Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Willing Slave ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Part 2

Duo's eyes snapped open as he woke up, but he didn't move. The room was still dark, but his instincts told him something was wrong. He'd had this feeling before, when he'd wake up just before a mean rat would bite him, but this was worse. Heero continued to breathe evenly beside him, telling Duo his master was still fast asleep.

Maybe...maybe I'm just imagining things, he tried to comfort himself. If Heero isn't awake, it must be okay. I'm sure we're both alone. Probably had Captain Khushrenada bulk up the palace guard after I got through--

He heard the window open slowly, and the window sill creaked as a heavy weight pressed against it.

Duo stopped breathing. He looked up at the window, thanking his lucky stars he'd shifted in his sleep so he could get a good look. Silhouetted against the starry sky was a figure all in black, but it was the knife in the intruder's hand that caught Duo's eye.

It's an assassin! It's an assassin, and Heero's not even awake! He wondered if he could nudge Heero hard enough to rouse him, but he decided against it. Whoever was at the window would hear and rush at them before they could get up.

Duo frowned. Here he was, in the arms of the strongest and arguably best looking person in the entire kingdom, who didn't mind he was a thief or had been raped, and this bastard wanted to kill them off? Damn it, I can't let him do this. I'm a thief! And a good one, too. I got into the palace, didn't I? This guy couldn't even get in here without me noticing him, so he can't be that good. Duo started to ease out of Heero's arms and out of bed.

The window closed and he couldn't see the assassin anymore, but he could still hear him. Duo, who knew his eyes were adjusted better to the darkness, slipped to the side of the mattress and crouched down. Ignoring the fact that he would be fighting a trained killer entirely in the nude, he raised one hand and snapped his fingers.

To his delight, the spell worked for him. Bright light filled the room, stunning the assassin, and Duo charged the dark blur even before his eyes could adapt. His left hand closed around the wrist with the knife in it as his right fist connected with a hooded mask. A resounding crack filled the air as the killer stumbled backward, dropping the knife. Releasing the assassin, Duo dropped to one knee and grabbed the knife.

"Heero!" he screamed as he was kicked. "Heero!"

Heero's hand went for his sword before he woke up completely, grabbing the blade out of the scabbard on the floor. Jumping out of bed, he ran forward, taking in the scene and analyzing the different ways to attack the intruder. Duo, still holding the knife, lay sideways on the floor, hair cascading around him. Standing over him, the assassin whipped out another knife and lunged, aiming for his chest.

Heero's sword pierced the gloved wrist, ripping the hand apart and forcing him to drop the second knife. Once the assassin was screaming in pain, a swift roundhouse kick was all that was required to slam him to the ground.

Tempted to execute him right then and there, Heero held back. He rammed the hilt of his sword against the assassin's head, knocking him out. "Are you all right?" he asked Duo.

His slave nodded once, holding the knife up for Heero to take. As soon as it was out of his hand, he put his arms around himself and took several deep breaths, trying to calm down.

Heero went to the table with the music box on it and opened the center drawer, pulling out a ring. He held it up to the light, examining the markings to make sure it was the right one, and took a scrap of paper from the corner of the drawer. Scribbling the word "assassin," he slipped the message into the ring and slid the ring on. "Treize," he said clearly, and the ring vanished.

They didn't have to wait long. A minute later, Treize burst into the room, sword in hand and fully dressed, despite the late hour. He scanned the room for bodies and breathed a sigh of relief when he only saw one stretched out on the floor. Heero, who had just finished throwing on his usual black cut-off leggings and green tanktop, was in the process of pulling a blanket off of the bed and wrapping it around Duo's shoulders, helping his slave into the soft chair in the corner.

"Are you all right?" Treize asked, sheathing his sword and kneeling beside the felled assassin.

Heero nodded once. "We're fine. I doubt he'll be able to talk for awhile, though."

"Oh, I'm sure I can wake him up," another voice came from the door. They all glanced up and spotted Wufei, who only wore his white pants and a blue top, with hastily thrown on black shoes. His dragon yawned and exchanged his shoulder for a soft pillow as he walked in. "If we must be up so damn early, he should be, too."

"Wait until I bind him, love," Treize said, gathering the assassin's one good hand and the bloody mess of the other.

While he worked, two more people came running into the room. "It's all right now," Treize said without looking. "But stay here. I'll need you to help transport the prisoner to the dungeon after the interrogation."

Duo's nervousness lessened as his curiosity took over, and he watched the two newcomers as they also put their swords away. Both of them were dressed similar to Treize but with lesser insignia. Their faces seemed familiar, and he tilted his head as he tried to remember where he'd seen them before.

