Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wise Blood ❯ Some Things are Better Left Alone ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Wise Blood Chapter 16 (Some Things are Better Left Alone)
Disclaimer: See First Chapter

Spending the night on the beach like that was nice. More than nice. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, no matter how cheesy that sounds. But hey, some of the greatest things ever said where cheesy as hell. It's what makes them so memorable. The only thing that sucked: My hair was a mess. I'm talking so much sand it was a miracle that my braid wasn't tan instead of brown. Heero thought it was funny. Of course, he doesn't have hair that's 3 feet long, now does he? No, he doesn't. So while he was finding my pouting amusing, I was busy trying to shake some of the offending grit out of said hair. It was the beginning of a really mediocre day, and that's no shit.

"It's not as bad as you're making it out to be, Duo." Heero said, his lips quirked in a little smirk as he tried (uselessly, I might add) to console me.

"Not as bad?! Are you fucking nuts? All this sand's gonna take weeks to wash out!"

His smirk got a bit suggestive, "Would you like me to wash it for you until every grain is gone?"

Insert me stuttering a bit, getting naughty images that made me forget momentarily about my hair problem. "Shit, Heero. I can't tell if you're kidding or if you're serious."

"I'm serious. I can't say I'd limit myself to simply running my hands through your hair, however." As he said this, he reached out one of those gorgeous hands and stroked my bangs back, his smirk fading to a more thoughtful half-smile. Pale grains of sand trickled through his fingers and onto my shirt, and he just ran his fingers lovingly over my hair and face.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." I pouted, snatching his other hand and playing with his long fingers. He had pianist hands, I suddenly noticed, or maybe guitarist hands. I kissed his knuckles before grinning at him.

"Never," he smirked again, leaning towards me and completely bypassing my lips to place a little kiss on my cheek, "Nothing about you is bad."

Wrapping my arm around Heero's waist, I muttered playfully, "Except almost everything."


"And fucking proud of it."

Okay, so the first hour was decent (considering the abysmal state of my hair.) but the day quickly went downhill from there.

For one, Dorothy and Relena had vanished to who-knows-where. Bad thing about this? They took the damn Mothership with them! With my shampoo in it! I was stuck using Astarte's 'Brilliant Brunette' because, like me, everyone else had oh-so-intelligently left their shampoo in the van. Astarte was the only one who didn't. So I was using foreign shampoo when I took my shower, and it was just my luck that not only was the spray of the water too forceful, it was also freezing. Damn water heater wasn't working.

I was pretty damn happy when I got out of the ice-bath and into some nice, warm, comfy clothes. I was pissed off when my hair tie broke, dooming me to go around the rest of the day with my hair all over the place. Those damn tangles are a bitch to get out.

Normally, I would have borrowed one from Dorothy or Relena, since Hilde and Astarte both had short-ass hair. However... they still hadn't come back from wherever the hell they'd gone. Heero wasn't bothered by my hair being loose. In fact, the only good thing about the tie breaking was the fact that Heero spent most of the time he was near me running his fingers through my hair.

The day continued into the realm of crap. Trowa and Quatre were happily snogging in Wiwa's lobby (while a few girls working the counter stared on in fascination). Good for them, annoying for me. I kept wanting to throw the girls out the window (mostly when one of them eyeballed Hee-chan and I suggestively.)

By the time Dorothy and Relena returned, I felt like shit and just wanted to go back to sleep. They'd been with Relena's brother all day, softening him up or something, but honestly, with the day I had, I didn't give a shit.

It wasn't until later on that day that we actually went to talk to our only lead. He was pretty cool, but my opinion of him wasn't really important, considering we were questioning him on the murder of his best friend's fiancée’s daughter's disappearance. Gods, that's a mouthful. Not too complicated, but still a mouthful.

We (being me, Heero, Trowa, Q-ball, 'Lena, and Hilde) were the lucky six chosen to talk to 'Lena's brother. Now I'm not saying that I didn't want to. It was a moment of the sooner we get this over with the better, and I was pretty fucking desperate to talk to this guy.

