Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Willing Slave ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Part 3

Watching the two boys come in, Duo realized he wasn't at all overdressed. He could tell who Quatre was because the blonde wore jewelry and bangles much like his own, except his colors were varying shades of blue. Trowa, on the other hand, had an outfit similar to Heero's, although he wore it in dark blue, and his top included a more modest neckline. And his hair! Only half of his face was visible behind the loose shock of hair.

Trowa jumped from his horse, then turned and helped Quatre down from his own mount. Before releasing him, Trowa adjusted one of Quatre's earrings and gave him a tiny kiss, drawing a blush and coloring the pale features. Hand in hand, Trowa led his concubine forward at an easy pace so Quatre wouldn't slide in his cloth slippers.

Heero stepped forward and came closer than Duo would have expected to a smile. "I trust you had a safe journey."

"Safe enough...thought not entirely uneventful. We did have one sandstorm..." His look promised a story that would have to wait until they were rested.

Heero put his arm around Duo's waist and coaxed him ahead another step, presenting him to his brother. "This is Duo, my concubine. He is entirely trustworthy."

Duo blushed at being shown off and singled out, and his eyes lowered when he noticed the looks of stunned surprise on the faces of their guests. Please, let the earth just swallow me now! he thought.

"'Entirely trustworthy' so soon?" Trowa asked. "You've had him for less than a week."

Heero raised one eyebrow. "Your stargazer is remarkably accurate."

"It was a boring trip," Quatre said, ducking his head. "I could do nothing but cast fortunes the entire way."

"Did you know he saved my life?" Heero said, a note of pride coloring his usual monotone.

This time they both stared.

"We can discuss things better after dinner," Heero said, turning and indicating a door to the right. "You must be hungry after such a long trip."

"Starving," Quatre said before he could stop himself.

Trowa chuckled at his concubine's slip. "Will we four be the only ones dining?"

Heero shook his head, but before he could answer, Quatre gasped for joy and ran towards the main hall.


They all turned and spotted the sorcerer, dressed in familiar white, as he wrapped the blonde up in a soft embrace. From the way they regarded each other, Duo could tell they were close friends.

"It's been a long time, little prince," Wufei whispered.

"It's not the same without you," Quatre said. "I miss your light shows."

Duo choked down a giggle before it got too loud, but Wufei still heard him. He broke back from Quatre before Trowa could get jealous. "I'm afraid you missed one of my best, but that can wait." Not bothering to hide his look, he glanced over the blonde's clothing. "I'm glad you look well. Blue always suited you."

Quatre smiled and walked back with him. "I'm just happy you're feeling better. A shock like that could knock anyone out for awhile."

Wufei gave him an irritated look. "Could you at least pretend there are some things you don't know?"

As he took his slave's hand, Trowa smiled. "My little angel has developed a bad habit of prying into people's fortunes. Hopefully you can make him a few new games to occupy his time."

"Have you already solved the ones I sent to you?" Wufei asked.

All of them moved into the dining room and sat down at the small circular table, Wufei opposite to Heero with the concubines seated at their master's right side. Duo kept his eye on Quatre, waiting for the social cues and praying he wouldn't make any mistakes.

"I've had a lot of spare time recently," Quatre said, answering Wufei's question. "Our country's actually been peaceful for awhile, and Trowa hates for me to ride without him."

"I worry," the tall boy said simply. "No faction in Corazon would hesitate to kidnap you to get to me."

Wufei stared out the window for a minute. "I wonder if I could create a spell to help with that..." he murmured. "A spell to track someone..."

"Better yet," Trowa interrupted, "a spell to transport Quatre back to the castle when I call him. Last week he was missing for three hours before we found him, sleeping in the apple orchard." He gave an appraising look at Duo, staring him over with a small smile. "Does your little lover give you that problem?"

Duo smiled shyly and wanted to speak, but he had a feeling Heero didn't want him to respond to that.

"No," Heero said, "he's been a model concubine." He reached his hand over beneath Duo's jaw, lifting his face a bit. "I've only had him for a few days, and he's already totally devoted to me."

"Did you really save Heero's life?" Trowa asked him directly.

Heero nodded once at Duo, giving him permission to speak, and Duo nodded. "I really didn't do that much. It was late at night, and we were both asleep, and then I heard this sound at the window and when I looked I could see this guy coming in. I made the lights come on and knocked the knife out of his hand, and then Heero woke up and kept the other guy from killing me."

"You charged an assassin?" Wufei gasped.

Duo glanced at all of them. Heero was the same, but Quatre and the normally unflappable sorcerer were disturbed. Even Trowa's calm demeanor was shaken.

"Was that bad?" Duo asked.

Wufei sat back and shook his head. "No...I simply did not know the details of the attempt..."

"That's amazing..." Trowa said. "Not just that you would defend your master so selflessly, but...that you had the courage to face an assassin like that."

"He wasn't a very good assassin," Duo said. "I could hear him, after all. He came in all wrong and didn't even think about the light the moon was giving off."

"That was stupid--" Trowa cut himself off, but it was too late. The others had noticed his slip and were either smirking or smiling. Duo, of course, had no idea what they were laughing about.

"Are you still cutting off heads of state at night?" Heero asked.

Trowa sighed and gave a non-committal tilt of his head. "Yes, but not as much as I would like. Quatre never lets me hear the end of it when I go out."

"I still think it's better to talk things out than just get rid of people," the blonde said in a weary voice. It was obviously an old argument between the two of them.

"You're an assass--?" Duo wondered before he could stop himself.

His question didn't seem to faze anyone, though, as Trowa merely nodded. "It's the fastest way to get rid of political impediments."

Heero glanced at Duo. "I'm afraid my brother was never one for patient negotiating."

"And it would be easier if I didn't have a blonde conscience sleeping beside me," Trowa said.

"I worry," Quatre said. "No faction in Corazon would hesitate to kill you to get the throne." His brow furrowed as another thought entered his head, and he looked straight at Duo. "But how did you know the assassin was coming in wrong...?"

"I thought you knew all about him?" Wufei asked.

Quatre smirked. "I'm merely a low stargazer, not a prophet."

"You're a profit to me," Trowa said, making Quatre blush again.

Duo bit back a laugh at how often Quatre blushed. "I was...I was a thief before Heero caught me. Actually, that's how he came to catch me."

"You didn't just walk into his bedroom, did you?" Trowa laughed.

"That's exactly what he did," Heero nodded.

Trowa blinked.

"Congratulations," Quatre said, "you've startled him four times in one evening. No one's ever come close before. Of course, no one usually gets more than a few words with him, either."

"I told you slaves have more influence than most people," Wufei told him.

Quatre tilted his head in agreement. "In some ways more than others."

