Heero's neck and shut his eyes tight.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to drop you," Heero assured him as he carried him to the soft chair in the corner. He wrapped the blanket around Duo, covering him up and keeping him warm at the same time. Stepping around the chair, he gathered Duo's hair up and draped it behind the wooden back where it hung only an inch from the carpet. Pausing to think, he decided the best way to attack the tangles was from the bottom up, and he sat down on the floor and started.

Duo smiled as he felt Heero's hands working through his hair, ridding it of all its snarls and smoothing it out. He'd never been able to do it before, since brushes were far and few between where he came from. Another wave of drowsiness, much like the one before, washed over him and he relaxed in the chair. His eyes closed and his head tilted forward as he nodded off.

Heero, on the other hand, found that he was steadily relaxing as he brushed. The problems of the court and city and castle slipped away with each tangle. It took him half an hour to finish, but once he did, the hair before him glistened and shimmered. He smiled despite his cold nature and reached one hand out, petting it for a moment before he braided it back up.

I'd better put him back to bed, he thought. I can start showing him what I want him to do tomorrow. He stood up and moved in front of Duo, chuckling when he found him fast asleep. Easing his light frame around, he picked him up and set him back in bed, pulling the blankets to his throat.

"Huh...Heero?" Duo mumbled. "Did I f'll 'sleep again?"

"Mm-hmm. Take another nap. I'll wake you up tomorrow."

"'Kay, Mas'er..." Duo sighed, cheerful to gain more sleep.

A troubled look crossed Heero's face, and he placed one hand on Duo's cheek, relishing the soft skin. " don't have to call me Master," he whispered. " doesn't seem right."

Duo gazed up in confusion. "Um...but...I'm your said so."

Heero nodded. " me Heero."

Duo shrugged. "Okay...'s a pretty name..." His eyes fluttered closed again and he seemed to melt into the pillows. Heero smiled again as he watched him, then leaned down just enough to give him a very soft kiss. Duo grinned in his sleep and adjusted slightly.

"I'll be back before nightfall," Heero promised. He left the room as quietly as he could and locked the door behind him.

"Prince Heero!"

Heero's head snapped up as he saw Treize approaching him. He held one finger to his lips, telling Treize to lower his voice. "What's the matter?"

The Captain of the Guard smiled and glanced around to make sure they were alone. "Mixed blessings, I'm afraid. Your brother Trowa has sent word that he will be arriving soon, perhaps within the week."

Heero gave him a strange look. "My brother only leaves his little concubine when something bad is about to happen."

"Not so bad this time, my liege. It seems he is bringing his star-gazer with him."

Heero shrugged. "That's all right, Quatre is trustworthy. But why?"

"His little blonde fortune-reader has predicted a sudden shift of power in our kingdom, and it appears he is correct. Our king has taken a sudden turn for the worse, and he has slipped into a coma. Sally says he has little more than a few days left, and wonder of wonders, Wufei agrees with her."

"They agree?" Heero asked. "It must be true. King J is finally going to die." A grim smile broke over his face, nothing like the one he showed when staring at Duo. "When the king does die, all hell is going to break lose. Gather up the most loyal and trustworthy lieutenants you have, Treize, and make sure there are witnesses in the room when King J dies. I won't have rumors spreading that I might have done anything to hasten this. Have Wufei reinforce his wards on the castle."

"That will tire him out fast," Treize said, a disgruntled look in his eyes.

Heero glared at him. "Your bedtime games will have to wait a night, then."

Treize shook his head. "It's not that, I swear it. But my soldiers cannot be everywhere at once to protect you, and it is always better that you have your sorcerer by your side at all times. He can protect you in ways I cannot."

"I see. Relieve him of his other duties then, and make sure he rests afterwards. We'll need everyone at their peak when J dies. I have a bad feeling about this."

Treize smirked. "And here I thought you had no feelings."

"And I think I allow my closest companions too many liberties."

"But then you would have no companions," Treize smiled. "Shall I see to your orders now?"

Heero nodded. "I'll manage my brother's bedchambers, along with those of his retinue, myself. At least I can count on my brother's aid during this."


Duo woke up for a moment as he felt someone slide into bed beside him. He froze in fright until he felt familiar warm arms embrace him and draw him close.

"It's all right," Heero whispered. "It's me."

Duo grinned and eased his body against Heero's, laying his head on his chest. "You startled me," he murmured.

"And who did you think I was?" Heero replied, one hand reaching behind Duo's back to stroke his hair.

"I don't know...I thought maybe a real assassin...I've heard they're not too particular in who they kill."

Heero frowned even as Duo nuzzled closer. If an assassin did manage to get through Wufei's wards, where would that leave his Duo, still naked and in chains? "No, they aren't," he said. "If I wasn't around, they'd kill you just to make a point to me."

"'ll keep me safe and sound, right?" Duo asked.

Heero glanced down and found Duo staring up into his eyes. He looks so trusting..."Yes. But...I can't be near you all the time." He reached into the night stand and pulled out an iron key on a large ring, then gently brought Duo's arms up and unlocked the manacles. Tossing them onto the floor, he merely watched as Duo grinned in delight and rubbed the soreness from his wrists. When Duo looked up at him with those gorgeous violet eyes, though, Heero couldn't resist reaching one hand out and caressing Duo's cheek.

