Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ with out you ❯ decisions ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]









Heero Yuy sat pouting. Yes, this is the only way it could be described… sat not five feet away from him was the image of the man-child he had buried. The only person on this planet whom he’d had some feelings for, admittedly the feelings had not been realised until the person’s demise, but that didn’t count. He watched as Duo Maxwell’s doppelganger laughed at the antics of the clowns in the small arena. Heero watched how he leant closer to Kushrenada when spoken too, at how he turned to watch the crowd, his gaze brushing over all those present as if looking for something… and at how close his group seemed to be. ..Kushrenada, Marquise and Bowman. Heero had listened to them chatting and was amazed at the closeness they seemed to share. If he analysed his feelings he knew that jealousy would be top of the list and he had to admit that he was jealous. So wrapped up with watching the group, Heero was unaware that he was also being closely monitored.


Standing in the sideline watching the performers, Wufei saw the coveted glances Heero gave Kushrenada and his group. He had some inkling of what was going through Heero Yuy’s mind as he watched. He had a few questions that needed answers as well. A visit to his mentor would be in order. There were too many questions shrouded in mystery. The fact that Maxwell had a double was also…. Wufei turned abruptly and walked from the big-top. He needed answers now. Apart from Sally, no one else was present while they waited for news as to weither or not Duo had survived. Sally had been the first to inform Heero, who in turn had informed the others. Admittedly things had been up in the air. Wufei remembered how they’d managed to activate the tracer placed on Maxwell’s person, had enlisted the help of Howard, whom they knew to be a good friend of Maxwell. It was relatively easy to track the Gundam pilot and converge on the co-ordinates. So what happened between the death and burial? So engrossed in his musings Wufei allowed his feet to guide him. Out he wandered, past the trailers, along the dusty worn tracks and over to the lake. Here Wufei sat down on the bank and seemed to watch the full moon dance behind wispy clouds reflected in the lakes surface. He was getting a headache trying to sort things out. Absently he rubbed at his temples. He needed to find out exactly what had happened, there had to be a reason…Maxwell can’t just die and an exact double appear. It didn’t bear thinking about, there being another Maxwell running around… They all knew how “G” felt about Maxwell being first choice for Deathscythe. “G” had voiced his disapproval at the Remembrance Day. He’d had a hand in Duo’s death, everything pointed to this fact.

Wufei wasn’t upset that “G” had mysteriously disappeared that night or that all the information the professor had been working on had been destroyed in an explosion that had left a five foot deep crater and debris spread around for miles. He was certain that Yuy had been the one to set the explosion but not have a hand in the disappearance of “G”. Was Sally the key to this…? Could she have faked Maxwell’s death? But no, Heero saw the body, of that Wufei was sure, no one could fake the distress or total loss that was etched in Heero’s face when he’d come out of that room. Heero had spent almost a year denying that Maxwell was dead, even though he had seen the body; Yuy had spent sleepless nights on that blasted computer of his. Chasing his tail, finding nothing to implicate anyone but “G”… Wufei stopped his musings as a twig snapped just off to his right. He sat perfectly still listening to the silence that crawled around him… there, again off to his right, a soft rustling of cloth carried on the breeze. Wufei was tensing himself, ready to rise when a curse and a load thump heralded the arrival of a body falling out of the bushes and sprawling itself beside him.







“ Damn, what a bloody entrance that was” came a softly spoken voice. “Hello young Dragon, mind some company?”

“We have nothing to say to each other. Kindly take your personage else where”

Nathaniel seemed to think on this before rising and sitting beside Wufei,

“I take it you‘ve not forgiven me for decking you the other day then?” Nathan asked absently, brushing at the light dust on his trouser leg before looking towards Wufei for an answer.

Wufei glared at him for a while before snorting in disgust and turning to look at the shadows of the water fowl floating along with out a care in the moons light.

“What ever game you are playing, I will not be apart of it. I have more respect for others feelings than you would have in your little finger.”

Nathan raised an eyebrow at this then glanced at his hands.

“Really? I was not aware of being disrespectful to anyone or for that matter harming anyone’s feeling. Why would you accuse me of such?” this last being said as he raised his hand to Wufei’s chin and turned his head towards him. Wufei scowled at him before slapping Nathan’s hand away and standing.

“Have you no honour? Some are still mourning the loss of a colleague and you, you have the gall to parade around with an exact double, what do you hope to gain from this?”

“My dear fellow, I have no idea what you are talking about”

Again Wufei snorted and turned to go back to the circus. Nathan hastily got to his feet and grabbed Wufei’s arm.

“Look, maybe we got off on the wrong footing?” he tried to pacify Wufei with a smile that was soon turned to a shout of shock as he was sent flying into a nearby bush. Without a backwards glance Wufei stormed off back to the encampment.