A richly clothed servant stepped into the room and they fell into a hush, lest their comments were overheard. "Dinner is served," he said in a grave voice, and five more servants came in behind him, each carrying a covered dish that was set on the table. Another servant came out and placed glasses before each diner and filled them with wine for Heero and Trowa, and clear water for the other three. Duo kept his eye on Quatre while trying not to be too obvious about it, but the blonde caught his look. To Duo's relief, Quatre winked and moved a little more deliberately so Duo could easily follow along.

Heero and Trowa both removed their coverings first, revealing a serving of roasted ducks and rice, with sauces made from various fruits and a few vegetables on the side. Duo's mouth instantly started to water, but he forced himself to hold back and uncover his own dish when Quatre did. Wufei moved just as the blonde did. Their servings differed only in that they had fewer vegetables, and to Duo's delight the food was spiced just as much as the royalty's.

Duo had to watch Quatre closely, using the unfamiliar napkins and making sure he didn't drink from the finger bowl. His face, though carefully controlled, sometimes reflected the amount of frustration he felt trying to eat, thinking that it used more energy to "dine politely" than one got out of just eating.

"It gets easier once you get the hang of it," Quatre told him softly.

"How did you know...?" Duo said.

"I can feel your frustration," Quatre explained. "Actually, I can feel any emotion, as long as it's fairly strong."

"Wow..." Duo breathed. "It must be overwhelming when you and Tr--" he cut himself off, biting his lower lip.

He relaxed when everyone started laughing, but it was still embarrassing.

"Eventually you'll learn how to hold silent," Wufei reassured him.

"I hope not," Heero said. "I prefer it when people are completely honest."

"That'll be rare when you're king," Trowa said. "Everyone will rather flatter you or else spread lies behind your back. Or promise support one way and turn on you in the next moment."

Heero shook his head. "I know. I've seen that enough with King J. He was never able to control his kingdom, even at his peak. And now that I'm quietly investigating the officials in power, I'm finding more and more corruption throughout the city."

"It will be difficult to ferret out every rat in office," Wufei sighed.

"True," Heero said, but his simple answer seemed to tell everyone that the subject was closed. Some things were to be discussed only with Trowa and only in perfect isolation.

Mundane converstion followed, broken only by the arrival of dessert in the form of fresh fruits. Duo's eyes grew as wide as saucers. He'd seen peaches and apples before, but only in a rotted, half-decayed state. The firm globes and bright colors seemed magical and otherworldly, and they tasted even better than he'd ever imagined.

"Trowa," Heero started. "Tomorrow I would like to speak with you in the library."

The tall boy nodded his agreement. "Understood. Can you have someone escort Quatre to the bathing room tomorrow morning? I'm sure he'll want a proper bath after all those sand storms."

Quatre sighed and leaned back in his seat. "I only fell off the horse once, and that wasn't my fault!"

"What?" Wufei wondered. "You're the best rider I know."

Trowa smiled. "One of the storms came on us so fast we didn't have time to dig in. His entire body guard were swept off their horses, and of course Quatre is so much lighter than they are..."

"Instead of riding in, I nearly flew in," Quatre sighed. "Sand was literally coming out of my shoes. I'll probably be tasting it for days."

"I'm sure you'll feel better once you're rested," Heero said. That was the cue for the dinner to end, and even though there was a little light chat afterwards, they were soon on their feet and heading to their respective rooms. Heero sent a servant with his brother, and Wufei, after one last affectionate look with Quatre, vanished to wherever Treize bedded with him.

Duo, lost in his curiosity, gazed at the tile designs on the wall until he felt a hand slip into his. He looked up at Heero, who pushed a few stray hairs back around his braid. The dinner slipped from his mind and he took a step closer to his master.

"Are you ready?" Heero asked in a whisper.

Duo swallowed nervously and closed his eyes. "Yes...I would do whatever you asked." He breathed in sharply as Heero swept him up into his arms and carried him down the hall.

"Good," he replied, kissing him. "Because you will."

"Um...I can walk just fine," Duo mumbled even as he put his arms around Heero's throat. "You don't have to carry me."

"I know."

Duo resigned himself to the fact that he would have to get used to Heero's simple statements. "How come you do it so much, then?"

Heero glared at him but softened his look with a kiss. "Because I want to."

If Duo could have melted in his arms, he would have. "Okay...that's a good reason."

Heero's footsteps reverberated down the hallway, and Duo bent closer to his master, closing his eyes in fright. The unfamiliar territory of the palace was enough to make his heart pound. Being alone in the empty halls made it even worse, not to mention that most of the candles and torches had been snuffed so that he could only see by the moonlight reflected on the tiles.

But Heero's here with me, he told himself over and over. Heero's with me. Nothing bad will happen. Heero's with me.

The prince, if unable to empathize with his slave then at least able to recognize his emotions, squeezed him in his arms. "Settle down. We're here."

Duo opened his eyes and gave a soft sigh of relief. Safe! He helped open the bedroom door so Heero wouldn't have to juggle him around and shut the door once they were in. Duo still couldn't see much since the window was locked and the lights were out. Somehow Heero managed to maneuver around the furniture and edges of the thick carpet and deposit his slave on the bed, not caring that he was on top of the blankets. Duo took a deep breath, waiting for rough hands to fall on him, force him onto his stomach and pull his clothing away.

Instead, there was nothing. He rose up on his elbows and peered through the darkness at the silhouette moving before him. "Heero?"

"I need to turn on one light," Heero said.

Right after he said that, a dim rosy glow surrounded a single red candle on the table. Duo breathed in sharply. In the darkness, Heero looked even more seductive than he had at the baths. Firelight danced over his face and reflected in his eyes, and shadows played around his features.

"You're beautiful..." Duo whispered.

Heero gazed at his slave sprawled out on the bed, his loose shirt laying flat on his chest. The jewelry sparkled in the flickering flame, and a hint of lavender perfume drifted across the bed. Perfect. He stepped to the window and opened it, allowing a gentle breeze to waft in and giving them a view of the full moon and starry sky with wisps of black clouds. When he turned around again, Duo found him wearing the first real, if tentative, smile he'd ever seen on Heero.

The prince undid the clasp on his cloak, letting it drop behind him as he walked, and slipped his shoes off at the same time. He sat on the edge of the bed and slipped an arm around Duo's waist, pulling him up further so that his bracelets jingled.

"No, you are beautiful," Heero said, pleased as Duo gazed into his eyes. His slave was obedient, but nervous. The bangles rattled as he trembled. Heero caressed Duo's cheek soothingly, doing his best to calm him down. "Let's get those baubles off of you."

