Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ with out you ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

With out you

By Jarrod.

Ok. Contact me at feed my ego…..

Oh and sorry to anyone who did contact me before and got no reply, I messed up the addy in both of the chapters before … **blah** denotes remembrance

Dark clouds loomed ominously overhead threatening the solitary figure stood at the base of the statue. Wind buffeted him from all sides, ruffling hair and coat…. The lifelike statue stood over five feet tall facing out to sea… a scythe in one hand and a braid which curved lovingly around the slender body, in the other….

Chang Wufei pulled his long coat tighter with his spare hand, the wreath he had made himself in the other, his footsteps methodical and precise as he made his way to stand beside the statue erected for their lost colleague. He spent some time looking out to sea before he turned and addressed the statue, gazing up at it longingly.

"I know how you thought that I was opinionated and egotistical" he smiled a real smile "I know for sure that you would be rolling on the floor laughing at the picture I am making-stood in this abominable weather, paying my respects to a fallen colleague and friend…" he paused as the breeze whispered past his ear before continuing "I have often wondered as to why you left without informing us of your destination or questioned the validity of the assignment, but in the end the deed was done and now we are like a ship without its mast" Wufei placed his wreath and the statues feet bowed his head and stepped back…

It had been a year to the day of Duo Maxwell's death… now a few friends have gathered to remember him and pay their respects.

Inside one of the many elaborately decorated rooms, Quatre stood host over the guests as they talked and moved about the room. None of the pilots, apart from Quatre and Trowa, had anything to do with those others present. They stood or sat alone and deep in thought….. Above the noise of the throng a voice was heard telling of how much his protégé would not be missed and that it hadn't taken that long a time to find a replacement…..

"I knew the boy was trouble the moment he was signed up, course I had no say in the matter, I was after all only the one to train him…." G's voice echoed in the dying silence and the rest of what ever he was about to say tailed off into air so thick it could be cut with a knife. Those who weren't looking at G were staring at Heero…..Some how Wufei was by Heero's side, placing a restraining hand on his arm…..

"His time will come Heero;" Wufei spoke clearly. "Do not let one individual spoil this day of remembrance."

Those who had been speaking with G, moved away to mingle with others, leaving him stood alone in the middle of a crowded room.

Heero shook off Wufei's hand and with one last look at G, pushed his way out of the room…..Quatre made as if to follow but Trowa placed a hand on his shoulder and when Quatre looked to him, he shook his head saying

"Leave him, he will not do himself harm, he made his promise to Duo." Then turned and escorted Quatre over to Relena and Dorothy, who welcomed them both into their group.

"I was just telling Dorothy" Relena's voice echoed in the hushed room, and conversation again resumed. "That I think you've really out done yourself this time Quatre.

I know that the spread alone would have had Duo's mouth watering," she laughed, that annoyingly tinkling sound. "I can just picture him dragging Heero over to see every dish and trying to get him to sample each plate,"

Her voice dripped with venom and her fingers tightened around the stem of her glass.

"Those ice sculptures are really exquisite. How ever did you get them so life like?" Dorothy interrupted, placing a placating hand on Relena's shoulder.

Eyes moved to the small ice statuettes that stood on the main table, each one intricately carved and in different poses and all of them of Duo.

"It was a request from Duo." Trowa replied, giving Quatre's shoulder a squeeze and smiling at him. "He asked that they be done and when the ice was melted that those who gathered stop mourning him and rejoice for his new beginning." he wasn't about to tell anyone that Duo also requested that the water be used on the plants as, Duo had said, at least some good would've come from his passing if only to feed the plant life.

A smile graced Relena's face as if she where remembering something and she nodded her head in agreement.

"Yes, it sounds so much like the Duo we know… knew" she hastily corrected herself…

Around the room talk continued about Duo, remembering him and his escapades, most of those gathered there he had worked with especially Howard, who was regaling the crowd that had gathered around him with tales of how Heero had gotten one over on Duo and stolen parts from his Gundam and how they had plotted on getting one back on Heero, but that the stotic soldier was always one jump ahead of them and outsmarted their plots every time.

Out side the wind blew what leaves there where high up into the air. Tree's bowed and swayed in the breezes growing state and a single solitary figure stood, bracing itself against the wind… head raised up, looking into the face of the statue… he raised a hand as if to touch it, but let that hand fall limply to his side, then turned and sat at its feet… watching the stormy clouds out to sea, paying no heed to the wind that tussled his hair and buffeted his body, knees drawn up to his chest Heero closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the statue and just sat there…

Wufei watched Heero Yuy as he sat beneath the statue, even though his approach was quiet, the stotic pilot still heard him and with the rain and winds that scuttled across the open ground it was still a wonder to Wufei that Heero had.

"Quatre sent me, he is worried about you."

"Tell Quatre that I'm fine, I just need to be alone for a while" Heero replied

"He worries Heero, you have not been your self since Duo…left" Even now he could not bring himself to say that Duo had died, those words just didn't ring true. Wufei glanced up at the statue before him and then down at the now soaked pilot Heero Yuy. "We all worry" he said finally.