Nathan sat there watching the retreating back; drawing his right knee up to his chest he shook his head.

“Guess it’s not my lucky day?”

“Man, you sure fall down a lot” came a chiding retort from above him.

Nathan raised his head and smiled as a cherubic face appeared hanging upside down from a thick tree limb above him. He watched as a body somersaulted in mid air, to land with cat like grace on solid ground before him holding out a small slender hand.

“They call me Joe; I help Trowa out with the lions and generally keep the motors going.”

Standing, Nathan accepted the hand and shook it. Not bothered by the tattered clothes or dirty appearance of the boy before him.

“Nathaniel. J. Bowman.”

“Yeah, I know.” Joe smiled, “Your not gonna get in Wufei‘s good books by being slow.”

Nathan chuckled and slipped his hands into his trouser pockets before regarding the boy before him. Joe was of slender build with dusty blond hair and startling blue eyes. He had a cheeky smile on his face as he watched Nathan watching him. He couldn’t have been more than ten years old, but looked to have the knowledge of an older person. Nathan sighed and looked up the trail that Wufei had disappeared along.

“Don’t let it worry you,” Joe said softly “He has a lot on his plate at the moment” Then followed the same path, with Nathan walking beside him.

“How long are you intending to stop here?” Nathan asked.

Joe screwed his face up before answering in a dry tone of voice.

“Depends on how long it is till you guys move us on, or the money dries up.” Joe smirked, his smile returning. “Why? Any particular reason?”

Had it been bright enough, you could have seen the pink tinge that rose up Nathan’s neck to highlight his face, but he was thankful that the shadows hid it.

“No,” Nathan replied, “No reason at all, just curious …judging I’ve missed half the performance already”

Joe grinned, showing his bright white teeth.

“You missed the bloody lot mate, have to ask the guys for another pass you will.”

He slapped Nathan on the back before running ahead laughing loudly.

Treize had watched Nathan make his way out of the big top some time ago. So much for going to get the popcorn. He turned his attention back to the jugglers in the centre ring and caught Zechs eye. Zechs, in turn, inclined his head in Heero’s direction, alerting Treize to the possibility of a set too, but Treize shook his head and turned in Max’s direction to be met with manic smile.


“When you two have finished with the silent messages. I’d like some more popcorn since Nathan‘s been distracted.”

Treize grinned back at Max and looked at the empty cartons of popcorn, hotdogs and numerous fizzy drink cups that where stacked up beside their feet.

“Don’t you think you’ve had enough? It’ll be hours before you come down from all that sugar you’ve consumed”

Max grinned back and shook his head.

“Nah, I’m not even half way there yet. It’ll take more that this to get me high… though we could always find out how long it does take?”

Treize would’ve commented on that but Max was distracted by the clowns messing around with water buckets and such, while the riggers brought on a huge wooden wheel, followed by a clown in green baggy pants and a girl with red hair dressed in brightly coloured clothes. The crowd cheered and clapped in time to the music as the couple paraded around the ring before the clown walked over and was secured to the wheel and the young girl stood with her back to it showing the crowd a set of rather wicked throwing knives. Max loudly sucked in a breath, recognising the clown as one of the young men they’d had a run in with the other day and sat riveted to his seat as he watched the young girl pace off away from the wheel, the crowd hushed quickly as the girl turned and threw one of the knives toward the clown on the now spinning wheel. The crowd also gasped at the ‘thunk’ of each knife as it sank into the wood. Treize had to pry Max’s fingers from his now numb thigh as the clown was released from the stationary wheel unharmed and bowed to the appreciating audience along with the red head, but Max still sat there spell bound.

“Wow” Max breathed “Neat ending”

He became aware of Treize peeling his last finger from his leg and hastily pulled his hand away muttering an apology. They stood as one and made their way down the steps and out of the big top, along with the rest of the audience.

Max turned left outside the big top and made his way behind it to where the trailers housed the crew. Treize and Zechs followed him at a more sedate pace. They stopped beside the trailer that the clown with baggy pants was sat on the bottom step of, removing his shoes. He looked up at their approach and brought out a pair of metal rimmed glasses from his pocket, before putting them on and squinting at them.

Max grinned, his face alight with genuine pleasure

“That was sooooo cool man,” he beamed, holding out his hand.

Trowa stood and extended his hand to Max, having his hand vigorously shaken

“More than glad you enjoyed the performance” Trowa replied.

He glanced to Treize and Zechs, smiling.

Max was shifting from one foot to the other and after a while asked.

“Can I have a go with those knives?”

Treize stepped forward to intervene when Trowa shook his head.

