Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ with out you ❯ with out you ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

With out you, chapter 2

By Jarrod

Hello again folks… messed up big time here…. Only just managed to get the story saved, new computers are a pain….

Why is it that when you want to do something that you know must be done, anything and everything will get in your way and stop you….. Murphy has a lot to answer for…lol. That's my excuse for taking so long to up date…..Also many thanks to Shadow_Kat for reviewing me…. ^_^ ok, I don't own these guys or anything to do with them, I just mess with the thought…this is AU and definitely not in time line with the series. Is Duo alive? Read and find out..,

Zechs Marquise stormed down the dimly lit corridors of yet another Oz base. His foot steps echoing in the stillness…..He was dressed in tight black jeans that lovingly caressed his ass and whispered with each step he took, cream shirt with shoelace tie, the sleeves of which where turned up to his elbow, a riding crop in his left hand, and in his other hand he held a riding hat, while his hair in a pony tail, swung with each rock of his body. His attitude spoke of being really pissed off, or a close facsimile, his body tense and his steps long. Stopping at a closed double door he knocked quickly and without waiting stepped in to the room.

There seated behind an elegant oak table sat Treize Kushrenada, elegance personified, his feet propped up on the desk-top, reading the files in his hand. As soon as the Zechs had knocked, Treize started to slide his socked feet onto the floor but Zechs had seen, and the slow smile that crossed his face became even more broader when he saw that Treize also had his shirt unfastened by at least three buttons and his tie was thrown lazily over the coat rack, his jacket also thrown on to a near by chair and his shoes hiding beneath said oak table clearly not in use… It was rare indeed to see such a person of Treize's stature in such disregards for decorum. This made his request for Zechs to come to his room even more of a mystery.

"My dear friend, I had not expected you to answer my call so quickly"

"Evidently" Zechs replied, smiling at his long-time friend's discomfort Treize hastily re-fastened his shirt buttons
and clearing his throat continued. "It has come to my attention that a certain package is to arrive on the evening flight and that it will require, the highest of ranking officers only to view" his shirt now fastened Treize felt blindly with his feet to try and find his shoes, which just so happened to have been pushed out from under the table to the other side and now Zechs could see them clearly. Taking pity on his friend Zechs picked up the shoes and handed them to Treize who, blushing took them and hastened to put them on.

"I am sure that Lady Une will be in attendance and I have requested that you also be present?"

Treize now walked over to the coat rack and retrieved his tie, which was fastened quickly and then his jacket was swept over his broad shoulders to rest easily there before being fastened also.

"I must admit that I am quite curious as to the contents of this package, but have been informed that it is neither munitions nor medical. I do so hate being kept in the dark about these things." Treize muttered as he resumed his seat behind the oak desk. "I am having the package brought here and have taken the liberty of asking for a light meal to be brought over as well." Treize stopped speaking and glanced up at Zechs, who was still standing in front of the desk. "You have a problem with your legs?" he inquired motioning for Zechs to sit in the armchair to the left of the desk. "Or was your ride too broad in the back?" he smirked, raising one elegant eyebrow.

Zechs returned the smirk and bowing his head moved to sit in the comfortable armchair, sighing as he did so.

"This package has you excited Trieze. Is there a reason?" Zechs asked snidely.

Treize graced Zechs with a raised eyebrow again and decided not to fall into another battle of words, which was lately getting to be one of Zech's many pastimes. Treize only hoped that it was just hormonal and not a trait that would become part of his future. Zechs, on the other hand, knew he was yanking on Treize's rope again and was itching to find out just how far he could get this time. For the past few months the pair of them had been dancing around each other, testing the ground and Zechs had found that he liked seeing Treize become flustered and hoped that his more relaxed attitude was because of him, Zechs Marquise.

Just at that moment a knock sounded at the door and upon Treize request to enter, opened to admit an orderly who bustled into the room and proceeded to arrange an assortment of meats, salad and bread before the two men, the orderly then bowed and left the room as quickly as he had entered.

Treize once again raised an eyebrow and as he did so Zechs stood and walked over to the table on which the food had been placed.

"Do you even realise how bloody annoying that is Treize?" he said as he placed two sliced of meat and a huge amount of salad onto his plate before going back to his seat and proceeding to eat…

"What?" Treize enquired.

"The way you keep raising those eyebrows" Zechs said before putting a small cherry tomato into his mouth and chewing quickly.

Treize raised said eyebrow and smirked before going over to the table and getting his self something to eat.

"Of course I do, I need to practice at least twice a day to be able to do it without thinking" he smirked … "Does it bother you so much?" he enquired as a couple of slices of meat and a smaller portion of salad and bread were placed on his plate. He turned to see Zechs trying to swallow some of the meat before answering his question.

"I dare say it is intimidating in the war room but here and in front of yours truly, it leaves a little to be desired" Zechs said while waving his fork around to illustrate his meaning.

Treize returned to his chair behind the oak desk but after placing his plate down walked over to a mirror to look at his self.

"You think I should trim them then?" he enquired while turning this way and that to try get a better view.

Zechs laughed and shook his head and continued to eat his meal.

