Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ with out you ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Hi all, I’m trying to update as soon as I can. I know I’ve been slow so far, but in future I intend to finish a fic before I post is… that way there’s no disappointments. The usual disclaimers apply, don’t own them, have no rights to either the suits or pilots…this fic has and still does contain yaoi (which is boy-boy relationships for those not in the know) so if you don’t agree with it, don’t read…


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“I…&# 8221; Max growled slowly. “Am… no… traitor”

“Then explain what happened. What you are doing in our enemy’s home.”

Max stood non-plus. What the hell did he mean? Who was the enemy? Wufei could see a gambit of emotions flitting across Max’s face… Confusion, anger and fear. Wufei stepped back concern showing in his eyes. What could Max be afraid of? Turning away, Wufei made his way back to the bed, sitting down heavily and sighing. Nervously, he ran his hand through his hair and looked up at Max. He could tell Max everything that he knew, or if he really did have amnesia would it be best for him to remember by himself.

“What do you remember?” Wufei asked as he lay down on the bed. Max lent back against the wall, his hands sliding into the pockets of his trouser..

“I remember waking up in a hospital. They said that I was piloting a Leo I’d stolen, it was due to be modified but I took it before they‘d finished. Yeah, yeah I know I should have checked it first but I was in a rush. Things started to get hairy and it exploded not long after take off….” Pushing himself away from the wall, Max moved over to the bed and sat beside Wufei.

“ Turns out that I was working under cover and when one of the Gundam pilots found out they passed the info on to their bosses who tried to bump me off. I was then placed in protective custody until the heat wore off and I could continue my work.”

Wufei was thinking. Could he tell Max what he knew? Would it change his outlook of things now or would he just continue?

“You seem to think you know me… but to be truthful I can’t remember you.” Max turned to look at Wufei. “Do we know each other? I mean you’d be upset if you didn’t know what happened before and someone knew but didn’t tell you. I think I’d have a right to know.” Max sighed, he didn’t think he’d get an answer from Wufei but it was worth a try.

“I know of what you where but am of two minds as to weither or not to tell you. It would seem that you have made a better life for yourself now than you had before. I am not sure if I am the one to speak, it might not be to your benefit.”

“Does Treize know?” Max whispered. He felt the bed move and found Wufei sat beside him.

“I would think so… there can’t be much to get past Treize and I would believe he wouldn’t let something like this happen without a reason.

“so, are you gonna tell me, or do I have to confront Treize?” Max asked.

Wufei took a deep breath and released it slowly, letting the tension seep out of him. Max did have a right to know. Standing he made his way over to the window and glanced outside. Everything was normal outside, the sun was shining, clouds flitted across an almost blue sky. The rain hadn’t lasted long and the air was clean and fresh.

“Your name is Duo Maxwell. You where born on L2. Not much is known of your life but suffice to say that you managed to sneak aboard a shuttle outward bounds. Eventually you where encouraged to work with someone who was willing to train you. After a few years of extensive training you became a Gundam pilot and joined others in the fight against the a new tyranny. You, along with these others, were then sent to Earth and aided in “Project Meteor”. Turning to look at Max again Wufei smiled “You are a loud, excessive individual who can managed to tuck away large amounts of food with out putting on an ounce of fat to cover that bony body. You are always talking, even in your sleep. You have a ‘live for today’ attitude that is grating on the nerves to say the least and have become a part of a small group who would dearly love to have you back in their fold again.”

Max watched Wufei from beneath his fringe. “Wow, I bet you didn’t relish saying that much about me?” he smiled “That isn’t much though, is it?” he asked.

Wufei shrugged and made his way back to the bed.

“I chose to give you the minimal amount of information, the rest is up to you.”

Just then the door opened and Nathan walked in…he paused on the threshold looking from Max to Wufei and back again… “Do you want me to leave?” he asked as both boys stared at him. “I can come back later?”

Wufei walked slowly around the bed and crawled back under the covers. Pulling the sheet up to his neck and turning onto his side.

“Max was just leaving, shut the door on your way out.”

Max stood carefully and walked over to stand beside Nathan, who stepped outside the room and waited. Max turned back to Wufei then grinned.

“I’ll be back” he smirked. “You and I have a lot to discuss.”

