Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Windows to the Soul ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: I've been working on this in my spare study hall time…and this is what I came up with for chapter two. PLEASE READ THE FYI BEFORE GOING ON…I HAVE A LOT OF FLASHBACK STUFF AND IT WOULD BE VERY HELPFUL!

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or Gundam Wing…

FYI: italics indicate a flashback, or something that took place in the past. ***this*** indicates a flashback/memory within a flashback. Don't worry it's not as confusing as it sounds.

Chapter Two

Sally grabbed a bagel on her way to the elevator, never losing stride. She held the bagel in her mouth so she could punch the floor number, since her other hand was occupied with her coffee. As the doors slid open she took the bagel out of her mouth.

"I hope Wufei's not upset that I'm late," Sally thought to herself.

On her way to the office she shared with her partner, Sally passed by her superior's office.

"Hey Sally? Lady Une's voice floated through the open doorway.

Sally backtracked so she was in front of Une's office again.

"Have you seen Wufei? He hasn't arrived yet," the brunette woman asked.


Sally's half-eaten bagel had fallen from her hand, which now hung slack. Wufei was never late. In fact, he always chastised her for not being on time.

"I've tried calling him but his phone's disconnected," Une explained, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"I'll check his apartment," Sally offered, picking up her offending bagel from the floor.

Une nodded her thanks, and then motioned towards the trashcan. Sally took the hint, tossing her bagel into the trashcan by Une's desk. Sipping the last of her coffee, she crumpled the Styrofoam cup and threw it away as well. Then, turning smartly on her heel, Sally ventured back the way she came.

As Sally stepped into the elevator once again, she ran through her mind all the possible ways she could berate Wufei for being late. As the elevator opened Sally sighed simultaneously. She supposed she should let him off the hook this once, seeing as she was late about once a month, she had little room to talk.

Sally opened her car door, turning her keys into the ignition, bringing the car to life. She ignored the bustling streets and sped off, hoping against hope that the police weren't out. She had a lot of work to do and Wufei was eating up her precious time.

"I should have realized something was up," Sally thought with a frown, "It was so blatantly obvious…"

Sally rapped her knuckles swiftly against the door of apartment C11. The knock resounded through the closed room, the echoing producing an ominous ring that betrayed the nervousness the blonde was trying hard to hide.

"Wufei?" she called quietly.

When she got no answer, she slipped a bobby pin out of her hair, which was done up in its usual twists. She began to jiggle the lock the lock with the pin, waiting for a resounding click. She glances up sharply when she noticed an old woman peeking through an apartment a few doors down. Sally quickly fumbled through her jacket, flashing her Preventer badge. The last thing she needed was this kooky old lady to call the police.

Sally jimmied the lock once more, with a triumphant "aha!" Opening the door, Sally walked into the apartment with an air of apprehensiveness. The lights were off and the curtains were drawn, so Sally slipped her hand upward along the wall, happy when her fingers pushed against the light switch. Her sky blue eyes studied the room, opened wide in shock.

*** "I envy the birds," Wufei had once murmured, his intense gaze raised towards the sky. He had not intended his comment to be heard, but it was.

Sally walked up and sat next to the young man.***

"Wufei?" Sally called again, but her cries were heard by no one.

*** "Birds are free to fly. They are not forced into doing something they would rather not do."***

The apartment was totally empty…

*** "I don't understand…" Sally had said, looking puzzled as Wufei turned towards her.***

She ran swiftly through the modest apartment, throwing open cupboards.


*** "Birds do not fret over useless nonsense," he had explained, "They fly without a care."***

Her hands trembled as she shifted through a linen closet.


*** "You mean like war?" she had inquired curiously.

"Perhaps," was his answer.***

Sally walked into his bedroom. The nightstand was bare, as were the dresser tops and desk. A quick inspection of the dresser drawers confirmed Sally's suspicion. Another look at a wardrobe also resulted similarly.


*** "Perhaps?" she had asked, intrigued as to what was disturbing her Preventer partner. His head had tilted to the side in thought.

"Birds care for neither war nor emotions attached to war," he had offered.***

Sally sat on the empty bed, feeling quite dejected. What could make Wufei just pick up and leave? It didn't seem like something he was likely to do; yet Sally still chastised herself for not seeing something like this coming sooner. Out of all the Gundam pilots, Wufei was the one who was finding it the hardest to adjust to normal living.

That's when the blonde woman suddenly noticed a manila folder lying on the bed. On further inspection, she realized it was his Preventer resignation. The reality of the situation sunk in, and Sally's stomach began to churn, followed by a dull ache that settled over her chest.

***Sally nodded her head, the blonde twists bouncing slightly.

"You mean like anger and revenge," she stated, watching a small chipmunk scamper on by.***

Putting the manila envelope down, Sally noticed a regular mail envelope she had overlooked before. She picked it up, hesitant to open it. Curiosity got the better of her. Breaking the seal with her finger, she pulled out a piece of ordinary white paper with a not scrawled on it.

***Wufei nodded.

"That," he said, "As well as emotions not associated with war," then, in a much lower voice he added almost silently, "Like love."

Sally had looked startled, turning to Wufei in surprise, but he had already begun walking back to headquarters.***

The letter read:


I wish to fly.

The letter slipped from her hands and floated noiselessly onto the empty bed surface. For the first time since she was a child, Sally lay on the bed curled in a little ball…

And cried.

A/N: A little melodramatic, but I was having a bad day at school when I wrote it. ^_^ yay for me! I got it up sooner than planned. I'm also working on "When We Were Young" still. ::sigh:: but for that story the next chapters gonna be long cause I'm planning on making it a big action one.

As for this story, I'll type up the next chapter once I finish writing it (study hall, here I come).

Luvvies, KaT aka Mistress Shinigami