"Of course, Zechs and Noin!" he said.

The two soldiers turned in surprise from the body to him, Zechs staring at Duo. "I know you..." he said, shaking his head as he struggled to recall.

Noin chuckled and put her hand on his shoulder. "The little thief with the apples," she said with a smile. "The one who nailed you in the face."

Heero frowned and stared at his slave. "What?"

Duo ducked his head. " was awhile ago..."

Zechs laughed. "It was last week!"

"You were chasing me!" Duo said.

Noin looked up at Heero as her smile grew. "Your little slave was running with through the streets with an armful of apples and half the guard after him."

Treize sighed and finished tying the assassin. "Must we discuss this? It isn't at all dignified."

"Not for you," Noin said.

"What happened?" Heero asked.

"Well," she started, leaning against the wall, "apparently one of our patrol had noticed your slave pocketing a few apples from a street vendor and yelled at him. Except Duo didn't stop."

"I didn't wanna get beat up," Duo mumbled.

"He threw one of the apples at the guard and took off, and as other guards noticed what was happening, they ran after him. He must have had twenty guards after him. And Zechs and I happened to be riding with Treize that day, so we all spotted the little parade. We decided to grab the kid and instead Zechs and Treize each caught an apple in the face."

"Rotten apples," Duo said.

Wufei chuckled. "So that's why you were so irritable that day," he said to his lover.

Treize just glared at him.

Heero turned his attention from the story to the matter at hand. "Wufei, how did this assassin get through your spell? He was no thief."

The sorcerer shook his head. "I'm not sure. There are very few ways to get around my spells...and since he doesn't seem to be wearing any amulets..." He crossed to the window and looked around the edges. His eyes narrowed, and he leaned forward, trying to get a glance at the outer wall. As he moved, though, he reached down and lay his hand on the sill. The moment his skin made contact with the rough surface, a brilliant flash of light exploded just beneath his hand and he screamed. He stumbled backwards into Treize's outstretched arms.


"What happened--"

"--the hell--"

Wufei hissed in pain, holding his burned hand close to his chest. "Stupid, stupid, of course it must be that..."

"Wufei?" Treize asked, trying to make sense of what his lover was growling.

"It's a damn challenge!" the sorcerer snarled as he got back on his feet. "Nataku!" The little dragon jumped at his voice and swooped back on his shoulder.

"Wufei, wait!" Treize snapped. "What is it?"

"A necromancer," Wufei said, staring out the window. "A necromancer has dared challenge my skills! Whoever did this used a human soul to negate my spell and then left that trap just for me!"

Everyone was unnerved by the Chinese boy's furious outburst, and Duo pulled the blankets further around himself, almost hiding in the cloth. "So what're you gonna do?"

Grabbing his staff, Wufei smiled darkly, setting even Heero on edge. "I'm going to show him exactly what kind of magick he's up against!" With that, he turned and raced out of the room.

"Oh hell," Treize muttered.

"Go after him," Heero ordered his captain. "Don't leave him alone."

"I won't!" Treize dashed out after his partner.


Treize rounded the corner, just able to spot the end of Wufei's staff as his lover raced up the staircase, taking the marble steps two at a time. "Wufei! Wufei, stop!" He slammed his hand on the rail as they started up the spiral staircase. "Stop! Or at least slow down!" He wondered why his lover was racing up these particulars stairs...these only led to the topmost part of the palace.

The sounds of a small explosion echoed back down to him, and he could see a burst of light reflected in the polished tiles around him. He quickened his pace but then froze in surprise. The door leading to the roof had been blown off its hinges, leaving a smoking lump of charred wood behind. For a moment he wondered if he really ought to be chasing after a powerful sorcerer who was obviously agitated. The last time he'd chased Wufei, the youngster had accidentally turned him into a tiger cub.

"Well, he can always change me back," he said, and looked outside.

Wufei stood close to the edge of the roof, his cloth slippers offering no traction against the surface polished smooth by the weather. The boy held his staff up in the air and chanted strange spells in Chinese that Treize couldn't even pretend to understand. Nataku, meanwhile, had abandoned the roof for the safety of the sky, soaring in broad loops around the palace.

"Wufei, what are you doing?"

