Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wise Blood ❯ Musings ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Wise Blood (Chapter 6 - Musings)

Disclaimer: See first chapter

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We had no idea how the other students in the cafeteria didn't see the vaporous apparition currently watching us with vacant eyes. Hell, we didn't know why we could see it. My embarrassment at being kissed by Heero faded to a very dull roar as Astarte stared at the figure. I had exaggerated in telling her it was right next to her. In actuality, it was a few steps behind her, and she had to turn her head to get a glimpse of it. She froze and turned to look at me with large eyes. Hilde and Dorothy seemed to be in similar states of shock, but I couldn't really tell since I wasn't facing them.

The ghost girl smiled impassively at me, her bland eyes never leaving mine. I felt as though my heart was being torn out while locked in her gaze, and I don't know why, but I found myself standing and almost mechanically attempting to go around the table. Attempting being the keyword here, as before I had even taken two steps, Heero had snatched my arm and pulled me back, turning my face towards him. His expression snapped me out of my daze.

Not looking back, I whispered to the girls (and Heero), "We need to leave the cafeteria, now."

Without waiting for a reply, I darted away, not wanting to think anymore of what I had just seen.


I don't think something like that is easy to forget. I mean, how often do you see a fucking ghost examining your lunch table? Not that often, I'd assume. By the time the last bell rang, I was more than slightly eager to get home and try and forget about the red-haired little girl, but I couldn't. Something about my reaction to her gaze intrigued me, and I couldn't rest until I knew why.

Regretfully, the ghost wasn't the only thing attacking my brain that night as I sat on my bed doing the mountain of homework that had piled up over the course of the day. The Chip Incident (as Astarte so affectionately called it) was nearly as prominent as the ghost issue. Actually, to tell the honest to goodness truth, I was fucking obsessed with the thought that Heero had oh-so-casual attacked my lips. I think that shocked me more than the appearance of a translucent elementary school girl, and considering that that was pretty damn freaky… Sometimes the craziest shit happens when you least expect it.

God dammit, his lips were wonderful. I wanted Heero to kiss me again, only I wanted him to kiss me, not jokingly "lick" (I argued with Dorothy about it afterwards. She said it was a lick) my lips. Before the Chip Incident, I mostly had a crush on him (with a bit of Heero-centric[1] fantasies, added in there… What? I'm a teenager! I'll jerk off if I want!), but after the Incident… That's when it went from a little crush, to being something a lot more complicated. I was falling in love with him. All because the bastard decided to suck the salt off my fucking lips.

I sighed and stopped trying to solve the equation I was currently working on. With the way my thoughts were going (and the fact that my pants had grown mildly uncomfortable at the thought of Heero's lips on mine), I probably wasn't going to get much work done, if any at all. I had been staring at the first equation for who knows how long. Tossing the notebook on the floor I plopped onto my back on the bed, trying to ignore the discomfort (well… how about I say "pleasant discomfort" instead?) that the pants had on my quickly hardening member. This was so not the best time.

I muttered to myself, rolling onto my side, "Think un-sexy thoughts…"

I promptly began forming images of my foster parents having hot and wild monkey sex. That quickly extinguished any sexual thoughts I had been thinking on. Hell, I probably wouldn't be horny for the rest of the week, even if Heero suddenly appeared in nothing but his birthday suit and smothered in chocolate sauce.

Of course, that had been a hypothetical "rest of the week." As if on some kind of strange cue, a gentle but firm knocking was heard on my bedroom door. Thinking it was one of the other foster kids (probably Trowa Barton, this really tall guy with weird hair), I pulled open the door and tried to look exhausted. Instead of the uni-bang I was expecting to see, I came face to face (I wished it was mouth to mouth) with the object of my unhealthy infatuation. I had no idea why he was there, but I wasn't about to complain. No part of me was about to complain.

Heero's lips twitched in an almost smile and I grinned widely, "Heero! What brings you here?"

"Thought I'd check up on you." He paused looking me over casually, "You were spooked earlier."

"Of course I was spooked! Some freaky little ghost girl stares at me, I'm gonna be freaked!" I roared, moving away from the doorway and back onto my bed. I kept my eyes off of Heero, trying my hardest not to remember the Chip Incident. But when he walked all the way into my room and sat down on the bed next to me, I thought I would die from the sudden closeness. Why hadn't he affected me so much before? Why was him simply sitting next to me giving me a raging hard-on?

I felt him staring at me, but I continued looking anywhere but at him. I was trying to think of something to take my mind off his close proximity, but if you had someone that sexy sitting so close to you, would you be able to focus on anything else? I sure as hell couldn't. I bit my lower lip to hold in a moan as he shifted slightly, his leg brushing against mine. Damn my hormones, damn them!

"Duo?" Heero's voice was low. He placed a hand on my shoulder, and I almost had an orgasm at the casual touch.

My mind was running at 10 miles a minute, 'Oh god, oh god, oh god. This is too fucking much.' I turned my head towards him, but didn't look at him, "Y-yeah, H-Heero?"

He tried to make eye contact. I looked down. He sighed, "Are you mad at me or something?"

I almost laughed at that. 'No, I just want to fuck you senseless.' Shaking my head at the thought, I muttered, "Nope, not mad."

"Then what's wrong?" He sounded vaguely worried, but I still couldn't look at him for fear that I'd jump him.

"Nothing's wrong." It wasn't a lie, because nothing was wrong. I don't think falling in love with one of your best friend's brother (who's also one of those said best friends) and wanting to fuck him is really having something be wrong. Although some could argue that point.

"If you say so." He sighed, standing up. I sneaked a look at him as he stretched his arms over his head, my eyes locking momentarily on his lower back as his tee-shirt rose up with his arms. I pried my eyes away, feeling myself getting harder. There was no way thinking un-sexy would get this erection to go away. It was fucking painful.

I heard a sharp intake of breath and looked at Heero against my will. His eyes were focused on my crotch.

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[1] "Heero-centric" - I read that somewhere… it fit there, so I used it. Sorry if you're the person who came up with it! I'd give you credit, but I don't remember who's it is… O_o

This fic's gonna be around a while, as I have no ending in sight and a bunch of ideas! ^___^ Should I hold through with my idea for the next chapter? Should it be a lemon or a limey scene? If a lemon, it'll be on (if I can bring myself to write one) the limey one will be on (what counts as lime?).

Oh, and as you can see, Duo is very different when left to his musings. I decided to add a bit more personality into this fic. Duo-sama was beginning to become kinda 2 dimensional. Now he's a normal horny 16 year old. ^_^