Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wise Blood ❯ Not Yet Spoiled ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Wise Blood (Chapter 13 - Not Yet Spoiled)

Disclaimer: See first chapter

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"What do you mean he won't see us?" Heero's voice was deathly calm as he spoke to this perky dirty blonde woman. It was almost funny, actually.

"Exactly what I said! Mr. Khushrenada is a very busy man, and he's been detained by serious business!" the woman said for the third time.

"I understand that, but why can't he take 15 minutes from his busy life to answer a few questions." Heero paused, "So that we don't fail our assignment."

The woman looked to me with a flabbergasted expression. She'd obviously never met someone as insistent as Heero. I just shrugged my shoulders and shook my head.

"Uh, Miss Po, right?" I questioned and she nodded, "When'll be the next time Mr. Khushrenada we could try to get an appointment with him?"

She sighed in relief that I wasn't being insanely insistent, "Well, the rest of this week he's out of state, but he has very little planned for the last week of October. I can schedule you in for sometime that week, alright?" She looked pointedly at Heero, and he opened his mouth to protest. All that came out was an eep as I stomped on his foot.

"Thank you so much Miss Po!" I exclaimed and grinned widely at her.

"I already have this lugs phone number, so I'll give you two a call when I have a time for you."


And we left Mr. Khushrenada's living room and headed out.


"So…" I muttered as I plucked the hairs out of my brush.

We (The Posse and Heero, of course) were all sitting around Relena's house, mostly brooding or being miserable. Halloween was quickly approaching. And so was October 27. It was only a few more days until Heero and I met with Mariemaia's reclusive father, and only a few days after that was the day that said ghost girl had vanished. I was totally distraught because of that initial failed meeting. Since that had ended up as shit, so failed the one Heero had hinted at. You know how much that pissed me off? I mean it really pissed me off. I'm willing to bet my entire life's savings (Which is actually only about $25…) that this other "appointment" was something I'd been looking forward to for a long time (i.e. him and I finally finishing what we started only a few weeks prior.) But, alas, it didn't look like I was going to find out any time soon. Bummer. Damn you, Trieze Khushrenada!! You're business trips have ruined my life!!

… Anyway, I sat there playing with my hairbrush while the others stared off into space. "Geez… we're a dead bunch."

Dorothy gave me a distasteful stare. "Bad joke, Duo."

I shrugged, "Well, none of us are really making any attempt to act alive."

Heero snorted at my comment and tightened his grip around my waist. (We were sitting on 'Lena's bed, with me basically sitting on his lap. Completely comfortable, thank you.) The movement made me grin despite myself. Although our appointments were both shoved to a screeching halt… Heero was still one possessive bastard. I leaned back as the wonderful gals (and Quatre) shook their heads at us before resuming their brooding. I was completely aware that the whole situation with Mariemaia and Mr. Khushrenada had them all on edge. Hell, I was on edge more than they were, but that wasn't gonna make me act all… mopey. That was when I decided the most intelligent thing (and probably the one thing that would help our investigation.) to do at a time when we were all basically miserable.

"Spectra give students Halloween off, right?" I asked, twisting my head to look from one face to another.

Astarte nodded from the pink sofa nearby, "Yeah. We have a four day weekend. Why?"

"I was just thinking…" I paused, glancing up at Heero as he raised an eyebrow, "Why don't we go back to Wiwa that weekend? I think maybe… We'll figure something out there."

They all gave me weird looks.

"Duo…" Hilde warned, glancing back and forth between Astarte and Dorothy (both of which had identical evil grins on their faces.)

Astarte jumped up and twirled, "Duo, I think that's a brilliant idea! They think Halloween will be unusually warm this year, and we'd see that other ghost again!"

"Wiwa?" Quatre questioned, his aqua eyes wide an innocent. (That guy wasn't innocent. I saw the way he and Trowa were making out!)

Dorothy's grin widened, and Relena seemed to get nervous as Astarte began to rant about the wonderfulness of Wiwa..

I knew there was a reason I was friends with Astarte.

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A/N: Eeeek!! ::ducks flying objects:: I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry!! I'm not at fault!!! ::ducks rotten fruit:: Geometry, English, and Biology (not to mention band, creative writing, U.S. History, driver's ed. and computer graphics) have taken up ALL MY FREE TIME!! I started working on the next chapter of this (14!!) today in English (Rather than doing my essay on "Of Plymouth Plantation…") so I haven't forgotten… I'm just hectic and I feel like evil crap for not updating!! ::huggles:: Forgive me??