Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wise Blood ❯ Admiring the Stars Above ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Wise Blood (Chapter 3 - Admire the Stars Above)

Disclaimer: See first chapter

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By the time we all arrived at the Wiwa Bed and Breakfast, it was just pass lunchtime and my stomach was growling loudly in the back of the Mothership. I muttered to myself as we pulled up into the parking lot and dragged myself inside behind the Posse and Heero. I couldn't tear my eyes away form his lean muscled back, and I was probably drooling all over myself. He was an image of perfection, but I really wasn't sure if he'd really appreciate my attraction to him. I wasn't taking chances. He glanced back at me once, probably to make sure I was still there, but I said nothing.

The building we had just walked into grasped my attention immediately. I didn't know what it was about the place, but it was calling to me in an odd way. I almost completely forgot my hunger as I examined the old architecture of the building and I barely noticed Heero suddenly giving me concerned glances as I walked ahead of the Posse to examine the architecture further.

Dorothy went to the front desk as I hung around looking at things, telling the manager we were there or something like that. I wasn't paying any real attention to anything. I was so engrossed in the place, and even I didn't really know why. Hilde was the one to pull me out of my daze as she grabbed my arm and dragged me over to Heero.

She shoved me onto him and put her hands on her hips, "I want you two to go and get us some lunch. There's a Wendy's a few blocks away, you should get everyone a few hamburgers. Got it?"

Both Heero and I nodded mutely, and I blinked a few times to clear my mind as we walked out of the building and down the street. Dorothy had already told us we weren't allowed to drive the Mothership, so we walked the few blocks.

"You seemed out of it before." Heero said, and I turned to face him.


"You weren't acting normal."

"Oh. I guess I was just amazed by the inn. I've never seen a building so beautiful. It just kinda called to be examined." I ran a

hand through my bangs.


I chuckled as I realized he wasn't going to say anything else.


It wasn't until nightfall that we did anything interesting. Astarte wanted to go down to the beach and watch the stars, and we all agreed. However, we only had one problem.

All our bags had somehow ended up outside the inn. We had no idea how they ended up out there, but by the time we found them we figured it was someone on the inn staff playing a practical joke on us. It seemed to be the most likely thing and pinning it on that, we changed into our swimwear and head down to the beach for some late night swimming and star gazing.

To say it was magnificently gorgeous there would be a vast understatement. The sand was nearly white from the light of the full moon and stars above and the ocean lapped calmly at the beach, the moonlight distorted on its waves. I glanced around from Hilde to Dorothy to Astarte to Relena, before my gaze stopped and lingered breathlessly on Heero. His chiseled features seemed sharper in the moonlight and I found that his profile was so much more perfect at night. If it hadn't been for the fact that I was responsible for starting a small fire, I would have continued gawking at his handsome form.

I sighed forlornly as I went about my duty and listened halfheartedly to their enthusiastic conversations. Hilde was talking animatedly to Astarte about what they planned to do for the weekend. Dorothy was whispering to Relena, and I could only guess what she was saying. But Heero wasn't getting involved in the conversations. His voice never said anything, and by the time I had a merry blaze going, he was laying on his back and staring up at the stars above. I grinned at the Posse and gestured to the happy fire as I kneeled down next to Heero and gazed up into the sky.

"They're beautiful." He breathed, and I turned my head to glance down at him as he darted his eyes slowly towards me. I grinned widely, following his example and laying back in the sand.

"Definitely." I sighed and traced a constellation with an index finger, "To think that stars are giant burning balls of hydrogen and other elements. Most little kids think they're fairies or something; I used to think they were the spirits of the dead. That idea kinda made them more stunning than thinking in terms of hydrogen."

He chuckled and turned his head to face me, "I used to think the stars were made of glitter."

I hadn't expected him to say anything in return to my comment, but I grinned as I continued to stare at the subject of our conversation. "Glitter, eh? That's better than my idea of them being souls."

"Souls make sense." Heero said simply, again looking at the stars intently. I stared at his profile for a long time as his eyes remained fixed on the sky. He was so glorious that it took a lot of effort to tear my eyes away from him and look back to the infinite spread of the heavens.

I don't remember dozing off, but it seems that I did, because the next thing I remember was Astarte shaking me awake and grinning widely. I muttered incoherently and swatted at her, but she dragged me to my feet.

"Duo! Look at the cliff!!" She whispered as I glanced around at the stunned group around me. She turned me violently around and I found myself staring as well, open mouthed.

Standing atop the balcony on the 3rd floor of the Wiwa Bed and Breakfast was a woman, her hair blown by a nonexistent breeze. Her sorrowful voice echoed down the cliff and across the beach and before we could comprehend what we were really seeing… She leaped from the balcony and out into the air, her hair flowing behind her as she wailed out slurred names and just before hitting the rocks she vanished, her wailing all that was left behind.

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A/N: I tried to make this chapter as long as I could. This fic probably won't be completely finished for a long time, and I can't believe I've written this much in such a short amount of time. Please review! ^_^