Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Winning Duo ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Winning Duo
Chapter: 9/?
Author: Calic0cat <>
Story Started: Jan. 2003
Genre: Yaoi, Romance, Humour, Angst
Pairings: Working towards 1x2x5; 3x4; 6x9; others may be implied
Rated: NC-17
Warnings: OOC, Swearing, Shifting POV
Archives: At under Calic0cat. Anyone with archive permission for my other fics can help themselves; anyone else, please ask.
Disclaimer: Duo and Heero and the rest of the GW gang aren't mine. This story is. Nuff said.

Notes: Starts one year after Endless Waltz. POV changes frequently.

*** Time passing or scene change

Author's Notes: I usually write 1x2x1, so a 1x2x5 is a first for me (well, writing one is - I've been reading them for quite a while now, that's the *only* threesome I actually *like*). This fic is courtesy of Quin, my romance/humour muse. Feedback is appreciated.


Duo leaned against a lamppost and scowled at the backs of his two escorts. Okay, so he'd been delighted to find out exactly what Heero and Wufei had planned for the first day that they "owned" his time. He'd been ecstatic to realize that they *had* actually listened to him at least once in a while back during the war. And that they cared enough to make the effort of taking him somewhere he'd always wanted to go even though it probably wasn't exactly in the top ten on their *own* respective "things I've always wanted to do" lists. 'But I *thought* we'd actually get to go on some of the rides!' Duo thought, quickly moving from frustrated to aggravated and well on his way to full-out pissed off.

The trip to the amusement park had gone smoothly and Heero and Wufei had split the entry costs without even arguing over it. They had started through the park towards the roller coasters. And then things had started to go wrong. The path they had followed had led them right through an arcade area. And he had made the mistake of joking about them winning him a plushie or two.

That was nearly an hour ago. And as the two large piles of plushies continued to grow, it was becoming increasingly clear that they wouldn't quit until the games booths had all run out of prizes. Or one of them developed a clear lead in the competition for who could win the most prizes. Whichever came first.

"HAH!" Wufei exclaimed smugly. "That makes fifteen Yuy! See if you can top that!"

Heero smirked and replied, "Fifteen? Sorry, Chang, I already have. Sixteen and counting... Bet you can't match that..."

Wufei scowled and slapped another bill down on the counter to pay for another round. "Just watch me, Yuy."

'That's it. I've *had* it,' Duo thought. Silently turning and stalking away, he moved to the opposite end of the arcade street. Winning him one small thing each would have been cute and kind of romantic. *This* was just plain ridiculous and had quite clearly quit having *anything* to do with him about two booths ago. Hell, neither of them had even *looked* at him, let alone spoke to him in at least half an hour!

Picking out the first dart-throwing booth he came to, Duo plunked his money down on the counter. They wanted to be competitive - fine. He'd show them competitive.


In response to the booth operator's query as to *which* large plushy he wanted to trade the pile of small ones for, Wufei turned to ask Duo. Who wasn't there. Hastily checking to see if Duo was watching Heero, he discovered that he was not. Nor could he see any sign of him in a quick glance up and down the row of booths. Hurrying over to Heero, he tugged at his arm just before he fired off a shot.

"Heero, have you seen Duo lately?" he demanded urgently.

A sick feeling settled in the pit of Heero's stomach as he glanced at his watch and realized just how long it had been since he *had* seen Duo. "No... I haven't..." he answered. Exchanging a guilty look with Wufei, he admitted, "I was too busy trying to win more prizes than you..."

"And I am guilty of the same," Wufei told him. "Yuy, I think we have - as Duo would say - 'fucked up royally'..."

"And the day started off so well..." Heero said mournfully. Gathering up his armful of plushies, he traded some of them in to reduce the pile to something he could actually hang on to, though he kept most of them as small prizes rather than trading them all in for a big one.

"What are you doing, Yuy?" Wufei demanded impatiently. "Forget about those - we need to find Duo and apologize."

"I know. And that's exactly why I'm bringing all these with me," Heero answered. He hesitated, half-tempted to let Wufei abandon his pile, then decided that wouldn't be right. There was a far better use for all those prizes.

"He is *not* going to want all those - he wouldn't even be able to carry everything we won, let alone enjoy himself for the rest of the day!" exclaimed Wufei.

