Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wise Blood ❯ Progress ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Wise Blood (Chapter 11 - Progress)

Disclaimer: See first chapter

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I was still pretty sick after only 2 days, but I didn't want to stay home longer than I had too. While I'd started to enjoy staying home (all those stimulating conversations with the wall!), I had to find out the deal with the red-haired girl. The Posse wasn't being much help (they had other things to deal with, I guess.), so it was just me and Heero searching through thousands of articles in a small secluded room in the back of the high school's library. Oh, the possibilities of that.

"This is going absolutely nowhere." I said, my voice raspy. Heero chuckled from my left and I mock glared at his adorableness. The newspaper archives sat before us, opened and still refusing to release their secrets. I coughed roughly and he patted my back in what he figured was a soothing fashion. I sighed and turned to look at him.

"Maybe we're not looking at the right things." Heero mused, leaning forward and flipping through the pages as I stared at him, "It's possible that we're looking at the wrong books."


"Her clothes. What era would yo say they were?" He looked up from the book.

"Uh… Late eighties, early nineties, I guess… Spring and summer stuff… Why? What does that have to do with…" My eyes widened, "Oh! I get you. Okay, so we can get rid of all books from… before 1987 and after 1993."

Heero nodded, "Exactly. Take also into account that the ghost is a young girl, meaning we skip over articles about young boys."

"And since she's haunting the school…" I began, trailing off as I stared up towards the ceiling.

"We need to look for accidents in and around Spectra High School." Heero stated, automatically beginning to sort through the books by year and season. He handed me all the books for summer month articles, and I beamed. We were making some progress at last, and I wanted to kiss Heero for that moment of brilliance.

So I did.



"Who's the blond freshman?"

I looked up from the archive book I'd brought home (yay for librarians who let you take home reference books!), locking eyes with one Trowa Barton. Heero sat beside me, idly skimming through another book.

"Blond freshman? Vague it up, will ya? There are a bunch of blond freshman!" I yawned and thumbed to the next page (I didn't think the ghost was a girl who ate 10,000 hotdogs in a week.)

I felt his eyes (correction: eye) burning a hole in my skull. "The new blond boy."

"Relena's friend? Oh, I think his name's…" I stopped, not quite remembering the boys name. Yeah, trust me to forget someone almost immediately after meeting them.

Without even looking up, Heero muttered, "His name's Quatre."

I grinned, "Yeah! That's it! Quatre! Geez, I totally forgot his name!"

Heero glared at me and I grinned wider, "Baka. Shut up."

"You know you love me!" I exclaimed, turning to face Heero and crossing my arms in a pitiful stance (even as I grinned manically.)

"Doesn't mean you're not an idiot." Heero retorted a small smirk on his face. I cackled and leaned towards him, capturing his lips in a mild (since I didn't want to traumatized Trowa… too much) kiss, nowhere near as searing as I had wanted. He returned the gesture with enthusiasm, and I smiled into it.

Trowa slowly backed away form us, his face blank but his one visible eye shining with amusement. "You two are really strange."

I pulled away from Heero and nuzzled his neck, my face still split in a smile. Oh, how true that comment was. He sneezed loudly.

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When we had a lead on her identity, the ghost girl had begun showing up less and less. It was a pretty nice, not having to worry about looking up in the middle of class only to see a transparent kid rather than your teacher. Hilde and the others noticed too, and seemed nearly as relieved.

Not that she stopped showing up period. She was still pretty damn persistent. Whenever any of us were in the library, she waited in the room watching us. Dorothy and Astarte had taken to coming with Heero and I every once in a while (since Hilde and Relena were actually frightened of the squirty ghost.) so they could help us.

Even that new kid, Quatre, was joining us. As it turned out, he saw her too. He'd only been helping two days. Imagine our shock when he was the first to find anything important.

"Oh, Dorothy, Heero… I think I've found something!" Quatre's face was practically glowing as we all scurried to his side.

Three things on the page caught my attention, the date, the title, and the black and white photo of a little girl smiling back at us.

"Thursday, October 27, 1991 - 'Daughter of Millionaire Missing'" I read aloud, and whistled. Glancing over the article as Heero furrowed his brow.

"She was never recovered." He muttered.

"Yeah. Does it say her name?" I tried to get a better look at the article, but Dorothy's mass of blonde hair smothered my view.

"Yeah. Our local spook's named 'Mariemaia Khushrenada." Astarte's voice rang out smugly and Quatre beamed happily as he stood and took a bow.

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A/N: Sorry you had to wait for such a shitty chapter! I just want to get the ball rolling again, now that I home and with less time to be on the comp. Updates won't be as often as they were before, but I promise it won't take longer than two to three days to write a new chapter. I apologize for the lack of Trowa and Quatre interaction. I figured I'd just get Trowa to ask about Q first, than ease into the pairing from there, lol. Hope this was okay. Yaaaay!! I got the ghostie a name, but you all prolly knew that's who she was, lol. Most of you guessed it, anyway! Oo Eeek! This is a long author's note, no da! Weee!

Thankies for reviewing, reviewers! ::huggles you all:: Really appreciated, as usual!