Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wise Blood ❯ What's the Worst that Could Happen? ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Wise Blood (Chapter 8 - What's the Worst That Could Happen?)

Disclaimer: See first chapter

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Not much had really changed between Heero and I. I guess most people would think otherwise, because how could something like that leave two people unaffected. Well, all you skeptics, I said "not much" had changed, signifying that something did indeed alter in our "relationship." (Friends to almost-fuck buddies in a single bound!)[1] The most obvious change was the fact that he wouldn't stop staring at me with lust and adoration. Not that I was complaining, oh boy, fuck no, far from it. It was just a little unnerving sitting in the middle of a class and feeling his eyes on the back of my head, not to mention that the freaking ghost girl from the cafeteria had taken to following me around. So rather than just having Heero's gaze making it hard for me to pay attention to class, I had this dead girl making me cringe while I was trying to focus on anything but.

So I was trapped between wanting to jump from my seat and take Heero right there is class, and wanting to get the hell out of that school to get the fuck away from my dead stalker. It so not cool, and I didn't hesitate to bring it up after a week of dealing with it (During that week I was very tempted to just throw Heero into a janitors closet. Twice.).

"That creepy ghost girl's been following me around." I complained to Hilde and Relena. (Dorothy and Astarte were currently trying to beat each others' asses at DDR in the local arcade.) Despite the fact that Relena hadn't been there the first time Little Miss Grim appeared, Dorothy had filled her in on the details (right down to me running form the cafeteria) and she had seen the ghost herself only a day later.

"Following you? Why would she be following you?" Relena asked incredulously, leaning back against the wall as we focused on Dorothy and Astarte.

I shock my head in frustration and sighed, "I don't know why! I don't even know who the fuck the twerp is!"

Hilde snickered at me, saying something and I glared half-heartedly at her. The loud sounds of the arcade dulled out what had passed her lips and I muttered incoherently as I hit my head against the wall. Maybe I should have just complained to Heero.

Smiling slightly, Relena shook her head and glanced at the door before reaching an arm up and waving, "Heero! Quatre! Over here!"

I blinked, 'Quatre?' but didn't vocalize my confusion as I turned to get a better look at the door. Of course, Heero was walking towards us, his hands in his pockets and his eyes focused on me, but next to him was a kid I definitely didn't recognize. The kid (teenager?) had short (yet still kinda long) corn silk blond hair, aquamarine eyes and the sweetest expression known to man. He looked like a freaking angel, and as the pair of them reached us he smiled widely at Relena, even as Heero came up behind me and wrapped his arms loosely around my waist. Hoh boy, wasn't expecting that.

"Miss Relena! Hello!" Blond Boy Quatre exclaimed, practically tackling poor Relena to the ground. She didn't seem to mind and returned the huge hug anxiously.

"Oh, it's been so long since I last saw you! How's your father? And Iria?" Relena bounced on the balls of her feet and I sighed, tuning out the conversation. I didn't know who this kid was, so I wasn't really up for eavesdropping.

It took me a moment to realize that Hilde was gawking at Heero and I. When I did realize, it was only because she had side-stepped the blondes and stood before us, her eyes focusing pointedly on Heero's hands draped across my abdomen. I grinned sheepishly, not wanting to answer because I had no fucking clue either (other than the fact that only a few days earlier he was only a split second away from giving me a blow job.) Heero's chin rested against my shoulder and I could only imagine the expression on his face that made Hilde's eyes widen and her face plush fire-engine red before she quickly diverted her eyes back to Astarte (who she secretly wanted to marry.)

Quatre and Relena were still engaged in a fast paced conversation, and I glanced at Heero out of the corner of my eye. His eyes were closed, and he had the smallest of smiles on his face as he simply clung to me. It was such an innocent thing, that it didn't affect my libido at all (well maybe a little... but not enough to really say it did.)

I leaned back against him and before I could stop myself, I asked him, "Why are you…?"

He chuckled against my shoulder and nuzzled my neck, cutting me off as he spoke, "Because I want to, and you do too."

I couldn't argue with that. Hell, he'd seen me lusting after him, any arguments I might have made would have been stupid anyway. Besides, why would I want to argue with someone who was currently worshipping my neck with his tongue? I pretty much blocked out everything around us at that point, simply leaning into Heero's warmth. The world didn't exist, and it was only he and I floating through the vastness of space.

Of course, my luck being what it is, my little Heero-filled world shattered as Relena cleared her throat to get our attention. I whined in annoyance, "'Leeeennnaa!"

She smiled at us and pointed towards the door, "We're going to go get something to eat; you two want to join us?"

The rest of the Posse (Plus that Quatre kid) stood off by the doorway, all wearing different expressions of amusement. I felt my face grow hot and knew I was blushing profusely. Heero gently nudged me towards the door, only removing one arm as he let the other remain draped possessively around my waist. I decided I definitely liked the feeling, and snaked my own arm around him. I glanced up at him just in time to see a small smile grace his perfectly perfect lips.


The next day, I was pretty much able to ignore the ghost girl, but she was becoming more persistent, appearing in front of me in the halls, rather than only appearing in classes. Her cold stare was becoming more intense and actually worried as time progressed, and I didn't know what she wanted me to do. The little red-haired ghost hadn't said a single word to me. How was I supposed to know what she wanted if she didn't just say it?

The others weren't having nearly as many problems with her as I was. Sure, they saw her stalking me, but they didn't know any better than I did what was going on. The only person who saw her as much as me was Heero, and I think that was only because of how much time we spent together (insert massive blush here,) and not because he was supposed to.

So when I sat in the library after school and looked up to see her standing there, her eyes no longer empty, but instead eager, I wondered if maybe she was going to finally tell me what was going on. I elbowed Heero gently in the side, my gaze never leaving the ghost girl. Heero muttered and turned to look at me.

"What…?" He yawned. I simply nodded my head towards the girl as I stood, grabbing Heero's arm to pull him with me.

The ghost smiled innocently, and began walking hurriedly towards the newspaper archives located in the back of the library. Heero wasn't sure what was going on, but I gave his arm a reassuring squeeze as I pulled the door to the room open and looked around. The ghost stood off by one of the slid machines and I blinked in surprise as she pointed anxiously towards the huge books full of newspaper articles.

I stared at her in shock as her childish voice suddenly echoed throughout the archive room, "Find me."

I think I may have fainted.

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[1] "(friends…bound!)" - XD I couldn't resist saying something stupid like that.

^_^ Yaaaay!! The plot thickens!! *sweatdrops*