Not paying any attention, Wufei slammed his staff down onto the roof and lightning bolts of various colors flashed out in all directions, leavng black scorch marks along every surface. Dark clouds gathered over the horizon, rushing to converge above the palace, and natural lightning streaked across the sky. Something cold and heavy hit Treize, and when he looked down, he saw gigantic raindrops soaking his clothes. The winds whipped up until he thought Wufei had called a hurricane down upon them. Brutally strong gusts forced him against the doorframe and nearly swept him farther across the roof. Only his quick grab at the frame kept him from being dragged off the roof to the ground far below.

On the streets outside the palace, people raced into any building they could find, ignoring who was standing beside them as they stared in awe, not only of the storm seething around them but also at the boy they could make out standing on the palace.

For a few minutes, they were all certain an angel had descended to bring God's wrath down on their city.

"Wufei!" Treize tried again, but his voice couldn't carry through the wind. He had to settle with watching his lover, who didn't seem bothered by the wind and rain, command the dragon to fly into the clouds. The little lizard launched into the air just over Wufei and vanished.

Half a second later, a bolt of lightning originating at the base of his staff defied the laws of physics and slowly coursed upwards to the sky, following the trail left by the dragon, lethargically spiraling to the clouds. The colored sparks from Wufei's staff trailed up and around the larger bolt, coalescing into a spectacular display of lights and thunder. It was the only light in the city. All the candles and torches had been blown out.

The lightning bolt exploded into a flash of light so brilliant Treize had to turn his eyes. When he looked back, the clouds had disappeared, replaced by a blanket of light in the sky that gently rained down pieces of glowing matter that stuck to the palace and made the walls glow. The captain of the guard glanced back where his lover had been and found him, still standing, with his staff laying several feet away and the dragon nestled on the rooftop. Worried of what might happen if that glowing stuff landed on him, Treize waited until most of it had dissipated before running out towards Wufei.

He pulled up short a few feet away, disconcerted that the boy didn't seem to notice his presence. The sorcerer was a fine warrior and ought to know he wasn't alone. Torn between reaching out to shake him and just waiting for the spell to finish, Treize opted to wait. Wufei had warned him before about interrupting spells, and the last time he'd broken Wufei's concentration, he'd been changed into a fluffy lap dog.

"" Wufei whispered.

Treize looked up. "The light's nearly all gone. Just a few more--Wufei!" He screamed as the Chinese boy started to topple forward off the ledge. Throwing his arms around his upper body, Treize pulled him back and lowered him to the floor, cradling him against his body. A fine layer of sweat broke out over Wufei's body, and his eyes were half closed, as if he wanted to fall asleep. He tried to reach his hand up to touch Treize's cheek, but the weight of his arm pulled it back down.

"What happened?" Treize asked, smoothing back the black hair. "What was all that lightning?"

Wufei smiled weakly. "'nforc'd...palace...wards.." he whispered.

"You didn't make such a scene the last time you did that," Treize argued. "Feels like you have a fever."

The sorcerer shrugged as if he didn't care. His eyes closed and his body became entirely limp as he fell asleep. Treize sighed and stood, hauling Wufei up with him.

"Treize, Wufei, are you up here?"

Treize turned with a faint smile as Zechs appeared in the doorway, his blue eyes widening as he surveyed the damage.

"We're right here," he said. "Could you please bring Wufei's staff with you. I'm afraid I have my arms full."

Zechs smirked when he saw the sorcerer cuddled against Treize's side. "You spoil that boy far too much," he chuckled, picking up the staff. The dragon, seeing it was time to go, jumped to its feet and flew up just high enough to land on Treize's shoulder.

"You're just jealous," Treize said.

Zechs shook his head. "I don't regret choosing Lucretzia. I'm simply being honest. That boy has you wrapped around his little finger. He could probably turn you into a wolf pup and you wouldn't complain."

Treize didn't mention that Wufei had once done that, too, and made him do tricks before he'd reversed the spell. Of course, he'd been neglecting his poor dragon for weeks, concerned only about his job, and Wufei had been upset. He was really only trying to get my attention, he thought. "I need to put him to bed," he said. "Please call Sally and tell Heero that the wards have been put up again."

"After that light show? I'd say he did more than just reinforce old spells."

Treize gave his first commander an irritated look. "I know that, but he blacked out before he could tell me what. Just make sure no one tries any magick inside or out of the palace until he wakes up again. And make sure Sally comes down. The sooner I can leave Wufei in her care, the sooner I can worry about that assassin."

Zechs left as soon as they arrived at the room Treize shared with Wufei, leaving the staff leaned up against the wall. The dragon fell asleep beside it, keeping guard, while Treize set Wufei on the bed and stripped him out of his clothing, easing him beneath the blankets. He pulled off the hairband and brought a washbasin and raggedy cloth to the bed, beginning to work on lowering Wufei's fever.

