Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Windows to the Soul ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: this chappie has some more lyrics from "Bed of Lies." All of these lyrics will be spread throughout the fic. ..

here it is…chapter three!! It's what you've all (yah right) been waiting for! **crickets chirp**…uh…hey where is everyone? **more cricket chirping**

Disclaimer: **sigh** once again I am forced to place a disclaimer at the top of my story, solely to bring up the fact that I do not own Gundam Wing or its characters. **cries out** why??? It's just not fair!!! WHY!!!!

Chapter Three

Sally shook her blonde head in a feeble attempt to shake those frequent memories from invading her mind. After all, he had left three years ago, why should it concern her now? Though Sally was loath to admit it, things just hadn't been the same since Wufei left…oblivious to the fact that it was three years ago. This perplexed the Chinese woman, and she tried not to dwell on that fact often, lest she uncovers secrets about herself she'd rather have left hidden…

But one mystery had still bugged Sally to no end. It nagged at the back of her mind, until she finally took to uncovering it, but, upon inspection, it consumed her entire thoughts and distracted her. But then, when she tried to ignore it like she once had, it went back to plaguing her unconscious thoughts, so it seemed to the woman that something was wrong, although in truth nothing really was.

See, what was bothering Sally was the note Wufei had left, obviously intending Sally to find it. The letter said that he wished to fly, but that just puzzled the honey blonde even more. It seemed she was missing one piece to the puzzle, and without the piece the whole picture is not distinguishable. If only she could find the one piece, Sally knew the rest would place itself together, but whenever she thought she figured it out the picture would turn out to just be an illusion, hopeful thinking on Sally's part.

Such thoughts and enigmas had raided her brain and had made her quite agitated. She used to take out her frustration on her friends, but soon learned the clever art of putting on a façade. No one knew that her smiles were forced…it was all the same to them.

//I don't think that I can take another empty moment

I don't think that I can fake another hollow smile.\\

Sally twisted a lock of her hair unconsciously, recalling the time when she had overheard Wufei say he envied the birds. She chuckled; he seemed to talk about birds and flying quite a bit.

Wait a sec…what was it Wufei had said about birds? Sally tried to recall, it had been so long ago…

"I envy the birds…"

Yes, he said he had envied them. "But why did he envy them?" Sally thought, racking her brain to bring up memories she had stored away…to try and save herself from even more hurt. She should have known it was inevitable and, as she always said, why delay the inevitable?

"Birds care for neither war nor emotions attached to war."

Yes, now she remembered.

"As well as emotions not attached to war…like love."

How could she have missed it? That was the missing piece to the puzzle…and now it all made sense…

Wufei was afraid to love.


Sally locked her office up, then turned and walked briskly down the empty Preventer corridors. That seemed how everything was lately…empty. Although some small part of her felt fulfilled now that she had uncovered the whole bird and Wufei mystery. Of course, the answer was just as bad as the original mystery. Sally couldn't understand, let alone accept the answer…all of the other pilots had gone on with their lives, and if she had been asked she would've said that Wufei was the strongest of the five. Yet, she was proved wrong, because they were still here…and he wasn't.

Sally wrapped her jacket tighter around her body as she walked swiftly down the empty sidewalk. Her car was getting fixed so she had been walking to and from work. It wouldn't have been too big of deal, only a two and one half mile walk…but when it was the middle of November, well, let's just say Sally didn't like the cold too much. She looked up as a small drop of moisture landed on her nose. Turning her sky-blue gaze to the sky, Sally watched as the tiny snowflakes fell from the heavens. Perhaps soon the streets would be covered in the small crystals. True, Sally didn't like snow, but she couldn't deny that she loved watching the snow-from inside, of course. With a warm cup of hot chocolate, and a roaring fire in the living room.

Sally was so absorbed in her fantasy daydreams that she didn't see the young man step in front of her until it was too late. She collided into his chest hard, but before she could drop to the sidewalk the man caught her effortlessly and placed her on her feet again.

Sally looked up, "Sorry about th-oh my God, Wufei?"


A/N: Forgive me for the evil cliffy!!!! Also, I know this chapter was short, but I really wanted to update..i was in an update-ish mood. =^_^= Please review and I'll consider getting the next part out…if im in a good mood…~_^ hehe I'm just playing…but…really…please review!

Luvvies, KaT aka Mistress Shinigami