Heero took Duo's hand and pulled his arm straight, and one by one he unattached each bracelet. Each metal ring was placed out of harm's way on the nightstand. He pulled the spiral bracelet down, careful not to catch the edge on the delicate material or Duo's skin. The slave bracelet came next, and the ring attached to it slid off easily since the chain was all that kept it in place. Duo closed his eyes and practically purred, tilting his head back while Heero's warm fingers undid the choker necklace and slid the chain from his neck.

"That was a little too tight on you," Heero said softly, rubbing the pink marks on Duo's skin left by the chain.

"It was? I thought that's what they were supposed to be like."

Heero brushed his lips across Duo's while his hands worked at his earrings. So's been too long. "No...nothing should leave a mark on you..." He rose and moved around to sit behind Duo, bringing his braid up and beginning to undo it. "How did you manage to keep your hair so long?"

The ribbons rustled through his hair. "It...helped me. It made me look more like a girl from behind, so no, ever thought to search for a boy in black. And I can slip things in it, like lock picks and coins and things. People tried to cut it off, especially the guards...but I'm a really good aim with apples."

Heero gently tugged at his braid. "You shouldn't be so proud you can hit Treize's men like that."

Duo lowered his head. "They...they weren't Treize's...not really."

"What do you mean?" Heero asked, pulling one ribbon loose.

"Some of the guards...don't have his uniforms, not exactly. The patches are all different. Treize's troops are okay enough, but the others..." he didn't want to finish that thought, but his master had asked. "They were the ones...I mean, the ones who..."

"Hush," Heero said, understanding exactly what he meant, but not who he meant. Different badges...? "You're safe here." Remembering what Sally had said about holding Duo, he wrapped his arms around him and hugged him close, letting Duo rest his head on his shoulder. "You're mine, now."

Duo shifted to his side so he could hold Heero back. "I'll take care of me..."

"Always..." Heero slid his left hand down and finished taking out the last dark ribbon. It fluttered down to the floor and joined the rest of the clothing and jewelry. "Ready?"

Duo bit his lip as he stared up at him. "It won't hurt, will it?"

Heero smiled softly as he shook his head. " might be a little uncomfortable, but I promise you'll like it." He curled his fingers under the edge of Duo's shirt and drew it over his head, tossing it on the floor. His hands were growing warmer, and he trailed one hot fingertip down the center of Duo's chest, eliciting a low hiss of desire out of his slave.

"What...what do you want me to do?" Duo asked, falling even further into Heero's embrace.

"Just lay down," Heero said as he slipped back out from behind Duo. He lay one hand on Duo's chest, pushing him slowly back down to the mattress. "Follow my lead."

Duo's eyes opened as round as saucers as Heero placed a small kiss along his jaw and made his way down his throat, leaving butterfly kisses that tickled and made him giggle. Heero especially enjoyed nuzzling the base of Duo's neck, inhaling the scent of his hair. Duo gasped when Heero drifted further down his body, firmly placing his lips around one of his nipples and swirling his tongue around it, making it firm before biting down and nibbling. Duo groaned as the skin became oversensitized, and it only got better as Heero kissed the other pink spot of skin. It felt as if the prince was drawing a feather over him.

Duo put his hands on Heero's shoulder as if to anchor himself before floating away. His entire body writhed beneath his master's, heating up beyond anything he'd ever felt before, and his breathing had quickened to short, shallow gasps. Above him, Heero smiled around the skin between his teeth, watching Duo's facial expressions intently. To think, his slave was so energized by these trivial ministrations. He had hardly begun.

Heero left Duo's chest and allowed the tip of his tongue to trail lightly down his abdomen to the smooth skin of his waist. Two low taps came from the floor as he slid the embroidered slippers off and sent them over the side. He frowned. The pants needed to go. He undid the laces at the top and curled his fingers under the cloth, peeling the soft cloth down Duo's thighs...knees...calves...

The last bit of jewelry, the anklet, was taken off his foot and tossed aside, followed quickly by the pants. Heero licked his lips in anticipation, all too eager to assault the creamy body but knowing better. Best to take it slow and make sure Duo knew this was meant to be pleasurable.

With a smirk, he sat up, straddling Duo with his legs and staring down at him. Feeling deliciously overpowered and at ease at the same time, Duo lay his head back on the pillow and raised his hands over his head, yielding his body to his master.

Pleased with the offering, Heero stretched his fingers out and placed the tips where Duo's ribs ended, and trailed them down gingerly to his hips. Duo bucked, thrusting his hips up. Heero grabbed Duo's sides at the soft flesh beneath the ribs and held him up that way, bringing another moan out of him.

Just like a musical instrument, Heero smiled to himself. All I have to do is play the right strings, and he sings for me...

Easing one hand farther up Duo's back to hold him a few inches the air, his free hand drove up his back and returned slowly, trailing one finger firmly down between his shoulder blades and avoiding becoming trapped in the loose hair. Duo sighed as he was set back down, both of his hands diving into his hair and pushing his bangs back.

"Are you all right?" Heero asked.

"Perfect..." Duo breathed. "Didn't know it could...feel so good..."

Heero had been flattered before by thousands of sycophants eager for influence on the king or any of the lesser royal offices the prince could favor them with, but he'd rarely heard any honest praise in his life. Only his companions offered that, and their words were never as heartfelt as Duo's had been.

"Then you want more?" Heero teased, placing the flat of his hand on Duo's side and squeezing it.

"Much more," Duo answered. "As much as you'll give...want..." he amended, remembering that Heero was the one who had to be satisfied here, not himself.

"Relax," Heero assured him, reading the feelings crossing Duo's face. "This is as much for you as it is for me..." Though it's been so long since I trusted anyone like this."If it helps, close your eyes."

"Uh-uh...I wanna see this..."

Heero ran his hands down the smoothness of Duo's inner thighs, gripped the flesh just above his knees and spread them out slightly, lowering his head down between Duo's legs. His former thief stared in amazement as Heero swallowed him, groaning as the sudden heat enveloped him. Duo came up on his elbows, allowing his head to fall back with a long moan. Soft little noises were all he could hear from around the foot of the bed, and soon that drowned in the heartbeat thundering in his head.


The prince would have replied, but his tongue was busy running long trails in circular patterns, flicking here and there, teasing tiny whimpers out of his slave. He's never had anyone do this for him before, Heero realized. With Duo, sex must always have been forced.

Unused to such sweet treatment, Duo lost control quickly, filling Heero's mouth with a burst and a shattered sob. Heero bolted the seed down and looked up, worried he might have hurt his lover. He stretched forward over him, staring into his face, and sure enough, tears dripped out of Duo's eyes.


His slave opened his eyes and stared up with unfocused eyes, parting his lips in a tiny smile. "I'm...I'm all right...just...I never knew sex could be this..."