It was just... I was really enjoying myself (hair troubles be damned), and I knew that once we'd spoken to him all the fun would be drained out of the day and I'd just want to go home. I really didn't want that, so any mehness I felt towards talking to Milliardo Peacecraft was pretty well founded.

His apartment on the 5th floor of Wiwa wasn't as lavish as Mr Khushrenada's. It was the first thing I noticed when I walked in. The second thing I noticed was that it was completely devoid of anything that might express personality. In fact, it was actually pretty damn creepy.

I didn't feel as paranoid when I noticed that the others, sans Relena, had all stiffened up after a glance around the sparse living room. It was pretty obvious that 'Lena was used to the bleak décor.

"Milliardo!" she called out, walking forward and leaving us standing by the door. I was feeling really subdued about then, wondering what the hell had possessed me to even consider talking to this guy. The only thing that kept me from bolting out the door was Heero's firm grasp on my hand and Trowa and Quatre's blocking of the door, and I was almost thankful for that.

I put on a brave face and looked around, my eyes landing on the only photograph in the room. It was black and white, and it looked like it was of a much younger Mr. Khushrenada, a lovely young woman who looked vaguely familiar, as well as a man with hair almost as long as mine and really light eyes. It was hard to tell what color his eyes were, but I didn't have to ponder on it long.

The man in the picture was Milliardo Peacecraft, and he had just walked into the room, icy-blue eyes looking at all of us before locking on Relena. "Are these your... friends, Relena?"

His voice was really, really radio announcer-like. Very compelling. It was the voice of a politician, and I wouldn't have been surprised if he was.

Heero's grip on my hand tightened, and I glanced at him. His face was set in a scowl, and I realized the death-grip on my hand was there to keep him from bolting. I wondered what the hell would make him so tense around someone so seemingly trust-worthy. He hadn't given any clues that would've explained the tenseness, but I figured it wasn't the best time to question him. We had enough of an interrogation ahead of us as it was.

"Yes, Milliardo," Relena paused, examining her brother, "I'm sure you remember why we're here?"

His scowl rivalled even Heero's, "Of course, little sister. You've come to ask questions that there are no good answers to."

Relena looked completely composed, considering her brother's biting tone, "Exactly. And the sooner you provide those answers, the sooner we'll leave."

"Fine," He glanced at us again, staring at Heero for a moment with a slightly amused look on his face, "Why, if it isn't little Yuy! How are you parents?"

Heero's hold on my hand became almost painful, and I was almost afraid to see the look on his face as he snarled, "Don't talk to me, Peacecraft. I'm not in the mood for your bullshit."

I wondered what kind of bullshit Relena's brother might pull. I wondered why an simple inquiry about his parents made Heero spitting mad. And then I wondered if maybe he wasn't as trustworthy as his voice suggested. I noticed that Trowa and Quatre both seemed to becoming increasingly suspicious of Milliardo Peacecraft.

He stared at Heero with those eyes for another moment, before glancing at me with a raised eyebrow. He looked like he was about to say something about our entwined hands, but instead opted for looking away. I figured it had something to do with the mega-watt 'I’ll fucking kill you' glare of impending death that Heero was shooting in his general direction.

A tense silence filled the room for what seemed like forever before Hilde decided that the murderous glares were just too much. I was really fucking relieved when she finally spoke up, putting to rest the previous moment and keeping Heero from strangling the platinum haired man, "Could you just, you know, tell us about the last time you say Mariemaia Khushrenada? This way we'll be outta your hair and you can go back to doing whatever the hell it is you do."

"I gave my statement to the police. I have no reason to give it to you." He turned from us, "You're wasting your time."

"We don't have access to police reports, dammit!" Hilde pressed, "Just tell us what hap-"

"Listen," Milliardo interrupted with a sigh, "Some things should just be left buried. Mariemaia is one of them. Even if the lot of you ever find her body, whoever put her there in the first place still may never be caught."

"That's not why we're looking!" I groaned, before muttering under my breath. I didn't want to say anything to the man, but I couldn't help it.

