Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ with out you ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello again, sorry about the delay but man can not live on fresh air and I had to work nights just to feed myself…lol…many thanks to ‘emeraldwolf ’ for reminding me that I have as yet to update, time sure fly’s when you’re having fun…..not….ohh and before I forget, I’m really not good with fight scenes so don’t blame me…usual statements for not owning the suits/pilots and such, just having fun with them.






Max and Nathan lay on the crest of a hill looking down into the valley in which the MS had chased the Gundam. One of the suits was manoeuvring behind the Gundam while the other was trying to keep out of the way of its dragon claw. Each MS pilot tried to get in close enough to cause some damage. As if sensing the others present behind the Gundam stepped back and pivoting on one foot, swung its free leg out and effectively knocked the MS out of its way. Distracted by this play the Gundam was slow to react to the frontal attack by the other MS and only just managed to bring up its shielded arm to block the MS blow from its laser.

Max shifted over to allow Treize and Zechs room to view the ensuing battle

“Bet that Gundam pilot is really pissed. He nearly lost that one.” Max commented.

“You could’ve done better Max?” asked Zechs

Max smirked but didn’t answer. Treize was fascinated by the Gundam pilots agility in such close combat . It seemed that the pilot was using only a minimal amount of its abilities, while still keeping the other suits at bay. They watched as the Gundam extended its claw, reaching into the belly of the MS in front of him and piercing it through the other side then flinging the suit round and into its companion. The explosion from both suits sent debris flying in all directions and the Gundam was blown backwards, ending on it’s rump.

Max and Nathan laughed at the sight of the Gundam trying its best to find its way back to its feet, but in the end the pilot managed to get the suit to its knees and slowly stood up.

“I would’ve thought that getting that much mecha up would’ve been one of the first things those pilots would’ve learnt. I mean, having that much weight has to be a priority in getting it mobile.” Max stated as he rose to his feet, dusting off his legs.

“Yeah,” said Nathan still laughing “Maybe he didn’t expect to end up on his ass though.”

As Treize and Zechs stood they noticed that the Gundam was still stood in the valley. Surely it would’ve realised that more suits could be on their way. So why was it still here?

“Keep the boys here while I investigate. Don’t let them near until I give the ok.” Treize told Zechs as he made his way down the slope and into the valley.

He could hear Max complaining but was more intent on finding out why the Gundam was motionless. As he got closer Treize carefully made his way past rubble that littered the ground. He stood for a while in awe, looking up at this magnificent machine towering above him. Then found the pulley and stepped into its loop before activating it and rose up to the cockpit door. Leaning across he hit the emergency escape button and quickly slid to one side as the cockpit hatch opened. He then stood at the hatch entrance and peered inside. As his eyes became accustomed to the darkness, he spied the pilot slouched in his chair a small line of blood trailing down the side of his face. Quickly Treize made his way inside but after a quick inspection of said pilot decided that it was only a flesh wound. From the looks of things although the pilots harness had saved him from hitting the screens in front of him, it had not saved him from hitting his head on the rebound. After further inspection he found a nice knot at the back of the pilots head. Carefully releasing the harness Treize then had to think on how to get them both on to safe ground without the pair of them falling. He rummaged around behind the back of the pilots seat and found some rope, looping it around the still unconscious body in a makeshift harness of his own.

Treize then secured the boy to his back and after making a few more rounds of the rope around the pair of them was satisfied with the end results. He manoeuvred himself and his cargo to the lip of the hatch and after a few hair raising moments of trying to catch the pulley, managed to position his foot into the loop and slowly lower himself to the ground. Zechs and the boys dashed down the slope and halted within a few feet of the pair. They watched as Treize released himself and his cargo from the makeshift harness and carefully lowered the boy to the ground before coming closer.

“Max, run ahead and get the first aid kit from beneath the carriage seat. Nathan I’ll need you to fetch some water and a blanket” Treize informed them without looking up.

As the boys set about their tasks, Zechs knelt beside the prone figure. Idly brushing loose strands of hair from the boys face. Zechs was deep in thought.