"No, he won't. In fact, we'll be lucky if he keeps *any* of them." Half under his breath, Heero muttered, "Hell, we'll be lucky if he even *speaks* to us." Slightly louder, he continued, "But if we take them to one of the guest services booths, we can probably arrange to have them sent to a children's charity." Heero raised one eyebrow and said pointedly, "Like an orphanage, for example?"

Wufei froze, eyes widening. "Oh... Good idea..." Hastily gathering up his own unwieldy armload, Wufei paused to say, "You know, he'll never believe that was why we did this..."

"I wouldn't even try to convince him of that. I'm sure he knows *exactly* why we did it," Heero said grimly. "We let our competitive natures get the better of us and completely forgot about the whole reason we're here. *Him*. But if we have a suggestion for putting the results of that to good use and grovel enough, maybe he'll forgive us for ignoring him for the past hour or so." Looking at his watch and realizing that "or so" translated to closer to *two* hours, Heero added silently, 'I hope...'


Tossing another prize on his somewhat ridiculously large pile, Duo was about to plunk down payment for another round of ring-toss when someone quietly cleared their throat behind him. 'It's about fuckin' time they noticed I was missing,' he fumed silently. Turning, he glared at both teens equally. Or rather, glared at what little of them was visible beyond the pile of plushies each was carrying. With an effort, Duo kept his voice icily calm as he said, "I take it you're through here and are ready to move on. Just give me a moment to pick up *my* prizes and I'll be right with you."

Heero flinched at the completely flat, icy tone coming from Duo. 'Oh shit. He's *really* pissed off...'

'We really fucked up,' Wufei thought with a wince. Duo was - understandably - furious with them both. All trace of the delight he had exhibited when they told him where they were going was gone. Along with any trace of happiness at spending the day with the two of them.

Hidden behind a huge pile of plushies, Duo said flatly, "Lead on."

Cringing again at hearing *that* sort of voice from Duo, Heero did as he was asked. On the way to the nearest guest services booth, he offered quietly, "I'm sorry. I..."

"*We*..." interrupted Wufei.

"...screwed up," Heero continued. "I know you won't want all these, hell you probably don't want *any* of them now, but I - we - thought maybe we could arrange for the park's guest services to send them to an orphanage or some other charity..."

Quite deliberately not looking at either teen, Duo told them, "Fine. You do that." Dumping his pile on top of the guest services desk, he said, "I'll be waiting under the trees we just passed." Turning and walking away, he paused for a moment and added, still not looking at either of them, "If you think there's actually anything in there that I'll like, you can keep one each. *Maybe* I'll accept it later." 'Let's see if they actually have any idea what I'd like. If they manage to convince me that they're genuinely sorry *and* they show they have at least some clue what I like, I might be willing to keep one or two prizes as souvenirs. But they're going to have to make this day something I *want* to remember first...'

Flopping down on the nearest shady bench, Duo folded his arms across his chest and stared unseeingly across the walkway. If it weren't for Quatre's assurances that there was the potential for something worthwhile here, that little display of competitiveness would have been enough to convince him that their only interest in him was in beating the other. As it was, he was still strongly tempted to believe that.

Quatre had always had trouble reading Heero so it wasn't too hard to believe he had misread him this time. And now that Wufei was no longer seething with anger and the need for vengeance, it was entirely possible that he could be harder to read as well. Control *was* a main focus of martial arts, after all. 'What if *I* was projecting my own feelings so strongly that Q just picked up those and misread theirs because of it?' Duo wondered silently. Reluctantly, he decided that he couldn't rely on Quatre's readings of their feelings.

He had intended to wait and let the explanations come when Heero and Wufei were ready to offer them. Now, Duo wasn't sure he *could* wait. 'I want - no, I *need* - to know exactly what their intentions are,' he thought unhappily. But he wasn't too sure he actually wanted to know what those intentions were. Conversation at the ball had been very limited and superficial. Social small talk, basically. And not much of that. Was that only because of the very public setting or was that because they weren't interested in discussing anything deeper than that with him?

