Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wise Blood ❯ Past Come to Haunt ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Wise Blood (Chapter 4 - Past Come to Haunt)

Disclaimer: See first chapter

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The woman simply vanished, and Hilde looked like she was going into shock. Heero's eyes were wide, and his lips were slightly parted as he stared blankly at the cliff. Dorothy's expression was that different from Heero's, and she had her arms wrapped tightly around Relena, who looked as if she was going to faint.

Astarte however… She was practically jumping around in joy, grabbing hold of my shoulders and spinning me around. "Did you see her?! That was the ghost Hilde was talking about! Oh my goddess! This is amazing, isn't this amazing?!" She released me and turned to face the shocked group, her jovial expression fading as she looked from the Posse to her brother. "Why do you all look so freaked out?"

Hilde chose this moment to awake from her shocked state, "We're freaked out because we just saw a fucking ghost!"

I took a shaky breath and let my eyes wander towards Heero. His face betrayed no shock, but his eyes were wild. "Heero?"

His face shot towards me and he blinked, "What the hell just happened?"

"I think we just saw the ghost haunting Wiwa." I deadpanned, glancing at the inn.

The others wanted to go to a new B&B. However, Astarte and I figured we should just stay where we were. The ghost, according to the manager, was really only active on the 3rd floor, and our rooms just happened to be on the 2nd floor. We didn't have to worry about pesky ghosties attacking us in our sleep. It took Astarte and I a while to persuade them to stay at Wiwa, but we eventually did it, and the remained of the weekend passed by almost uneventfully. At night we heard the wailing, but nothing bothered us in our rooms.


When Sunday afternoon came around and we all piled back into the Mothership to head back to Spectra [1], we chatted animatedly about the ghost and Hilde and Astarte began bickering about the level of romanticism involved in the incident. I listened half-heartedly to them, glimpsing over to Heero. He'd been almost completely silent since the night we watched the ghost jump from the balcony, and I was beginning to worry for the stoic teen. He had been completely out of it, and as I listened to Hilde and Astarte, I turned to him and put a hand on his arm. He jumped at the touch, turning to glare at me. I grinned.

"You okay, man? You're quieter than usual." My concern was obvious in my voice.

He stared at me for a while, and I began to think he wasn't going to answer. I sighed and turned away, moving my hand away and leaning back against the metal wall of the van. I sensed that he was still staring at me, and he sighed as well.

"I'm just trying to understand what happened." He said, not elaborating. I didn't look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know."

I shifted so that I was facing him, "I don't understand what happened either, Heero. None of us do. We just know we all saw the same thing, heard the same thing. Whether it was a ghost or just an echo of the event, who the hell knows? But we're just as confused as you."

He nodded, his cobalt blue eyes locking with mine. He blinked, "Your eyes are purple."

I laughed at the sudden change in topic, "Geez, man. That was unexpected." I grinned at him and slung an arm over his shoulders. "Unexpected, but I'm glad you noticed!"

The ride back home was like that most of the way. By the time we reached Spectra city limits, I had Heero involved in an intricate conversation and I wasn't willing to get out of that van and say goodnight to them when we pulled up in the driveway of my foster home. Heero gave me a rare smile, and I smiled back as widely as I could before grabbing my duffel bag and rushing towards the house.

I fell asleep to the image of Heero smiling at me.

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[1] "Spectra" - I made a typo in the previous chapters, the town is called Spectra, not Specter…. Oops.

A/N: Eeek!! Chapter 4!!! It's short, but it does it's purpose! Yay!! I'm getting far in this one! I'm on a role! Please review!! ::huggles::