Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Winning Duo ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Winning Duo
Chapter: 8/?
Author: Calic0cat <>
Story Started: Jan. 2003
Genre: Romance, Humour, Angst
Pairings: Working towards 1x2x5; 3x4; 6x9; others may be implied
Rated: NC-17
Warnings: OOC, Swearing, Shifting POV
Archives: At under Calic0cat. Anyone with archive permission for my other fics can help themselves; anyone else, please ask.
Disclaimer: Duo and Heero and the rest of the GW gang aren't mine. This story is. Nuff said.

Notes: Starts one year after Endless Waltz. POV changes frequently.

*** Time passing or scene change

Author's Notes: I usually write 1x2x1, so a 1x2x5 is a first for me (well, writing one is - I've been reading them for quite a while now, that's the *only* threesome I actually *like*). This fic is courtesy of Quin, my romance/humour muse. Feedback is appreciated.


Dancing with Quatre, Duo noticed Heero and Wufei still standing watching him. Although a couple of the girls had managed to drag them out on the floor for a dance, they immediately returned to watching him once they managed to escape again. He wasn't quite sure whether to be flattered or disturbed by that.

"Quat," Duo said quietly, "I know you don't like snooping on people's feelings, but I kinda need to know something..."

Following Duo's gaze, Quatre shook his head slightly at the single-minded concentration of their two friends. "It depends what you need to know, Duo," he responded softly. "You know I can only pick up general feelings. I have no way of knowing the reasons behind them or anything like that."

"I know, and I don't really want much in the way of details anyway. That'd be kinda like cheating," Duo answered. "I just need to know whether there's anything more positive than jealousy, lust, and possessiveness from them where I'm concerned. With the way they're actin', I'm a little worried," he admitted. "It's too important to me - I can't trust my own judgement, Quat. I don't even wanna know *what* you feel from them - just whether it's got the potential to turn into something worthwhile."

Quatre nodded in response. "That much I can tell you without feeling like I'm taking unfair advantage, Duo. But you'll have to dance with each one again so I can try to pick up on what they're feeling when they're close to you."

"Okay," Duo agreed. "I think I've made my point anyway. I don't really wanna miss the chance to spend some more time in either one's arms."

"You're really going to have a tough time if you intend to try and persuade them to let you pick them both," Quatre cautioned him.

"I know," Duo sighed. "But I don't know if I *can* pick just one. 'Specially if in doing so, I'm gonna hurt the other one... I love'em both equally, Quat. How can I even begin to choose?"

"I don't know, Duo." Quatre hesitated as the dance drew to a close, then quickly offered, "Look, if you can manage to get the two of them to dance with each other, I'll see if I can tell if there's any chance of them feeling more than friendship for each other. If you're going to make a three-way relationship work, a true threesome would be a lot more stable than two overlapping couples."

Gratefully, Duo gave Quatre a true smile. "Thanks, Quat. Tro doesn't know how lucky he is to have such an understanding partner."

"Oh yes, he does," Trowa said quietly from behind Duo, who jumped slightly in surprise.

"Good. Then you'd better take damn good care of him," Duo told Trowa firmly.

"Don't worry, he does, Duo," Quatre assured him. "Now, you'd better go put those two out of their misery," he said, pointedly glancing across the room at Heero and Wufei.

"Yeah," Duo sighed. Then he suddenly grinned. "Get ready for *their* dance, Q. I think that one dance with each other will be the perfect penance for their bossy behaviour earlier. If they can get through one dance together without killing each other, I'll let them dance with me again. If not, they can just spend the rest of the evening as wallflowers."

Quatre laughed as Duo bounded off across the room to issue his ultimatum. "He might just pull it off," Quatre mused quietly.

"Pull what off?" Trowa asked as he pulled Quatre into his arms for the next dance.

"Persuading those two to share," the blond answered.

Trowa drew back slightly to look down at Quatre's face in disbelief. "Share? As in, share Duo? Heero and Wufei? Please tell me you're joking, Quatre."

"No, no joke," Quatre said, shaking his head. "It just depends whether they really love him and want him to be happy, Trowa. If they're willing to put his happiness first, it just might work."


"Alright. Since it's a shame to see two handsome, *sexy* guys standing around like wallflowers, I'll dance with you again," Duo said. Before either Heero or Wufei could try to claim him for this dance, though, he held up one hand and added, "*IF* you make up for your bossy behaviour first."

"Of course," Heero answered immediately.

Wufei looked slightly suspicious, but responded, "Certainly."

"Good. So, here's your punishment - dance this one together." Duo halted the immediate protests by placing his hands on his hips and glaring at the two of them. "What's the problem? You're friends, right? You're both great dancers and you'll look great together out there. If you really want to dance with me again tonight, you'll do it. I'll just wait here and enjoy the view." Duo looked the two of them up and down appreciatively, bringing a slight flush to both faces. "Well, what are you waiting for?"

Frustrated and flustered, Heero grabbed Wufei's arm and dragged him out on the dance floor, ignoring the other teen's protests. "I don't know about you, Chang, but *I* want to dance with Duo again," he growled under his breath. "So just shut up and dance."

"Fine," Wufei snapped back at him. "But *I'm* leading, Yuy."

Rather than waste any more time arguing, Heero simply said, "Fine."

Circling the dance floor, Heero couldn't help thinking about Duo's comments. 'Handsome and sexy? Great dancers? I guess that at least confirms that he's still interested... And I guess, bossy or not, at least the way we've acted tonight was enough to let him know that *we're* interested...' As the dance progressed, Heero had to admit Duo was right. Chang *was* a good dancer. Almost unwillingly, he admitted to himself that the rest of what Duo had said was right too. Chang *was* quite attractive. Certainly not as gorgeous as Duo - but definitely attractive.