“Close the door qui……” Max turned away, slamming the door as he left… “…etly” Wufei cringed as the door slammed behind the two and mumbled to himself as he settled deeper into the bed.

As the pair made their way back down the stairs. Nathan kept glancing at Max. Max chose ignored him and made his way back to the kitchen. Cook was still pottering around and glanced up at them as they entered.

“Has he woken?” she enquired, drying her hands on her apron and cocking her head to one side.

“yep, but he‘s not into eating yet.” Max replied “Says he’ll have something later. All he wants to do is sleep”

“Sleep be the best healer there is” she said as she set about slicing doorsteps of bread. “Will you tell Master Treize that I’ll be putting the meal in the small dining room in about ten minutes please?”

Max snagged an apple out of the bowl beside the door and after taking a bite, waved as he left the kitchen Nathan smiled at cook before turning to follow Max. Cook shook her head and then went on preparing the food.










Treize was sat at his desk in the study. The stereo was on quietly in the background as he sat reading through the reports that had been sent to him. Strains of Offenbach’s Tales of Hoffmen slowly wafted through the room like a soft summer breeze. He turned his chair so that he was facing to look out the French windows, the papers in his hand forgotten as he drifted in this thoughts. A warm breeze brought the sent of roses through the room and he inhaled deeply. Still caught up in his musing he didn’t notice the shadow that crept quietly into the room. Only when a hand was placed upon his shoulder did he jump from his drifting with a start and scoot his chair back from the desk. Zechs chuckled at the stricken look upon his friend and lovers face. His hand straying to trace the face he held so dear before him.

“What has you so caught up in thought that you didn’t hear me?” he asked softly. Treize caught his hand with his and held it close, nuzzling the palm gently while he pulled Zechs down into his lap.

“Nothing of real importance” Treize replied and held Zechs close to him. He felt as if afraid Zechs would disappear if he didn’t hold on, so deep had been his thoughts.. Zechs pulled back a little to look at him better. Worry etched on his face.

“Sure?” he asked. Treize nodded his assent but still held Zechs close. Zechs placed his hand under Treize’s chin and raised his head looking deep into his eyes. There was a sadness with Treize today. One that seemed to haunt him. It wasn’t usual for Treize to drown himself in thoughts but today he seemed to be having trouble climbing out of his depths of gloom. Zechs lent forward slowly lowering his head and brushing his lips gently across Treize’s.

“Oi you two, break it up or you’ll give junior here idea’s” Max voiced from the doorway. He snickered as both Zechs and Treize jumped apart.

“I’m gonna put bells on you Max,” Zechs said menacingly as he stalked towards him. “That way we’ll know when you’re around” Max made a soft squeak and turning, ran for the stairs closely followed by Zechs. He didn’t get far though, Zechs caught him with a flying tackle that sent them both to the floor, in a tangle of limbs. Quickly Zech hauled Max to his feet and slung him partially over his shoulder, then sending a jaunty salute to Treize headed off in the direction of the lounge, kicking the door shut behind them. Max could be heard protesting and laughing at the same time from the closed doors.

“Looks like they’ll miss out on the food” he said to Treize. “Shouldn’t we go break them up?”

Treize shook his head in frustration before heading in the direction of the lounge. When he opened the door Max was laid on his stomach and Zechs was sat across back, pinning his shoulders down with his knees. He was attaching something around Max’s neck while Max was trying to reach around behind himself to swat away his hands, while kicking his heels back trying to catch Zechs in the back.

“Hold still you little worm” Zechs grumbled, fishing into his trouser pocket for something else. Once he’d found it he attached it to what ever he’d put around Max’s neck and then stood up. Stepping back as Max scrabbled onto his knees and tried to remove what ever it was that Zechs had attached . Treize stood just inside the door and began to laugh at the sight before him. Max had a thick leather collar with two bells attached to it around his neck. They jangled with each movement he made. Max was trying to reach behind him to release the catch but it wouldn’t work.

“Get it off” he screamed at Zechs. Who just stood smiling at him. Again, Max tried to free himself but still it wouldn’t release.

“I think it’s quite fetching, don’t you Treize?” he asked. Still smiling.

Treize couldn’t answer because he was laughing too hard whilst leaning on the door jamb and holding his sides.

“Priceless Zechs, utterly priceless” Treize replied.

