Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Windows to the Soul ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: Something I've been working on in my spare time…the lyrics will be very spread out throughout the numerous chapters, but they are from the Matchbox 20 song "Bed of Lies." Hope ya like the first part!!

Fyi: I am also working on the next chapter of "When We Were Young", and I almost have it done! I will get it up a.s.a.p.

//this\\ indicates lyrics. Flash backs or whatever are in italics.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, why must you ask such stupid questions?!

Chapter One

//No I would not sleep in this bed of lies

So toss me out, and turn in

And there'll be no rest

For these tired eyes.

I'm markin' it down

To learnin'

I am.\\

Sally leaned back in her chair, staring at the plaster ceiling. There were bare spots where the cheap materiel had fallen, and there were cracks where more chunks were threatening to collapse. Even with the funds they were being provided, the Preventer's had trouble keeping things running financially. Her office had never seemed emptier, Sally concluded as she continued to study the hazardous ceiling. She chuckled; Wufei would never allow the office they had shared to crumble like Sally had. Of course, she didn't have much joy in her work. Peace had finally settled in and there were very few actual missions left to go on. The Preventer's had been degraded to somewhat of a police force, and the situations they dealt with became less and less extreme.

Sally's dark blonde head rested back on her arms as her eyes continues to study the ceiling. Except now they seemed to bee looking past the walls. Her eyes glazed over in thought, becoming darker than usual. The math filtered through her brain quickly and she came to a conclusion. It had been exactly three years ago…

Sally rolled her sky blue eyes, giving a slight yawn and hoping the hint would not go unnoticed. Of course it didn't, considering it was directed at a certain Chang Wufei. Nothing was safe from those obsidian eyes of his, and right now they were alight with anger; specifically at his one-year Preventer partner.

"You should represent the Preventers!" Sally exclaimed, "It's not like you're doing anything else tonight, anyway."

Wufei shook his head, indicating he didn't want anything to do with the notion.

"I work for the Preventer's, I don't socially elevate them," Was Chang's calm remark.

Sally couldn't control the girlish giggle that escaped her lips. Wufei wouldn't be on her top ten most sociable list, that's for sure. The young man looked slightly amused at her laughter, but his expression remained stoic.

Sally noticed his rigidness and regarded him curiously. Did he ever laugh? In all the time that she had spent working with him, she honestly couldn't say she had heard him laugh. There was the rare smile, or the more frequent smirk. In fact, the latter was quite common. Sally wondered, though not for the first time, what her partner was fighting against. He seemed to posses an internal conflict, and every once in awhile, when his mask slipped, Sally caught glimpses of some emotional turmoil. His eyes would blaze, but underneath was like a well. A deep and dark well…and Sally had no idea what was hidden inside. Oh it was tempting to dive into that well, to try and understand the puzzle that was named Chang Wufei. And just when she was about to make the plunge, he would close the lid on his thoughts and Sally was left with only glances of something much more complicated than she'd imagined.

Wufei cocked an eyebrow inquisitively. Sally was unnerving him with her stares, though he would never admit it. She seemed to be looking past him, lost in thought. For a fleeting moment Wufei wondered what she was thinking about. Maybe she was trying to decide what to wear to that fundraiser party being held to raise money for the Preventers. Wufei furrowed hi brow, he didn't like those gatherings, and he had a gut feeling that most people would prefer his absence. He smirked, who was he to deny their wishes?

But no, that didn't seem the type of thing Sally would concern herself over. No matter how much she mocked his social abilities, hers were not much better. She had quite a history of being brutally honest, and this trait seemed to unnerve people. This, however, was one of the qualities he liked best about his partner. He despised those sly people who sugarcoated and fabricated their words. Straight-up honesty was what he preferred, even when the truth hurt.

And right now, the truth was torturing him. Wufei knew what he had to do, and he had to do it soon.

"Wufei, what are you thinking about?" Sally's voice broke him out of his quiet reverie. For a minute he was alarmed, did she know what he had planned? The Chinese man chided himself silently, of course Sally didn't know!

"Nothing important," was his soft reply.

Sally rested her arms on the desk they shared. She chewed on her lower lip thoughtfully, a bad habit, Wufei noted.

"They say eyes are the windows to the soul," Sally whispered, and Wufei had to strain to hear, "but you make me doubt that," she added.

"How is that?" Wufei asked, strangely curious as to what had aroused his partner's sudden change of attitude.

Sally licked her lips as if trying to find the right words, "Well," she began, "most of the time eyes are the windows to the soul. You can see a person's emotions through their eyes. Their hurt, their happiness, their loneliness, but," she added slowly, "I think yours are boarded up."

Wufei was silent, letting this new idea bounce around in his head. He knew it was true; Sally wouldn't bring it up if it weren't. Why would it matter to her anyway? She shouldn't even bother. He now knew he had to do it today. Soon.

"I'm going to go," Wufei said, standing up and stretching his lithe form.

Sally followed Wufei's lead, "Me too, I have to pick up a dress for the fundraiser banquet tonight," she sad, crinkling her nose and sticking out her tongue, "Une wouldn't let me wear my uniform."

Wufei offered Sally a half-smile, that was so like her. That's anther reason Wufei liked her. She wasn't snobby, in fact she was down-to-earth. Wufei could never get along with someone like Relena Peacecraft, who had grown up in wealth.

Of course, Sally would never know these things, if he had it his way. He would never have to worry about hiding things from his partner, either. Because he was starting to emerge from his shell, and no one should have to witness his undoing…

Sally massaged her temples, the memories coursing through her veins. She had remembered that day so clearly, even though it had been exactly three years ago.

Sally had gone to the party that night, like she promised Noin. What happened while she was there was all a blur, but she did remember the next morning. That was quite clear…

A/N: Sucky place to stop, I know. I have more written, just not typed yet. I'll type it up asap and put it in Chapter Two. Okies? Now review pretty pretty please!! Thankies so much…Au Revior!!!! Luvvies, KaT aka Mistress Shinigami