At his touch, Duo seemed to collapse back into himself and the cheery smile vanished from his face. He flinched and started to tremble. Heero's first instinct was to slap him back into obedience, or complete the command geis Wufei had set. Before he could harden his hand, though, he remembered Sally telling him that Duo had been raped. Any sexual encounter would be colored by that awful experience.

"It's all right," Heero said, trying to make his flat monotone sound comforting instead of cold.

Duo shook his head. " don't wouldn't want me...I...I was..."

"I know," Heero interrupted. He placed one hand on Duo's shoulder and firmly pressed him back onto the bed.

"You know...?" Duo whispered in shock. "How...?"

"I had my doctor check up on you. She said it happened recently, too." Heero wanted to press further, question Duo as to who it had been and where that person was so he could personally execute him. The miserable look on Duo's face convinced him otherwise, though. All that can wait. Right now, I need to calm him down so that he isn't afraid of me.

"I...I'm sorry," Duo mumbled, trying to hide his face in the pillow.

Heero shook his head. "Why are you sorry about being raped? It wasn't your choice."

"I can usually run away," Duo whispered. "They never caught me before. They always tried, but I always got away..."

"They?" Heero asked incredulously.

Duo, however, thought that Heero's tone meant that the prince was even more disgusted with him. His pretty thief was just a street whore, he must think that now. If he had only run a little bit faster, leaped the fence properly..."I was carrying too many apples," he said in a soft voice.


"Apples...I steal them for the kids...I mean, I stole them, I guess I can't do that anymore...I had just one too many..." Tears started trickling from his eyes again, and he shut them in a vain attempt to hold them back. "One...fell out, and I tripped...instead of jumping, I fell..."

He felt the weight on the bed shift, and when he looked, Heero was already sitting up and pulling his robe on. "I'll be back in a few minutes," the prince said. "Don't move."

No chance of that, Duo thought as he watched Heero leave. The moment the door closed, tears poured from his eyes and he forced his face into the pillow to muffle his sobs. Perhaps the most beautiful boy he'd ever met...and Duo repulsed him so much Heero had not wasted time ordering him out. He'd just left.

For a moment he considered leaping out of the window to the hard ground below, but then he shook his head. No, Heero had ordered him not to move. No matter what, he would do what Heero commanded.

Heero, meanwhile, had no idea his command had just saved Duo from suicide. In fact, he had no idea what was going through Duo's head. "This is ridiculous," he muttered to himself. "I can read an enemy's move before he makes it, I can outmaneuver the best general's on the field, I can run political rings around the court, but I can't understand the mind of a lowly slave? A thief?"

He looked up at the door in front of him and shook his head. He knew the palace so well his feet knew where to take him without needing his help. And once again, he hated it. Living cooped up, planning stratagems within stratagems with backup plans and counter-measures, never going outside except to preside over executions...He knocked on the door. "Sally!"

The door rattled and Sally's voice came from the wood itself. "She's not here, would you like to leave a message?"

Heero opened the door and stepped in, finding his physician at her desk with several bottles before her. She looked up and smiled wearily at him. "Sorry, Heero. I thought you were one of the servants."

He smirked as he shut the door. "They must be hounding you to require one of Wufei's 'superstitious' spells."

"Something like that. After we finished with the interviews, we had servants coming up to us all day, trying to get on our good side. Finally your sorcerer just cooked up some 'servant wards' for all of us, even me."

"He should be saving his strength," Heero frowned. "He has to reinforce the palace wards."

"I'm sure Treize will have him all tucked in," Sally grinned. "Speaking of which, I'm just about done with those teas for Duo."

"Good, that's why I came," Heero nodded. "I told him I knew about his rape, and he seems to have fallen to pieces."

Sally stopped short as she gathered the wooden boxes beside her. "He's crying?"

Heero nodded.

"And you just left him there?"

Heero tilted his head. "Is that bad?"

Sally sighed and closed her eyes. "Permission to speak freely, sir?"

"You are expected to speak to me honestly and openly," Heero said. "You are one of the few people I've given that privilege."

"Okay, then. Heero, you are one cold-blooded bastard, you know that?"

Heero blinked. That was a bit too open. "What?"

"You care about him, right?" Sally asked. "You don't abandon people you care about when they're emotionally vulnerable. He needs you to hold him and tell him he isn't worthless."

"I..." Heero stood still, at a loss for words.

Sally waved her hand. "Sorry, Heero. I tend to forget that you're a bit emotionally short-changed." She placed most of the small boxes in one large box, but she kept one out as she headed to the counter in the corner. A little pot hung over an equally little fire, the water already boiling. Carefully grasping the handle, she brought it to her desk and poured some into a glass, dropping the leaves in afterward. "This should be ready to drink in a few minutes. Hopefully it'll make him stop crying. You might want to have some, too."