"What a way to start off the morning," he muttered.


"...and so Treize is waiting for Sally so he can leave Wufei and interrogate the assassin."

Heero nodded as Zechs finished his report. "That sorcerer can act like a fool when he wants to...all right, go ahead and take the prisoner down to the dungeon. Treize can question him when he wakes up."

Duo held silent, pulling the blankets a little higher around his face as Zechs and Noin pulled the unconscious assassin away. Heero sat back at the table, drumming his fingers against the surface and deep in thought. Duo noticed that Heero's face looked the same as when he'd slapped him before, and he didn't want to risk another bruise with a careless question.

Better to just wait for him to say something, Duo thought.

"Why were you awake?" Heero asked.

Duo looked up. "Wh-what?"

"You were fighting that assassin before I woke up," Heero said. "How?"

Duo tilted his head, not understanding what Heero meant. "I...I woke up when I heard him coming in the window," he said. "So I...made the light turn on...and I tried to get the knife..."

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Heero asked.

"I...I don't know..." Duo's voice dropped to a mumble, thinking he'd done something wrong. "I...thought he'd hear you, I thought...and I was closer to him..." His shoulders started to shake and he lowered his head. "I'm sorry..."

Heero stood and moved towards him, standing over Duo. "Why are you sorry?"

"I just didn't want you hurt...but I...I must have done something wrong..." Duo sniffled. "I'm sorry."

Heero shook his head. "You didn't do anything wrong," he said. "You risked your life to keep me safe. That's more than any slave...any person has done for me."

Duo looked up and a tear spilled over his cheek. "But...Treize...your guards...don't they?"

"Yes, they saved us from the unconscious assassin, didn't they?"

Duo smiled. "'s nice seeing you relax a little."

A soft knock at the door turned their attention to Sally, who was slightly out of breath and holding a black sack, presumably full of medical supplies. "Are you two all right?" she asked, looking them over.

"Yes, calm down," Heero said.

"I would've been here sooner," sheapologetically, "but Wufei's damn lightning storm blew out all my candles."

"Have you talked with Zechs yet?" he asked.

She shook her head. "No, haven't seen him. Why?"

"Treize needs you in his room. Wufei's sick from that burst of magick he just used."

Sally smirked. "He must be unconscious, or else he'd never let a weak woman use foolish science on him." She frowned as she noticed Duo's faint shaking and reached into her bag, pulling out a small pouch. "Those teas will probably take awhile to brew, so take these in the meantime."

He took it from her hand and opened it, pulling out the first golden pill. "What is it?"

"Don't bite it, just put it on your tongue and let it melt," she said and headed for the door.

Heero followed her out, and once they were beyond Duo's hearing range, he repeated the question.

"It's just honey hardened into candy," she told him, "but please don't tell him that. It won't hurt him and if he thinks they'll make him feel better..."

"It's all right," he said. "He deserved a reward for saving my life. I'll send someone out for more sweets from the marketplace."

"Saving your...what did he do?" she asked. "I thought you ran the intruder through."

Heero shook his head. "Just through the hand. Duo fought him back before I woke up and ended the fight. That reminds me, I need to have clothes made for him."

Back in the bedroom, Duo had no idea what they were talking about. He just knew this pill was wonderfully sweet, and he drew out the taste as long as he could. His hands clutched the pouch, as if he was afraid they might disappear before he could savor the rest.

Heero walked back into the room and froze. Duo, who didn't hear his master come in, had closed his eyes in pleasure and tilted his head back, sucking hard on the honey. Heero stared, unable to look away from Duo's throat and his mouth. He bit his lip trying to ignore the little noises of pleasure Duo was making, but just having the beautiful boy wrapped in a soft blanket, and he was his slave...

Not now, he thought. Tonight. I won't make his first experience with me mirror his rape. He smiled unconsciously, eyes narrowing. He remembered what Duo had looked like just after his bath, naked save for the waves of long hair cascading around him. So pretty and helpless, and he'd submitted to him almost immediately...


The prince broke out of his reverie and looked back at Duo, who had noticed he'd come back. He stepped closer until he could put his hand on Duo's braid, now messy and disheveled. Placing a little kiss on Duo's cheek, he felt better that the bruise from his slap was nearly gone.

"Your braid's come undone."

Duo's hand went to his braid. "Oh...sorry...I'd better put it back up."