Treize then remembered the food and strolled back to table to eat while he still had the chance. They ate in silence and where just about to leave the room when a knock interrupted them. Zechs strolled over to the door and opened it. There stood Lady Une in her usual strict attire, not a hair out of place. She looked startled to see colonel Zechs present, but remembered that his Excellency did favour the one time prince. She bowed her head in recognition and stepped passed him to address his Excellency.

"The package has arrived Excellency and is waiting in loading bay 2. All is ready and awaiting your inspection" she then turned to address Zechs "Am I to understand that you will also be present colonel?" she enquired.

"My Lady, it was stated that all high ranking officers be present and I do consider Zechs to be a high ranking officer" Treize reprimanded.

Lady Une bowed her head and preceded them out of the door.

Loading bay 2 was a hive of activity; in the centre of this activity was a transporter with a very large mecha on it, which was almost now devoid of the tarpaulin that had covered it. Treize watched as one of the mechanics jumped up onto the mecha's leg and made his way to the cockpit, followed by two guards. Keying in the password he stood back and allowed the two guards to extract someone from the cockpit. Treize now started to walk over to the mecha but was held back by Lady Une's hand on his arm.

"I believe caution is of the utmost importance Excellency," she warned

Zechs strolled over to the trailer on which the mecha lay and climbed up to see what was going on. He stood level with the guards and looked inside only to be greeted by a foot to his chest, staggering back he was lucky to be caught by the mechanic. Muffled curses were heard as the guards tried to pry the person out of the cockpit.

Both Treize and Zechs gasped as the person dropped out of the mecha and onto the bay floor, rolled and took off running to the nearest exit. Though its hands where secured behind its back the person was still swift of feet and had the guards not been alerted before hand it would have made good its escape. Lady Une watched a slow smile crossing her face as she finally recognised who this prisoner was.

"Pilot 02"she whispered.

"What?" Zechs questioned, before realising what had been said and staring at the now re-captured prisoner.

"Well, I'll be damned." Treize stated, shaking his head.

Treize, Zechs and Lady Une watched as the guards dragged the struggling prisoner towards them, forcing him to stand. Now, clearly, you could see that it was indeed pilot 02, Duo Maxwell. His braid had been tucked inside the back of his shirt and he was dressed in mechanic clothes, a blue boiler suit, minus shoes.

"This is very interesting" Lady Une stated, smiling.

"I thought he was dead" Zechs exclaimed.

The prisoner stood, head bowed awaiting his fate. Treize stepped forward raising the pilots chin and addressing him

"Welcome, my friend" he smiled "You are very welcome here".

He motioned one of the guards to come over and had him release 02 from his restraints. Lady Une did open her mouth to address Treize but shut it when she saw the look that he sent her. Zechs stood to one side and watched as Treize and Lady Une escorted pilot 02 out of the loading bay, down the corridor and into the suite of rooms that Treize had acquired for himself. He motioned for 02 to sit in one of the more comfortable chairs while he walked around the oak table and sat in his. Lady Une set about getting refreshments and threw a curious glance at Zechs as he wandered into the room some time after them, he smiled at her and went to sit in the chair he had not long relinquished.

"Care to enlighten us Treize" he asked moving his head in the direction of 02. "Or are you playing this one by ear" he smirked.

Lady Une placed a cup of tea in front of Treize and another cup in front of Zechs. She then looked at Treize, motioning her head towards 02.

"Would you like some refreshments?" Treize asked him.

"I could murder a cup of coffee," he smiled "no milk but loads of sugar, you guys really suck at in-flight meals and the movie was crap nothing but a blank screen….."

Treize indicated the food still stood on the side table.

"Help your self" he said. As an after thought he asked "what do we call you? It seems impolite to call you 02 all the time."

As 02 made his way over to the food his step faltered at the question but resumed again and when he reached the table he turned and looked at Treize.

"Max Solo, at least that's what they said I was called," he wrinkled his nose "don't know as I like the name but it is familiar" he turned his back on their puzzled faces and began to gather an array of meats, cheeses and bread, with a very small amount of salad onto his plate.

Lady Une had made her way over to Treize, placed Max's coffee on the table and whispered something in Treize's ear, nodding his head he indicated that she leave the room. Max caught the sad look on Zech's face as he turned and made his way back over to the chair that Treize had offered him. As he was tucking into the food Max watched as both men exchanged looks.

"Not your usual greeting for a prisoner is it?" he enquired "I bet you didn't even know that I was coming. You really should keep better lines of communications you know. You'll never win this war if you don't…" popping a forkful of meat into his mouth Max chewed thoughtfully before swallowing and continuing "I could help you with that and the lack of security you have here, it really sucks"….. He smirked, offering a lopsided smile at both men. Zechs caught the slight hitch in Max's voice.

"Why would you help us?" Zechs inquired.

"I keep asking myself that question too." he said, popping another piece of meat into his mouth. "one of the reasons they put the cuffs on me was cos I didn't like their decisions about me not fighting, I ask you, why put me in that hunk of metal if you don't expect me to fight in it… if I had a machine like that one, I'd win the whole shebang without a fuss…. You should see inside it, it is really high quality shit…." Max put the plate down and walked over to the French windows, glancing outside; he put his hands in his pockets and then turned to the room.

