Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ with out you ❯ Chapter 7

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ok. First things first, thanks to emeraldwolf for the review, your encouragement made me sit up and get my ass in gear…

I’m hoping that some of you ‘special people’ have realised what is going on in this fic… even though I’m going about it the long way, let me know if you’ve gotten a clue…(evil laughter as the author exits stage right)

~~~~~~denotes dreamlike state.





The curtains flapped gently with the warm night’s breeze. Bright shafts of moon light danced around the bedroom floor echoing the shadows of the tree outside. The lone figure in the bed moved softly in its sleep causing the sheet to slip to his hips as he raised his knee then dropped it again. Soft sighs slipped from his lips as he dreamed.

~~~~Max saw himself drifting in a haze of clouds. The mecha he was flying was awesome, its black shining metal catching the suns reflection on the sea below. His left hand clenched tightly while his right seemed to dance across the console before him. He watched as suddenly the mecha straightened up and plummeted feet first into the ocean below, sinking below the waves to finally rest on the sea bed. A face appeared before him on the view screen its lips moving silently before the screen showed a countdown and the mecha started its shut-down procedure. Max felt a panic rise up inside him as he felt water seeping into his shoes and watched with dread as it slowly crawled up his legs. He could see above him some of the mecha’s wires hanging down and watched as he busied himself trying to find a way to get his mecha up and working. He wiped the sweat from his face and tried to calm his breathing, which had become erratic, and then all went black. Now all around him was white, pure blinding white. He found himself in a room standing just inside the door, a figure lay unmoving on the bed, sheets covering all but its shoulders. There were tubes running out of the body, some attached to machines that hummed quietly. One rose in time with the body in the bed’s chest rising and falling as air was pumped into unresponsive lungs, another beeped softly, echoing its heart. Asleep in a chair beside the bed was a young male, his fingers interlaced with the unresponsive hand. His dark head resting on the sheet. Max felt like his was intruding and moved to step out of the room when his exit was blocked as a doctor entered, his long black hair standing out in contrast to his white uniform. The doctor moved quietly into the room and over to the man in the bed, with sure movements he checked the patience’s pulse, re-adjusting the flow from one of the tubes, then moving over to the monitors and checking the data from them. Carefully he moved over to the young man asleep in the chair and gently touched him on his shoulder.

“Heero” he said quietly. “Trowa and Quatre are here and wish to speak with you”

Heero slowly raised his head looking into the Doctor’s eyes. Shaking his head Heero lay it back down on the bed.

“Tell them to go to hell” Heero replied. The Doctor knelt down on one knee beside Heero, resting his hand on Heero’s knee.

“You really should speak with them; it’s their decision as well as your own”

Heero shook his head again, refusing to acknowledge the Doctor before him and those waiting down the corridor. He gently squeezed the hand held in his, willing it to move just a fraction.





“I’ll sit with Duo till you come back,” the doctor smiled “this is something that has to have all of you in agreement. No one person can make this decision, you know he’ll be safe with me,” he stood up and helped Heero out of the chair. “Besides its wash time and you’ll need to let the nurses do their job properly. Get yourself something to eat and drink, talk with your friends and come back in an hour”

Heero stood looking down at the lone figure in the bed, Duo’s body was wasting away through lack of use, and dark smudges nestled beneath closed eyes and that horrid mask covering his face. With one last squeeze on Duo’s hand, Heero made his way slowly to the door, dragging tired feet out into the hallway and down the corridor. The Doctor watched him go, and then paged the nurses in to wash Duo. He had been with this patient since his arrival and knew that time was not in his favour.

Trowa stood leaning against the wall looking out the window, while Quatre sat at a table moving cups and saucers into position and placing a plate, with sandwiches on it, into the middle of the table. Both looked to the door when it opened and Heero walked slowly into the room. Neither moved until Heero had made his way over to their table. Trowa pushed away from the wall and walked over to stand behind Quatre, resting his hands on Quatre’s shoulder, lending him support if it was needed.