Nathan moved into the doorway and stopped in his tracks. Max had made his way over to the mirror that hung over the fireplace and was trying desperately to remove the collar. While it jingled tauntingly at him. He pulled and twisted it this way and that before turning it so he could see the catch. His eyes widened in horror at what he saw. the catch was secured by a small padlock.

“Specially made for you Max,” Zechs grinned. “gundanium is hard to get here, but I think it’s well worth the price. No more sneaking up on us or terrorising the help.”

Zechs watched as Max turned and grinned at him…then sauntered over to his side and stood close. He had a devious look on his face and Zechs was slightly taken aback when Max snaked his arms around Zechs shoulders and stood on tip-toes, bringing their faces closer together.

“If I’d known you where in to leathers and stuff, I’d have gotten you a special deal with a friend of mine. She’s into bondage in a big way and is always willing to do a deal for her friends” His warm breath ghosted across Zech’s cheek as he turned he head away. “ you want I should get you some special stuff Treize?” he indicated Zechs with his head. “He seems to be over stepping his boundaries as a subby”.

Treize stood with his shoulder against the door jamb. He seemed to be contemplating what Max has asked. Zechs stood blustering about the comment of him being a sub…

“what makes you think I’m the sub, it could be Treize for all you know” Zechs pouted.

“Ohh yeah and I’m the king of Sanc” Max taunted “there’s no way Treize could be a sub. He radiates Dominants from every pore and he has the pizzazz to carry it off.”

Treize grinned at Max as he walked past him and stood beside Zechs, laying a hand on his arm he lead him over to one of the chairs in front of the fireplace and sat himself down before pulling Zechs into his lap.

“Now” Treize said in a soft voice, “I think we should have some quiet time before we eat, or we’ll all end up with indigestion” His arms tightened around Zech’s middle as he nuzzled at the tender spot just behind his left ear. Zechs glanced up at the two stunned boys and grinned.

“Quiet time?” he enquired. “When was the last time you where quiet Treize?”

“Eeww” piped Max, shuddering at the thought. “I don’t even want to think about that. You guys are soo not behaving as adults should. We need guidance not knowledge of what you two get up to.” he absentmindedly fingered the collar at his neck. “come on Nathan, you and me can get first dibs at the food before the old ones get their hands on it.” with that parting shot Max took Nathan by the arm and led him out of the room.

Nathan was looking back at the pair sat in the chair and almost bumped into the door jam. Max steered him towards the kitchen, then stopped and did a sixty degree turn and headed for the stairs instead.

“Where are we going?” Nathan enquired as he was physically pulled up the stairs. “You said food and the kitchens in the other direction.”

Max chuckled softly as he led the way to the room that Treize and Zechs shared. He checked the hallway both sides with a quick glance and then opened the door.

“Oh, I thought that as those two where so lovey dovey we could enhance that feeling a tad by spicing up their room and bit.” he said as he pulled Nathan into the room. Pushing the door closed slightly so that he could just see out, incase anyone was coming along the corridor he beckoned Nathan to his side

“You stand guard while I see what I can do.”





Nathan peered out of the partially closed door while at the same time trying to keep an eye on Max . He watched as Max went into the bathroom for a few minuets before emerging with a couple of bottles and a huge grin on his face. Another glance outside the room, then back to Max. He saw Max draw the curtains close and make his way over to the bed. Putting the bottles on the bedside table Max drew down the covers reached behind him to grab one of the bottles. Opening it he began to sprinkle some of its contents onto the sheets, roughly from the centre of the them to just below the pillows. He then replaced the lid and took another bottle, the contents of which he sprinkled onto each of the two pillows. Next he walked round to the bottom of the bed and folded the covers back until he got to the sheets. Nathan couldn’t really see what Max was doing as he had his back to him but he did hear him chuckle darkly and mumble to himself. Nathan again checked the corridor and looked back to see Max re-setting the bed. A sound from the corridor brought Nathan’s attention back to the hallway and he gasped as Wufei came out of his room, a dressing gown covering his pyjamas and made his way towards the stairs. He hastily closed the door and tried to get Max’s attention by waving his arms about, forgetting that the curtains where closed and the room in shadows. Nathan could hear the soft tread of feet as they came closer to the door that he was hiding behind and calling Max in a hushed voice, indicated that someone was approaching them. Max looked up and after resetting the controls on the bed, gathered up the bottles and hastily took them back to the bathroom. As he was making his way back to the door Max tripped over something and fell with a loud thump to his hands and knees. Nathan rushed to his side and helped him to his feet, dusting him off as he did so.

