Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wise Blood ❯ Awkward Searching ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Wise Blood (Chapter 12 - Awkward Searching)

Disclaimer: See first chapter

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If Mega-Ghost Squirt Mariemaia wasn't already dead, I would have killed her. Of course, given the fact that she was, in fact, VERY dead, this was completely out of the question.

You'd probably figure that I'd be extremely happy that we finally figured out who she was. You'd think that she'd leave us alone. Yeah, right. That'll be a day of rejoice. Regretfully, when she asked us to "find her," she wasn't just talking about her identity. No, that would be way too easy. She wants us to literally find her. Problem with this? We have no idea where the hell to start looking. Sure, she was last seen at Spectra High School (her baby-sitter was a student at the time,) but that really doesn't do us any good. If she was kidnapped, then she probably wouldn't be around good ol' SHS.

What really sucked about this was the fact that I was the only one really thinking about it anymore. Miss Ghostie was only appearing to me, occasionally opening her normally mute mouth to request that I get my ass in gear ("You're an idiot." - Ghost Girl Mariemaia.) Astarte was pissed off royally by this, and by the second week after we found Mariemaia's name, she had taken to stalking me through the hallways, claiming it to be unfair that I get to enjoy all the "ghostly fun."

"It's so totally unfair that you get all the ghostly fun, D!" (I'm not exaggerating. At all.)

"Dammit, Astarte! You sulking along with me definitely is not helping at all." I growled, whirling on her and brandishing a finger in her direction. "I don't know why she's only bugging me now! Hey, I got an idea, (insert sarcasm here) why don't we switch names and see if that helps!?"

That was the first time I'd ever yelled at any member of the posse. People stopped walking in the hallway to stare at me, Duo Maxwell, flip out and get all pissy at her, Astarte Yuy (How the hell could she really be related to Heero??). However shocked the student body may have been, it was nothing compared to my astonishment when Astarte fell over laughing, trembling as she let out a loud cackle.

"'Bout time you got frustrated!" She exclaimed through giggles, "We all knew this was annoying you! You're better at hiding shit than my brother is!" Her giggles faded slowly as she wandered into her class, leaving me standing in the hallway with a flabbergasted expression on my face.

'What… the hell?' I thought. Shaking my head, I continued on my way down towards my class (… I was blackmailed into band by Dorothy and Relena.)

Or, would have, had I not suddenly been met with an image my mind really did not want to process.

"Holy shit, Trowa! What the fuck are you doing with your tongue halfway down Q-ball's throat?!"

To say that they were surprised is a vast understatement. Hell, I hadn't even known they'd met (let alone that cute little innocent Quatre Winner, newest member of the Posse, was gay) and I definitely wasn't informed when they started making out in hallways between classes. Thank whoever the hell will listen that the hallway was deserted (hurray for late bells!)

"D-Duo! Why aren't you in class?!" Quatre eeped and I grinned widely.

"Normally I'd retort with something witty about why you're not in class either, but," I glanced at Trowa and nearly fell over, "I think it's pretty obvious why. Enjoying yourselves?"

Tomato tinted Trowa blinked. Fire truck red Quatre gasped and buried his head in his hands and chuckled to himself. I grinned widely, flicked my braid at them, and walked by them, twirling around.

In a sing-song voice, I joked, "Either find a janitor's closet or get to class, buh-ddies!"

I think they did the former.


"Get up, Duo."



"Bite me!"



"You told me to bite you, so I did."

"On the hip?!"

"Why not?"

I stood slowly up from the library floor and stuck my tongue out at Heero, all the while rubbing my poor abused hip. He had this smug grin on his face as he kissed my nose, and he promptly dragged me from the room. Someday… I will avenge my bitten hip. Oh, vengeance shall me mine!

"Where the hell are we going, Heero!" I sighed, swatting his hand playfully.

"We have an appointment to keep." His voice had humor in it. I didn't like that tone.

"Huh? What are you talkin' about?"

"Well, two, actually." A fake air a musing materialized on his face.

I really didn't like this sudden… oddness.

"We're going to speak with Trieze Khushrenada."

"Who?" At the time, the name didn't ring a bell.

"Mariemaia's father. I told him we're doing a report on his daughter's disappearance for a journalism class, and asked if we could ask him some questions." Heero's voice was serious again and I blinked.

"He agreed?"


"What about the other appointment?"

"I'll inform you on that, later." His eyes promised mischief, and things were starting to look up.

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A/N: Oo Sorry that this is so short and pathetic. I was away for like a week with my friend and her wonderfully amazing family cruising the beach and killing random sea creatures. Sunburn is a bitch and I had no clue I'd be gone so long when I wrote the last chapter. SORRY SO VERY MUCH!! PLEASE NO KILL POOR PICO-PICO!! Oo Yay, I'm crazy! JOIN THE FOAMY CARD CULT TODAY! Xx

Reviewers, I love you… Oo As always. XD