Heero caught Duo's wrist before he could move, and the slave looked up at him in confusion, not knowing what he'd done wrong.

"No. I'll do it." He pushed Duo back against the chair and brought his hair over the edge, letting it spill to the floor. Once he undid the band, a sudden thought entered his head. He paused to consider, then made up his mind. "No. First, a bath, and then you can get dressed."

"Clothes?" Duo asked.

Heero stood and pulled the blanket off of Duo, substituting it for a much smaller towel. "We'll likely have guests later on today, and you should be dressed by then."

"Who are they?" Duo wondered, blushing as Heero put the towel around his waist.

"My brother Trowa, with a small retinue. You'll be introduced as my personal slave, and you'll be expected to stay with his own personal slave."

Duo stared at him in shock, one hand going to his mouth as he tried to muffle his gasp. " don't mean...?"

It took Heero a few moments to figure out what had spooked Duo. "No, not like that! No one will touch you but me, ever!" he snapped. His tone softened when Duo cringed. " belong to me, no one else. But you're his slave's equal in status, so while you're with us, you'll be by his side."

"Oh... What's his name?"

"Quatre Raberba Winner."

Duo frowned. "I know that name..."

Not bothering to ask, Heero pulled him into his arms and carried him out of the bedroom. "His family used to rule in the Corazon kingdom, but my brother took over once the king died."

"But didn't the king have an heir?" Duo asked, putting his arms around Heero's neck. "Mmm, you're comfy."

"Yes, but there were twenty-nine daughters between Quatre and the throne, and each of them was more power-hungry than the first. None of them could lead a country, and the region fragmented into little kingdoms until Trowa decided to take over."

"All the kingdoms? How?"

"He assassinated each sister and claimed Quatre as his concubine."


Heero set Duo on his feet as they entered the bathing room, but he grabbed a fistful of his hair and gently led him to a single small room in the back barricaded from the rest of the area by a thick curtain. "I'll expect you to bathe here unless I say otherwise. Your body is mine alone to see."

"Aside from Sally or Wufei," Duo added with a little smile.

"True." He glanced around the room to make sure it was in order. Several towels hung from the racks on the wall, with a full-length mirror in the corner. The tub here was a tiled pool, like the others, but considerably smaller, capable of holding three people at the most. Soaps and shampoos stood at the corner, and a spare set of chains lay in the other corner. Like every other part of the palace, the tiles were covered in the most intricate and complex designs.

Duo, once he saw it was expected, removed his towel and sat down at the edge of the pool, carefully sliding into the water. He was able to touch the bottom, though, and he felt a little better. Behind him, Heero slipped in after and started to run the soap over the top of his shoulders. Duo groaned and leaned against the edge, enjoying his touch. Heero ran his fingers down Duo's back, stroking the skin beneath his ribs and finally trailing down just above his thighs. Pushing some of the long hair out of the way, he placed tiny kisses along Duo neck and shoulders. Encouraged by his slave's little moans, he placed one finger at the top of Duo's spine and roughly followed it down to his tailbone, where his hand cupped around the curves of his body.

"Heero," Duo whispered, his eyes closing.

The prince wondered if he'd done something else to worry him, but instead Duo's body was relaxing under his hands.

"You can," he said, leaning against him. "If you want to."

Heero breathed in when he realized what he meant. "Not here," he said, kissing his throat again. "Not now. Tonight. It is something both of us must enjoy."

Duo smiled and turned his head so Heero could kiss his lips. "Will you show me how?"

"I will show you everything I know."


Duo stared over the folded outfit draped over the bed he shared with Heero, fingering the fine fabric. Deathly afraid he might tear the dark material, he held up the top by the shoulders and looked over it. At first glance, it seemed to be black, but whenever the light hit it just so, a violet shimmer ran over the surface. The pants were made of the same cloth but they were much lighter, almost gauzy, and they flared out around his hips. Beside them were a pair of black slippers with purple flowers embroidered along the sides.

"I'm gonna look like a harem slave," he sighed to himself. "Oh, that's right. I am one." Knowing there was nothing else for him, he put each piece on. The shirt fit loosely, and the fabric bunched at the wrists and flowed again with another four or five inches of material over the hands and fingers. The shirt also gathered at the waist, with enough excess cloth to completely cover his rear, which was a good thing since he found that the pants were needlessly tight, save where they flared out. Once he put on the slippers, he looked in the mirror in the adjoining room, admiring himself.

"Gotta admit, I look pretty good," he said to his reflection. "Wish I could see what the back of me looked like."