“We’ll have to notify the authorities of his presents here.” he stated “Une would be interested in the information this one could give us”

Treize sighed and sat on the ground nestling the pilots head in his lap as he thought of the consequences of such an action.

“Not yet. I’ll decide weither or not he is a danger to us. Until then he is a our guest, as much as Max is.”

Max and Nathan appeared then and both knelt beside Zechs while handing over the first aid kit, blanket and flask of cooled water. Treize soaked a cloth from the kit in water and began to clean the small wound by the pilots temple. Then after rinsing the cloth of blood applied it to the back of the pilots head.

“This will have to do, until we can get him home and tend to that knot, apart from which is the only damage I can find.”

Zechs found a band aid and put it over the small wound. He then handed the blanket over to Treize who wrapped the pilot up as securely as he could before trying to get to his feet, with his bundle and the aid of Zechs

“Treize?” Nathan asked. “why would he be piloting a Gundam. I thought he was just helping out at the circus.”

“Duh, numbskull” Max injected, “its obvious that he is working for the other side and using the circus to hide in. Which also means that he’s friends have something to do with the rebels as well. Damn, the whole circus could be in on it.”

“Let’s not make assumptions Max. Our first priority is to see that this pilot’s medical needs are taken care of. Once we have done that I will need to speak with Une, until then he is our guest”

The procession made its way back up the slope and while Treize climbed into the carriage and made the pilot comfortable in his lap. The others gathered the remains of their picnic and bundled it into the box at the back of the carriage. The journey back home was a quiet one, each with their own thoughts. Zechs set the horses at an even gait, keeping the ride as smooth as possible. Nathan kept glancing over to the Wufei. Max was thinking on why Treize would want to act so protectively towards an enemy. As the house came into view each was both relieved and anxious. There would be many questions that would need to be answered and only one person so far had the answers.







&nb sp;

Treize sat at his desk in the study, glancing over reports, while Zechs stood by the French doors looking out at the garden. Wufei was still unconscious and the Dr had said that it should only be a matter of time before he was awake. This was yesterday and both men where getting rather concerned. Nathan was ‘sitting’ with the patience at present having decided that he would take on that responsibility for a while. The weather outside had turned cloudy and grey. Zechs sighed and glanced over at Treize. This weather was depressing. He returned his gaze to the gloom outside and sighed again.

“Have you seen Max?” Treize enquired as he continued to read the reports. He’d heard the sighs coming from his friend and knew that a storm was brewing inside as well as out. Zechs walked across the room and stood behind Treize looking over his shoulder and glancing briefly at the report.

“Up in his room, I think” Zechs replied as he turned the chair that Treize was sat in, to face him. Treize smiled up at his lover while laying the reports aside and pulled Zechs down to sit across his lap.

“What?” Treize enquired as his hand came around to rest on Zech’s hip. Zechs just shrugged. “Something is bothering you.” Treize continued. Again Zechs just shrugged, but a small smile graced his lips. “Do I have to go through the whole twenty questions before I get an answer?” Treize asked.

“Could be” Zechs replied as the small smile grew on his lips . Treize reached up to tangle his fingers in Zech’s hair at the nape of his neck and gently pulled his head down. Softly he brushed his lips along Zech’s jaw line and nuzzling just below his ear. Zechs sighed and wrapped his arms around Treize’s shoulders and pulling him in closer.

Foot steps echoed across the marbled floor from behind the closed study door but neither one paid any heed to them. Zechs shifted and moved his head to meet Treize’s lips in a deep kiss. Treize moaned, his grip on Zechs tightening as his free hand moved to unfasten the buttons on Zech’s shirt. Neither heard the door open.

“Um… guys?” came a voice as the door opened. “I really need to talk to you…” Max looked up and stopped. “ohh geeze, why don’t you two get a room…”

“We wouldn’t need to if you learned to knocked before entering.” came Zech’s hasty reply. Treize sighed as he disentangled himself from Zechs arms and Zechs re-buttoned his shirt before walking over to stand disgruntled by the French windows again.

