Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wise Blood ❯ Koi ni Ochiru ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Wise Blood (Chapter 10 - Koi ni Ochiru)

Disclaimer: See first chapter

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Lust, sure. Figured that much. Feelings just a little more than friendship? Definitely saw that. But love? That was one thing I did not expect Heero to say. Definitely did not expect him to so casually say that he's in love with me. Okay, so he said he thought he was in love with me and not that he was most certainly in love with me. But the fact still remains that he included me in the same thought train as the emotion we all so affectionately call love.

Heero Yuy was falling in love with me. This was probably the best thing I'd heard all month.

"A-are you serious?"

He turned his head as he walked and stared at me, "Yes."

I wanted to melt into a fucking puddle. Melt into a puddle and then solidify and make sweet, sweet love to the gorgeousness that is Heero. I wanted to fucking dance and sing and pounce on him were he stood. My expression probably betrayed all that, too, since he smiled ever-so-slightly and put his arm out for me to grab. And grab it I did.

Heero Yuy loved me. Can you hear me squealing with delight? I still don't understand why I didn't. But I wasn't going to complain, not when he felt the same for me.

"That just made my day, ya know that?"



He smiled at me, and I locked that smile away.


Having gotten home in one piece (and making sure that Leif didn't see Heero walking me down the street), I was ready for a new day. Regretfully, that wasn't quite the case.

I awoke the next morning, with a pounding headache, a runny nose, and the fever from hell. It was extremely unfair and I wanted to scream and cry. Of course, I also had a sore throat, and screaming really wasn't that great of an idea. Hell, I couldn't even stand up without feeling like my head was going to explode. Of course, being the stubborn bastard that I am, I insisted on going to school anyway.

Well, I would have insisted, if I'd been able to get dressed and not fall down the stairs. Leif was unrelenting in his decision that I wasn't going to school after I had my little tumble down the last 6 stairs. It was embarrassing as hell, especially when Trowa, the other kid my age staying with Leif and his wife, decided to step over me without even glancing down.

So I didn't go to school. Instead, I sat in my room staring at the wall and urging it to start a conversation with me. Hell, I had rather sit in the library looking at newspaper articles than slouching around. Wait, that wasn't quite true. I would have rather been anywhere making out with Heero. Or doing more than making out with Heero. They weren't the best thoughts to have when sick, but dammit, I liked them.

I guess I eventually fell asleep, because the next thing I remember (after having very nice thoughts of Heero) was hearing Leif screaming bloody murder at the front door. It only took a second to realize who Leif was threatening, and despite the fact I could barely talk I managed to shout out VERY loud.


I wasn't expecting Leif to leave it at that, but he did. Quicker than I thought possible, Leif stood in my doorway, one hand clutching the back of a wide-eyed Heero's shirt. If I wasn't so annoyed (and really sick) I would have thought his expression was extremely cute, but Leif's attitude was really, really getting in my nerves.

"This is the same kid that was here last week, right?! The one who was on top of you!" Leif's voice rang through my room and I glared at him, before glancing at Heero and seeing him mouth the word "boyfriend." Amazingly, I understood what he meant and the idea of it made me smile despite myself.

"Leif, he's my boyfriend. He wasn't trying to rape me. Completely willful." I sighed, my voice coming out raspy from my screaming.

He blinked, looking to Heero who stared back blankly. Loosening his deathgrip on Heero's shirt, he looked back to me and looked sheepish. "Oh."

I raised an eyebrow as he turned and left the room, muttering an apology as he shut the door. Now that wasn't the reaction I was expecting, but it was definitely better than him flipping out even more and killing Heero. So lost in my thoughts, I only half-noticed when Heero sat down next to me. Of course, that quickly changed to complete attention when he slid an arm around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

My breathe caught in my throat and my chest constricted, even as I murmured, "Why'd you suggest that?"

He turned his head slightly, and I felt his gaze on my cheek, "Aren't we?"

The constriction in my chest tightened and I smiled, my eyes locked on his, "I don't lie."


Sometime during that we had laid back in my bed, our arms wrapped around each other possessively. It was an amazing feeling, being wrapped in that embrace. Maybe it was the fact that I was sick, but I completely forgot to be turned on by his closeness. Or maybe I just felt so… safe, that sensuality didn't even ring in my mind. I didn't know what it was, but I liked it. I eventually drifted off, my body and mind clutching to Heero's warmth even in my sleep.

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A/N: I'm soooo sorry that this wasn't up yesterday like promised!! Sowwy, sowwy, sowwy! I've been... hosting Shinigami's Shack (which is Duo Maxwell's blog recording his attempts to get into Heero's heart [and pants!]), and that's been occupying my time. If you wanna view it (and interact with Duo!) go to! I won't be updating this for a few days, as I'll be between going canoeing, packing my shit, getting on a plane, and cleaning my house to the point of shininess. I might not update this for… *looks at calendar* a while… But I'll try to update as soon as possible!

Reviewers, I want to glomp you all!! Thanks to everyone who reviewed! If it wasn't for all of you, I wouldn't of gotten this far! ::glomps you all::