"I'd kill to have that mecha; it is state of the art, kick ass perfection. I know I can fly it, I just know I can and if I have to I'd do anything to be given that chance, even fixing your security…" he smiled again.

Both men exchanged looks and Treize pondered the request as he sipped his tea.

Lady Une entered the room and went straight over to Treize, bending to speak with him. Treize stood and after a brief word with Zechs made his way out the door, with Lady Une hot on his heels…

Zechs watched them go, then turned his attention to *Max* who was still stood by the window.

"You mentioned that you think your name is Max Solo, why is that?"

Max looked down at his hands, then outside. Zechs stood and wandered behind Treize's chair, opening the French windows and wandering out into the rose garden that Treize so loved. The sweet scent of Rosa ragosa filled the air and Zechs made his way over to the stone bench that was situated in the middle of the roses, feeling Max following behind him. Sitting down, Zechs motioned for Max to sit beside him.

"Treize finds his roses to be relaxing in times of stress. I've often found him out here tending to them, and I must admit that I agree with him, their scent does have a calming effect on the nerves…" he pulled one of the blooms close to his nose and inhaled the delicate fragrance. Max watched him from under his long fringe.

"I never knew my parents and I don't think I was adopted, but I do remember some weird guy taking care of me, teaching me stuff." Max pulled at a loose thread on the legs of his boiler suit before continuing. "I know that he taught me to be a damn good pilot and I think he cared for me," he looked to Zechs to see if he understood what he was trying to say. Zechs nodded and indicated that Max continues. "I was in a stolen Leo, one that was due to be modified; it was unstable and exploded on take-off. From what I gathered while in hospital, I'd been working undercover for the resistance and one of the Gundam pilots had stumbled on information about my work and passed it onto the scientist who saw to my demise. I was placed in protective custody until such times that I no longer need to keep my identity secret. I'm told I bear a startling resemblance to one of the Gundam pilots." Max looked to Zechs to see if that was so, and saw Zechs grinning at him…..

"Oh, the resemblance is remarkable indeed" Zechs replied. "I'd even go so far as to state that you could be twins"

Max watched the smile grow on Zech's face and his expression became baffled.

"Why do I feel like I'm missing something here?" Max asked

"Was your cover blown completely?" Zechs asked

Max bent and picked up one of the discarded blooms from the rose bush and started to pull the petals off one by one.

"It's weird, you know? I keep feeling like I'm in the wrong place, I shouldn't be here. The Dr's said that its to do with concussion and all, but sometimes I feel like I should be somewhere else, or with someone else…." he looked at what was left of the bloom… just the stem… and dropped it to the ground,. Then stood and thrust his hands into his pockets.

"You don't happen to have any cigarettes do you?" he asked of Zechs…"still trying to give them up, but need the boost every now and then"

"No" Zechs shook his head "Nasty habit, sides you're too young to smoke, it stunts your growth and can kill you"

"yeah … like that's gonna make a difference" Max snorted but resumed his seat by Zechs his hands now between his legs, elbows resting on his knees. Zechs watched Max, he seemed strung out, tense and he, Zechs, didn't have a clue on how to deal with this. If it had been himself or Treize, he would have gotten a bottle of whisky and polished it off between the pair of them… this boy he didn't know, so he didn't feel secure enough to offer up such an offer…

Just then one of Treize's staff came through the French windows, walked over to them and handed Zechs a white envelope… Max watched as Zechs open the envelope. Zechs stood up and taking Max's elbow escorted him back through the windows….

"We are to see you to your room, make sure you have everything you need and leave you to rest" Zechs said.

Max tried to stop their forward progress but realised that Zechs was still the stronger and relented…he was led up an ornate staircase that arched around the main room…. A huge chandelier hung from the ceiling and if you listened you could hear the glass tinkle in the breeze… still holding Max's elbow, Zechs escorted him along the carpeted floors to a room halfway down the corridor.

Pushing the oak doors open they stepped into an airy room that was taken up by a huge four poster bed, the covers of which where turned down. The long net curtains fluttered in the breeze and the smell of roses drifted around the room. The servant walked over and closed the windows and drew the drapes. Immediately a light came on over head. While the servant busied himself with getting out a toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, shampoo/conditioner and bath towel, Max stood gaping at the decadence of the room…. Zechs released Max's elbow and strolled into the bathroom….. Max heard the shower being switched on and suddenly realised how dirty and tired he actually was….

"Everything is laid out for you Max; all you have to do is washing, and then crawl into bed for a few hours. I'll have someone wake you in time for supper." Zechs watched the dazed look on Max's face "unless you need some help with getting undressed?" Zechs enquired, raising an eyebrow and smirking…. Max grimaced but started to unfasten the suit, sliding the zipper down to his waist, then pushing it the rest of the way down his body before stepping out of it… he kicked the boiler suit across the room and without a backward glance walked into the bathroom… Zechs snickered but turned and left the room…. The servant sighed and walked over to pick up the discarded suit with finger and thumb before depositing it in the linen basket and leaving the room.