“Sorry, but Katherine won’t let anyone near them, not even me. She prides herself on the fact that only she has a hand on them.

Trying to hide his disappointment Max shrugged and moved back towards Treize and Zechs.

“You could always try the high wire though” Trowa said. “The Ring Master is always interested in those who want to chance their luck.”

Both Treize and Zechs almost shouted the word together.

“I think that Max is on a high enough as it is” Treize said placating “With out adding any height to it. Some other time perhaps?”

Trowa smiled his understanding and turned to go into the caravan behind him.

“Night” he said, sending Max a glance before closing the door. Leaving them stood in semi darkness. Max shrugged then grabbed both the men’s arms and led them back to the car park.

“Come on guys….” he chortled “I hear a pizza calling, with my name on it”

Both moaned softly and Treize could be heard to mumble about fast food being a joke.

Neither one saw the shadow that detached it’s self from the side of the big top and made its way over to Trowa’s trailer. Watching them as they got into their car and left the grounds before knocking on the door.




Trowa opened the door to Heero’s scowling face, stepped aside to allow him entrance and, sending one more glance to the shadows outside, closed the door behind him. He moved around Heero over to the small stove and put the kettle on before getting down two cups and the tea caddy, glancing over his shoulder he watched Heero, who was still stood by the door.

“Did you find any more information on Max?” Trowa asked, setting the caddy beside the cups. Heero just shook his head, not bothering to look up from examining his shoes.

“Something has to be done Heero…we need to find out if he is a threat to us and our mission”

On hearing these words Heero looked up at Trowa before sighing and moving over to the couch, sitting on the edge of the seat, he looked at his hands before answering.

“I am aware of what must be done.”

“Has J been in contact yet, or any of the others?”

Trowa almost jumped out of his skin when Heero answered beside him.

“I’ve not been in contact with J since the reunion”

Heero moved Trowa out of the way and poured the boiling water into the pot to warm it, then discarded the water before adding the tealeaves and fresh hot water, swirling it around a little before putting the pot to one side. He turned to look at Trowa, who was now in the process of getting changed into his jeans and turtle neck sweater. Before either could speak the trailer door opened and a rather peeved Wufei stormed in, slamming the door behind him. He stopped just inside the trailer and regarded the pair before him. Trowa with his turtle neck just over his head and Heero stood to one side of him.

“My apologies, I did not mean to interrupt.”

Both Heero and Trowa looked at each other before regarding Wufei.

“Heero was just making tea, while I changed. You missed the performance Wufei, Catherine was not impressed.” Trowa said as he pulled the sweater down and slipped into his shoes.

“I had a few things that needed to be rectified” Wufei mumbled before turning to leave. “I will come back later”

Heero got another cup from the rack and poured the tea into each cup, before bringing over two cups of steaming tea and placing them on the table.

“Sit” he told Wufei and Trowa “We have much to discuss.” He returned with his own cup and sat next to the other two on the couch.

Wufei cradled his cup in his hands sipping carefully at the brew, while Trowa opened a packet of biscuits and offered them around. Heero took four from the packet but Wufei shook his head and declined the offer. Trowa took a couple before sitting back on the couch and waiting.

“I do not believe that Maxwell is dead” Wufei said quietly “How else can we explain this look alike?”

He refused to look up in case Heero was staring at him. He didn’t think he could say what had to be said with Heero sending death glares his way.

“It is my belief that some how he was resuscitated and is now in the employ of Oz. I have no facts to base this on but cannot find any other plausible reason.”

“If that were true then Sally had to have had a hand in it also” Trowa said. “We have to find out where she is before we can question her and as far as I know, she has disappeared along with the 5.”

Heero placed his cup on the small table in front of him raked his fingers through his hair.

“I have exhausted all avenues and still cannot find any answers. Its like running around in a small tube, I’m getting no where. The frustrating part is that I saw him… I was there… he was dead, cold and lifeless, nothing but a shell.”
“We have to work on the whys and wherefores….” Trowa said sitting forward, “why would they want us to believe he was dead and what they hoped to gain from it?”







& nbsp;




“Would there not have been brain damage, I mean, if someone died and is brought back to life, I’d have thought that the brain would be damaged in some way through lack of oxygen” Heero was uncertain of why he was concerned about this but felt it needed to be said.

“Not unless the body was in a form of stasis. There are ways and means of slowing the heart so that it beats so slow that it doesn’t register thus causing little to no brain damage” Trowa said, reaching for another biscuit.

“Could it cause amnesia?” asked Wufei.

Trowa thought on this for a while, munching silently before answering.

“It could” he frowned “What I can’t understand is what they hoped to do with Duo if he had no memory of his past”.

“He might not have his memory but we would, dissention in the ranks…” replied Heero.