As soon as he finished saying that, the glass shimmered and rippled, and then he was no longer staring at his face. Instead the mirror displayed his back as clearly as if he'd turned around. His hair, still damp but now braided, dangled around his hips. He wiggled a bit, and his reflection wiggled with him.

"Cool," he grinned. "I bet Wufei did this, too."

At the mention of Wufei's name, however, the reflection shimmered again, and now he could see the sorcerer fast asleep in bed, his dragon nestled by his side. A few seconds later, Treize came into view, walking into the room as he pulled his uniform off, tossing it onto the dresser. The tall captain roused Wufei, who blinked up with unfocused eyes and gave a little nod to Treize's question. Unable to hear them speak, Duo watched while Treize left and returned with a glass of water. He had to help Wufei sit up, and he held the glass to his lips, letting him take small sips. Wufei leaned against Treize, his head falling onto his lover's chest. Despite his obvious exhaustion, Treize smiled.

"That's enough," Duo mumbled, feeling like he was intruding. "No wonder everyone's so open with Heero. He can spy on anybody."

He heard a knock at the door, so he left the blank mirror and headed to the door, opening it cautiously. "Yes?"

Some random guard that he didn't recognize stood before him, each hand holding a different bag. "I have orders to deliver these directly to you."

After the earlier assassination attempt, Duo didn't let him in. "Orders from who?"

"Straight from his highness, Prince Heero."

Duo narrowed his eyes. "What's the password?"

Of course there was no password, but then he wasn't about to take strange bags from someone who could easily be here to kill him. At best, he hoped the guard would be puzzled, which would mean he was honest. If he gave a fake password, he was not to be trusted.

"His highness said, if you asked, to tell you that it isn't anything that will relax you." The guard obviously didn't understand the reference, but Duo broke into a grin and reached for the bags.

"Yup, that's Heero. Thank you!" he laughed, surprised by their heavy weight. "I wonder what he sent me."

The guard turned and left, and Duo locked the door again. He placed the bags on the table, then noticed that one of them had a note attached. He frowned.

"I...can't read," he whispered. Now he couldn't tell what his master wanted, and Heero might get angry and hit him...

"Duo, listen."

Duo gasped and dropped the note. It fluttered to the table, and when it came to rest, Heero's bodiless voice started up again.

"In one of these bags is the jewelry to match your clothing. If you need help placing it, call a guard and tell them to bring you Lady Une. Show the note and she'll come."

"The's talking!" Duo gasped, poking at it.

"The second bag contains candy. I wasn't sure what type you liked, so there's some of every type from the market. Don't eat it all now, I don't want you sick before the banquet."

"Wow...I wonder if Wufei did this spell, too."

"Duo, stop gawking at this note. My brother should be here in a few hours. Get moving."

Duo blinked at the final message. "Geez, not a week here and he already knows me." He emptied the jewelry on the table and stared at the strange bits of twisted metal and amethyst stones. With a little groan, he grabbed the note and headed for the door.

"Um...hello?" he called out into the hall. "Anyone there?" He sighed. He didn't want to leave the room to find someone, he'd probably get lost, and besides, Heero had ordered him to stay in that room. "Guard!"

The sound of armor clanked from out of sight, and a moment later the same guard reappeared rushing towards him. "Yes, sir?"

"Um...could you take this note to Lady Une and tell her I need to see her right away?"

Without bothering to check the note or ask questions, the guard took the slip of paper, nodded with a crisp "right away!" and trotted off down the hall. Duo felt somewhat sorry that he was bothering so many people, but when he went back to the table and discovered the variety of candies Heero had procured for him, his spirits soared.

Several minutes later, just as he was finishing off his third gumdrop, Lady Une walked into his room. "Duo, you really should lock this door," she said, closing it behind her. "You never know who's roaming through the halls."

"I'm okay in here," Duo said, talking around the lump of candy in his mouth. "Wufei made such a scene no one's gonna try to break in for awhile." He was somewhat surprised at her appearance. Just about everyone he'd seen in the palace was dressed in military uniforms, but Lady Une wore only a soft blue dress with matching shoes, her hair loose around her shoulders with a small pin on the side.

Lady Une chuckled and nodded. "You're probably right. I'm guessing from the note that you need help with the jewelry."

"I didn't mean to bother you," Duo nodded and pointed at the heap of adornments on the table. "It's just I've never seen anything like this before. I have no idea where things go, and Heero expects me up and ready to go really soon." He twisted his braid. "I really don't wanna look like a total idiot in front of his family."