“What?” Max asked in an overly loud hushed voice.

“Wufei. I saw him coming out of his room.” Nathan was stood very close to Max, almost in his pockets, Max had to firmly nudge him away in order to step over to the door. He slowly and quietly opened the door and jumped back in shock. Wufei was stood in front of them, hands on hips and a scowl on his face.

“Up to your old tricks again, I see.” he said as he pushed the door open further and flipped on the light. “ I had thought better of you Nathan. How could you get roped into what ever it is that he is both doing?”

Nathan blushed and started to stutter that he was just look-out but Wufei brushed past the pair and made his way over to the bed, now neatly made.

“What, exactly, have you done?” he enquired as he carefully turned back the bedding. “Ahh, the usual I see. can’t come up with anything nor original can you?” Wufei then moved in the bathroom and could be heard rummaging through the bathroom cabinet. He returned after a few seconds with two half filled water condoms. With utmost care Wufei placed each condom flat under the bottom sheet, approximately where a persons lower back would be and returned the bedding as it should be.

“This is not original but should make for a few heated moments when they burst.” he said smirking.

Max was beaming with delight. To think that straight laced Wufei would think of something along these lines was priceless.

“Man, what I wouldn’t give to be a fly on these walls when that happens” Max giggled.

“If you intend to play practical jokes, don’t stint on the imagination. Now I think we should retire to our own rooms or at least well out of range.” Wufei said as he sauntered past the pair , waiting just outside the door for them to follow. Once out in the hallway they made their way down the stairs.

“I thought you wanted to sleep?” Max enquired of Wufei.

“I was, but it seems that my body is in need of sustenance more than sleep, so I thought I’d see if there was anything I could snack on.”

“No need to snack.” Nathan replied “Dinner should be being served in the small dining room by now.”

The boys made their way to the small dining room. As they passed the study, the door was heaved open. Treize had just enough time to stop himself from barrelling into Wufei. Treize has to place his hands on Wufei’s shoulders to steady himself. He hastily stepped back and after straightening his jacket offered Wufei and apologetic smile.

“My deepest apologies. I should have been watching where I was going.”

Wufei offered a small smile in return but didn’t’ comment as Zechs came up to stand beside Treize. Both men seemed slightly breathless and a little flushed.

“I hope that you are joining us for dinner?” Treize asked Wufei. “being stuck in a room for too long can’t help much to recovery. A change of scenery and some good food should be more productive than any medicine.” Treize moved to Wufei’s side and escorted him to the dining room, closely followed by Max, Nathan and Zechs.

“I trust you boys have been behaving yourselves?” Treize enquired, glancing behind him. Nathan blushed and Max waved his hands around trying to find words. Zechs nudged Max in the side and Max smirked.

“Yeah, just as you two have” he jibed “we’ve been the perfect example of gentlemen, haven’t we Nate?”

Nathan blushed again and hastily looked away. Catching Wufei’s smirk his blush deepened and he quickened his step. Opening the dining room door and allowing the others to precede him.

As they settled into their seats, Treize holding a chair for Wufei, cook bustled in with a tray and set about placing a bowl of steaming stew in front of them then a tray with thick slices of bread in the centre of the table.

“That should chase away the chills and fill you up” she told them. Stopping beside Wufei she gently touched his shoulder, smiling softly at him. “You eat what you can and don’t worry if you can’t finish it. Little and often is best.” she then made her way over to Treize. “I’ve left a few makings for sandwiches in the pantry, should your guest want anything else later. I’ll be in early tomorrow morning, will you be wanting a full breakfast?”

Treize looked around the table and nodded. “With so many young mouths to feed I dare say that come morning they will be starved Tilly. I think a full breakfast would be just the thing to start the day, thank you.”

With a final smile at them she made her way out of the room. Max reached across the table for a slice of bread and promptly had his hand smacked by Zechs, who picked up the plate and offered it to him.

“Manners, maketh man.” he smirked

“Yeah?” Max smiled, “Well this man is hungry.” he said, taking a slice of buttered bread and ripping it in half.