“What is it Max?” Treize asked.

“Maybe I should come back later?” Max said as he turned to leave. The room rife with tension of various kinds.

“Bit late for that now” Zechs grumbled as he made his way across the room and past Max. “I’ll go check on Nathaniel and his patience.”

Treize watched his lover leave before turning his attention back to Max, who stood looking down at his sneakers a slight tinge of pink graced his cheeks. Shaking his head, Treize stood and made his way over to Max. He placed a hand on Max’s shoulder and lead him over to the settee, coaxing him to sit before sitting next to him.

“What did you need to speak to us about Max?”


Zechs mumbled to himself as he made his way up the flight of stairs, taking them two at a time. He stormed along the landing and stopped outside the room that held their latest guest. Knocking sharply he waited, opening the door after hearing Nathan call him to enter. Nathan was sat on the bed beside Wufei and turned to smile at Zechs as he entered the room. Wufei was sat propped up in bed the sheet pooled around his hips, looking very small and pale. The pyjama‘s that Max had lent him seeming a size too big. He pulled the sheet further up his body as Zechs came over to stand beside the bed towering over him.

Nathan stood as Zechs approached but didn’t move away from the bedside. He was concerned at the scowl Zechs had on his face and wasn’t sure if it was directed towards Wufei or not.

“Good to see you awake at last,” Zechs said to Wufei as he stood before him. “You had a few people worried that you’d never come round.” Zechs glanced briefly at Nathan.

Wufei looked towards Nathan before casting his eyes down at his hands that were tangling in the sheet.

“I was told it was only a minor bump on the head.” Wufei replied “It wouldn’t warrant such cosseted treatment as this” he said as he gestured towards the room and its occupants.

“I dare say you’re more worried about your Gundam then?” Zechs enquired

Wufei blushed but didn’t answer at first. He looked towards the door and then window, as if seeking escape. Then seemed to realise his dilemma and looked back to Zechs.

“Am I to take it that I am a prisoner then?”

“Hardly that dear boy. You’d be in a cell if that where the case, don’t you think?” Zechs scoffed. “Lets just say for propriety sake that you are a guest of Treize Khushrenada, until such time as you are fit for such a decision to be taken into account.”

“Would you like us to notify your half brother?” Nathan asked. As he moved himself between Zechs and Wufei.

“That is if he is indeed your half brother” added Zechs. Noticing Nathan’s move Zechs smiled. ‘Ahh, so that’s the lay of the land.’ Zechs thought to himself. Turning his back on the pair, Zechs made his way back across the room to the door but turned before exiting. “I’ll tell Treize and Max that you’re awake. I suggest you make the most of the hospitality offered to you.” he smiled again and waved a dismissive hand before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

A loud sigh echoed around the silent room from both boys as the door shut.

“Wonder what crawled up his ass and died?” Nathan enquired.

“Don’t know” Wufei replied, shrugging his shoulders “but don’t ask me to go there and find out”

Nathan laughed both at the comment and the blushing pilot. Wufei shifted in the bed and started to move to get out.

“Whoa, you can’t leave just yet.” he said as he put a restraining hand on Wufei’s shoulder

“I need to use the bathroom” Wufei said as he gently pushed Nathan’s hand aside and made to rise again. Nathan stood to one side and tried not to look too concerned as Wufei staggered to his feet and slowly made his way across the room to the door where he’d been told the bathroom was. Once the door was closed, Wufei crossed to the sink and lent against it for support. He wasn’t sure what to make of events till now. First the battle, then waking to find himself a ‘guest’ of Treize Khushrenada. He could put these to his advantage and find out what was really going on.

Nathan heard the toilet flush and watched as the door opened a few minuets later. He was of two minds as to weither to go aide him as the smaller pilot lent against the door jamb, seeming to summon up the strength it would take him to make it back across the room, but decided that the help would not be received well.

“I’ll go see if there is anything cook can rustle up for you to eat while you make yourself comfortable. Can I get you anything to read?” Nathan asked as he started for the door. Looking back over his shoulder he watched as Wufei had made it to the bed and was slowly climbing between the sheets.


