Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wise Blood ❯ Are We There Yet? ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Wise Blood (Chapter 15 - Are We There Yet?)
Disclaimer: See first chapter
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Sometimes I feel like a real idiot. Especially recently; what with the dead chick issue, the rabid sexual frustration, and even more annoyance with figuring out how to find said dead chick. But I tried to ignore that stupid feeling (especially since it was drilling into my head insanely). Really, I did.

Doesn't mean I succeeded, but hey, trying is half the battle, right?


By Halloween, I'd pretty much figured out what the hell Treize was saying in that goddamned recording. It took Heero, Trowa and Dorothy to explain it to me, but dammit, I eventually figured it out. Like I said, I'm not stupid, I just have trouble with shit I've already heard.

Anyway, apparently Mariemeia's mother got pregnant before marrying Treize, and they were to be married a month after the kid was born. Turns out that Treize found out that his fiancée was having an affair, and she killed herself shortly after Mariemeia was born for fear of his reaction. Mr. Creepy Eyebrow Man was actually friends with the guy his fiancée was going around with, and neither of them understood why she would kill herself when they could have just 'discussed it like rational human beings' (- Mr.
Creepy Eyebrow Man). I agreed with that. Why the hell would you kill yourself over something that stupid? Whatever. Weirdly enough, this friend was the last person to see Mariemaia before she vanished but Treize refused to believe he may have had something to do with the disappearance of his daughter.

Even weirder than that though, is the fact that we've met this guy before. And it just gets better, since this same guy is related to a member of the Posse.

"He's related to who?!" I asked as Heero finished explaining the tape to me, my eyes bugging and his face purely amused.

"He's Relena's older brother." He stated simply, taking a sip of his milkshake. We were in the local ice cream parlor, gorging on frozen goodies (it was buy one scoop get two scoops free day) and having an all around 'good time' (Do you sense the sarcasm?). And while our discussion was pretty damn serious, the atmosphere in Bark's was extremely relaxed. Some things are just not meant to be understood.

I shook my head, "I didn't even know she had a brother. When the hell did that happen?"

Heero chuckled, leaning back in the booth as I spoke. I considered (briefly) crawling over the table and kissing him, but figured that the manager wouldn't really like that much. "He's quite a bit older than her. I think he's in his mid thirties."

I did a double take, "Parents must be ancient."

"The father is. They have different mothers." He nodded and explained, and I laughed. He looked so amazing right then, and I couldn't help but just stare, ya know? It was one of those moments when I just couldn't believe how fucking lucky I was to be so near him. It was really, really nice. I was so enthralled that I just sat there and stared at him as he silently sipped his milkshake. Geez, he made it look so fucking sexy and I knew I was probably drooling.

"So!" I exclaimed, grinning at Heero's wonderfulness. "What are we going to do once we get to Wiwa?"

"Talk to Relena's brother," He stretched his arms over his head, not taking his eyes off of me, "Considering he owns the place."

"Oh, yeah." Not stupid. Slow. But not stupid.


Glad he found me so amusing, the bastard (But I still love him.)


The Mothership was so crowded that I almost wished I had my own car (or magical powers.) Two new people had somehow managed to weasel themselves in, and I was forced to sit on Heero's lap. Hey, that wasn't a complaint. That was me being extremely happy that Tro-Tro and Quatre were joining us. Definitely happy me.

The trip to Wiwa was uneventful, with the exception of Hilde drooling as Quatre and Trowa started making out. Not to be outdone, I promptly locked lips with Heero. At that point, Hilde was screaming catcalls, Astarte was complaining that she was plagued with bad mental images, and Dorothy had to pull over. We got yelled at. It sucked. (But it was so definitely worth it.)

By the time we pulled into the parking lot of the wondrous bed and breakfast from Hell, I was ready to kiss the ground. Dorothy was a crazy ass driver, and I always seemed to forget that little fact - that is, until she got on the interstate. Holy shit. And she wouldn't let me drive her precious Chevy van. Meh. At least I'm not a stark raving lunatic like some people.

Wiwa was pretty much the same as the last time we were there, except the building was covered in Halloween decorations and the parking lot actually had more than 5 cars in it. I was probably dreading talking to 'Lena's brother more than I should have been. I mean, whatever info we found out would get us closer to find Mariemeia, ghost girl extraordinaire. So why would that freak me out? Could it possibly be due to the fact if this guy had any info it might get him (fuck, even us) into some big ass trouble.
What if he was the kidnapper? What if, what if, what if. Ya know?

I really didn't like "what if's."

At all.

So I think I took it rather well, all things considered.