Heero shook his head once. "It isn't...this isn't sex..."

"Then what is it?"

Heero bent and whispered in his ear, "making love."

The familiar grin popped back onto Duo's face, and he curled his arms around Heero, clutching him close. "Can we make more?"

Heero couldn't help his laughter, but it wasn't cold or derisive. For the first time, his laughter was warm and amorous, delighted by his companion's...slave's...companion's loving innocence and shy wantonness. "As much as you like...can you turn over?"

Duo nodded and shifted onto his side. "Go easy on me?"

"I would never hurt you willingly."

Satisfied with that, Duo lay flat on his stomach, turning his head to one side and pushing his hair out of his face. He saw Heero's hand pull one of the pillows out of sight, and then he felt Heero pull his hips up and slip the pillow beneath him, elevating his hind end to a comfortable level.

"Now relax," Heero instructed him, punctuating every word with a caress along his legs as he gently forced them apart. "Don't fight will feel strange, but just let it happen..."

"O-okay..." Duo mumbled, the familiar nervousness creeping back up on him. Suddenly he felt something cool and slippery smeared around on his rear, and he tried to glance over his shoulder. "What's that?"

"Oil," Heero replied. "Scented lavender. It'll make it easier for you. Remember to push out slightly, and whatever you do, don't tighten up, or you might hurt me."

"Just...just take it slow," Duo whispered.

"I will..."

Something abruptly pushed into him, but it wasn't nearly as large and painful as he'd thought it'd be. It tickled around his skin before stealing in, and a moment later something else joined it, slithering inside of him and stretching the sensitive skin around.


"Shh, it's all right...if I don't do this first, then it'll hurt...does it hurt now?"

Duo gave a little shake of his head. "No...not's...odd."

Heero nodded. "You're almost ready. I just want to make sure there's no pain or tearing."

"Tell me before you start," Duo begged, his voice barely above a whimper.

The fingers left him, and something else bumped against his skin. "All right...breathe deep. If you can't do this, tell me, and we can wait a little longer..."

Duo took a few shaky breaths and closed his eyes. "Go ahead."

At first it came with agonizing slowness, pushing inch by inch into him, filling him up. The feeling was familiar and alien all at once. Familiar in that he'd felt this kind of penetration before, but alien in that it was so loving and affectionate. There was no pain, only a sort of ache following the pressure, but that was vanishing as he grew used to its presence. Then, like pushing a button, something deep inside of him was tapped, and his eyes opened as wide as he could get them.



Heero smiled in relief and withdrew, then forced his way back in, brushing that wonderful spot again. Duo groaned and pushed back against him, trying his best to bury his love to the hilt. The torture of Heero retreating back out was only eased when he pushed in again.

"Faster..." Duo gasped, his moans increasing in volume. "Please, Heero..."

"Hold on," Heero said, his voice thick, and quickened his pace.

Duo's back arched and his fingers grabbed at the bed sheets, though the thin material did nothing to help anchor him down while his emotions were all but flying to heaven. He reached one hand back and found Heero's back, firmly throbbing against his own, and kept his hand on Heero, while his other hand propped up on the bed.

And Heero reached down and took Duo back in his hand again, but this sudden shot of ecstasy only increased the pleasur. Unprepared for the double assault, Duo released himself a second time while Heero finished his own exercises, both of them leaning their heads back and crying out at once. Exhausted in an instant, Duo fell back to the mattress while Heero carefully extricated himself and collapsed beside him. Neither of them moved for several seconds, and the only sound in the room was their mutual panting for breath.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" Heero asked, unnerved by Duo's flushed skin.

Duo smiled lazily and shook his head once. "No...not at all." He yawned and snuggled against Heero's side, cradling his head on his chest. "Any more? I'm tired..."

"Then go to sleep," Heero said, kissing the top of his head. He frowned, not out of displeasure but of habit. Since when he did he kiss slaves like that? Since he's so beautiful and eager and naive...since I love him, Heero sighed. He grumbled at his overactive emotions as he pulled the pillow further under his head, since he didn't particularly want the one beneath Duo. He pulled that one aside and tossed it off the mattress, noting that the servants would have a mess to clean up the next morning.


"Hmm...?" Duo stared up at him, eyes hooded, still giving him that drowsy smile.

"Do me?" Heero wondered if his slave could hear the hesitant note to his voice.

"Mm-hmm," Duo nodded, cuddling closer.

Heero embraced Duo and pulled the blankets up, but he scowled when he felt a warm breeze play over his skin. The window was still open. It would be pure foolishness to leave it that way, after the assassination attempt. Still, Duo was comfortable...he was comfortable, and he didn't want to get up.

"Duo, hold on," Heero said, moving to sit up.

Duo grumbled but edged away. "How come?"

"I have to shut the window," Heero answered, pushing the blankets back.

"Dumb window," Duo complained. "Why can't it close itself?"

A wooden creak followed his words, accompanied by a quiet click, as the window closed itself up and locked the panels together.

Heero blinked while Duo didn't seem fazed at all. After having so many things jump at his suggestion, a little thing like an object moving by itself seemed commonplace.

"I suppose it can," Heero said, settling back down. He allowed himself to relax as Duo resumed his position and promptly fell asleep, snoring lightly. Heero chuckled and stroked Duo's loose hair long into the night until he drifted off himself.


"It's about time you came back."

Wufei gave his lover an apologetic look as he locked the bedroom door behind himself. "I'm sorry, Treize. Dinner took awhile longer than I expected. Did you just get in?"

In the process of removing his uniform, Treize nodded. "Zechs and I finally broke that assassin down, but it took much longer than it usually does." He threw Wufei a glare. "Interrogation is much simpler with a truth spell."

Wufei lowered his eyes. "I'm sorry, but I really wanted to see Quatre again. If I'd known there were no truth charms left in the dungeon--"

"It's all right," Treize said, cutting him off with a wave of his hand. "You needed some time away from your duties, and Quatre doesn't come by very often...and to be honest, there were truth charms, but they weren't working."

Wufei, assured that Treize was not upset at him, stepped closer as he pulled his long shirt off. "Not working? I only did them last week." He tossed his clothing onto the back of a close chair and helped Treize properly fold the uniform.

"It wasn't the charms, it was the assassin," Treize replied. "He resisted more than I've ever seen before." He sighed and put both hands on the table, leaning against it as his exhaustion showed through. "I don't understand this."

Eager to relax his lover, Wufei whipped his tank top off and put his arms around Treize, gently guiding him towards the bed. "What do you mean?"

"I don't think the assassination was the main goal," Treize answered, allowing the sorcerer to manhandle him. He sat down on the edge of the mattress and looked up at him. "I think it was just a handy way to send that challenge to you. If the assassin had succeeded, it would have been a pleasant surprise for whoever hired him."