“No, thank you. I think I’ll just rest for a while.” Wufei replied as he pulled the sheet over himself and turned onto his side. Nathan softly closed the door behind him. He made his way down the stairs and across to the study. As he was about to open the door Zechs came out from the lounge.

“Max and Treize are having a discussion. “ he informed Nathan. “perhaps it would be wise to wait for them to finish.” Zechs seemed to be restless, or was it embarrassment for his attitude earlier. “ I was going to see if I could find anything in the kitchen for a snack. Care to see what we can rustle up?”

Nathan hesitated. Looking towards the study door and then back at Zechs.

“I promise I won’t bite” Zechs added..

“I was going to see if any one wanted something to eat. I told Wufei that I’d get him something. That is if cook didn’t mind” Nathan said as he walked over. Zechs took Nathan’s arm and steered him in the direction of the kitchens.

“Then we shall both go bother cook together. I dare say a little coaxing will get something in the way of sustenance.” Zechs added

Nathan nodded and allowed Zechs to lead him in the direction of the kitchen. He tried not to make it seem obvious, but kept steeling glances in Zech’s direction. Finally he asked.

“Is everything ok? You seem a little distracted.”

“Edgy, more like.” Zechs added. He smiled at Nathan’s questioning glance. “I don’t enjoy storms. They make me tense. All that static flying around, it has to break sometime, somewhere.”

The kitchen’s where quiet, only cook sat at the table. She stood as they entered, wiping her hands on her apron, a large smile on her face. The smell of baking bread wafted around the room and a cooling breeze blew in from the side door which was opened slightly

“I wondered how long it would be before you’d come for something to eat. I was thinking that it had been some time since I’d seen Max. Sit, sit and I‘ll see what I can fix for you both” she motioned to the chairs and headed for the pantry. “How is the patience?”

“Oh, he is awake.” Nathan informed her as she disappeared behind the pantry door. “I said I’d see if there was anything that you’d recommend for him to eat.” Zechs nudged him and smiled pulling out one of the chairs for Nathan and taking the other. They watched as Cook poked her head around the door and pondered on what to give the convalescing boy.

“A nice broth I think.” she said as she disappeared behind the pantry door again. “Yes, broth to help build him up. My, the children these days are so skinny. I’m amazed they can walk… all skin and bones they are.” she muttered to herself. Bumping the pantry door closed with her hip she made her way across to the table and carefully place the vegetables down. Next she found two peelers and a knife and handed them to each of the ‘boys’.

“You can both help, seeing as you’ll want feeding as well. I’ll just see what meats we have.” she paused, regarding the two silent ‘boys’. “You do know how to use these I hope? I gave the rest of the staff the afternoon off seeing as how the weather was changing and most had a way to go. Didn’t want them all to catch colds getting wet.”

Nathan nodded grabbing a carrot and Zechs just smiled as he reached across for a potato. Satisfied she left them to peel the vegetables as she went to the find a good piece of beef as well as collecting the stock for the broth.

Zechs was chuckling to himself as he watched Nathan, who had his tongue placed between his lips as he tried valiantly to peel his carrot, having more carrot in the peel than actually on the carrot itself. Nathan looked up from his work a pained expression on his face. He looked to Zechs’ growing pile of potato’s and his half mangled carrot.

“I’ll peel, you dice?” asked Zechs. Nodding again, Nathan handed over his carrot, which Zechs tossed into the bin, and took one of the potato’s Zechs had peeled with precision. Cook bustled back into the kitchen with a slice of beef on a plate in one hand and a jug with stock in the other. She glanced across at the pair busily peeling and dicing, smiling at them as they looked up at her.

“Good.” she said smiling. “We’ll have a nice broth in no time.” The next half hour went quickly. With the vegetables ready she quickly prepared the beef for the pot. Handing the oven gloves to him she asked Zechs to retrieve the bread from the oven as she set about putting the broth on the stove. As he was getting the bread from the oven the storm broke and Zechs jumped as thunder crashed outside, nearly dropping the tray . Steadying himself Zechs quickly placed the tray on the table and sat heavily in his chair.