Lady Une smiled and sat down across from him, pushing her hair out of her face. "Don't worry too much about that. Trowa's quiet, but he's kind, and Quatre...well, everyone loves Quatre. You'll be fine." She proceeded to untangle the mess of silver chains and set out a choker made of chains set in a web pattern with amethysts at the corners, followed by several matching bracelets and a set of earrings made from drops of dark jade, black and purple ribbons, plus a few other items he couldn't recognize.

"Okay, we'll start with the necklace," she said, unclasping the chain and fitting it snugly around his throat, adjusting it so it wouldn't cinch his skin when he moved. "How's that feel?"

"Cold," he said. "But it doesn't hurt."

"Good, if it starts to hurt, remember it's adjustable. Just ask Heero or Quatre to redo it for you." Lady Une picked up a spiral bracelet and eased it up his arm, over his sleeve, until it rested securely above his bicep. She added a slave bracelet to the same arm, clamping the silvery band around his wrist and pulling his finger back gently so she could get the attached ring on. On the left hand, she placed a handful of thin, silver bangles that chimed. Each one had to be attached separately, since the clasps tightened so that they couldn't be slid off his wrist.

"Keep that arm close to your side so you don't make much noise, and at the banquet, keep your arm in your lap. You won't need it, and you don't want to rattle them."

Duo stared at them and realized he couldn't undo them with just one hand. "These are supposed to make noise," he said. "So people can tell where I am."

She nodded once. "Yes...since you belong to Heero, you're not allowed to sneak around. Quatre has to wear them, too." She scooted her chair back a few inches. "Here, put your foot up."

He complied, and she wrapped a jade anklet above his slipper. Once that was done, she rose and moved behind him, undoing his braid again.

"Hey, I just did that!" Duo said. "It takes forever to do it from the front."

"Shush, I need to braid in those ribbons." Duo sighed and popped another gumdrop, wincing every time she pulled his hair back. She braided it tighter than he was used to, and the ribbons felt strange as she ran them through his hair. Ten minutes later, she finally used the ends remaining to make a bow to keep it all in place.


Duo looked up at her. "Uh-oh? What do you mean, uh-oh?"

"Your ears aren't pierced," Lady Une grumbled.

"Of course not. They get in the way when you're trying to steal."

She laughed despite her irritation. "Oh, so the rumors about you are true!"

"What rumors? Are people talking about me?"

"Certainly people are talking. You're the first slave Heero's ever called by name, you even saved his life. Everyone wants to know what you look like." While she spoke, she picked up a long, sharp pin from the table, which had been supplied with his earrings in mind. "Now hold still."

"What?!" he cried, standing and backing away from her. "You're not gonna stick me with that!"

She placed one hand on her hip. "Look, every slave must have their ears pierced. You must wear earrings."

"But it's so long," Duo whined. "And sharp!"

"I promise it won't hurt," she said, moving closer.

"But...but..." he mumbled as he backed farther away.

Lady Une frowned, and her tone grew stone cold. "Duo, you're overreacting. This won't hurt, there won't even be any blood. But there will be if you move around while I do this. Trust me, you don't want to see me mad."

Shoulders lowering in defeat, he stepped back to her and tilted his head to the side. "It won't hurt?"

She smiled, her voice warming up instantly again. "You'll only feel a little tug."

Duo screwed his eyes tight. She tilted his head to the other side, and he was certain she had decided to do the other one first. He clenched his hands, waiting for the pain to hit.

"All done!"

His eyes opened wide. "You did it already?"

She giggled and set the pin aside, picking up the earrings. "I told you that you were overreacting, silly."

Weight pulled a little on each ear, and he reached up to feel the stones hanging from little hooks. "Wow. That was so quick. Is there anything else?"

She shook her head. "No, that's all. Now don't do anything to mess yourself up, especially that braid. And be careful not to get those earrings caught on anything." She gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "Just remember, when you're at the banquet, do exactly what Quatre is doing. And don't eat until he starts to eat."

Duo nodded. "Do I always have to dress up like this for dinner?"

"Only when Heero wants you to. Believe me, you don't have it rough. At least you don't have to worry about make up and body designs or--perfume! I can't believe I almost forgot that!" She rummaged around in the sack Heero had sent and found a tiny bottle that hadn't fallen out before. "Now he does like this perfume, as long as you don't use very much. Just a little dab behind your ears..." she unscrewed the top and eased a drop onto her finger, applying it beside the earrings. Another drop was spread between both wrists. "Your slippers are scented, too, so don't run in the dirt or in a puddle."