"So...he was a professional?" Wufei asked. He pulled off his dark slippers and climbed onto the bed behind Treize, where he began to rub the knots out of his back.

Treize nodded, groaning as his shoulders drooped. "Yes, and highly paid, too. I'm still trying to figure out how Duo was able to hold him off."

Wufei shrugged, working on the small of Treize's back. "But who would want to challenge me? I'm not even that well known in this country."

"No, but you were fairly well regarded before the collapse of Quatre's country." Treize caught sight of Wufei's hands as the slave worked on massaging his arms. The caramel skin was perfectly smooth and creamy. Treize sadly sighed and lay his hand on Wufei's, holding the wrist up. "You don't need the glamour around me. I know it wears you out, holding it up."

Wufei leaned against Treize, looking over his shoulder. " shouldn't have to see those marks," he whispered.

Treize smiled and turned his head, kissing Wufei's cheek. "I know they're there, and they make no difference to me. Let the glamour drop. You know I love you."

With a deep breath, Wufei concentrated for a moment, and suddenly the skin around his wrists became scarred, as if he'd been forced to wear red hot bracelets. Treize stroked the rough skin lovingly, gingerly caressing it. The tender strokes made Wufei smile despite the shame those scars held for him.

"They're still healing," Treize said. "After all this time, and they're still healing."

"Iron burns magick," Wufei said. "At least my hands were not crippled."

"No one understood why you couldn't walk," Treize whispered. "I was so lucky to find you before they sold you off to necromancers."

Wufei closed his eyes. The memories were so bittersweet. On one hand, he had been so thoroughly humiliated, but on the other...that was when he'd met Treize. "Quatre still doesn't know what happened," he mumbled. "I had to keep the glamour up during dinner, at least."

"He won't find out from me," Treize promised. "He'd feel so guilty, even though it wasn't his fault."

Wufei nodded once. The slave blocks...the words still stung whenever he thought about them. "I'm glad you found me."

"So am I." Treize turned and firmly pushed Wufei back onto the bed, startling him. "Now, why were you gone so long?"

Relieved by the shift to a more playful subject, Wufei smiled and stretched out. "Because I was eating at the prince's table with royalty and learning state secrets. Trowa's still taking long walks at night."

Treize laughed and leaned over him, laying one hand flat on Wufei's muscled abdomen so he couldn't get up. "Quatre can't break him of his clandestine killing, hmm?"

"And Quatre still rides off on his horse without telling anyone where he's going." Wufei wriggled as Treize kised him again. "And I thought you were too tired for any of this."

"And I thought I told you I wanted you back before bedtime," Treize snapped, a smile on his face.

"I'll come in when I please," Wufei said. "I am not at your beck and call."

"Oh, such a willful, disobedient slave," Treize shook his head. These games of deliciously punishing the naughty slave were quite enjoyable, even if they weren't serious. "I should really teach you a lesson."

Wufei couldn't help his delighted laugh as his master climbed on top of him, grabbing his hands and pinning them down to the bed as he placed little kisses along his throat. "Careful," the sorcerer warned him. "I could turn you into a little panda and make you do tricks--mmf!"

His voice was cut off as Treize forced a rough kiss from him. He closed his eyes, his body falling limp in Treize's grip. The captain grinned as he drew back, pleased as he listened to Wufei's delirious sigh. "I always know how to stop your mouth, my slave. Now, you should know better than to threaten me with another furry shape. Maybe I ought to lock you up in silver chains until your manners improve."

Wufei smiled as he gazed up at him. "Maybe you should..."


"Is the window locked?" Trowa asked, removing his shirt.

There was an audible click from behind him. "Now it is," Quatre answered, coming back to the bed. He deftly removed the large amount of jewelry from his body, grimacing as he shook out little grains of sand from between the stones and metal. "It's going to take forever to clean this up."

"Nonsense...just a few hours. Your guard can take care of it." He quickly undressed his blonde lover, brushing off a handful of grains of sand from his body. "You'll definitely need a bath tomorrow when you wake up."

"You're going to talk with Heero, aren't you?" Quatre asked.

"We need to discuss things. Don't worry about that. Tomorrow I just want you to take a hot bath and relax. You've had a rough trip."

Quatre shook his head. " know I'm not that fragile. I mean...I know I'm not a prince anymore...but...I can still help..."

Trowa looked down at him as Quatre lowered his head. He touched Quatre's shoulder, cupping his hand so he could tilt Quatre's face up. "You'll always be my little prince," he said, trying to reassure him. "I love you."

Quatre gave him a sad, knowing smile. "But..."

"But you are far too trusting," Trowa admitted. "It is part of why I love you, but it also means I have to shield you from certain things. I can't tell you what may come because I might have to kill someone, and you would try to talk me out of it, and I simply cannot risk losing my resolve." He bent and kissed him, trying to erase the hurt look from the normally happy face. "I have to protect you, Quatre. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I do...but you will let me help, if you think I can, right?"

Trowa smiled. "You know I will. Now lay down."

Quatre eased beneath the blankets and groaned as his sore muscles finally got the chance to relax. "I don't mean to sound ungrateful. I'm really glad you brought me with you."

Trowa finished disrobing and snapped off the lights, joining his lover. "I knew you would want to come, that's why I brought you. I'm sure you'll see Wufei again tomorrow."

Snuggling close, Quatre nodded. "Probably at the baths, and Duo should be there, too. He's friendly, don't you think?"

"Friendly?" Trowa wondered. "Naive, certainly. Heero had better be careful with what he tells that boy." He frowned and glanced at his concubine. "You like him, don't you?"

Quatre recognized his lover's jealous tone and stretched up to kiss him. "He's nice, but nowhere near as beautiful as you are. Or tall. But it will be nice to talk to someone who will talk back."

Trowa snorted at the gentle tease and put one arm around Quatre, effectively immobilizing him. "Cheeky...get to sleep before I decide to have you right now."

"Love you, Trowa," Quatre said around a yawn.

"Sweet dreams," Trowa whispered. And hopefully none of your nightmares... He shook his head, nothing he could do about those right now. He squeezed Quatre and drifted off to sleep beside him.




"Duo, wake up!"

His violet eyes opened, slowly focusing on the stern eyes hovering over him. Duo gave his prince a sleepy smile as he stretched out under the covers. "Hi, Heero...mmm, what a way to wake up!"

Adjusting his familiar green shirt, Heero glanced at him as he stood straight. "How is that?

Duo sat up, leaning back on his arms as he yawned. "Looking up at you." He gazed out the window, which was flung wide open, and shivered as a frigid breeze blew in across his bare skin. Pulling the blankets up around his shoulders, he pulled his legs up under himself. "Why's it so cold? Isn't the sun out? It's morning, right?"

