Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wise Blood ❯ Not Quite Normal ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Wise Blood (Chapter 5 -Not Quite Normal)

Disclaimer: See first chapter

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It had been a week since the ghost incident. We decided not to tell anyone else about it, mainly because that would require answering questions we didn't know the answers to. Heero had begun spending more time with me than he did prior, which probably was the best thing to happen to me since moving to Spectra. He had started becoming more and more casual around me, and Astarte was the first (besides me) to notice.

"We should go ghost hunting." She suggested one day during lunch hour, and almost everyone at the table dropped what ever they were holding. I know I just stared at her, and Hilde and Dorothy (Relena had a separate lunch hour from us) actually gaped widely at her. Heero snorted and continued munching on the bag of chips he'd bought.

"Ghost hunting? You mean, like hunting ghosts?" I asked, leaning back in my chair.

She nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah! We could take pictures of supposedly haunted places, and maybe even try and help the ghosts, you know? It'd be really interesting!"

Heero looked thoughtful, even with the chip half-hanging out his mouth. I didn't know what he was thinking, and I didn't ask. I just turned my attention from Astarte to Heero, and watched him silently before I muttered to his sister, "I guess that would be pretty cool."

Hilde and Dorothy came out of whatever daze they were in enough to glare and start arguing with Astarte. They seemed intent on getting Astarte to realize the dangers involved in ghost hunting, and how it's also a very expensive hobby to start. She retorted saying she could get some rich kid or Relena to buy all the equipment.

I tuned them out and snatched a chip from Heero.

"Hey, that was mine." He complained, moving to snatch it back. I shoved it in my mouth and grinned, crunching away on the chip as he glared at me. The glare suddenly became a mischievous smirk, and I became very nervous very fast. He leaned forward and locked eyes with me, "I want my chip back."

I swallowed, and before I could react he had attacked my lips with his own, running his tongue along the skin. I hadn't expected that, but I definitely wasn't complaining. His lips were soft and I just wanted to lean forward and devour him. However, Heero had other ideas and leaned back, causing me to loose my teetering balance. The girls stopped arguing and I fell over out of my chair and onto the floor, my face feeling very warm and my mind incapable of forming a coherent thought. Heero just smirked.

"I got my chip back." He chuckled and Hilde practically had a heart attack.

"Holy shit, Heero! Did you just kiss Duo?!" She shrieked, glancing down at me (I was still on the floor).

Heero raised an eyebrow and smirked even wider, "No. I just licked the salt off his lips."

I hit my head on the floor before I dragged myself back into my seat as Dorothy looked between us and Astarte started yelling at her brother for "cleaning Duo's lips without his permission," using her exact words. I just stared blankly ahead, still feeling his lips on me. I was so lost in my musings that I almost missed the appearance, and I mean that literally, of a little red haired girl standing off to Astarte's left. She was just standing there, staring at us, and I focused on her and again fell out of my chair. The Posse turned to look at me.

"What the hell's wrong now?" Astarte demanded, her hands on her leather-clad hips.

I continued looking at the little girl; she was mildly transparent, "Nothing much," I couldn't move, "There's just a ghost standing right next to you."

Astarte turned her head.

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A/N: Short, but I need to write whatever's on my mind down, since with a short chapter I have less of a chance of getting writer's block. Still a chance, but it's a lot smaller. This is kinda cliffhangerish, I guess. Geez, it's amazing that I've done 5 chapters in 2 days. I'm very pleased with myself. I deserve ramen. Read and review!