Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Window to a Soul ❯ Window to a Soul ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

See previous chapters for heading, disclaimer and other information.

Window to a Soul

Chapter 7

AC 196, Present Time

They were all in danger was my last thought as I fell forward. When I came to I realized that I was free. The electric bolt had broken the cuff Heero had put on me. I staggered to my feet and walked over to the group. The one inside me was still. It had used up a lot of energy.

I stumbled upon Duo first. He was breathing. I crawled over to Heero and saw that he was alive too and in one hand he was still clutching the tongs. They were twisted and smoking but still intact but there was one problem they were empty. Wufei was a little bit away and as I watched him I saw him move. Then I noticed another movement near the door.

It was trying to get away. I got up and ran after It. I watched It slip under the door and in the hallway I found a trail heading for the hangar.

I wouldn't let It get away. The trail led to the hangar but when I opened the door it was gone. I stepped cautiously looking for signs of movement. My fear was that It might have turned around and right now was attacking my friends as they laid helpless.

I was just about to leave when It dropped down on me from above. Within seconds It was wrapped around my neck. I tried to grab at It but my fingers could find no purchase on the slippery surface.

It wasn't like a snake on closer inspection It was more like a thick tail of hair. Thousands of pale strands made up Its body each slightly transparent. At one end was a round crystal in the shape of an eye. As It wrapped around me that eye turned to look at me. I could feel Its alien hatred. It was trying to awaken the one inside me. I felt the other respond and soon I could feel them.

I tried to stop It. I reached for the eye and It jerked wildly out of reach. I felt the thick wad of strands tighten around my neck. Within seconds I was seeing spots. I stumbled around the hangar slipping on the bay door parts Duo had left lying about. I cursed Duo as I went down.

I grabbed a part and slashed at It. The metal made no connection to the slippery strands. Desperately, I reached for something else and my hand knocked over the bucket of acid wash. The solution sprayed me across the hand, neck and face. It burned and I jerked in pain. Some of it splashed on my forehead. I felt a mental scream of anguish and I splash some more on It.

I grabbed at the one around my neck and this time my hand found purchase. The acid wash had dissolved the slime. I tugged as hard as I could and I felt the strands breaking. Blindly I reached for the puddle getting as much acid on me as possible. It was now trying to escape but I wouldn't let It.

I splashed as much of the liquid as I could take around my neck then I ripped It free and press that strange alien body to the damp ground. When I finally met no resistance. I pressed my forehead to the ground feeling the acid burn under the skin.

White agony flashed across my whole body that's the last I remember. When I awoke I found myself lying on my back. I could feel something cold running across my face.

"Hold still this will dilute the acid."

"No," I choked out past a painful throat. "Acid kills it."

"We know It is gone."

I think it was Heero I couldn't be sure I had gotten the acid wash in my eyes.

~ ~ ~

AC 196, Three Days Later

I awoke to hear footsteps approaching my door. As it opened I knew who my visitors were even before I heard their voices.

"Today the bandages come off," Quatre said as he sat on the edge of my bed. He had been taking care of me as soon as he recovered. Heero's medical knowledge was extensive but he made a horrible doctor.

"That's right we will finally know if you're actually blind," Duo blurted out. I heard a thump and Duo's complaint to his assailant. "It's not like he doesn't know, Heero."

"And you said I was a bad doctor," Heero droned on.

"Ouch, stop that." I heard Duo complain next. "Cheeze, here's a guy that I could barely get a word out of and now he's all physical."

"Will you two take it to your quarters," Wufei snapped his voice filled with disgust.

I smiled to myself wondering if my little foray with Heero was the cause of all that. Maybe I had awakened his sexual nature. If that was the case I pitied Duo and anyone else that catches Heero's interest.

"Sit up Trowa," Quatre told me.

Quatre had been most attentive but distant. I couldn't blame him. I felt the sting of the burns on the back on my neck and face. Quatre promised they were minor and probably would not scar. I could feel him unwinding the gauze from my forehead. After removing two soft pads with a little saline solution he told me to slowly open my eyes.

I did and at first everything was dark the slowing I started making out shapes. I blinked and realized that my vision was a little blurry.

"If your vision is a little blurry don't panic that should pass," Quatre said as if reading my mind.

I glanced at his beloved face and saw that he still cared about me. I touched his hand thanking him and he let me for a short time. I looked at the others and got returns looks that ranged from annoyance to disgust.

"I'm sorry," I told them.

"Well next time let us know in advance," Duo snapped anger actually seeping past his annoyance.

"There had better not be a next time," Wufei snarled.

"Are there any more?" Heero asked flatly.

"I don't think so."

I touched my forehead and winced. Quatre produced a mirror and when I look I saw that I now was sorting a bright red burn in the shape of an almond. I skin was sensitive yet flat.

"The question is how do you feel," Quatre asked.

I could see they were all waiting on my answer. I closed my eyes and searched for the answer. With the exception of being a bit horny I felt pretty damn good. I opened my eyes and let them know that just that, not the horny part just that I felt good.

The End

Dear reader:

I hoped you like it. Please send me a review for your opinion is welcomed and appreciated. Let me know if you would like more or if I should ease up on the gore. '_~