"Go Wufei, I wish to gather my thoughts," Heero hissed, once again burying his chin in his knees and staring out to sea. Wufei stood watching for a few more seconds before briskly walking back to the house.

Heero raised his head and turning round watched Wufei walk off. He knew that their concern for him was only out of sympathy for his loss, well ok they had lost as well, but his was felt more deeply… wasn't it? His feelings for Duo had become more uncharacteristic with each meeting, and his confusion kept rising… now one year later he was still no closer to the truth. All his resources had been used up and he was running out of ideas.

This would be one of the times that he could do with Duo's helpful diversionary tactics … he would bounce right up to you, place a hand on your shoulder and bend forward, grinning at you from under his bangs…offering advice- even if it wasn't needed, or understanding and empathy.

No one could fill the gap that Duo had slotted into, you know the one? You'd get distracted by what

ever Duo was saying or doing and … hey presto… You find the solution, it had been there before your eyes, and you just couldn't see it because of the fog you'd clouded yourself in. Heero could just picture him, Duo, standing in front of him his hands in his pockets looking out to the storm that now raged closer to home. Heero stood and slowly made his way toward the cliff walk that would lead him down to the beach below.

**In his minds eye he saw Duo running down the slope towards the beach, grinning that manic grin of his as he shouted back at Heero to hurry up. It's not as if the beach would go anywhere if they did take their time….. Heero smiled, Duo had beaten him to the sand and was hopping on one foot trying to get his shoe off, his socks followed shortly along with his trousers and t-shirt… there he stood taking in deep breaths of salty air, laughing as the breeze caresses his face, fanning his bangs across his eyes and running lovingly through his hair. Then he started running across the sand, he hopped on one foot and executed a perfect cartwheel before back flipping over and over landing on perfectly balanced feet and posing with arms aloft.


Heero snorted and ran forward, taking a running jump he cart wheeled, adding a half twist before landing, doing a backward flip, half twist again and into a forward flip adding two steps before he ended in a handstand walking forward a few paces on his hands and using his upper body strength to spring himself up into a backward flip and landing in front of an astounded Duo.

"Show off" Duo huffed, then his face broke into a smile "Tag" he said, pushing Heero on the chest before running toward the water "you're it" he called as he dived under the waves disappearing from view.

Regaining his balance Heero divested himself of his clothes and followed Duo into the water where they spent a wonderful hour frolicking in the waves playing tag, doing handstands, scooping water into their hands and throwing it as well as dunking each other. All in all both were out of breath and pleasantly relaxed by the time they came out, falling onto the warmed sand, Heero on his back, Duo flopped onto his stomach, rested his head on his for-arms and turned looking at Heero.

"One way to build up an appetite, Eh…Heero?"

Heero just snorted again, bringing his arm up to shade his eyes, then turned and looked at Duo who had his eyes closed. He was going to say something cutting but stopped himself and propped his body up on his elbows looking down at Duo, whose body still glistening with the water droplets that still clung to him. Heero found his hand moving over to smooth the droplets across Duo's heated skin, he heard Duo's sharp intake of breath and quickly withdrew his hand.

"You'll burn if you don't cover up" Heero said quickly, covering his lapse "your skin is getting red" Heero stood and without a backwards glance picked up his clothes and strolled across the sand and up the walkway.**

Heero stood at the base of the cliff and removed his shoe's, leaving them at the bottom step before walking slowly along the beach. He could feel the sand squeezing between his toes…as he walked closer to the joining of the water and sand; he could hear the sucking sound the water made as it pulled itself away from the sand. The wind was strong here, but Heero stood his ground, looking out at the cresting waves… watching the gulls duck and dive between them, their eerie calls sometimes distant as wind snatched their sounds and took them out to sea.

Heero could feel his tears coursing down his face, blurring his vision; feel his chest and throat tighten. Now he could let go of his emotions, releasing the tight control he had kept them under… here he could find release from the pain within. Clenching his fists tightly, his knuckles pressed into his side, Heero threw back his head and cried out into the wind.


His breath came in great sobs as he fell to his knees, digging his fingers into the sand, his shoulders shaking as he tried to drag in air to ease the burning in his chest…

Above him on the cliff walk a solitary figure watched as Heero collapsed onto the sand, his cries being caught by the wind and cast into the open sea. The figure watches a while longer before turning and walking away.

Wufei sat in one of the bay windows looking out for Heero. He had seen him make his way to the cliff walk and disappear down to the beach. Now he was waiting for his return. As he kept his vigil he thought he saw a shadow along the walk and stood thinking it was Heero, but after blinking it had gone… waving it off as a trick of light he sat back down and continued to wait for Heero's return.

It was over an hour later that a bedraggled Heero stalked in through the front door. Wufei had inadvertently fallen asleep while waiting and was jerked awake by the door slamming shut. He watched as Heero stalked up the stairs and heard the door to his room slam shut. Quatre surfaced from the lounge rubbing the back of his neck.