“You’re always hungry.” Wufei snickered. Taking an offered slice of bread from the plate as Zechs passed it around. “you’ll end up fat in your old age, if you carry on this way.”

“Nah, I’m to active.” Max replied as he raised his spoon to his mouth. “Side’s I’m a growing lad and need to keep me motor running else it’ll conk out”

The light banter continued through out the meal and time seemed to pass quickly for those there. Soon most bowls were empty and being stacked onto a tray to be taken to the kitchen later. Wufei seemed to be tiring as the meal progressed and had only eaten half the stew. Treize looked to Zechs who stood and made his way over to the drifting boy.

“Come, I’ll see you to your room.” he said as he pulled Wufei to his feet and ushered him out of the room”

As he came back down the stairs, Zechs could hear Treize in the study. He made his way across the foyer and stood just inside the study door. Treize was sat behind his desk, speaking to someone on the vid-phone. He watched as Treize pulled his hand through his hair, an obvious sign of tension.

“I am aware of procedures, thank you very much.” Treize all but snapped at the person on the other end of the phone. “should I need to tell you anything further that is of any benefit to the final outcome, I will do so, until then I suggest that you go through the normal channels before bothering me again with such pettiness.” Treize reached across and disconnected the call. Zechs watched as Treize stood and walked over to the French windows. He stood looking outside, rocking back and forth on his feet, his hands clasped behind his back deep in thought. He failed to see Zechs make his way across the room and nearly jumped out of his skin when two arms snaked through his and around his waist.

“Problems?” Zechs enquired. He pressed his cheek between Treize’s shoulders, nuzzling the back of his neck.

“Nothing” Treize sighed. “Nothing that can’t wait till our return.”

“Come, then.” Zechs said as he took Treize’s hand and led him out of the study and up the stairs to their room. “I think we should retire early and get as much rest as we can. It’s been a long day and you need to relax.”

“But our guests. We can’t just leave them to their own devises.”

“Oh, I dare say they’ll keep themselves amused some how.” Zechs countered as he pushed the door to their room open and pulled Treize inside, firmly closing the door behind them.

“Night guys” Max shouted up at the pair. “Sleep tight.” he said smirking as he turned and walked into the lounge where Nathan was sat watching the TV. He jumped over the sofa and landed right beside Nathan, causing the poor lad to topple sideways, almost ending up in Max’s lap. “shouldn’t be too long now” Max said as he reached for the remote. Nathan glanced towards to door, almost expecting Treize or Zechs to be stood there.

“Mayhaps we should find somewhere safe to hide. I mean, they may not take it lightly and we are guests here. Thing could be very uncomfortable if…”

“Relax, Nate. It’s just payback.” Max said as he absentmindedly fingered the collar still round his neck.

A loud thump was heard from upstairs, a door opened and running foot steps where heard. Max looked at Nathan, then smiled.

“See ya” he laughed as he took off running in the direction of the kitchen. Nathan sat none-plus, watching as Max slipped through the door with seconds to spare before Zechs, barefoot and minus his shirt came storming into the room.

“Where is that little worm?” Zechs growled, the scent of lavender and roses wafted across the room as Zechs stormed over to the kitchen. He stopped in front of the door and turned towards Nathan. “If I find out you had a hand in this as well, I’ll be coming back for you soon.” Nathan’s face turned a sickly colour at the thought but Zechs had already passed through the door. Shakily Nathan stood and walked into the foyer, hoping to be safely locked in his own room before Zechs returned. As he was making his way up the stairs, Treize was coming down them, using a towel to try and wipe off what ever it was that was sticking to his bare chest and arms. He smiled at Nathan as they passed but reached out a hand to stop him.

“Please tell me that you didn’t have anything to do with this?” Treize sighed. He watched as Nathan ducked his head. “Ahh well, I’d better go and make sure that Max is still in one piece. Just be on the look out for repercussions. Zechs has a way of getting his own back ten-fold. We’ll seek suitable punishment in the morning. Till then I suggest you lock your doors and try to sleep.”

Treize watched as Nathan all but ran up the stairs and with another deep sigh went in search of his wayward lover.

As Treize made his way into the kitchen he noticed the back door was open. He could hear Zechs shouting and Max laughing. Shaking his head he walked outside and turned towards the voices. Max was sitting on a large bough halfway up the old oak tree while Zechs was prowling around the base of the tree like an angry wolf. Every now and then Zechs would try to grab one of Max’s legs that dangled just out of his reach.

