Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Winning Duo ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Winning Duo
Chapter: 1/?
Author: Calic0cat <>
Story Started: Jan. 2003
Genre: Romance, Humour, Angst
Pairing: None yet, working towards 1x2x5; others may be implied
Rated: NC-17
Warnings: OOC, Swearing, Shifting POV
Archives: At under Calic0cat. Anyone with archive permission for my other fics can help themselves; anyone else, please ask.
Disclaimer: Duo and Heero and the rest of the GW gang aren't mine. This story is. Nuff said.

Notes: Starts one year after Endless Waltz. POV changes frequently.

*** Time passing or scene change

Author's Notes: I usually write 1x2x1, so a 1x2x5 is a first for me (well, writing one is - I've been reading them for quite a while now, that's the *only* threesome I actually *like*). This fic is courtesy of Quin, my romance/humour muse. Feedback is appreciated.


Heero anxiously opened the new email message. 'Please, let this be more than politely friendly,' he thought. Reading through the brief, newsy note, he sagged in disappointment. No, once again the monthly message from Duo was nothing more than a generic 'Hi, guys!' sent out to all four ex-pilots. Evidently, that last time that he had coldly shot down a flirtatious advance Duo had genuinely meant the tiny whisper not even meant for Heero's ears, "Well, that's it then. Better quit while you're ahead, Maxwell. He's just not interested." The panicky feeling that had overwhelmed him then had almost - *almost* - been enough to let him drop the trained facade of ice, grab the boy who confused him so badly, and beg for just a little more time to try and figure out how to deal with all these new and confusing emotions. Unfortunately, his laptop had beeped just then, distracting him, and the moment had passed.

And Duo had never been anything more than politely friendly to him again. Duo had no longer thrown a careless arm around him, leaned teasingly over Heero's shoulder as he sat in front of his laptop, strutted around the room wearing nothing more than a tantalizingly-draped towel tucked around his waist, sprawled on his bed chattering endlessly about anything and everything under the sun...

Swallowing painfully, Heero closed the message and sat staring at his laptop's wallpaper image. Predating that fateful day, this picture showed a laughing Duo leaning casually over his shoulder, arms draped around his neck in a loose hug. He, of course, was scowling, glaring at the high school student that dared take their picture.

"Why did I take so long to figure out what I wanted?" he whispered. "Why did it take him giving up for me to finally admit what I was feeling? To realize that I would never be happy without him in my life? And why the hell am I still sitting here alone over two years later?" Jaw firming with determination, Heero announced to his empty apartment, "Heero Yuy does not just give up something he wants. And I want Duo Maxwell."

Relena would be having her "Peace Anniversary" party between Christmas and New Year's. The other pilot was sure to attend. He would go to the party, and he would find a way to let Duo know that he wanted a second chance. And nothing, and no one, would get in his way.


Sighing in disappointment, Wufei closed Duo's monthly email message. Once again, it was nothing more than a generic message sent to all of the ex-pilots. Nothing the least bit personal, let alone flirtatious. Considering how many times during the war he had arrogantly snubbed Duo's flirtatious advances, the last time he did it he had never once believed that Duo really meant it when he said he wouldn't bother him like that again. 'I should have remembered the last part of his motto. He certainly didn't lie about that.'

Flipping through his copy of the photo album that Quatre had given him shortly after the Mariemaia fiasco, "To remind you that you're not alone," Wufei paused at each picture of Duo. The whole group of pilots together after peace was declared, Duo's fingers held up in rabbit ears behind Trowa's head and his other hand resting lightly on the shoulder of Quatre, seated in front of the rest of them, still bandaged from Dorothy's attack. Duo laughingly hiding behind Heero as Wufei chased him with his katana, threatening to cut off that gorgeous braid in retaliation for some silly, harmless prank. Duo sleeping in a chair beside the bed of an injured Wufei. Duo...