“Divide and conquer…” added Wufei. No one spoke, each caught in their own private thoughts.

Their silence was broken by a loud clap of thunder that rattled the trailer, followed by brilliant streaks of forked lightening. All stood as one and made for the door. Only to find it being opened by Joe.

“Oi… better help out guys. Some of the animals are getting shook up by this freak storm” Joe said, breathlessly.

Trowa was first to react and rushed past Joe, heading towards the lions. Joe cautiously followed, with Heero and Wufei on his heels.

“Heero, go help with the elephants. Wufei, you’ll be needed to help with the horses” Trowa shouted over his shoulder as he ran. Heero skidded to a halt a look of contempt on his face.
“Elephants?” he asked. His face illuminated in a grimace by the series of flashes that heralded a rumble of thunder. “Why the elephants? I don’t like elephants.” he snarled.

“I’ll take the elephants, you take the horses.” Wufei shouted above the thunder. Then he changed direction and ran over to the enclosure that the elephants where kept in. While Heero went off in search of the horses, mumbling to himself. Trowa and Joe skidded to a halt by the lion’s cages. The males were pacing up and down the cage, head low, roaring out their contempt for the storm. While the females where bunched together calling back to them. Joe stood beside Trowa, both watching as one of the males took a swipe at another.

“We have to separate them.” Trowa shouted. “Get the ropes while I try to calm them down.”

Joe ran over to one of the trainers, shouting out what he wanted above the thunder. Two long ropes were found and handed to Joe, who ran back and handed one to Trowa.

“I’ll take Ben, Tro. He’s not as strong as Max and we get on better” Joe called as he made his way to the cage door.

“Take it slow and easy, Joe. They’re all spooked by this storm. Be aware” Trowa advised.

Joe moved to one side as Trowa opened the cage. Max was the closest to the door and made to step down but Trowa stood in his way. Talking quietly to him as he looped the rope around max’s neck, Trowa dug his hand into the lion’s thick mane, leading him into the main arena inside the big top. As he disappeared from view Joe moved towards the cage door, holding the rope out he managed to loop it around Bens neck before another loud clap of thunder sent Ben bolting out of the cage. Joe should have let go but didn’t and was dragged in the dirt quite some way before one of the riggers caught him and the rope, halting Bens run.

Between them they managed to get Ben inside the big top and over to the large cage they used for the lion tamers act. Trowa walked over to them, taking in Joe’s dirty appearance and trying not to smile.

“Who was taking whom for a walk?” he asked.

“Har har” Joe smirked.

With both males safely inside the ring Trowa and Joe made their way out to help bring in the females. Trowa tried to help dust Joe off but was asked in no uncertain terms to back off. Joe would have a few minor bruises tomorrow as it was.












Heero headed towards the paddock that he knew the horses where in. Carefully he made his way under the wooden poles and over to where the stallion stood pawing the ground. Quietly he spoke to it, running his hand along its shoulder and up to the halter, keeping his voice calm and quiet. When his hand found the leather he gripped it tightly and swung up onto its back. The stallion bucked a few times before settling and allowed Heero to lead it over to the paddock gate, the mares following behind. The gate opened and Heero walked the horses out and over to the big top. Both Trowa and Joe stopped to watch as they paraded by, each had a smile on their faces. Which grew even bigger when they spied Wufei atop one of the elephants with a small caravan of smaller elephants trailing behind, each trunk holding onto a tail? Heero turned slightly to get a better look and smiled also before pulling back on the halter causing the horse beneath him to rear up…it pawed the air for a second or two before settling back down. The cavalcade made its way into the big top amid much smiling and banter.

After making sure the animals where bedded down for the night the boys made their way back to Trowa’s trailer.
“Where’s Quatre?” Heero asked

“Meeting with Rashid. Apparently the Winner corporation can trace him even when he doesn’t want to be.” Trowa answered, but on opening the trailer door found Quatre sitting on the couch with a cup of tea in his hand and chatting to Catherine.
“Trowa” Quatre greeted him delightedly, his smile seeming to lighten up the room. Rising to his feet he moved further down the couch to make room for the others. Joe walked over to the small fridge and poured himself some milk before calling over his shoulder.

“You need to do some shopping Trowa, you’re out of most things in here”

“I think you should leave the fridge alone Joe, you never know what might crawl out of it.” Catherine smiled “I don’t think Trowa knows the meaning of food, at least I’ve never seen any in there”

“I eat” Trowa said, “Just not the junk that you two do. Besides its my fridge and I can put in it what I do or do not want.” Had it been anyone else you would’ve expected a tongue to be sticking out and a raspberry blown, but being Trowa there was just the silence that hung heavy in the air.