“Come down here you little slug. I’m in just the right frame of mind to pound you into the ground” he shouted as again he jumped up trying to catch one of Max’s legs.

“Not bloody likely old man. I’m safer up here” Max taunted. Swinging his legs back and forth teasingly.

“Fine” Zechs smiled. “Stay here then. I hope you get a good nights sleep. Looks like it‘s going to rain again.” with that he turned and made his way over to Treize, slipping his arm around Treize’s waist he called over his shoulder. “We’ll be using your room tonight. You can stay there.”

“Oi, you can’t do that.” Max shouted at them as they made their way back inside. Zechs turned slightly towards Max and gave him an obscene hand sign. “Watch me.”

Max did just that, he watched as both Treize and Zechs walked back into the kitchen, he also heard the large bolt being slammed into place and blinked as the lights went out.

“Son of a bitch.” he groused. Carefully Max climbed down the tree and made his way over to the kitchen door. He tried the handle a few times then slowly slid down the wall to sit on the stone step. He pulled his knees up to his chest and rested his head of his arms.

Just past midnight the heavens opened again. Lightning lit the sky and thunder rumbled deep. Treize stirred and pulled the sheet over his shoulder, snuggling closer to the warm body beside him. Zechs was awake he had been since the start of the storm. Lying on his back, his hands behind his head he watched as lightening lit the whole room up, then winced as a crash of thunder echoed over head. He could hear the sharp rapping of rain against the windows and was now feeling guilty about locking Max outside.

Treize shifted again and sighed.

“you or me?” he asked as he placed a hand on Zechs’ chest.


“Shall I get him, or will you?”

Zechs sighed. Turning onto his side he looked into drowsy eyes. He placed a chaste kiss on Treize’s nose, his fingers slowly caressing the finely chiselled cheek bones as he moved forward pressing Treize into the bed .

“I can think of better things to do now that we know we won’t be disturbed” he said brushing his lips softly against Treize’s. Arms reached up to pull him closer and lips parted to deepen the kiss. Treize laced the fingers of one hand through Zech’s hair and smiled. He shifted onto his back, pulling Zechs over with him. Feeling the warm body move between his spread legs Treize let his other hand slide down Zech’s back and trail across the smooth skin, his fingers kneading the rounded cheeks. “sides, I doubt if he’s dumb enough to stay out in this weather. He’s bound to find a way back in, or some sort of cover. You worry too much Treize.”

Another loud crash of thunder rattled the window frames as lightening streaked across the sky’s simultaneously. Treize moaned softly as Zechs rocked against him feeling his own storm rising as the weather outside continued.

“May be a little later then” Treize whispered between kisses.

“Yes,” Zechs sighed , ”Much later.”

Wufei was woken as the storm crashed over head and rattling the window in their frames. He sat up shivering, brushing the fall of hair from his eyes he dragged himself out of bed and made his way over to the window he’d left open earlier. Pulling it shut he shivered against the chill that the storm brought with it. Deciding that he was in need of a snack he grabbed his dressing gown and fastening the tie made his way down the stairs to the kitchen. Over head lights flickered as he stepped into the still warm room. Checking the fridge first he pulled out a plate of cold meats placing them on the table before making his way over to the pantry to get some bread. He paused on his way back to the table, thinking he’d heard a sound from outside. Shrugging it off he pulled the bread towards him and started to spread the button thinly. Again he heard a noise from the direction of the back door. This time he was sure of it. Picking up the knife he made his way over to the door and pressed his ear to the wood. Carefully he slid the bolt back, turned the key and slowly opened the door just a little. Light spilled out through the crack and he could barely make out a shape huddled on the step. He tightening his grip on the door knob and with the knife firmly gripped in his hand pulled the door open further. A sodden body slipped onto the floor just inside and moaned. Wufei jumped back as the body moved, shivering slightly.

“Duo..?” Wufei gasped as he recognised him. Placing the knife on the table he returned to the rain soaked body. With little ease he picked him up and walked over to a chair beside the still warm stove. Coaxing the wet shirt from his body, Wufei tried his best to rid his friend of as much of the drenched material as he could. The trousers proved to be difficult, but with some manoeuvring he was able to get them off as well as the shoes and socks. Clad in only his boxers his friend shivered. Wufei hastily removed his dressing gown and was able to wrap it around Max’s shoulders, then help him put his arms inside the sleeves. The slight frame shook steadily and moaned. Wufei hurried over to the back door and closed it, sliding the bolt back into place.

