Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Winning Duo ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Winning Duo
Chapter: 3/?
Author: Calic0cat <>
Story Started: Jan. 2003
Genre: Romance, Humour, Angst
Pairing: None yet, working towards 1x2x5; others may be implied
Rated: NC-17
Warnings: OOC, Swearing, Shifting POV
Archives: At under Calic0cat. Anyone with archive permission for my other fics can help themselves; anyone else, please ask.
Disclaimer: Duo and Heero and the rest of the GW gang aren't mine. This story is. Nuff said.

Notes: Starts one year after Endless Waltz. POV changes frequently.

*** Time passing or scene change

Author's Notes: I usually write 1x2x1, so a 1x2x5 is a first for me (well, writing one is - I've been reading them for quite a while now, that's the *only* threesome I actually *like*). This fic is courtesy of Quin, my romance/humour muse. Feedback is appreciated.


Impatiently yanking a handful of loose hair back out of his face, Duo decided enough was enough. He was hot, tired, and extremely disappointed. Relena had been nice enough to give him a sneak peek at the list of bidders (okay, so technically she had used a really lame password for the file and hadn't closed her connection properly after chatting with him online - same difference) and much to his delight he had discovered both Heero and Wufei on the list. A whirlwind shopping trip had promptly followed. One that resulted in the outfit he was now wearing, an outfit bought just for today's pre-auction get-together of bidders and "bachelors". And then neither Heero nor Wufei had showed up for it, making all his effort in getting dressed this afternoon futile.

He was wearing snug - but not indecently snug - black leather pants that were hot as hell; he had left his hair down - also hot as hell and bloody annoying too since the wind kept blowing it in his face - since he knew it was his crowning glory; and he was wearing a beautiful deep violet silk shirt - carefully selected to emphasize the exotic violet shade of his eyes - under the short leather jacket that matched the pants. Of course, at this point he couldn't take the jacket off because the beautiful silk shirt was sticking to his back with sweat and would almost certainly be showing huge damp circles under his arms too.

He had purchased and packed clothing suitable for Sanc in late springtime. Just one problem. The bachelor auction had been relocated. To Las Vegas, Nevada. Just a tiny little change. From temperate to fuckin' *hot*.

"Why the hell couldn't they have had this in Sanc like it was supposed to be?" he moaned softly, heading back into the hotel.

"Because then Relena wouldn't have needed a complete new wardrobe?" Zechs offered jokingly, startling Duo. "Sorry, I didn't realize you were quite *that* lost in thought," he apologized as Duo jumped and landed in a defensive position.

"Not your fault," Duo answered, relaxing. "Just hot and cranky. And tryin' to think what I've got with me that I won't either fry or get sunburnt wearing."

"Mmm, yes, sun *would* be a problem, wouldn't it," the blond said, taking a look at Duo's very fair skin. "Come on, I've probably got something you can get by with. I burn easy myself *and* I had a little more notice of the change in plans." Duo gratefully followed Zechs back to his room.

Pulling a long-sleeved white cotton shirt and a pair of lightweight white linen pants out of his suitcase, Zechs handed them to Duo. "You'll have to roll them up, I'm afraid, but they should be considerably more comfortable than what you've got on."

Looking at the items, Duo sighed in resignation. "So much for seductive," he muttered. But he'd already spent as much as he could afford on new clothes for this trip. Buying yet another new outfit just for tomorrow - the day of the auction - wasn't really an option and the outfit he had brought was just as unsuitable for a Vegas afternoon as the one he was now wearing.

Giving the dejected teen a concerned look, Zechs said, "Okay, obviously there's a little more than the heat getting you down." Plopping down on the edge of the bed and patting the space beside him, he ordered, "Spill."

"What, you're everybody's big brother now?" Duo joked.

"Everybody who's saved my nutty little sister's life more than once, yes."

Sinking down to sit on the bed beside Zechs, Duo started from the beginning. And damn, did it feel good to tell the whole sad sob story. He hadn't even told Hilde *everything*, fearing she'd go charging off to berate one or both ex-pilots for not properly appreciating her "brother" and giving away a few too many details in the process. While Heero and Wufei were certainly well aware that he'd been interested in them two years ago, he had never let slip so much as a hint that he was head-over-heels in love with them. With *both* of them.


Carefully tucking his pre-authorized bidding chit into his pocket, Heero cursed the late-running assignment and change of auction location that had combined to keep him from arriving in time for the pre-auction gathering of bidders and bachelors. It had been the middle of the night by the time he had finally arrived at the hotel hosting the auction. His only consolation was that Chang had missed the gathering as well, since he was on the same assignment. Unfortunately, that had also meant that they ended up sharing a shuttle for the trip. Une had been considerate enough to let them use a Preventers shuttle to make the trip from Sanc over to the auction location since the last one scheduled for ferrying auction guests was long gone by the time their debriefing was finished.

Finding out that the auction had been relocated to accommodate the schedules of several bidders had been an unpleasant surprise to return to after nearly two weeks stuck in the company of his rival. Neither Duo nor the auction had been mentioned by either of them in that entire time. Their conversation had been strictly limited to that required by the assignment.