Heero was a ghost of himself, his already pale complexion greying in the strip lighting of the dinner room. His once bright eyes now dull and empty. He pulled a chair out ,opposite his two friends and seemed to sink into it, resting his arms on the table and slowly lowering his head till it met his arms. Quatre looked up at Trowa as he squeezed his shoulders and watched him as he made his way to sit in the chair beside him. Quatre busied himself with pouring the tea and placing a few sandwiches on a plate before pushing the plate towards Heero. He was stalling for time as he also poured himself and Trowa a cup each and placed a few sandwiches on their plates. Then he laid a hand on Trowa’s leg before looking up, what ever he was about to say catching in his throat as he saw Heero watching them, he blushed and looked away.

“Your decision?” Heero asked.

Quatre looked to his lover for support, his hand seeking Trowa’s, feeling the need to know that their decision was right for all of them.

“We’ve decided it best if we let him go Heero…. It’s been almost two years now and still no sign of life.”

“NO……” Heero shouted, his fist hitting the table, shaking the tea cups in their saucers. “No…” he whispered. “I can’t let him go yet… not yet,” he raised his head, tears glistening on his lashes.

Trowa lent forward reaching across the table to catch Heero’s hand in his.

“It’s for the best Heero…even you know this, look at yourself,” he sighed “when was the last time you stepped outside these walls? You’ve not slept in a real bed since Duo was admitted and you‘ve lost valuable weight”

Heero withdrew his hand from Trowa’s, reaching instead for the cup of tea, slowly sipping the hot brew.

Quatre stood and walked round the table, looking Trowa in the eye he indicated with his head that they needed to speak privately. Trowa shook his head but glares from his lover made him stand, making his way around the table to stand beside Quatre, Trowa clasped Heero’s shoulder.

“We’ll be back in a minute” he said before following Quatre over to the window.




Heero raised his head and watched the pair converse, Quatre seeming to demand and Trowa adamant in his denial. Quatre stepped closer to Trowa and slapped him round the face. The noise, a resounding crack in the silent room. Trowa’s hand raised to his now reddened cheek, his eyes wide in surprise as Quatre raised his hand again, this time Quatre pointed over to Heero.

“Look at him Trowa,” Quatre whispered harshly “what he‘s become. Do you think Duo would want to see him like this?”

Trowa stole a quick glance in Heero’s direction before lowering his head in acknowledgment. The pair made their way back to their table and sat down. Quatre took a sip of his tea, trying to compose himself. Eventually after a while he raised his head and looked Heero in the eyes.

“Ok Heero, we’ll give it one more month.” he watched as Heero seemed to relax in his chair. “ If after that time there is still no progress, you must allow us to take matters into our own hands”

One month, could anything be done in that time, Heero pondered on this for a while before raising his head

“Three months,” Heero stated. Quatre watched Heero as his soldier mask fell into place. “One month isn’t long enough if I want to set into place the new treatment that Dr Bowman offered.”

Quatre sat up straighter in his chair, looking to Trowa who shrugged his shoulders and returned to sipping his tea.

“We were not aware of any new treatment Heero. Nathan has said nothing of this to us”.

“I’m aware of that,” Heero said as he stood to leave. “I did ask him not to mention it to anyone unless all other options where dismissed. I’ll uphold your decision, IF, after three months there is no sign of any improvement”

Heero left the café and slowly made his way back to Duo’s room. Standing before the door, Heero watched as the nurses finished Duo’s ablutions and tucked the sheets back around his still form. Nathaniel Bowman stood looking out the window, half keeping an eye on the nurses while trying to not seem anxious as to the outcome of the meeting that Heero was having. He caught a movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to see Heero stood in the doorway. Walking over he hesitated before asking the question.

“Well?” Nathan asked when it seemed that Heero would not be the first to speak.

“How soon can you start the treatment?” Heero asked as he stepped round Nathan and made his way over to the bed. “They’ve given us three months, if after the allotted time there is no sign of any improvement, Quatre will sign the forms” Heero was proud that his voice didn’t falter even though every muscle in his body was strung tight and the words seemed to stick in his throat. This would be a last ditch effort to help Duo, if this failed then all would be lost.

Nathan seemed to think for a minute before walking over to table beside Duo’s bed and taking out a form from the draw, he handed it over to Heero along with one of the pens from his pocket.