“Cccold” Max stuttered, teeth chattering.

Wufei moved over to the stove. Opening the door with a cloth, he started placing small pieces of wood around the still glowing embers. He left the agar’s door open waiting for them to catch before placing larger pieces inside. Once he was satisfied that the fire was catching he turned back to glance at his still shivering friend. He looked around the kitchen wondering what else he could do to help warm him up. Something hot to drink, get the body temperature up from the inside. Yes. Quickly Wufei moved over to place the kettle on the back plate and once it was lit he set about finding something that would be suitable. There was a bottle of whisky on one of the shelves, taking this down he searched around for some honey and lemon. Once these where found he got a large mug down from the hook and poured a generous amount of whisky in, adding a good measure of lemon juice and a big dollop of honey. He stood tapping his feet on the floor as he waited for the kettle to boil, or at least get close to it, before he poured the steaming liquid into the mug, stirring the contents. Satisfied he walked over to Max.

“Duo, look at me.” Placing the mug on the table beside Max, Wufei knelt beside him calling to him softly. Max raised his head slowly, looking through his wet bangs at Wufei. His eyes where blood shot and his teeth still chattered, though not as much as before. Wufei handed him the mug and gently wrapped his fingers around it, holding them softly in place.

“Fei…? Am soo cold…” he whined.

“I know” Wufei said softly. “Here, something to warm you from the inside. Drink it while its still hot.” Carefully he helped Max raise the mug to almost blue lips and smiled as Max sipped at the brew. Max paused after a few sips and looked at Wufei. You could almost see the warmth creeping into Max’s body as the hot drink did its job.

“God, Fei… what’s in this …” he asked before raising the mug to pale lips again.

“Just drink, questions and answers only when you‘ve recovered.” Wufei replied smiling a little as pale skin began to tinge with pink.

Wufei chuckled when Max tipped the mug up, draining it completely, then used his finger to wipe up any left around the sides. Straightening from his crouch. Wufei began picking up the wet clothes and placing them in the washing machine beside the back door.

Satisfied that most was cleaned up he walked over to the stove and closed the door before turning back to Max who seemed to be dozing in the chair. Decision made he helped Max to his feet and guided him out of the kitchen.

“W’re we goin?” Max asked, his words slurring slightly.

“I am taking you to your room. Where I will see to it that you are safely tucked up in bed, before coming back here to finish making myself a snack.” he replied.

Max stopped in his tracks and swayed slightly before leaning into Wufei. “Can’t.” Max stated. “Zechs ‘n’ Treize are in there.”

“What?” Wufei all but shouted. “They have their own room, why would they be using yours?” He helped Max steady himself before resuming their slow walk into the foyer. Max started to snigger but ended up coughing.

“We trashed their bed, ‘member?” he managed to get out before another bout of coughing racked his slight frame. “I’ll bed down on the sofa, ya ain’t gonna get me in their bed an I sure as hell ain’t gonna sleep with em in mine.”

Wufei stood non-plus for a few seconds before steering Max towards the stairs again. “Then you shall have my bed.” he said. Max lent on the banister and turned towards Wufei.

“W’re ya gonna sleep then?” he asked. Wufei smiled and helped Max continue on their assent of the stairs. It took sometime, but they managed to make it to Wufei’s room. He had to prop Max against the wall and hold him in place with one hand, before he could open the door and then lead him into the room and over to the bed. Max lowered himself slowly onto the still warm sheet, sighing as he rolled over onto his side and curled up into a ball.

“Y’re a good friend Fei.” he whispered as Wufei pulled the blankets over him and tucked him in. “Not got many of ‘em but you’s the bestest.”

Wufei smiled again. He’d been doing a lot of that since finding Maxwell again. He was going to reply but a soft snore from the bed deterred him. He made his way quietly out of the room, pulling the door to but not closing it. He turned quickly to make his way back to the kitchen but ran into a hard chest. Looking up into the sparkling eyes of none other than Treize Khushrenada.