Heero's hand dropped on Duo's mouth, silencing him before he could continue rambling. "It's early, yes. I need to speak with Trowa, and you need to keep company with Quatre. He's probably awake by now."

"Oh." Duo sighed and caught the clothes Heero tossed him. They weren't the same ones he'd worn previously, but they were similar, if only less formal. They were all black, but the sleeves ended at the elbow in a white fold. The pants flared at the hip, and instead of cloth slippers, he had hard soled shoes. "Um...all day?"

"Possibly." Heero picked up a small stack of papers from the table and tapped them against the top, aligning the pages. "Wufei should be here soon. He'll escort you and Quatre to the baths. You'll be allowed to bathe with them since I can trust them. After that, you may roam the palace together. Find something to occupy yourselves."

Duo threw his clothes on. "Yes, master. It's always been a dream of mine to steal some of the royal silverware."

Heero glanced sideways at him. "You will stay out of trouble."

"Oh, don't worry. No one's ever caught me but you."

Heero looked directly at him. "What would you do with silver forks and spoons?"

Duo shrugged. "They would look pretty sparkling around my jewelry box."

Heero chuckled and bent to give him a fast kiss, heading for the door. "Keep out of trouble, Duo. I don't want to find out you've been robbing the palace or the guards." He tilted his head thoughtfully. "Of course, if you steal from the courtiers, just make sure they don't find out."

Duo waved as Heero left the room, then walked to his jewelry box. Heero had piled his new trinkets on his miniature table, and he set himself to separating them and putting them away. The slave bracelet and ring went in the same drawer as the rest of the bracelets, the anklet went in another drawer, the hair ribbons had their own drawer, and the necklace went in the large side space on the revolving holder. The earrings, which he had to untangle from the necklace, went beneath the long chain.

"Duo, are you dressed?"

The slave closed his box and ran over to the door, pulling it open. "Hi Wufei! Heero said you'd be here."

Leaning on his staff with a dragon perched on his shoulder, Wufei nodded his head in greeting. "Glad to see he left you in one piece," he said.

Duo blushed and gathered his hair over his shoulder, fiddling with the ends. "We weren't that loud, were we?"

"Louder than he usually is, in any case," Wufei said. "Not to worry, you didn't wake the whole palace. It's just...good...knowing someone is finally getting to him. Come on, Quatre is probably waiting for us."

Duo closed the door behind him and followed Wufei down the hall. "Um...Wufei?"

The Chinese boy glanced over at him, as did the dragon. Having two pairs of eyes staring at him like that was mildly unnerving. "Yes?"

"What...what happened to all the other slaves?" Duo asked, forcing his words out so he wouldn't falter. "The ones before me. I know he...had one executed..."

"Duo--" Wufei started, but his customary tone sounded severe to the slave's ears, and Duo rambled on in a rush.

"I mean, is he nice or does he get moody?" Duo asked. "Does he get angry a lot? What makes him angry? I really don't want to upset him. How does he punish slaves, does it hurt? And what happened to the others? Did he kill them all?"

"Duo!" Wufei snapped, silencing him. "Hush!"

Duo hushed.

Wufei sighed and turned towards him, halting for a moment. "You're working yourself up over nothing." Seeing Duo's worried eyes, he gentled his tone. "No, he did not kill all of his slaves. Aside from that one who committed treason, the rest were either sold or set free. One of them still works in the kitchens, I think."

"Did...did he ever hurt them?" Duo mumbled.

Wufei nodded once. "On occasion. But they deserved it. One of them...lied to him, I believe. Another actually insulted him to his face. There were other infractions...I think one of them enjoyed stealing things and selling them to the guards, trying to get money to buy that damn hashish in the market. One of them actually tried to hit Heero." He smiled at Duo's awed face. "I don't think he'll ever whip or beat you. You're obedient and you love him. You willingly serve him. may not know this, but he'd never known his slaves' names until you came. He seems cold and distant, but he has warmed so much since he met've done something for him."

"You mean...he doesn't mind the way I talk too much, or don't know what's going on here?"

"No, he doesn't mind. What he said last night was true. You should not doubt yourself so much. Now hurry up, Quatre must be waiting on us."

Duo couldn't stop smiling as Wufei took him down a few new hallways, and he found that he was starting to recognize a few passages and tapestries on the walls. The thought boosted his ego even further, and by the time they were at Quatre's room, he was positively beaming.

"Quatre?" Wufei called tentatively, wondering if the blonde might still be in Trowa's arms. "Are you ready?"

"Coming!" came Quatre's voice from behind the closed door. A moment later Quatre stepped out, dressed in loose harem pants with a large towel draped over his shoulders like a cape. In his hands he held a flowing pink shirt. "I just had to finish putting my bracelets away. I hope I didn't keep you waiting."

Wufei and Duo both shook their heads. "Of course not," Wufei said.

"Wow, how did you sleep with all that sand?" Duo marveled at the amount of grains falling out of Quatre's hair.

"Uncomfortably. But I was too tired to care. Are we going now?"

Wufei nodded. "Breakfast after."

They walked down the hall side by side, avoiding the occasional guard that passed by. Duo felt disturbed by the looks they got, and when he looked at the other two, he saw that they were uneasy as well. He waited until they had reached the baths and disappeared into the private room to the side before he brought it up, but only when Wufei closed the door did Quatre respond.

"It's because we're slaves," he answered, dropping the towel on one of the benches built into the wall. "They know what we do for our masters, and...well, they fantasize."

"They wouldn't try anything...?" Duo asked, also undressing. A few days spent without clothing had done quite a bit to get rid of his inhibitions, and he felt little embarrassment around his companions who apparently didn't mind either.

"They would and often do," Wufei muttered as he sat at the edge of the pool. "I had to spell a handful of guards once when they cornered me."

"What did you do to them?" Duo asked, wondering how far they could go in defending themselves.

The familiar dark smile graced Wufei's features. "I changed them all into silk worms. From what I understand, they're still spinning in the silk weavers guild."

Duo gasped, but Quatre just nodded, slipping into the water at the same time. "He's right. We're our master's property, and we're not to be harmed. Wufei couldn't kill them even though Treize is nobility, but our masters are royalty. If we have to kill to protect ourselves, then that's what we do."

"Have you ever killed someone?" Duo asked, keeping a grip on the edge of the tiles as he got into the water.

Quatre shook his head. "I've come close, though. A visiting ambassador snuck into my bedroom while Trowa was off in some meeting. He tried to...tie me up while I was still asleep, but I've always been a light sleeper. And I'd been warned to sleep with a dagger under my pillow."

