Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wise Blood ❯ Who Says Eyebrows Aren't Interesting? ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Wise Blood (Chapter 14 – Who Say’s Eyebrows Aren’t Interesting?)

Disclaimer: See first chapter


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Mr. Treize Khushrenada was a tall and extremely handsome man. If it wasn’t for the fact that he and Dorothy both had those unnerving forked eyebrows, I might have been drooling when we finally spoke with him. (He wasn’t as good looking as Heero, though.) Mr. Khushrenada had ginger colored hair (kinda wispy, actually) and he held himself like royalty. Which basically (in terms that are easy to understand) caused me to feel like an insignificant worm. Heero, of course, somehow managed to fit into the whole “aristocratic-ness” (which was how I later described Treize to the Posse) Heero gave this guy a run for his money.


“We realize this is a sensitive subject for you, sir, but we are in need of whatever information you may be able to spare.” Heero’s voice was calm and collected (though insistent at the same time. Very sexy.)


“I understand that. However, you haven’t answered my question. Why do you need the information so badly?” Mr. Khushrenada paused, raising an eyebrow majestically (Insert me twitching at it’s forkedness.), “And please, do not feed me the line about a journalism assignment. I have looked into at your class lists, and am fully aware neither of you are in a journalism class.”


I looked at Heero, shocked that Mr. Khushrenada had actually looked to see if we were telling the truth. He reached out and grabbed my hand as I opened my mouth to speak and squeezed gently, and I assumed (accurately, might I add) that he wanted me to be quiet. I blinked, returning the pressure to say I understood as I turned away and sighed.


As Heero spoke, his voice was composed and he calculated every syllable and stressed every point to it fullest, “Fine. You want to know the real reason we’re here? I doubt you’ll believe us, but we’ll tell you anyway.”


Mr. Khushrenada leaned back in his chair and looked us over. (Did I mention we were sitting in this huge room, with chandeliers and shelves upon shelves of books and knick-knacks?) “Continue.”


“We are able to perceive complex spirits.”


A normal person would have stared at Heero like he’s grown a second head. Treize Khushrenada? He quirked those damn eyebrows (insert FLCL like eyebrow obsession here…) and smiled. “So that is what this is all about.”


My turn to raise my non-forked eyebrows.


“You’re here to claim you’ve been visited by my daughter’s ghost.” His smile vanished, “I assume you were going to ask me for money so you can complete your scheme?”


Heero’s eyes narrowed and he grunted, “We are not interested in your money, Mr. Khushrenada. We are here, sir, to find out what we can in order to locate her and finally get her to leave us alone.”


I nodded in agreement, finally saying something, “I’m getting kinda tired of a semi-transparent 12-year-old telling me I suck and that I need to get a move on.”


Yeah, I know it was insensitive. But it was true. I wanted to get on with my life and not have to worry about solving the mystery of Mariemaia Khushrenada’s untimely death. I really didn’t care what Mr. Khushrenada thought about me, anyway. (He can take his eyebrows and shove them up his ass.)


Mr. Khushrenada stared at me for a moment, before looking back to Heero. “You are serious, aren’t you?”


“Yes.” Heero and I chorused.


Mr. Khushrenada sighed, rubbing his face and looking at the wall to our left, which held a picture of the girl known as Mariemaia. “What do you need to know, then?”


Heero nodded, setting back into I’m-the-boss-you-answer-my-damn-questions mode, “Right. We need to know of any friends, estranged family members, or anyone associated with your family who may have been near your daughter when she vanished.”


I stared at Heero. How did he do that? He sounded like a freaking cop who got left back as a junior in high school. Yet again, it was extremely sexy. And I completely zoned out and missed most of what Mr. Khushrenada said. Go me.




Thankfully, Heero (being such a resourceful person) had been intelligent enough to actually record our conversation. I really wished our “appointment” hadn’t been canceled.




An yway, I spent the next night (thankfully it was the Thursday before Halloween, which was a Sunday, and the school had given us a four day weekend. Hurray, school!) listening to the tape repeatedly and each time through I understood it less and less. In no way am I a stupid person. I just have trouble with things that I sat through, but didn’t focus on. So the tape was pissing me off. It was time to call in the troops. (i.e. The Posse, Heero and since Quatre and Trowa were inseparable, Trowa too.)   


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A/N: For any of those who wonder what ages and stuff I’ve made the characters… here’s a fun little chart!!


Seniors: Dorothy, Trowa

Juniors: Heero, Relena, Wufei (Yes, he’ll be in this story. Eventually.)

Sophomores: Duo, Astarte, Hilde, Meiran (so will she.)

Freshmen: Quatre


I bet no one cared, but I thought I’d share the joyousness that is the grades… XD ALSO!! SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! I wasn’t motivated. (I.e. My English teacher is a bitch and my U.S. History class is insanely difficult… TT) So, if you hate me, I understand! XD I’m not going to individual responses today…. Next chapter I will. Sorry if this is changing slightly, but it’s my story and it’s kinda… taking a life of it’s own. ::sighs::  (P.S. THIS CHAPTER SUCKS!)