“Don’t you worry none bout the storm Master Zechs,” Cook placated as she glanced from the stove across to the pair sat at the table. “Its only God playing skittle’s and taking photo’s.” Zechs smiled at this comment.

“My mom use to say that the thunder was Gods way of getting us to look up so he could take pictures of us” Nathan said. A slight blush gracing his cheeks.

“Aye, there are many different description of what these storms are.” Cook laughed. “I remember as a child I would wait for the storms just so I could run outside and smile up at the sky. I wanted make sure God got as many photographs of me as he could. Mind you.” she chuckled, “it wasn’t so nice when it rained as well.”

“That was God having a shower” Nathan laughed. “Or he’d left the bath running.”

“Or.” Cook added as she glanced over, still stirring the broth. “He was defrosting the refrigerator.”

“Who was defrosting what?” asked Treize as he sauntered into the kitchen. Making his way across to Cook and checking the pot she was stirring. Smiling to her, he took up a spoon lying to one side and dipped it into the pot, he tasted the broth. “Perfect as always” he said as he placed the spoon in the near by sink and made his way across to the table.

“Where’s Max?” Nathan asked as Treize lowered himself into the only vacant chair.

“Gone to see how Wufei is, at a guess.” Treize replied. “So, who was defrosting what?”

“We were chatting about how parents describe thunder storms to their children as a way to calm them”

“Oh?” Treize raised an eye brow as he turned to look at Zechs, smiling at him. “And does it calm them to know that a deity can control the elements?”

“I can think of other ways of calming someone” Zechs smirked “Only trouble is unlocked doors.”

Nathan looked non-plus at the pair before shaking his head and rising. “I’ll go make sure Max isn’t being a pain and check to see if Wufei is ready for something to eat.” he said as he made his way out of the kitchen.

“Everything should be ready in about an hour.” Cook told him. “I’ll buzz up and let you know when its near the time dear.”

Nathan left the warmth of the kitchen and dashed up the stairs.







&nbs p;

Max was sat in a high backed chair near Wufei’s bed. His head was resting against the side as he looked out of the window. A soft breeze rustled the net curtains that almost reached the flood. Wufei was sound asleep, or he appeared to be. Through dusky eyelashes Wufei watched the pilot he knew as ‘Duo.’ If he was working for the other side Wufei would have to take him out and he wasn’t’ sure if he could actually do that. In all the time he’d known the braided pilot Wufei was almost certain that he was on their side. What could make him want to work for the other side?

“So, are you just going to sit there and look at me, or are we gonna talk?” Max asked while still looking out the window.

Wufei shifted in the bed and turned onto his side. He ran a hand through his hair, which always came undone when he slept, sighing as he did so.

“I was not aware that we had anything to speak of.” he said as he pushed himself up in the bed and re-arranged the sheet.

“You’ve been watching me for sometime, I just figured that you’d have something to say.” Max smirked. “Or you could just be struck speechless with my amazing beauty.”

Max thought he heard Wufei say something under his breath but wasn’t sure. He continued to stare out the window as the silence stretched between them. Wufei took a deep breath and let it out slowly, gathering his strength before posing the question he’d been wanting to ask.

“What happened?”

Max glanced over at him, a careless smile on his face.

“Lots of things happened. Try to be more specific. Do you mean what happened today, yesterday, last week. I can’t answer a question that could have variant answers.”

“Don’t play me for the fool Maxwell.” Wufei all but shouted. Jumping out of bed he stood toe to toe with Max “You turned traitor.” he said in his face.

Max lent over Wufei. His shoulders tense, hands clenched by his side.

“I…” Max growled slowly. “Am… no… traitor”

“Then explain what happened. What you are doing in our enemy’s home.”

Max stood non-plus. What the hell did he mean? Who was the enemy? Wufei could see a gambit of emotions flitting across Max’s face. Confusion, anger and fear. Wufei stepped back concern showing in his eyes. What could he be afraid of?