“You’ll need to sign this first but it shouldn’t take more than a day to get the equipment installed, up and running”. Nathan watched as Heero read the form and signed his name, before handing the paper back to him. Smiling as he heard Heero whisper. “Ninmu Ryoukai”




Max watched as Heero left and was tempted to follow him but decided that he’d be better staying here and finding out what the hell was going on. He watched as the Dr moved over to the window and spent his time between watching the door, the nurses and seeing what was going on outside. Max moved closer to the bed and was shocked beyond all thought as he spied his mirror image in the bed before him. Stepping back a pace Max decided that maybe he should go see what had Heero so down. He ran as if the devil himself was after him and caught sight of Heero as he passed through the café doors. Max didn’t think twice as he passed through the doors without opening them and stopped in his tracks as he spied Heero speaking with two men of his own age that he’d seen at the circus. He watched them for a while, saw how dejected Heero appeared while they spoke. When Quatre and Trowa stood and walked over to the window Max followed, interested in what the two where speaking about. He was shocked when the blond drew back and slapped his friend, wincing at the thought of how much that must have stung.

“Look at him Trowa,” he heard the blond whisper “what he‘s become. Do you think Duo would want to see him like this”

Max also looked over to Heero sat forlornly in his seat and felt his heart contract at the sight. Max followed, as the pair made their way back to Heero and stood just with in hearing distance, listening in on the rest of their conversation. He absentmindedly pulled his braid round over his shoulder and twisted it around his fingers. It wasn’t long before Heero stood and left them. Max was of two minds to follow Heero back to the room but didn’t feel right about it, so he stood and listened to Quatre and Trowa.

“What do you suppose he meant about a new treatment?” Quatre asked but Trowa just shrugged his shoulders and finished up his cup of tea. “May be we should go find out. It is in all our interests that we know of anything that may help Duo’s recovery?”

“I think that Heero will tell us in his own time Quatre, it’s best if we leave this with him for now” Trowa replied before standing and making his way around to Quatre’s side…. Quatre looked up at this lover, blushing as he noticed the still red hand print on the side of Trowa’s face, he stood and gently traced the pattern with his finger tips.

“I’m sorry” he said “You didn’t deserve that.”

“No, I didn’t,” Trowa smiled, “You can make it up to me later in more private surroundings……….” Trowa replied as he lent in to brush a soft kiss against Quatre’s cheek. Then taking Quatre’s arm, he led him out of the café.

Max was just about to follow when he felt a sudden dizziness overcome him. He tried to lean on the table before him, but to his horror fell through it and the floor. He felt as if he’d never stop falling. Twisting his body, tried to reach out and catch something to help him stop but there was nothing to grab hold of. The white melted into grey and then black~~~~~~~~~


Max awoke suddenly, sitting bolt upright, his body bathed in a thin sheen of sweat and his lungs gasping for breath. Nervously he ran his fingers through his hair and fell back onto the dampened sheets beneath him.

“Oh man, what’s with this crazy shit?” he asked himself quietly.

Groaning softly, Max rolled out of bed and made his way over to the bathroom. Mayhaps a soothing shower would help him and he could try to sort out that weird dream while he was at it. He sure as hell wasn’t going to get back to sleep anytime soon.

Day break found Max sat at the table in the small breakfast room. A cup of coffee sat cooling in front of him. The shower hadn’t helped any and he was of two minds about taking a walk. He still hadn’t come to any conclusion about the dream but couldn’t dismiss it because he felt that it had some importance in filling in the gaps that littered his life. Pushing the coffee cup away from him, Max laid his head in his arms and sighed softly to himself. He didn’t hear the door behind him open to admit a still sleepy but fully dressed Treize, finger combing his hair.

Treize stopped just inside the doorway stunned to find Max sitting with his head cradled in his arms at the table and a cold coffee cup beside him.

“Max?” Treize enquired softly. “How long have you been up?” He made his way across the carpeted floor and sat in the chair beside him. Reaching over Treize brushed some stray strands of hair from Max’s face so he could see him better. “Bad night huh?” he asked. Max just grunted. The door off to the side opened and one of the day staff bustled forward asking if they would like breakfast now. Treize nodded and asked if they could make a pot of coffee for himself and Max and for her to bring the breakfast in when ready. The maid left swiftly and Treize turned his attention back to Max.