For the millionth time, I was knocked out of my musings by Heero as he soundlessly snaked an arm around my waist. Definitely nicer than the train my thoughts had hoped onto. He gently caressed my side. Yep. Definitely nicer.

"So now we question 'Lena's brother?" I asked morosely. I would have rather been doing anything else.

"Not yet," he replied and I could've whooped for joy, "But we need to soon."

I sighed. Great. I didn't know why I was complaining. I mean, it was my idea to come to Wiwa for Halloween in the first place, and it was my fault for even bothering to get out of bed. But the promise of being with Heero really, really outweighed all things under the category of 'annoying shit' because he was most definitely the farthest relation to annoying you could find. "Oh well. A guy can hope."

His arm stayed around my waist before he turned me to face him right before we entered the B&B. A teeny-tiny smile graced his face and I grinned at him. "Let's go down to the beach first," he whispered, "and star gaze."

I liked that idea and the kiss we shared was a pretty good reply, if I do say so myself. "Mmm. Sounds fun."

An exasperated sigh greeted us quite suddenly, and I turned my head slightly to meet Astarte's eye rolling fun, "While I'm extremely happy that my brother finally has a boyfriend, I really, REALLY would rather not see him making out. Even if it is with someone as completely sexy as you, Duo."

I snorted, trying to hold back my laughter. But that didn't work. (Holding things back: Not something I'm good at.) So instead I leaned against Heero and laughed till tears, my face buried in his shoulder. It wasn't really a very funny quip, but I couldn't help it. She just sounded so serious. So I turned back to her, trying to make my face solemn as I said, "I promise I won't make-out and/or grope your extremely sexy brother in front of you."

It was Heero's turn to laugh (correction: chuckle) and I beamed at him as Astarte again rolled her eyes and snatched our bags from us. "Yeah, yeah. Now go away."

So we did. Well, we went down to the beach, at least. I don't know if that's really going away. If it is, then okay. As soon as we were out of earshot and Wiwa was just another building on the coast, and all worries seemed to kind of vanish, we resumed our kissing. I swear, I'll never get sick of that. We'd only had one major moment and I could count the amount of times we'd made out on one hand. But honestly, that stuff didn't really matter. Sure, it was nice, but it was moments like that, where we just kinda roamed the beach, that were REALLY worth it.

I pulled him down onto the sand next to me as I plopped down. The sun was setting, and I was content to just watch it slowly vanish over the horizon while I leaned on Heero.



"We are a couple, right?"

I glanced up at him (because with the way I was leaning on him, I felt a few feet shorter.), "Of course."


"What brought that up?"

"Just what Astarte said." He shrugged, and my head fell into his lap. He smiled down at me, "I only wanted to make sure that I hadn't presumed something false. Silly of me, isn't it?"

"Just a little." I smirked. He knew I wasn't serious, and he leaned forward and lightly kissed my nose. I scrunched my nose up.

"Keep acting like that and I'll make you talk to Relena's brother by yourself." Heero threatened, his eyes gleaming. Sometimes I swear he was evil or something.

"That would be cruel and unusual."


I rolled my eyes. His lap was quite a nice pillow, and I stared up at the dark sky. "I don't wanna go back."

"To Wiwa?"

"Yeah." I grabbed a handful of sand and let it strain through the gaps between my fingers, "I wanna stay out here like this all night."

"Then why don't we?" he whispered, and I smiled. He pulled his cell phone out of his jacket pocket, and I grinned like a maniac when he called his sister and asked her to bring some blankets and a flashlight down to the beach.

As he hung up, I sat up slightly, "You serious?"

"If you want to stay out here," he motioned to the beach, "then let's stay out here. It's a nice night."

After that, it really was.

A/N: I am so, so, so, SO sorry for the HUGE delay in this. I was so wrapped up with Organic. I also realised, months later, that I posted the WRONG VERSION of chapter 14. There should never have been that last little section about Duo and Heero dressing like Gravi characters. Took me long enough, ne? But I fixed that already, and now I’m hoping that I won’t make that mistake again. This chapter is kinda relevant. I mean, it has some plot info… and then it becomes all… fluffy and shit. :wide eyed stare: Ugh. I can’t believe I promised 40 chapters. How the hell am I gonna pull this off? With a lemon too! Oh no! I’m so totally screwed! For some strange reason, I feel like I'm writing Duo completely differently than when I started this fic. If I am, blame the fact that I've been writing mostly Heero related fics lately (Hop on over to for those, BTW.) And yeah. That's all I have to say today. Kinda sad: Takes me FOREVER to update and you get this short ass chapter. I think I should feel bad about that... but I sorta can't. Has anyone noticed how random these author's notes are? Because I swear, I feel like I'm just babbling. O.o I prolly am.
Reviewers, Know this: I love you all!