“How is Max?” he asked quietly. “I heard you both on the stairs and wanted to make sure that all was well. Come, we’ll talk downstairs so as not to disturb the sleepers.” Gently his took Wufei’s arm and led him down the stairs and back to the kitchen. Wufei made his way back to the table and continued to make his snack. Treize sat in the chair beside him, pulling his dressing gown closer round himself. The kitchen was cosy now but he felt the chill through his bare feet. Crossing his legs Treize regarded the pilot before him.

“I take it the prank back fired.” Wufei asked as he placed the cold meat onto the slices of bread. With ease he cut the sandwiches in half and place them on the plates in front of him, handing one to Treize. Walking round the table Wufei sat in the chair opposite him and began to tuck into his snack.

Chewing thoughtfully before answering Treize began to wonder if Nathan and Max where not the only ones involved.

“Zechs was a little upset to say the least. After trying, unsuccessfully I might add, to get Max down from the oak tree. He decided that Max would learn his lesson better if he spent it outside. An unfortunate decision it would seem.”

“Maxwell can be a pain at times. Even though his heart is in the right place he can also take things to the extreme.” Wufei paused and took a bit of his sandwich. Treize nodded his head in acknowledgement and smiled. He new first hand how far Max would go to pull pranks. Maybe now he would consider his actions and the consequences.

“ He has brought some light entertainment into our dull lives, since his arrival.” Treize pondered before asking. “Have you come to take him back with you or to terminate him?”

Wufei’s head shot up, his eyes locking with Treize, who raised an eyebrow at the shocked look on his face. Treize watched as the small pilot opened his mouth to answer then close it again, hesitating in his reply.

“Come now, surely we can be honest here. We both know where your loyalties lay. The colonies must come first.” Treize pushed his empty plate aside. “ Is he a danger to you and your friends and if so, what will you do? Max isn’t a child, he must have asked you questions as to his origin. With your integrity I dare say you told him what you know of his past life.” Treize was thinking of their ‘chance’ meeting at the circus as well as what led to it. Was Wufei being here purely by accident or for a specific reason.

“I will admit that when we found out he was alive and in your company, we did wonder if he had changed sides.” Wufei ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “ From what he has told me, he has no recollection of his life before the mobile suit exploding. We wondered also as to why you had taken him under your wing and if you also had ulterior motives.” Wufei thought back on the meeting they had in Trowa’s caravan. “It would seem that things where getting out of our control with Maxwell’s re-appearance. A few of us thought that he was a danger to us and should be eliminated but a decision was made to find out if the threat was plausible.”

Treize was watching him carefully. ‘Such an old head on young shoulders.’ He thought. Standing , Treize lent forward, resting his hands on the table. “when your friend arrived at our base I was shocked. We had also believed him dead. After speaking with him though, I came to the conclusion that he had no idea who he was.” Treize pushed himself away from the table and walked over to the window, looking out at the pre-dawn. “ My first thought was to use him. Find out what information he had and use it against the Gundam pilots.” he turned back to face Wufei, who had turned to watch him. “Such a complex situation needed a lot of thought, with time I felt that he could be a perfect puppet for Oz.” he watched as Wufei’s face became guarded and sighed. “I want this war over as much as you do Dragon, too many innocents have perished or suffered because of its consequences. I have begun to wonder if they even remember what they are fighting for. This power struggle must end soon.” he came to stand before Wufei, resting his hands on the boys shoulders. “But we digress, what will you do about Max.?”

Wufei tried not to flinch when Treize’s hands came to rest on his shoulders. He could feel the mans strength in his touch and blushed at the feelings that ran havoc inside him.

“I don’t know.” Bowing his head and looking at his hands Wufei whispered “I will have to think on this more before coming to a decision. It is not something that I will take lightly too but I will tell you when the decision is made.”

Treize squeezed Wufei’s shoulders lightly and moved over to the door. “That is all I ask. You should rest now. The road to recovery will only be slowed if proper care isn’t taken.” he turned to go but stopped after a few steps. “Thank you “ he said.

Not knowing what he was being thanked for, Wufei glanced up but Treize had already left. Placing his arms on the table Wufei lowered his head onto them. So many things to think about, so many decisions to make. One life hanging in its balance. Was he to be judge and jury?





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Yeah, I know it took me long enough, writers block and stuff. Next time I hope to be quicker, so bare with me.