"Was that Heero?" he inquired, glancing round the room "I was hoping to have a word with him before he retired" shrugging his shoulders and without waiting for a reply, Quatre made his was along the hall and into the kitchen where Trowa was sat at the table reading. He glanced up at Quatre taking in his air of distraction, before closing his book and walking over to the cooker. There he placed the kettle on the hob and proceeded to make Quatre a cup of tea.

Quatre took a seat opposite his friend, still absentmindedly rubbing the back of his neck.

"I think we need to get out, find something to do. Heero seems to be getting stir crazy and Wufei, well if I was a betting man I'd say he is heading for a very long fall."

Looking up he watched as Trowa poured hot water into a pot… swirled the water around and emptied it down the drain, before adding tea leaves and pouring on hot water. Trowa then took the pot and placed it on the table, adding a cup, saucer and spoon. Then going to the fridge and getting out cream. He placed all these in front of Quatre and then sat back down in his seat, lifting his own coffee cup to his lips before looking over its rim at his companion, blowing gently at the steam, before sipping the hot liquid. He had learnt that if Quatre was concerned about something it was best to let him talk himself into a decision rather than offer advice… Besides he loved the way Quatre's brow furrowed as he tried up fathom what ever problem was bothering him, how ever he was concerned as to the reason he was rubbing the back of his neck… placing his cup down Trowa walked around behind Quatre and after brushing his hands away, set about massaging the tight muscles he found there… yep tight as a drum-skin, as Trowa worked the kinks out he absently listened to what Quatre was saying… offering the odd consoling sound if needed, in the end Quatre was literally purring contentedly when Trowa placed his hands on Quatre's shoulders, indicating that he'd finished, then moving around to the table took the cups away to be washed before putting the kettle on again to re make their drinks.

"I think it a good idea that we all need to get away. Perhaps there is something on L3 or L4 that is in need of our attention?" Trowa enquired. "I dare say that both Wufei and Heero will be happy to accompany us"

Max Solo stood watching the people around him from the viewing room above the arrivals check-in. The space port was really busy, even the bays were stacked, shuttles from all over the place where floating around outside waiting to be able to dock. To some it looked like pandemonium had struck, but Max knew that everything was running smoothly, hell if Treize was just stood there, his hands clasped behind his back, rocking from toe to heel, looking out at the organized mayhem with an eye to finding their prey, then yeah, every thing was fine… Suddenly Treize stood still, alerting both himself and Zechs to the fact that their objective had just arrived.

Max tried looking into the crowd to find the one person they had come to greet. How ever his eyes where caught by a group of lads about his own age, of various nationalities, at least three of the boys scanned the area checking for possible threats, or action, or just looking for the way out … while the other one, the blond guy was chatting to all three at once, arms waving all over the place, his face alight with delight… Max felt jealous of these lads, they who had not a care in the world, who seemed to be so full of themselves they didn't see the pain of others around them, who where carefree of the war, privileged… Yeah that was the word… they who where privileged, amazing what money could buy, he bet they all went to private schools and where on a sabbatical … he snorted scornfully at the group before turning and following Treize and Zechs out to meet their guest.

Below the viewing room Heero's eyes scanned the surrounding area, checking out possible exits. He was so use to doing this that it came second nature to him; he glanced up and stopped suddenly causing Trowa to bump into him… Quatre and Wufei stopped also, concern written over their faces

"Heero?" Quatre reached out to touch him on the shoulder… "What's wrong?"

Heero blinked, stunned, pointing up to the viewing rooms empty window… his mouth working but no sound coming out… the pilots all looked in the direction Heero pointed in, to see no one stood in front of the reinforced glass…perplexed they gathered round their friend, as if to shield him…

"Duo…" was the only word that passed Heero's lips… again the boys as a group looked to the viewing window, again no one fitting their lost friends description was stood there… they're concern increased when Heero stormed away in the direction of the viewing room, thankfully Trowa managed to get in front of him, his hands on Heero's shoulders holding him still…

"Think Heero" he said giving the stotic boys shoulders a shake… "How could Duo be up in the viewing room," he sighed "This is getting beyond the joke Heero, you have to seek help… this obsession with him still being alive is interfering with our work, we can't keep on covering up for you much longer" Trowa really sounded distressed, even Quatre was looking at him strange like…

"No… you don't understand… I did see him… he was stood in front of the window… really he was" Heero's voice trailed off into a whisper, his shoulders sagged and his head bowed… "Really, I did see him"

The boys looked to each other before Wufei took charge and lead them over to the arrivals lounge, there he forced Heero in to a chair and after informing them he was getting refreshments, in which Trowa decided to lend a hand, left… Quatre sat beside Heero chewing his lower lip, he wanted dearly to say something but knew that the minuet he did Heero would take offence…

Heero was staring off into space, he did this often now, he would lose himself in nothingness… there he didn't have to think, speak, do… it was just nothing…he knew that the guys where getting fed up with him, but really he did see Duo, plain as day, he re-ran what he did see through his mind again… he remembered looking up to the viewing room window and seeing… a guy with very long hair turning away from the window and addressing some people behind him… looking further back Heero froze….

"Treize" he whispered…