Duo sighed like a bored child. "I think I liked it better when I didn't have any clothes...where am I gonna put all this stuff?"

Lady Une blinked. "He didn't show you...? You have your own little jewelry box and drawer. See?" She pointed out the small wooden box and miniature table in the corner. "You put all your things there." With a little gasp she noticed how far the sun had progressed over the horizon. "Oh, I need to go. Sally said she needed help mixing some new poultices."

Duo, entranced by the thought of having his own possessions again, smiled vaguely at her. "That's okay. Thanks for helping me so much. Have fun with Sally."

She blushed as she headed for the door. "I'm sure I will. Take care, Duo. Lock the door, won't you?"

"All right, if you insist." Once she was gone, he rushed to the little box and opened it, examining each tiny drawer and the revolving notches meant to hold necklaces. A shallow but wide drawer opened up from the table. Wanting to start filling them up, he pulled the chair over, along with the items on the table. He folded the empty sack up and placed it at the bottom drawer, setting the fragile perfume bottle on top of it. The sack of candy was set in the table drawer, and he put the earring pin in the middle drawer.

He absently scratched at one of the earrings and lowered his head to the table, letting his eyes close. It would be a few hours before Heero came to get him, and the early morning assassination attempt left him sleepier than he'd like. "Probably have dark circles under my eyes," he mumbled. Now that he had nothing to worry about for awhile, the lack of sleep was catching up to him. Within minutes, he was asleep.

He wasn't sure what woke him, but he did grumble at waking up out of a dream involving him, Heero, and nothing else. With a tired sigh, he sat up, hardly refreshed by his nap. He didn't even know how long he'd been out. His gaze fell on his open jewelry box.

"I wonder if Heero will give me anything else..." he wondered to himself.

"I will if you keep behaving so well."

Duo whirled, startled by the familiar voice. "Heero!" His prince was standing right beside him, and he hadn't even noticed. "How long were you watching me?"

Heero brushed his cheek with the back of his knuckles, fingering the earrings. "Long enough to know that black and purple are your best colors." He stroked the braid, wrapped in ribbons, and placed a kiss on his forehead. "And that you're an angel when you're asleep."

Duo grinned. "I know better than to ask what I'm like when I'm awake."

"The same," Heero said. "Just more talkative." He held the braid up, playing with the end. "You should never be allowed to cut your hair."

"Never?" Duo whispered. "Not even if I need someone to help carry it?"

"Silly," Heero shook his head. "You just can't have it shorter. I'll let it grow down below your thighs. I'll never need rope to tie you up."

That simple statement sent shivers across Duo's skin, and he leaned against Heero's hand. "Is that what we'll be doing tonight?"

"I doubt it. No toys for tonight. Tomorrow, perhaps. Once I think you're ready for them." He took his hand and brought him up to his feet. "My brother's caravan has been sighted. He'll be here in a few minutes, and we should be down to meet him."

Duo nodded and walked beside him, noting that he had also dressed up. Heero wore a green outfit and the matching cape clasped at each shoulder loosely, so that they both drooped indecently low. To think he would be caressing that exposed skin in a few hours...

Down, Duo, he told himself. "Is Wufei better?" he asked, trying to sound less distracted than he felt.

Heero smirked and glanced sideways at him. "I know you found out about the mirror."

Duo paled and his hands rose to protect his cheeks from any slaps. "It was an accident. I just said I'd like to see how I looked from behind, and it showed me, and when I said Wufei must have done the spell--"

"Calm down, I'm not angry," Heero said. "I know what happened. I was watching you from another mirror."

"Are all of them spelled like that?" Duo asked.

Heero shook his head. "Just the ones I have access to and know about. And yes, Wufei will be in attendance. He is one of Quatre's closest friends, after all."

"Really?" Duo said, intrigued by the discovered relationship. "Was he his sorcerer, too?"

Heero nodded. "Until he met Treize. We're here."

Duo looked around at the huge room he found himself in. It had the same mosaic patterns as every other room, but this place was large enough to carry an echo. Tapestries hung from the walls, and carpets lined the floor. Two mammoth wooden doors were flung wide open before them, giving Duo a clear view past the crystal clear moat that circled the palace, dozens of guards around the lowered drawbridge, and the rising gate along the white wall that completed the palace's seclusion from the rest of the city.

And coming in on a pair of horses were two boys leading a long trail of pack horses and men that were quietly shunted off to the stables on the side.

"I guess that's them," Duo said to himself, and he followed a step behind Heero as they walked forward to meet them.