"Mm-hmm. It might help you empathize with him a little and understand his feelings." She sighed and carefully looked him over as she added a dollop of honey to the tea. "Or at the very least, it will make you relax. Maybe then you can show him a bit of what you're feeling."

Gingerly handing the hot glass to him, she pushed the box holding the rest of the tea leaves into his arms and shooed him out the door. Blinking in surprise at how fast that had happened, Heero found himself standing outside wondering if his closest companions really did have too much liberty or if they felt he truly needed their advice.



Duo didn't hear the tentative whisper over his own crying, but he did feel the hand come down on his shoulder and give him a rough shake. He blinked his tears away and allowed himself to be pulled up into a sitting position, and he felt Heero sliding behind him on the bed.

The prince pulled his slave back into his arms and made him lean against his body, covering him up in the blankets at the same time. He took the steaming cup from the night stand beside them and held it to Duo's lips, pressing him to drink.

"Will this make me sleep, too?" Duo asked with a little hiccup.

"Maybe," Heero answered. "I know it will make you relax. Drink."

Duo brought his hands up and obediently took a sip, then another. "Sweet," he said.

"It should be," Heero nodded. "It has honey in it."

"Honey?" Duo said. "I'd heard about it, but I never imagined it was so good." He frowned and rubbed the tips of his fingers together. "Or sticky."

His slave's words forced a chuckle out of Heero that wasn't entirely cold. "Hush and drink again."

Eager to get another taste of what he now considered candy, Duo took several more sips. "Don't you want any?" he asked.

"In a moment." It must be working, Heero decided. He's not crying anymore. Of course, that could just be the honey talking. I'll send one of my guards for candy in the morning. He took the glass from Duo's hands and put it back on the night stand, wrapping his arms around his slave. Duo adjusted himself so that he could nestle his cheek against Heero's chest and close his eyes.

"I...think it is...making me sleepy..." Duo mumbled.

Heero softly stroked Duo's braid, reaching over and finishing off the rest of the tea. As it hit his stomach, his entire body started to feel warm and tranquil. He leaned back against his pillow and closed his eyes.

"Why were you crying?" he asked in a low voice.

"Hm? Oh..." Duo sniffled and cuddled closer to the warm body beneath him. "I--I thought, didn't want me anymore..."

"But if I didn't want you, you would no longer be my slave," Heero said. "I thought most slaves desire freedom."

Duo shook his head once and pushed his face against Heero's neck, kissing him once. "No...I want to stay with you. Want to be next to you."

"Why?" Heero asked. "You're a slave. I can do anything to you, and you can't fight back."

"I love you."

They both froze, and Duo put a hand over his mouth in shock. How the heck did that slip out? He'd meant to say "I trust you," not "I love you." Never mind that they were both true.

"How could you?" Heero demanded. "You've only been here a few days."

Duo winced at the authoritative tone. "I don't know, I just do. When...when I saw you standing over the baths...the only think I could think was that I wanted you," he felt Heero's hand close on his braid, about to yank him out of his arms, and he quickly amended his speech, "I wanted to be yours. I wanted to belong to you." The hand didn't yank, but it didn't leave his hair, either. "I...I would do anything you told me to."

Heero released the braid and started to stroke it again. "And what if I think you're lying? I could have you thrown in the dungeons forever."

"If you ordered it...I would do it gladly," Duo whispered. He looked up into Heero's face. "I'm not lying."

Heero lay his hand on Duo's cheek, giving the barest smile of satisfaction when Duo tipped his face into his grip. "I know." He ran his fingers along the wisps of hair hanging over Duo's eyes, pushing them back as he lightly touched him. "I won't mistreat you. I may have to punish you, from time to time."

Duo nodded once in understanding, not liking it but knowing better than to argue. "You...don't hate me?"

Heero shook his head. "No."

"Oh...I thought you might be disgusted with me," Duo admitted, beginning to ramble. "I mean, after finding out about that...and you are the prince, after all, it's not like you can't find more slaves that are a lot better than I am. I thought you'd just get rid of me and--"

Heero put his hand over Duo's mouth, shaking his head. "You talk too much." Before Duo could try to apologize, Heero grabbed Duo's hand and held it up, pulling thin finger to his lips and licking the messy honey off. Duo's eyes opened wide and he watched as Heero's nimble tongue swept each finger clean. By the time he was done, Duo was shivering.

"Tomorrow I'll have new clothes made for you," Heero said. "With jewelry, as well. And tomorrow night, you will finally begin to perform your duties toward me."

"My...duties...?" Duo whispered, fighting to keep his mind focused on his voice.

"You keep my bed warmed well enough," Heero nodded. "I will expect your full attentions tomorrow, though."

"Um...I...I'm not really...I mean..." Duo mumbled. "I've never done...anything like that..."

"Good," Heero told him. "I will show you what I want."

Duo gave him a shaky, if sincere, smile. "Be gentle with me?"

Instead of answering, Heero merely turned to the side, laying down and wrapping Duo up in his arms. The braided boy nuzzled up against him, settling his head on his master's chest and closing his eyes. Heero snapped his fingers, turning off the lights, and he fell asleep stroking Duo's hair.
