Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Winning Duo ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Winning Duo
Chapter: 2/?
Author: Calic0cat <>
Story Started: Jan. 2003
Genre: Romance, Humour, Angst
Pairing: None yet, working towards 1x2x5; others may be implied
Rated: NC-17
Warnings: OOC, Swearing, Shifting POV
Archives: At under Calic0cat. Anyone with archive permission for my other fics can help themselves; anyone else, please ask.
Disclaimer: Duo and Heero and the rest of the GW gang aren't mine. This story is. Nuff said.

Notes: Starts one year after Endless Waltz. POV changes frequently.

*** Time passing or scene change

Author's Notes: I usually write 1x2x1, so a 1x2x5 is a first for me (well, writing one is - I've been reading them for quite a while now, that's the *only* threesome I actually *like*). This fic is courtesy of Quin, my romance/humour muse. Feedback is appreciated.


He was in his way. Again. Glaring at the Chinese ex-pilot, Heero fumed silently. The party was on its last day and he had yet to find an opportunity to make his feelings clear to Duo. Every time he tried to catch Duo alone, Chang would suddenly materialize out of nowhere. It was almost as if *he* were trying to get Duo alone too... A burst of adrenaline hit Heero's bloodstream as he realized in shock that that was *exactly* what the other teen was trying to do.

Heero had thought he'd be eaten alive with jealousy back during the war when Duo had given up on him and switched his attentions to Chang. His only consolation had been the fact that, if anything, Chang had been even *less* receptive than himself. And generally much louder and more vehement in his protests. Duo had given up on him in far less time than it had taken Heero to finally discourage Duo. 'He's realized his mistake, just like me. Dammit, why couldn't he have taken a little longer?!'

Glaring back at the Japanese teen, Wufei thought, 'What the hell is he glaring at *me* for? Yuy and I aren't exactly best friends but we usually get along just fine. Now, though, you'd think I was in his way... or... something... Dammit! That's exactly what it is. Yuy has seen the error of his ways just as I have. I should have known there was a reason that he turned up every time I tried to catch Duo alone... Why did he have to finally decide to make a move *now*?!'

Seeing the heated looks being exchanged, Duo silently retreated. If he didn't know better, he would almost think those were *jealous* looks. Uncomfortably, he realized that maybe it was no coincidence that every time he saw Heero, Wufei was nearby, and vice versa. He *thought* Relena would have told him if there was something going on between Heero and Wufei - she was usually quick to offer that sort of news, a real matchmaker at heart - but if it was a fairly new thing, she might not have known about it yet.

The possibility that, if those *were* jealous looks, they were over *him*, was far too unlikely. One of them *finally* deciding to take an interest he could believe - just - but *both* at the *same time* - no way. No, it was much more likely that the two had discovered just how much they had in common in the course of working together at the Preventers and had become drawn to each other, whether they were actually a couple yet or not.

This was the last day of the party and he would be returning to L2 very shortly. Duo had made numerous attempts to get a chance to speak with either Heero or Wufei alone, only to be interrupted by the other. Obviously, there would be no point in making any more attempts now. He would wait and see whether anything further developed between them. If not, there was always Quatre's pilot reunion party in six months. He would just have to try again then - if either of them was still available.


Heero stared blankly at the piles of paperwork waiting for him. The party had been a total waste of time. Well, not *total* - Duo had matured into an even more attractive young man than he had been during the Mariemaia incident, gaining several inches in height as well as braid length. And any faint lingering doubts over his attraction to and affection for Duo had been completely obliterated in his first moment in Duo's company after all this time.

Unfortunately, he had never managed to get Duo alone for more than a minute or two before Chang showed up. But at least he was pretty sure that he had managed to foil Chang's plans as well. And it had seemed as if Duo himself had been more than willing to spend some private time together. Though unfortunately, Duo had also seemed willing to spend time alone with Chang. Heero frowned at the thought. If Duo was still interested in *him*, then it was entirely possible that he was still interested in *Chang* as well. That could be a problem.

Pulling a new pile of papers across his desk, Heero started to read the information packet on top. Background checks? Why on earth would bidders at a charity auction need background checks done?