Although both he and Yuy had started out dancing quite rigidly, they had both gradually relaxed and were dancing together quite smoothly now, much to Wufei's chagrin. He had not expected to end up *enjoying* dancing with Yuy - this was supposed to be their punishment for being so possessive, not an enjoyable experience! 'But Duo was correct. Yuy *is* a good dancer.' Wufei tried not to think too closely about Duo's *other* comments. While he was certainly glad to hear that Duo considered *him* handsome and sexy, he did not want to think about those terms being applied to Yuy as well. Even if they *were* appropriate. 'Though not nearly as appropriate as they would be if applied to Duo,' he qualified.

Stealing occasional glances at Heero and Wufei, Quatre relaxed in Trowa's arms. While confusion was definitely one of the strongest impressions he was picking up from both of his friends, there was at least a flicker of attraction in there. And a touch of respect as well. Both very promising for Duo's plans. And perhaps even more promising was the *lack* of any strongly negative emotions. As the dance drew to a close, Quatre managed to end up facing Duo. Catching his eye, he gave Duo a thumbs-up and a smile together with a slight shrug. The quick grin and wink he received in return told him his message - at least a *possibility* existed - had been received.

"What exactly are you up to, Quatre?" Trowa asked suspiciously. "Is there a particular reason that we just spent an entire dance shadowing Heero and Wufei around the dance floor and you just carried on some sort of silent conversation with Duo? Or is this one of those little mysteries I'm just going to have to pretend not to notice?"

"Just one of those little mysteries," Quatre answered with a bright smile and his best "innocent" look. "Just like the fact that we're now going to shadow Heero and Duo for *this* dance..."

Trowa sighed, "I think perhaps I don't *want* to know..."

Quatre just gave Trowa another angelic smile in response to that remark.


After "snooping" into both Heero's and Wufei's feelings as each danced with Duo, Quatre tugged Trowa away from the dance floor. He had signalled Duo after each dance to let him know that yes, his partner did indeed have more positive feelings for him than just lust, possessiveness, and jealousy. True to his word, Duo hadn't asked for any details; rather, he had simply given Quatre a relieved smile. But though he was glad for Duo's sake that he had "snooped", he was also very worried.

"What's wrong, Quat?" Trowa asked, picking up on his lover's upset.

"Oh Trowa - I hope Duo *can* convince them to share," Quatre responded anxiously. "If he can't, if he has to choose, the one he doesn't choose is going to be so very hurt... They don't just *care* for him, they *love* him and are *in love* with him. I don't think either one will be able to settle for friendship..."


As the last dance of the night drew to a close, Wufei reluctantly released Duo. Other than the period in the middle of the ball when Duo would not dance with either him or Heero, the evening had been wonderful. Yuy had been perfectly fair in sharing Duo's time with him, even though the actual time they had jointly won did not start until the next day. And once Duo had made his point regarding his independence, he had spent the majority of the dances alternating between Wufei and Heero, which seemed to be a very encouraging sign. 'At least one of us seems likely to be able to win his affection,' Wufei thought. 'I just hope that that "one" is *me*...'

Thanks to Quatre's bit of empathic snooping on his behalf, Duo was feeling much more optimistic about his chances of making a relationship with *both* his loves work. He did not know exactly *what* Quatre had picked up from them - and frankly, he didn't *want* to know, that was something he would prefer to hear from their own lips - only that there was potential for something good. That was enough for him. It wouldn't be easy to persuade Heero and Wufei to at least *try* a three-way relationship, Duo knew that perfectly well. But it would still be easier than trying to choose between them.

Waiting for Wufei and Duo to return from the dance floor, Heero reflected that the evening - while certainly not *perfect* - had gone quite well, all things considered. Although he had hated having to give up *any* of Duo's time to someone else, it had been less difficult than he had expected to share it with Chang. Certainly less difficult than yielding any of it to Merquise. He was feeling much more positive about making this shared week of Duo's time work out okay.

Escorting Duo back to his room, Heero and Wufei explained that they would need to get an early start in the morning. Other than telling Duo to dress casually and for hot, sunny weather - though *not* as hot as Vegas they assured him - they refused to tell him what they had in mind for their first day of his time.

Standing outside his hotel room door, Duo looked from one teen to the other. Neither appeared to be ready to leave, yet they didn't seem to know what else to do either. 'Bet I know what the problem is,' Duo thought. 'Each of them is afraid to leave the other alone with me in case that one tries for a goodnight kiss, but neither is willing to try in front of the other! Guess I'd better break the deadlock...'

"Well, if we're supposed to leave early tomorrow, I guess I'd better get some sleep," Duo said, unlocking his door. Turning back to face Heero and Wufei, he smiled brightly and said, "Good night!" Before the disappointment had a chance to fully register on either face, Duo darted forward and gave each a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug then ducked into his room and closed the door. Mentally, he made note of the fact that he kissed Heero first this time - he'd have to make sure Wufei got the first kiss next time.

Keeping the two of them balanced was going to be a major headache, he realized abruptly. A kiss on the cheek wasn't a particularly big deal - but his true "first kiss" - a really-and-truly, on-the-lips kiss - could only happen once. As could *other* "firsts". So did he let them assume that they *weren't* "firsts"? 'No! I can't... It would be like lying, even if I didn't come right out and *say* it... *And* it's important to me that they know I've never slept around - that I've waited for someone I love to be my first lover...' As he finished undressing and crawled in bed, Duo began to comprehend just how difficult this could truly be...