His behaviour around the two of them during the war *could* have led them to believe that he was promiscuous, he supposed. And his positive response to *both* of them now could be encouraging that belief, unfortunately. They might just be competing to see which one could bed him first. Competition certainly seemed to be virtually irresistible to the two of them. Once they got caught up in it, they forgot about everything - and everyone - else around them.

Duo swallowed painfully, then unconsciously drew his braid over his shoulder and started to fiddle with it agitatedly. He thought that they both had too much honour to do something like that, but then again he *had* made it pretty clear back then that he was theirs for the asking. If they thought that was all he was interested in, they might not see anything wrong with competing over him. And thinking back over their words and actions lately, there really was nothing there to indicate an interest in anything more than that.

'If either of them *was* interested in a *real* relationship, why haven't either of them ever made an effort to even get to know me better before? They never called or wrote more than a couple of lines in response to my monthly e-mails...' The longer he thought, the more depressed and upset Duo got and the more convinced he became that both he and Quatre had completely misread both teens' intentions.

Back at the guest services booth, Heero and Wufei finally managed to persuade the unfortunate personnel that their request really was *not* entirely out of line and that the money they handed over was more than enough to cover the shipping costs for the huge piles of plushies. As they left the booth, each was clutching a single *small* plushy.

Getting a good look at Duo's face as they walked towards him, Wufei was dismayed to realize that Duo wasn't just angry. Judging by the way he was fiddling with his braid, he was upset and probably hurt, too. 'And with good reason,' he thought. 'We may not have actually discussed our intentions yet, but he certainly seemed to have figured out that we were both interested in him. And what do we do? We bring him to a theme park - someplace he really wanted to go - then get caught up in a petty competition and completely ignore him for nearly two hours. We didn't even notice he'd left!'

Heero silently castigated himself during the short walk back to where Duo was sitting. 'Dammit, Yuy, during the war you ignored him in favour of your stupid laptop and you swore you'd never ignore him again if you had a second chance. And what do you do on your first full day with him? You fucking ignore him!' The hurt, upset look currently on Duo's face was one that was far too familiar. He had put it there too many times in the past and now he was responsible for it being there again.

Heero's only consolation was that at least this had been a *mutual* screw-up. Both he and Chang had behaved equally badly. Neither had gained an advantage from the other's inconsiderate behaviour. Taking another look at Duo's face, Heero realized abruptly, 'But that also means that Duo's twice as hurt...' Was Wufei not gaining an advantage worth Duo being even more upset? 'No. It isn't...'

Arriving at Duo's bench, they silently took a seat on either side of him. Other than a slight tightening of his jaw, Duo did not acknowledge their presence.

"They agreed to ship the plushies. They even managed to come up with the address of an orphanage on L2 to ship them to," Wufei told Duo in a subdued tone. Trying to lighten the mood, he added, "They were not particularly happy about it but none of them were capable of standing up to a Yuy Death Glare."

The attempted joke fell completely flat. Silence reigned over the bench for several long minutes.

Heero made the next attempt at drawing Duo out. "It's almost lunch time. Did you want to go eat first or do you want to go on some rides first?"

Finally reacting, Duo snapped bitterly, "What difference does it make? The two of you own my time; just tell me what we're doing and I'll do it. It's not like this has anything to do with *me* anyway. You've made that perfectly clear."

"What do you mean, this doesn't have anything to do with you?" Wufei asked, exchanging a confused look with Heero. "We've made *what* perfectly clear?"

"That this is some sort of game between the two of you, obviously," Duo responded, flinging his braid back over his shoulder and catapulting up from the bench. Turning to face them, he asked sarcastically, "Do you have some kind of actual bet going on, or is beating the other one into my bed supposed to be the only prize?" Ignoring the horrified protests from both teens, he continued furiously, "If it is, you'd better think again because no matter what sort of impression I may have given during the war, I am *not* some promiscuous slut ready to just forget the way you treated me before and fall happily into the arms and bed of either of you with no thought of the future. Nor will I do everything short of sitting up and begging just to get you to notice me.

"Ignore me all you like, I won't stoop to the sort of behaviour I did before just to try and get your attention. The only reason I'm even still here is because I gave my damn word for that fuckin' bachelor auction." Duo's voice cracked on the last few words and he whirled around to put his back towards the others, fighting to bring his wayward emotions back under control.
