Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Winning Duo ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Winning Duo
Chapter: 5/?
Author: Calic0cat <>
Story Started: Jan. 2003
Genre: Romance, Humour, Angst
Pairing: None yet, working towards 1x2x5; others may be implied
Rated: NC-17
Warnings: OOC, Swearing, Shifting POV
Archives: At under Calic0cat. Anyone with archive permission for my other
fics can help themselves; anyone else, please ask.
Disclaimer: Duo and Heero and the rest of the GW gang aren't mine. This story is. Nuff said.

Notes: Starts one year after Endless Waltz. POV changes frequently.

*** Time passing or scene change

Author's Notes: I usually write 1x2x1, so a 1x2x5 is a first for me (well, writing one is - I've been reading them for quite a while now, that's the *only* threesome I actually *like*). This fic is courtesy of Quin, my romance/humour muse. Feedback is appreciated.


As the bidding closed, Duo somehow managed to keep a smile firmly in place. He knew approximately how much money each of the other pilots had hacked during the war, and that total was far too high for the winner to have been either of them. They had both disappeared into the crowd before the end of the bidding anyway, so they must not have been interested after all.

Turning to follow one of the auction assistants back to the desk to find out who had won his week, he decided listlessly that it really didn't matter. Whoever had won had made a *very* substantial donation to a good cause, so he would be sure to be as friendly and cooperative as possible. The auction rules meant that he couldn't be expected to do anything he would be genuinely uncomfortable with. Though he really wouldn't have cared about the rules if either of his love interests had won him...

As they approached the room with the record desk in it, Duo heard a voice say, "This is very irregular, sir. Two bidders are not supposed to combine their bids."

"There is nothing in the auction rules to indicate that," a familiar voice answered.

'Heero? What the...'

"Well, no, I guess there isn't, but nevertheless, the intention is clear..." the clerk's voice responded.

As he entered the room, Duo heard Wufei point out, "It is within the stated rules and the charity receives more money this way than if the other bidder had won. What difference does it make?"

"Well, I guess that as long as the 'bachelor' in question has no objection, the bid will stand," the clerk answered. Motioning Duo over to her, she explained, "These two gentlemen combined their bids. That means that they would be entitled to share your week rather than only one individual having your undivided time. This is decidedly irregular and if you have any objections, we will cancel the bid..."

Looking back and forth between Heero and Wufei, Duo realized just which "two gentlemen" had won his time. Torn between delight at the thought of a week spent with his two loves and despair at the thought that they must be extremely close if not actually together if they were cooperating to this extent, Duo told the flustered woman, "No, no objections. The money goes to a good cause. And they're both friends of mine. I'm sure everything will work out okay."

Or at least, Duo hoped it would. If they *were* together, why would they have bid on him? And if they weren't, why would they have joined forces? Just to help a good cause with old Oz funds? Or were they intending to get a little mild revenge for all the times he aggravated them both during the war?

Deciding that the latter motive probably played a large part in their choice of *who* to bid on at least, Duo resigned himself to a week of doing the dirtiest of household chores, running dull errands, and so on. All in the simultaneously wonderful and torturous company of the two young men he loved. Wonderful. Just wonderful.

Reminding the two winners that they would have to attend the ball that evening for the official announcement of winning bids, the clerk waved Duo off to another room to sign the documents agreeing to the deal. He managed to offer the two ex-pilots a slightly weak smile on his way out. "See you at the dance," he said just before the door closed.

Sinking into a chair, Duo signed his way through the documents on auto-pilot. Why the hell had he let Relena talk him into this?


As the door closed behind Duo, Heero and Wufei exchanged uneasy glances. "He didn't look very happy," Heero said nervously. "You don't think he was hoping Merquise had won, do you?"

That would *not* be good. Not only would that indicate that Duo had moved on, forgotten about him, but it would also mean that he was hurting Duo again. Something Heero had promised himself that he would not *ever* do. He had caused Duo more than enough hurt with his cold behaviour during the war. Yes, he desperately wanted Duo to be with him - but not at the cost of Duo's own happiness.

"No," Wufei said, shaking his head slightly, his own mind racing through possible reasons for Duo's apparent unease. "He seemed happy enough to see m... - us," he corrected himself, "at first..."

His voice trailed off for a moment, then Wufei offered hesitantly, "You don't suppose he thinks we're planning some sort of revenge for his pranks and teasing during the war, do you?"

That was all too possible, Wufei feared. He had never done anything to let Duo know that anything had changed in the years between then and now, and he had certainly sought appropriate retribution back then. Usually without success, as Duo was far better at the fine art of pranks than he and would almost always catch his attempts virtually in the planning stages. And his rants had never been an appropriate response to Duo's mischievous - and later, flirtatious - teasing. While Duo was careful never to cross the line from teasing remarks into outright barbs, Wufei had often been less cautious in his responses, making hurtful comments that he now cringed at the memory of.

Causing any sort of harm to Duo was the *last* thing Wufei wanted to do. He wanted Duo to be happy. Hopefully, happy with *him*. But definitely *happy*.

"That *would* probably be the only thing he could think of that we might have in common," Heero admitted, distinctly unhappy at the thought. The idea that the one person in the entire universe that he loved could possibly believe that Heero's only interest in him was in getting even for a few mild pranks and some flirtatious teasing was definitely not one to make *him* happy.


Duo sat, knees drawn up to his chin and arms wrapped around his legs, staring off across the desert. He would have to go in soon and get ready for the final event of the charity auction, the ball at which the winners of the auction would be formally announced. The bachelors had all been supplied with clothing for the ball by various formal wear rental places in town. A specific "look" was wanted by the auction organizers - tuxes for the men, gowns for the women - in order to create the appropriate image of the bachelor auction as a classy event to help with its promotion in future years. The media presence tonight was expected to be huge as Relena had managed to get a large number of celebrities of one sort or another involved in the auction.

Duo still wasn't certain whether to be glad or upset that *all* of the former Gundam pilots had ended up being involved - himself and Trowa as 'bachelors' and Quatre, Heero, and Wufei as bidders. He simply did not know what to make of Heero and Wufei's collaborative effort. He had managed to avoid everyone once he finished signing all the auction paperwork; he had felt desperately in need of a chance to spend some time alone and try to figure out exactly what the two Asian pilots' intentions were.

'Might as well not have bothered,' Duo thought ruefully. 'I just keep coming back to the same question. If either - or, unbelievably, *both* - of them was interested in *me* for anything other than a little payback for all the aggravation I gave them during the war, why would they cooperate with each other? It doesn't make any sense. So in that case, a little good old-fashioned payback must be the reason. Oh, they won't do anything to cause any real harm, I know that. Probably just boring old chores or something. The stuff I hated getting stuck with in safehouses.'

But what Heero and Wufei wouldn't realize, of course, was that just being around them without any hope of having his feelings returned would cause its own sort of harm. He had agreed to do this and he would stick to his agreement. But Duo was suddenly longing for the week to be over with. He would have to take a few days afterwards to get himself back together again before going back to L2. Otherwise, it would only take one look for Hilde to know something was seriously wrong and she'd hound him until she had the whole story. At which point he might as well just go into permanent hiding because she'd reveal everything to Heero and Wufei in the process of tearing a few strips off them for hurting him. And as long as there was no sign of his love being returned, there was no way that he wanted them to know about it.

Rising to his feet and turning to head back to the hotel, Duo sent one last wistful look over his shoulder at the spectacular sunset over the desert. He missed sunsets now that he was back living on L2.