Duo had stirred up emotions he wasn't prepared to deal with then. Emotions that had seemed like a betrayal of Meiran's memory. It hadn't been as bad at first, when Duo's flirtations were aimed at Yuy, though that first spark of *something* had definitely been there to make him exceptionally irritable around the attractive boy. But suddenly, one day in the latter half of the war, those flirtations had ceased. A month or so had passed, then gradually Wufei had discovered that the flirting had resumed. This time, aimed at *him*. The incredible storm of emotions *that* created had left his normally mercurial temperament even more changeable than usual. He had gone from stoic acceptance to outraged fury time after time. Finally, after one exceptionally virulent tirade, a quiet apology had left Duo's lips, accompanied by a very formal bow, "I apologize for my forwardness, Chang Wufei. I will not trouble you with my unwelcome advances again."

And he hadn't. Running a gentle finger over the last group photo, where an apparently-happy Duo had one arm awkwardly around Trowa's shoulder and his chin resting on top of Quatre's head, leaving the two Asian pilots to stand aside in their proud isolation, Wufei said regretfully, "I never told you that the real problem was not that they were unwelcome. The problem was that they were all *too* welcome and I - I was too confused to deal with that." Expression firming in determination, Wufei declared to his empty apartment, "But I am no longer confused. I am a Dragon, and we do not give up that which we hold dear. I will not let Duo Maxwell go simply because I was too proud to admit my error."

Reaching into the wastepaper basket, he pulled out a discarded envelope. Staring at the invitation he pulled from it, Wufei swore, "I will attend Relena's 'Peace Anniversary' party and I *will* find a way to let Duo know that I have seen the error of my ways. And no one, and nothing, will stand in my way."


Closing his mail program with a sigh, Duo managed to summon up a weak smile in response to Hilde's questioning look. After all this time, he really should know better than to get his hopes up. If neither of them had been interested two years ago, with him right in front of them, dressing and acting as provocatively as teenage hormones and a thick pile of teen magazines could teach him - okay, and a few distinctly more adult ones when he got increasingly desperate - they were either totally frigid or as straight as a ruler. The chance at this point of one of them suddenly deciding they wanted a second chance was slim to none. Careful as he was not to step out of line with either teen, he couldn't completely quash that lingering hope that someday one of them would respond to his monthly email with something a little more promising than "Glad you're doing well. I'm fine."

Duo knew he wasn't unattractive. When he and Hilde went out clubbing, he got propositioned all the time by individuals of both genders. And while he had been tempted on several occasions to accept, a second look at the propositioner always resulted in his mind replacing the features of the person before him with an unruly mop of brown half-hiding deep cobalt eyes, or obsidian-dark eyes set in a sharp face framed by tightly-drawn-back black hair. And he had known that it would be useless. Sex for the sake of sex alone would merely leave him feeling dirty and more lonely and empty than ever. His idiotic heart had attached itself to not just one but *two* hopeless causes and no amount of logic could change that.

Despite the frequent attempts by Une to lure him earthside to work for the Preventers, he couldn't do it. Couldn't deliberately open himself up to the torture of being in day-to-day contact with one or both of his crushes. 'Ha. Crushes. You haven't convinced yourself of that yet, Maxwell, you might as well stop pretendin'. You passed the crush stage a hell of a long time ago. Admit it - it's love. Unrequited, break-your-damn-heart, love. Baka.'

Picking up the invitation laying on his desk, he regarded it consideringly. The party could be positively painful if they showed up and were as disinterested as ever. But then again, neither of them was particularly sociable, so most likely neither would attend. Blowing his bangs out of his eyes with an exasperated huff, he scrawled a response, sealed the envelope, and hurried off to drop the damn thing in the mail before he changed his mind.

He would go to the party, and while he wouldn't go to the sort of lengths he had during the war, he *would* dress as attractively as possible, just in case either teen showed up. And if one or both of them did, although he wouldn't practically throw himself at either of them as he had during the war, he *would* try to get a chance for private conversation and drop a few hints that - should one of them have perchance had a change of mind - or better yet, heart - he himself was still interested.