“Do you wish to talk about it?” he asked. Max rolled his head from side to side, indicating that he didn’t want to talk. He mumbled into his arms something about maybe later, when he’d gotten things sorted out in his head. The side door swished open as the maid re-entered the room carrying a tray with cups, saucers, coffee pot and other accoutrements. She placed the tray to one side of Treize and hastily removed Max’s cold coffee cup before hurrying back out to the kitchen. Treize busied himself pouring two cups of coffee and pushed one towards Max before taking a sip from his cup. Sitting back Treize regarded his quiet friend over the rim. Max raised his head from his arms and sat back in his chair before looking over to Treize.

“You don’t look so hot either.” Max said and smirked as Treize raised an eyebrow. The door behind Treize opened and Zechs strolled in. He stopped dead in his tracks as he spied Max and nearly missed running into the maid as she hurried into the room, carrying a large tray with three full breakfasts’ plates . She skirted around Zechs smiling softly as he bade her to precede him. Max turned to watch as Zechs flirted with the maid before coming over to sit on the side opposite him.

“Good morning to you all” Zechs grinned as he took his seat. “To what do we own the honour of your presents at our breakfast table Max.” he asked, briefly glancing in Max’s direction. “It‘s unlike you to be up with the larks?” He shook out his napkin, laying it with precision over his knees and reached across to take one of the plates from the tray. Treize watched him as Zechs tucked into the bacon, egg, sausages and bread. Another maid came in from the hall way and placed the morning mail in front of Treize before leaving via the kitchen door. Treize sifted through the mail, disregarding most of it to the side table and taking a plate from the tray.

“Anyone seen Nathaniel lately, or has he moved on to pastures green?” Zechs questioned. Glancing round at Max and Treize. Receiving nothing but a shrug of the shoulders from Max and a shake of the head from Treize, Zechs sighed and decided to finish his meal in silence. Once done he stood, tossing the napkin onto the table and strolled from the room. “Later” he called over his shoulder. Once again, the room was silent except for the occasional scrape of Treize’s fork on his plate.

“Not eating?” Treize eventually asked as he laid his knife and fork to rest on his now empty plate.

“Not hungry” Max replied, swirling the dregs of his coffee in his cup. Treize rang a small hand bell that sat on the breakfast table and the maid came to remove the plates and tray. She glanced at Max for a while, concern on her face as she knew that he was usually a good eater. She turned her eyes to Treize but he shook his head at her questioning gaze. She sighed and left, carrying the almost empty tray.

“You’ll have the staff thinking I’ve put you on rations.” Treize said as he retrieved the mail from the side table. “Tilly is getting worried, she knows how you like your food.”

Max frowned, combing his fingers through his hair. “Yeah, well… mayhaps I’m just not in the mood for food”

“He’s a poet and he doesn’t know it” came a voice from the hallway door.

Max swivelled in his chair, a Cheshire cat grin on his face, as he watched Nathan from under his bangs, making his way over to them. “‘Sup with you kiddo?” Nathan asked as he ruffled Max’s hair. “Zechsy says that every ones in a mood here. Maybe we should all go out. What say you to a picnic?”

Max was up out of his chair in an instant and bouncing on the balls of his feet like a child.

“Can we? Huh? Come on Treize. You know how much you love picnics. We could get cook to rustle up a basket with all those lovely things she has in the fridge, even that bottle of wine you where saving for a ‘rainy day’. You and Zechs can chugg that down while me and Nate indulge in those cans that sit at the back of your cabinet gathering dust.”

“I’ll have you know that those ‘cans’ happen to be highly prized ale from the 22nd century. I’ve held on to them for that special occasion and I don’t think that picnics are in that list.” Treize said, putting on his most affronted look ever. “I’ll also hasten to add that one doesn’t ‘chugg’ wine.”

Nathan smiled to himself as he watches Max trying his utmost to convince Treize of the picnic idea. His young friend had seemed down since coming back from the circus and Nathan had made it his duty to try and find ways of lifting Max’s spirit. The picnic idea came as much as a surprise to him as it did to the others, but he was willing to go with the flow if only to put a smile back on Max’s face.