"Sage wisdom," Wufei said smugly. "I'm glad you took the advice."

"Took it and used it," Quatre said. "Fortunately he was stupid and tried to gag me before binding me. He had chains with him, so I don't doubt he was going to kidnap me. Instead I grabbed my knife as soon as I felt him on me and tried to slash his throat."

"'Tried'?" Duo asked.

"Trowa got there right then," Quatre said softly. "It was messy, but...he kept me safe."

Duo got a dreamy smile at that, remembering how Heero had saved him from the assassin. "It's so sweet..."

Quatre nodded and ducked under the water, dislodging the sand before he reached for the soaps. "I love the baths here. They're so warm."

"Do you know how long Trowa will stay?" Wufei asked casually.

Quatre giggled. "Oh...what would Treize do without you?"

Wufei groaned, knowing he'd been found out. "Sit in the dark, most likely. He just has so much to do that he's always a step behind, no matter how much he does."

"Well, if he just didn't patrol the streets so often..." Duo sighed.

Wufei glared at him. "Just what do you mean?"

Duo stared at him for a moment, blinking, then started to laugh. "You mean he hasn't noticed?"

"Noticed what?" Wufei was starting to bristle at Duo's comments.

"Wufei," Duo started, seeing that he needed to calm the other down. "It's not that Treize is useless in the city, it's just...he misses so much. He's honest and the city likes him, but...I've stolen things around him, hell, I even grabbed a pearl-handled dagger from his horse once."

"So you're the one," Wufei snapped. "Do you have any idea how much work I had to do to calm him down after he lost that? He was certain some underlord was challenging him. He will be so irritated to find out it was just a simple theft."

"Simple?!" Duo said. "That was anything but simple! It was harder than lifting the ribbon off of the back of Zech's horse!"

"The things I am learning today! You're the one that teased him, aren't you?"

"He chased me all over the city," Duo laughed. "I don't think he minded losing the ribbon as much as the things I was calling him when he noticed it was gone."

"Well, it's his own fault," Wufei admitted. "That mask he wears during patrol limits his peripheral vision."

"You...did you really steal those off of them?" Quatre asked.

Duo smiled. "Yup. The dagger, though...I didn't get a chance to sell that," he sighed. "Heero caught me before I could. It's still hidden with the rest of my things..."

Wufei leaned his hair back into the water, rinsing the shampoo from it. "If you tell me where that is, I can ask Treize to go collect them for you. I don't know if Heero will let you keep anything, but I know Treize will want the dagger back."

"Maxwell Orphanage," Duo said. "The basement, in the far corner under a large brick. The money there should stay with the orphanage, but I'd really like to have my--" He stopped and looked away.

Wondering why he'd stopped so abruptly, Quatre swam closer and put his hand on Duo's arm. "What is it?"

"You promise not to laugh?" Duo asked.

They both nodded.

"My cross," he explained. "Father Maxwell gave it to me before he...died."

"Ah..." Wufei said, as if that answered a question he'd been pondering. "The Christian community was hardest hit by the plague."

"You're Christian?" Quatre asked. "I would never have guessed. I thought you aren't supposed to steal."

"No one's without sin," Duo grinned. "Can't worship if I starve, no?"

"Well, I'll tell Treize," Wufei promised. "Are we all done here?"

"Can we just relax a little longer?" Quatre asked. "It's so comfortable."

"I guess we can stay for awhile," Wufei said. "We have the day to ourselves, after all."

"Oh, good," Duo smiled, moving around so his hair floated before him. "It's too cold out to get dressed, anyway."


Inside the library, Heero turned from his mirror to Trowa, who was looking intently into the glass. "You see?"

Watching the three slaves relax in the pool, Trowa bowed his head, admitting he'd been wrong. "My apologies...I worry too much about Quatre sometimes."

"A good habit," Heero said. "But Wufei is with them. He'll keep them safe if something bad happens, but I doubt anything will. Treize keeps this palace remarkably safe."

"Despite recent events to the contrary?" Trowa asked, smiling ever so slightly.

"And I assume your security is perfect?" Heero said.

"No," Trowa shook his head. "But I do feel a little better leaving him while Quatre's guard is here."

"Forty men for his body guard?" Heero said. "I doubt he's that fragile."

"But he's that slippery," Trowa said. "I need them to watch over him and tell me where he is. In any case, that's beside the point. We need to discuss things."

Heero nodded. "I brought the papers with me. Let's get to work." He brought the small stack to the main table and spread them out. "Sally is certain King J is going to die within the week, but she can't be sure. With the amount of modifications he's had done to himself..." he suppressed a disturbed shudder.

"Does he still have that gray shriveled arm?" Trowa asked softly, trying not to visualize it.

Heero shook his head. " dropped off when the magick started to fade from him."

"Good. I still have nightmares about that thing, him reaching out to touch me with it."

"Once it fell away, I had it burned." Heero brought up one paper specifically and lay it on top of all the rest. "When I'm in power, the alliance between our two nations will be kept, and our trade status will remain unchanged. No increased tariffs, and I've got a few ideas about eliminating the highwaymen along the routes, but that will have to wait until after the coronation, and I'll need your help with that."

"Agreed," Trowa looked over the plans and nodded. "That's all my vassals were concerned with."

"Mine as well."

Trowa pulled a chair up to the table. "Shall we get to the real work, then?"

Heero took his customary seat on the table top and let his legs dangle as he picked up a few sheets. "Here, I had scribes make a copy of each of these."

Trowa took the offered papers and scanned them. "You mentioned something about corruption?"

"I think a handful of the king's vassals are working in collusion with the Sank Kingdom to take over," Heero said. "Assassination attempts have increased, and my sorcerer has been targeted as well, meaning whoever the attacker is knows the main source of the palace's protection."

"Who do you suspect?" Trowa asked, reading through the first paper. "Duke Dermail, that's an obvious choice. Acht, Septem, Tubarov..." he looked up at him. "The Romefeller group?"

Heero tilted his head. "You know it?"

"I've noticed they've been crossing into Corazon lately," Trowa told him. "They appear to be doing business with the Barton family."

"Bartons? Have they told you anything?" Heero asked.

"No. I have a feeling they're beginning to suspect that my name is not real," Trowa said. "I haven't been shut out of the loop yet, but...there are rumors, whispers that Quatre hears and tells me."

"Do they suspect your true identity?"

Trowa shook his head. "I've distanced myself from Catherine, though, just in case. If they had any idea their long-lost 'heir' wasn't a Barton..." He tossed the paper back on the desk and leaned back. "This mask is getting harder to maintain, Heero. I'm still surprised they bought it in the first place."

"It's not so farfetched if you think about it," Heero said. "Once the real Trowa died, it was only logical that you take his place."

