Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wise Blood ❯ Search for a Shadow ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Wise Blood (Chapter 9 - Search for a Shadow)

Disclaimer: See first chapter

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I don't know why I passed out. I do know however, that I did and that I woke up only a few minutes later with Heero leaning over me and looking at me with worried eyes (the rest of his face was pretty damn expressionless.) I mumbled incoherently and sat up, my head spinning at the sudden movement. I started to plop back down but Heero wrapped an arm around my shoulder and held me up.

"Thanks." I muttered, trying to lift myself up again (with Heero's help, of course.) By the time I stood up, my head was no longer spinning and I looked around the archives room curiously. "Does she…" I paused, my mind fuzzy for a moment as I leaned against Heero's chest, "…expect us to look her up in the archive?"

I suspected that Heero nodded as he answered, "I wouldn't doubt it. It'll be difficult, though. We only know what she looks like and nothing else. No picture…"

"No game." I sighed, glancing at Heero and smiling secretively. Dammit, he was gorgeous and he had the nicest hands and tongue… I blinked and mentally beat myself over the head, 'Now is not the time for thinking inappropriate thoughts! Now is definitely not the time!'

He stared at me for a moment, "Do you need any help walking?"

"Nah, I'm not dizzy anymore." I assured, pulling (hesitantly) away from Heero's welcoming form and walking precariously towards the books the ghost had pointed at. Her words still echoed through my head. Glancing clandestinely[1] over at Heero, I sat down at the table the books rested upon and opened the first one to start looking.

I heard his soft footsteps as he strode across the room and sat down next to me, grabbing the other book. You have no idea how hard it was for me to focus on looking for the girl with Heero sitting next to me. My mind was focused on his scent, his expression as he flipped through the book, and the way his hand clenched and unclenched on the table top. I was focused on his messy mop of hair, and the way his breath always came out even. Focusing on the problem at hand definitely wasn't going to work with him sitting right next to me. Or, for that matter even in the same room as me. I stopped pretending to thumb through the huge book and leaned my head onto my open palms, staring quietly at Heero's profile. Well, he can look through the books since he seems to have an easier time ignoring me than I'm having ignoring him.

He glanced over at me and quirked an eyebrow, "Nani?"[2]

"Hmm?" I continued to gaze at him. Smirking, he leaned towards me and pressed his lips to mine in a quick and chaste kiss, leaving me staring at him even more, "What, that's it?"

The smirk stayed and he turned back to the book, "For now."

I muttered and went back to searching through my book, knowing that I wasn't going to get anymore out of Heero.

I don't know how long we were sitting in that little room, but we hadn't found anything. Nothing at all that could even be considered a clue. What was worse than that was the fact I wasn't even halfway through the damn book, and Heero wasn't faring much better. How the hell did we get into this? Why us and not, I don't know, a group of prissy blonde cheerleaders who'd be scared shitless?

The library came in shortly after eight and shooed us out, her voice stern as she shoved us unceremoniously out the double doors. We were no further in our search than we had been four hours earlier. I wanted to punch something. This was too damn frustrating, and I didn't want to be involved, but I had a feeling that if I didn't find out who the girl was, she'd keep hounding me until I did. So I had to keep searching and hope for the best.

As I started to walk home, I felt Heero fall in step next to me. "What are you doing, Heero?"

"I'm going to walk you home."

"I see that, but why? Leif'll probably try and kill you if he sees you within six feet of me."

He chuckled, "Yeah, but I'll take the chance."

"Why?" I sounded like a broken record, but I honestly wanted to know why he'd risk his neck just to see me safely home.

"Because I think I love you."

I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.

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[1] "clandestinely" - First person to figure out what this means gets a… cookie. ^^

[2] "Nani?" - I hate putting question marks and exclamation points with romaji. I know it's not proper, but what the hell am I supposed to do? XD I'll deal with wrong grammar for the time being.

A/N: I'm soooo sorry I broke my update pattern!! ::cries:: I didn't get a chance to post this on time due to a horrible case of hunger. I was so fucking hungry I kept writing about them eating shit. This is what happens when you don't eat for two days trying to write chapters for 4 different fics. XD Never again!! I'm not starving myself for you people! LOL Well, maybe occasionally. Anyway, two chapters today to make up for day lateness! ::huggles everyone who reviewed:: Next chapter will be up by 11 pm est!

XDXDXD Reviewers ROCK!