Wufei scowled at the latest pile of papers to be dumped on his desk by an unrepentant Chief Une. Background checks. Bah. It was a sorry state of affairs when the top-ranking Preventer agents were reduced to doing *background checks*. And on bidders at a charity auction, no less. Glaring at his office wall as if he could see right through it to the agent on the other side, he thought smugly, 'At least Yuy is stuck doing these too. Damn, but he was a major problem at the party.'

Thinking of the party plunged him into an even blacker mood. He had managed to prevent Yuy from spending any time alone with Duo, but unfortunately the reverse was equally true. Though the party hadn't been a complete waste of time, as being in Duo's warm presence had confirmed once again that *this* was what was missing from his life. Duo had only become more breathtaking in the time since he had last seen him. The coltish grace marred by moments of awkward clumsiness was gone, replaced by a - Wufei was tempted to say willowy, but somehow that seemed too effeminate to describe Duo's vibrant self - a flowing gracefulness of motion. Wufei was now even more determined not to lose Duo for good, to Yuy or to anyone else.


"Oh come on, Relena, you've gotta be kidding," Duo protested. "And why *me*, of all people?"

"Because you're friendly and people *like* you," Relena answered. "*Please*, Duo?" Turning up the charm another notch, she reminded him, "It's for a good cause..."

"How do you know the bidders are okay?" he asked, starting to cave in.

"The Preventers are doing thorough background checks on all the bidders," she answered eagerly, sensing victory. "Une said she'd make Heero and Wufei do it, so you *know* the checks will be done right."

"Have you asked any of the others?" Duo said, still trying to find a valid excuse not to get involved with this very odd fundraiser.

"Not yet. I want Quatre there as a bidder anyway, and I seriously doubt I can persuade either Heero or Wufei to take part. But I'm hoping Catherine can talk Trowa into it. She's already agreed to go in it herself. And Zechs is a bidder, since Noin agreed to go in it. Please, Duo? Pretty please with sugar on it?" Relena clasped her hands below her chin and gave him her best pleading look.

"Ack! Enough with the sweetness, you're gonna give me a sugar high!" Duo protested. "I'll do it, I'll do it!"

"*Yes!* Thanks Duo! I'll send you a copy of the information and the consent form! Bye!"

Staring at the now-blank screen, Duo wondered exactly what the hell he'd just got himself into. A bachelor auction?! Good grief.


Gazing at the newest additions to his information packet, a slow smile began to spread across Heero's face. How Relena ever got Duo to agree to this, he didn't know, but he owed her one. Bigtime.

A whole *week* during which Duo would be all his... Oh, there were lots of rules attached as to the type of demands that could be placed on the "bachelor" you bought, but nothing that would prevent him from showing Duo just how much he had changed and how sincere he was in his wish for a second chance. This would be the perfect use for all those hacked Oz funds he hadn't known what to do with. The money would go to a good cause and he would get what he wanted at the same time.

Suddenly, Heero's smile faded. Just one problem. Chang. He would have the *same* information packet and undoubtedly had some old Oz funds of his own at his disposal. Well, he would just have to hope that he'd hacked more funds than Chang. And maybe see exactly how much he could afford to use out of his savings account as well.


Wufei scowled darkly at the numbers on his screen. Even with the interest from some extremely high-return investing added on, the total wasn't as high as he would like. If he took the funds he'd been saving towards a new racing motorcycle and added them... he still wasn't too sure he could match what Yuy probably had left from wartime hacking. Damn.

His savings account *could* supply him with a *little* bit more... but really, if things got that desperate, he'd be better off just handing Duo a letter and begging him to read it before starting his week with Yuy. There was no point in driving himself to the edge of bankruptcy over this; there would be other chances to win Duo's affection back again. Though the thought of losing to Yuy and letting him have Duo to himself for a whole *week* definitely made him extremely nervous.

'Damn it, Chang, O told you that you should have been doing more hacking at the time but you were too high and mighty to listen.' Still, maybe he would have enough. Maybe Yuy had used up more of what he'd hacked on repairs to Zero or had already given some of it away. Maybe.