"In any case, they're being extremely secretive about their dealings with Romefeller. Even most of the Barton family doesn't know anything."

Heero leaned forward, placing his hands on the table for support. "I don't like this. Why would the Romefellers and Bartons collude on anything?"

"I don't know," Trowa admitted. "But...the Bartons have been in Corazon for generations. They would know about Wufei and that Treize took him here after the invasion. If he's not a familiar figure in Lagrange, our enemies must know him either from Corazon or his homeland."

"No, it can't be from his clan," Heero said. "They want nothing to do with him anymore. It must be the Bartons."

"He was Quatre's only protection. If they knew he guards this palace, they might think they can defeat him just as Treize did."

"Who else knows how Treize defeated Wufei?"

Trowa stared at him. "No one. From what Treize told me, he and Wufei were fighting alone somewhere in Quatre's palace. He's never told anyone what happened."

"Good," Heero sighed in relief. "That's one secret that must be kept. We can't afford to simply wait and react when they make their first move. We have to find out what their plans are."

"Agreed." Trowa glanced out the window out of nervous habit. "I could always dispense with them before they start any trouble."

Heero looked sharply at him. "No. Kill whoever's in your kingdom if you want, that's your concern, but leave those in my kingdom. I don't think they're intelligent enough to organize anything substantial, and I want to kill the root, not just the plant."

Trowa considered for a moment, then nodded in acquiescence. "Very well." A small smile flashed across his features for a brief second. "One would think you are king already, little brother."

"You forget your age, Triton," Heero snapped, deliberately using his sibling's real name.

"You forget your height," Trowa teased, standing. "I don't care if you are a day older."

"That day still comes in handy from time to time," Heero said, pushing off from the table. "I'll arrange for a banquet within the week. If they come, I can have them questioned."

"And if they don't?" Trowa asked.

"Then we know they're up to something." Heero brought a book down from one of the shelves. "In that case, then I'll execute them myself."

"Only the king has that authority," Trowa pointed out.

"By then, I should be." Heero opened the book to a particular marked page and showed it to his brother. "Wufei told me about some of the things J had done to himself. Increased intellectual capability, improved sight, that damn arm...but whoever placed the spells on him didn't mention the side effects."

"Side effects?" Trowa asked, taking the book.

"Those spells are fueled by the person's life force," Heero answered.

"You mean--"

"They shortened his life span."

"But if that sorcerer knew...?" Trowa whispered. "It was a long-term assassination."

"I believe so. Someone has been planning this for quite a long time. However, Wufei mentioned something that the other sorcerer probably didn't know. You remember all those hours J spent in the lower levels of the dungeon?"

Trowa nodded.

"Until he fell ill, he was working down there on something mixing magick with science." Heero pointed at the book's diagram of a human body. "You see the central life force pictured there? He's been spending that on his projects..."

"In other words, he's dying sooner than expected," Trowa whispered. "He's dying ahead of their schedule. That would explain the sudden rush of meetings between Romefeller and Barton."

"If they're doing something," Heero said. "I don't know what they were waiting for, but if J hadn't done anymore work like that, he'd have lived for at least six more years."

"I wonder what they're waiting for," Trowa mused. He looked up as a thought hit him. "How did Wufei know about this?"

"J had him helping with the spells on these projects."

"Then Wufei knows what's down there?" Trowa asked.

Heero nodded. "Yes, but he can't tell me. J made Wufei place a command geis on himself so he can't say anything until J dies. J only allowed him to mention it recently, and he still won't let Wufei tell me anything until he dies."

"And how soon will that be?"

"Soon," Heero replied. His voice softened to a whisper. "Every day I expect to wake up as king."

"Poor Duo," Trowa suddenly chuckled. "Not here a week and he's about to be thrust into the court."

"That's part of why I wanted Quatre to spend time with him," Heero said. "He can start Duo's education, at least until I can find a suitable tutor."

"Again, poor Duo. I don't think he's the type to enjoy studying so much. And speaking of our slaves, are they still in the bath?"

They walked back to the mirror and gazed into it as the image started to melt and shift.

"He must disappear often for you to be so anxious," Heero smirked.

"Not often," Trowa shook his head. "More like all the time."

The image of the baths came up, but the boys were nowhere to be seen. Heero frowned and ordered the mirror to seek out Duo and Quatre. A moment later, they could see the two close up from beneath them. They both seemed absorbed in conversation, and Quatre was tucking a small flower into Duo's wet braid. A loose petal fell off and seemed to float in midair before them.

"What mirror are you using?" Trowa asked.

"It must be the reflection in the garden pond," Heero answered, and immediately after a tiny goldfish darted across their view. "Yes, it is."

"That means Wufei must be with them somewhere."

Heero shrugged. "Perhaps. With recent events, he's been forced to neglect the garden, and it needs some work...but then, Treize is also off duty about this time of day. And he's still worn from that burst, no matter how much he tries to hide it."

"What did he do that I keep hearing so much about?" Trowa asked. "From the way people talk, I'd think he started a lightning storm."

"He did," Heero told him. "I finally found out from Treize. Wufei not only redid every single ward on the castle, but he also added to them, increased the energy output when they're tripped, and sent a shockwave back to whoever created the challenge through the spell's energy itself. It's no wonder he passed out after all that. He's probably fallen asleep somewhere right now."

"In any case, our companions are probably alone," Trowa said. "Albeit surrounded by guards."

Heero found that he couldn't take his eyes off of Duo, who seemed to have suddenly brought up a new fascinating point. What on earth are they talking about that's so interesting? Heero wondered. Peaked by curiosity, he waved his hand over the mirror, and they could now hear the conversation.

"Really?" Quatre asked. "Through mirrors?"

Duo nodded with a broad grin. "I found out about it yesterday. He can watch anybody, he could even be watching us right now!"

Quatre blushed and put his hand over his mouth. "I wouldn't doubt it. Trowa's always so worried about me. I wish I could know for certain, though. Can he hear people?"

"I don't know. Maybe." Duo tossed another petal into the pond. "I hope he is watching right now, though."


A mischievous glint sparkled in Duo's eyes. "So he can see how good I'm being right now. I haven't stolen anything off anyone, and heaven knows it would've been soooo easy!"

"Duo!" Quatre gasped, trying to give him a stern look and giggling too much.

Heero rolled his eyes and let the reflection fade away until they were just staring at themselves again.

"Duo's quite a break from your usual slave," Trowa said. "Especially after you took such care to make sure the rest were completely obedient and submissive."

"He is obedient and submissive," Heero argued. "But...there's something else about him...something I don't think I could reproduce through any kind of training." He gave a short, ironic laugh. "After years of searching for the perfect slave, Duo is practically dropped into my lap."