Though Heero was not entirely happy about that. He and Chang usually found a number of things to discuss when on assignment together, and he usually enjoyed the conversation. He did not like this new distance between them. But the only thing that would clear it up would be for one of them to give up trying to win Duo. At the auction, and as a life-mate. And while he couldn't speak for Chang, he knew that was one thing *he* was *not* willing to do.


Wufei pulled his hair back into its usual tail before picking up his pre-authorized bidding chit and slipping it into his pocket. He had really hoped to have a chance to speak with Duo during the pre-auction gathering of bidders and 'bachelors'. He had wanted to make certain that Duo knew he was intending to bid on him and that even if he did not win, he wanted a chance to get together with Duo as soon as possible. Wufei was fairly certain that Yuy would be able to outbid him. The ex-Wing pilot had done a great deal more hacking during the war, and was not too likely to have spent the majority of those funds.

Frowning slightly, Wufei admitted to himself that he did not like the new distance between himself and Yuy. They had always worked well together on assignments, and while that had not changed during this last one, the comfort level had. Other than discussing things directly related to the assignment, they had basically not spoken to one another. Usually, they carried on conversations on a variety of interesting topics. Losing Yuy's - Wufei hesitated, then decided that the term *was* in fact appropriate - Yuy's friendship was not a choice he would make voluntarily. But if that was the price of winning Duo, he would pay it. He would not - *could* not - give up his chance at happiness.


Having given Duo permission to snip and stitch the borrowed clothing to his heart's content, Zechs was eager to see exactly what sort of magic he had worked on them. His previous surprise that the former Shinigami could sew turned to amazement as Duo came into the restaurant for breakfast. Calling what Duo had done to those drab, too-big clothes "sewing" was like calling the Gundams "mobile suits". Technically true, but completely inadequate. Zechs's wolf-whistle turned every head in the area - including Heero's and Wufei's - as well as putting some definite colour into Duo's cheeks.

"You like," Duo grinned cockily, pirouetting like a fashion model.

"Oh yeah," Zechs grinned back appreciatively. "And so do they," he whispered softly, jerking his head in the direction of the two Asian pilots.

Duo's grin dimmed for a moment, then brightened again as he realized Zechs was correct. Thank god all his hard work hadn't been for nothing. He'd been up half the night working on his new outfit.

Scraps of the sweat-stained violet shirt had been turned into overlays on the collar of the white shirt, as well as providing a new placket for the shirt front, inserts on the cuffs, and edging for the pocket. The shirt sleeves had been shortened. A small section of slightly-stained silk had been used to gather his hair back into a ponytail high on the back of his head, providing a compromise between the cool convenience of a braid and the seductive glory of long hair left loose in shimmering waves. The violet shirt itself had been completely torn apart and the unstained parts turned into the tight, cropped-off tanktop that he wore under the loose-fitting, unbuttoned white shirt. The white pants had been shortened and altered to ride low on his hips and fit snugly.

Duo thought, 'Not exactly what Sister Helen had in mind when she taught me to alter and repair my uniforms, but nothing I learn *ever* goes to waste...'

Seeing the heated glares being directed in his direction, Zechs snickered inwardly. 'Guess they don't like how close I'm standing. Or that wolf-whistle. And I have to admit, if I wasn't already 100% committed to Noin, I'd be more than willing to give them a real run for their money. What were they, blind up till now? How did they ever manage to do something so boneheaded as turn *that* down?' Aloud, he merely observed, "Nice duds, Duo."

Heero suppressed an urge to growl at the appreciative way Zechs was eyeing Duo. This was not good. Chang as competition was bad enough, he didn't need any more. He was well aware of how desirable Duo was, both as a competent, intelligent partner and as a gorgeous, sexy... Ripping his eyes away from Duo, he met a knowing look from Zechs. Damn. Nothing like giving away your interest to the competition. Angrily, he glared and silently mouthed, "Mine." 'If I'd just figured out what I wanted a little bit sooner, I wouldn't be having this problem right now. I'd have made him mine then and never let go.'

Standing right beside Heero, just in case he tried to monopolize Duo at breakfast, Wufei also wasn't very happy about either the wolf-whistle or the appreciative gaze. More competition, particularly competition that hadn't already blown one chance, was *not* a good thing. It wasn't hard to see why Zechs would be interested in a sexy, intelligent person like Duo, but that didn't mean he had to like it. Meeting Zechs's gaze, Wufei glared furiously and silently mouthed, "Mine." He was *not* about to lose Duo to the likes of Merquise.

Zechs's eyebrow raised at the first possessive declaration; the second sent his other eyebrow up as well. This - was not good. Interested was good, outright possessive without having even indicated said interest to the individual in question was not. And *two* very forceful, very possessive individuals competing for one extremely independent one was going to cause some major problems. Particularly since the one they were competing over had already admitted that if by some incredible chance they both *did* turn out to be interested, he didn't think he could choose.