"Then he won't be caught. But isn't giving the girl a proper funeral just as important?"

'Whoa, was that Trowa?' I thought, glancing at said weird haired teen, 'Yep, that was definitely Trowa.' Sometimes that guy was just full of surprises (like how he and Quatre had gotten together so damn fast.)

"Milliardo! I can't believe you're acting like this!" Relena exclaimed, stalking to her brother and putting her hands on her hips. "We're trying to help Mr. Khushrenada's daughter, and all you can say is that it's all useless? You know the family! You should be the first in line to help us locate Mariemaia!"

"Treize didn't want my help! He refused my offer!" the platinum haired man retorted, gesturing violently as he spoke, "He claimed it was my fault! That I should have watched her more carefully!"

I stared at him. That didn't add up. Mr. Khushrenada hadn't said anything about Milliardo Peacecraft offering to help. He'd only mentioned, fleetingly, that Peacecraft was the last person to see Mariemaia. I glanced at Heero, and for the second time found relief in the expression on his face. It was pretty obvious that he was thinking pretty much the same thing. Either Treize wasn't telling the whole truth, or Milliardo was lying. The problem was, I didn't know either well enough to figure out which it was. But based on Heero's earlier reaction to his seemingly innocent question... let's just say I decided Mr. Khushrenada was probably the more honest of the two.

"The last time I saw her was when Treize had asked me to pick her up from softball practice. She had asked to go the bathroom at the high school, where practice was at, but she never came out of the building." He stopped talking, realizing we'd gotten him talking. He continued grudgingly, "I went in and checked for her, but no had seen her come in."

It was something, at least.

Now, I wasn't entirely sure if the meeting was useful or not. Sure, we got some more information, but it wasn't really something groundbreaking. We'd pretty much assumed something along those lines, but I guess actually hearing them spoken was useful in its own right, not matter how questionable the speaker may be. The actual useful information was on the back-burner, however.

I was more interested in what had gotten Heero so worked up. I was about to question him about it when we went down to the lobby, but didn't want to ask him in front of the others. He'd pretty much walled himself up, and it looked like he was expecting someone (most likely Peacecraft) to jump out of the shadows at him at anytime. I suddenly felt really bad for insisting that he be my support figure for the somewhat disastrous meeting.

"Heero..." I started, only to have him cut me off with a quick, small smile.

"Later, Duo. I'll explain later." He almost whispered, and I nodded, accepting the reply. I knew he would, but it didn't stop me from wondering just what the hell was going on as we all gathered our stuff and tossed it back in the Mothership. It looked like everyone was just as eager to get the hell home as Heero and I were. We'd barely closed the back doors of the Mothership before Dorothy shot out of the parking lot without so much as a "We're off!"

It was only when we were on the interstate heading back to Spectra that it dawned on me who the woman in the picture was.

A/N: Had to put Sexy Zechsy in this chapter (even if I did do some bastardization on him). Oh, and the woman? Yeah. She's important. My other idea... exploded. Yeah, it exploded (i.e. I forgot.) Sorry you had to wait so long for such a shit chapter... Did it really take me 6 months to finish this chappy?! Holy Shit! O.o From now on, if I take to long to update, spam my e-mail with "hurry the hell up" messages. It'll probably get me going again. ::sweatdrops:: But well, I guess this was an okay chapter. It's one of the longer ones, but it's still so... I don't even know. I'm not sure WHAT's wrong with it, I just know there's something. And it's so freaking minor no one but me will notice (and even then I don't know what the hell it is TToTT). This story may finally lift from it's long-ass hiatus, but updates will probably be few and far between. Not 7-8 months, but at most 3 months, because I'm the world's most obnoxious procrastinator. Shit. These ANs are long as hell. I'm wasting precious space and I'm finding that I really don't give a shit.
Anyway. Reviewers, right. Thanks to everyone wo reviewed the last chapter, and I hope this was at least worth the wait. If not, I'm sorry. I've never been very punctual.