“I’ll go chase up cook and see if she can put something together quickly. Nate? Can you see if Zechs is still around? We can’t have a picnic without him, he’ll only bitch about it later on.” Max asked as he headed towards the kitchen doors.

Silence reigned for a while after Max had left. Treize sat stunned. Nathan made his way around the table to Treize and sat in the chair beside him.

“We could re-schedule if it’s not the right time?” he said. It had seemed a good idea at the time.

Treize smiled and shook his head. “I think it’s a great idea. Max needs something to take his mind off things for a while. I’m thinking this will be just as good for him as for all of us.”

Just then the kitchen door opened and Max strolled in with a huge grin on his face. He stopped just inside the doorway to regard the two men stood chatting, before rubbing his hands together.

“Well?” he said. “Come on, cook said that it’ll take her half hour to get the basket and booze ready. So we have ample time to get Zechsy and ourselves ready.

Heaving a long sigh, Treize and Nathan followed Max out of the breakfast room. It didn’t take them long to find Zechs or for them to get ready. Exactly half hour later all four men where waiting in the hallway. A carriage waited just outside to take them where ever they decided. Cook came bustling out with a young houseman behind carrying the picnic basket.

“I’ve had the wine put in the cooler, along with the cans young Master Max said you’d given permission for him to remove.” she glanced towards Max then returned her gaze to Treize. “That is what you said he could have, wasn’t it?” she asked hesitantly.

Treize glared at Max who shifted from foot to foot under his gaze, but nodded his head saying “Thank you for taking the time and trouble. I hope that we’ve not put you out too much?”

Cook blushed but shook her head, ushering the men out of the door. “No trouble at all Excellency, now you all go and enjoy this lovely day.”


Zechs smiled whispering to Nathan and Max. “Dare say they’ll have a rave party while we’re gone, just to celebrate the fact that we’ve finally gotten Treize out of the house on something other than business.” With his arm around both their shoulders Zechs lead them in to the carriage. They made themselves comfortable while Treize left instructions on where to find him if necessary. In no time at all they where speeding down the driveway and out into the countryside.


Treize lay stretched out on a blanket, his back against a tall oak, watching as Nathan and Max dashed around each other playing ‘tag’. His hand strayed down to the head resting in his lap and he absentmindedly twined the fine blond hair between his fingers. Around them birds sang sweetly, crickets chirruped in the long grass and the smell of blossom wafted in the slight breeze.

“This was a good idea, wasn’t it?” Zechs asked in a lazy voice.

Treize shifted beneath him, trying to find a better position as he was getting slightly numb.

“Hmm?” Treize enquired, “Ohh, the picnic? Yes, it was a good idea.”

“Have you found out what’s troubling Max yet?” Zechs enquired

“No, he said he needed to think things through first. I’ll hold him to that later.” Treize replied.

“Good” Zechs said as he rolled over onto his hands and knees. His face rising to meet Treize as he planted a chaste kiss on his lips then jumped to his feet and tagged Treize shouting “You’re It.” He raced over to inform the boys that Treize was in the game. They spent another ten minutes chasing around before Treize found himself flopping down on the blanket, informing the others that he had enough and was hungry.

Zechs leered at him but kept what he was about to say to himself. Nathan and Max where sat in front of the basket like hungry puppy’s waiting to be fed. Treize heaved a sigh and began getting the plates and food out, while Zechs retrieved the wine from the river. Soon they were happily chatting and making short work of all the food that cook had made.

Suddenly the air was filled with the sound of engines. Both Treize and Zechs where on their feet searching the sky. Off to the right was a Gundam being chased by two mobile suits. Max and Nathan shielded their eyes from the sun and watched as they flew overhead and into the valley beyond. Then took off racing after the suits. Zechs reached into the basket and took out a communicator, hidden under the napkins and paper plates. He was about to radio in to confirm the MS in pursuit of a Gundam when Treize placed his hand over Zech’s.

“Wait.” Treize said “we’re safe for the time being. Lets just wait and see what transpires”

Letting his hand drop to his side, Zechs nodded then after dropping the communicator back into the basket, turned and walked with Treize to stand on the rise of a small hill and watch the outcome of this latest battle.


* * * *


(Don’t know what’s wrong with this chapter, it took ages to get some semblance of order to it, but it still feels wrong…. Any idea’s?)