Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ with out you ❯ without you ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


by Jarrod.

*checks wallet*…. Nope don't own them cos I ain't rich. C&C very welcomed if productive. No flames cos I'm hot enough….. <(^_^)>

Many thanks to Zmaigoddess for review…and thanks to Nozomi Anshin … amusing huh?






Trowa took extra care while soldering the remaining wires, which Wufei has stripped, to the re-made transmitter/radio. Most of the equipment had been trashed. Heero had said that vandals had broken in from the looks of things. Quatre was busy trying to find something to cook their meal in that wasn't battered beyond use nor had holes in, as it was he would be hard pressed to get a decent meal out of what was left of the supplies that had not been strewn around the kitchen. Heero had gone out to secure the area, checking that the perimeter alarms where active. Quatre looked up from beneath the table, where he'd been sweeping up the remains of the dried pasta, to see Heero enter with a rucksack dangling from his fingers. He strolled over to the sink unit and placed the rucksack carefully down before walking out into the living room, pass Trowa and Wufei then up the stairs. Trowa shrugged his shoulders and continued with the repairs while Wufei watched the stotic pilot disappear.

Quatre walked in, brushing the dust from his hands and stood behind Trowa waiting for him to finish. He watched Trowa heat the solder up with the iron and place it onto the brown and green wire, setting it in place. Trowa then put the iron down carefully before turning his attention to Quatre

"I really think a trip to town should be made for provisions, ours has been damaged beyond my abilities to make anything of it. Perhaps you and Wufei could make the trip, when you've finished?"

Wufei seemed to come out of what ever trance he'd been in, at the mention of his name and stared at Quatre before comprehending what had been said. He pushed aside a number of stripped wires and stood, bowed to Quatre and then made his way over to the door, looking over his shoulder at Trowa who had just taken Quatre's hand in his, turning it palm up and brushing at the lingering dust, then lent forward to whisper something in Quatre's ear… Wufei raised his eyebrow at the scene and made his way out of the door, leaving it ajar. He had just gotten the old land-rover out from the barn and pulled up outside the front door, when Trowa came round the side of the house and jumped into the passenger seat beside him.

The trip to town was a quiet one, neither boy having much to say to each other, Wufei handled the land-rover with experienced hands, keeping his speed and adhering to local restrictions. He pulled onto the main street that indicated the super stores parking area and managed to find a space. Both boys then made their way into the mall. After a quick trip to one of the 'holes in the wall' Trowa made a withdrawal from one of the accounts and followed behind Wufei into the food store.

Wufei loved pushing the trolley, even though sometimes it had a mind of its own, he enjoyed being in control. Trowa took special care in choosing which products to buy and which not, he even asked Wufei on occasion as to his preferences on certain foods. When they thought they had enough dry, tinned and sealed food stuffs they made their way over to the queues at the checkouts. While Trowa stood with his hand in his pocket watching each customer and seeing what they had in their trolleys, Wufei glared at those stood waiting in line, muttering under his breath about shops still not having enough cashiers to stop queuing even in this day and age and was also amazed that even in war people where still out spending money and where did the food come from, how did the shops obtain the produces when there was a war running rife?

As he was pondering these things he happened to glance up out at the people milling around in the mall outside, when he saw a familiar face passed the window. He was frozen for a few seconds before he ran off outside, leaving a stunned Trowa at the check-outs. Trowa was curious as to what could have gotten Wufei in such a flap. He set the items they needed onto the conveyor belt and watched as a kindly assistant offered to help pack his purchases for him while also giving him the eye, but he ignored all this as he waited for them to finish. He took the bags, thanking them for their help and left in search of his friend.

Wufei ran outside the supermarket and stopped, causing a few by passers to grumble and step around him, he then set off in the direction he'd seen the apparition going. After a while of not catching sight of them, he stepped up onto a bench, spying a long chestnut braid heading into a music store further along the arcade Wufei jumped down from the bench and made his way over to the store. Looking around for the braided apparition he spied him going up the escalator to the second floor and hastened to catch up. At the top of the escalator he spotted him, stood chatting to someone at his side. Wufei strolled over to them and grabbed hold of *Duo's* arm

"What the hell kind of game do you think you're playing at Maxwell?" He shouted, causing those around them to stop and stare. His grip on *Duo* tightening considerably as he tried to pull him over to the exit and out into the stairwell. *Duo* on the other hand was having none of it, he yanked his arm out of Wufei's grip and turned to go back to Nathan. Wufei grabbed *duo's* arm, twisting it behind his back and literally frog marched *Duo* out through the fire exit/stairwell. Once through the door *Duo* swung round and elbowed Wufei in the face.

"Back off buddy boy, I'm not your type" he sneered, before pushing Wufei further from him. Wufei staggered a few paces before moving forward to lash out and hit *Duo* in the gut doubling him over, then bringing his arm down across the back of *duo's* shoulders for a forearm slash. With *Duo* flat out on the floor, Wufei flipped him over and was about to drag him to his feet when the exit door slammed open and a tall, dark haired fiend body checked him, knocking him off his feet and into the wall behind, his head connecting with a resounding crack. Nathan knelt checking Max, making sure that he still had a pulse, before turning to face the would-be abductor…when he had first seen his friend being abducted he had been frozen on the spot, but it had taken someone bumping into him to get him back to normal and he had set off to rescue his friend from what ever the Chinese boy had intended. Seeing Max out cold on the floor had really startled him, had the abductor turned in to a mugger? Wufei was trying to get to his feet when he was lifted off the ground and pinned to the wall behind him.

"You have picked on the wrong people to rob sunshine," Nathan snarled " if you ever get a next time, choose wisely" he growled, slamming Wufei's back against the wall, stunning him again, before letting him drop to the floor, flipping him over and securing Wufei's hands behind his back. A groan from behind told him that Max was recovering, after checking that the would-be mugger was secure Nathan turned his attention back to Max, helping him to his feet Max put a tentative hand to the back of his head, checking to make sure he wasn't bleeding and then turned his attention to Nathan and his would be attacker.

"He a Friend of yours?" Nathan enquired.

"Not bloody likely Nate, don't know him from Adam, he sure packs a punch" Max said rubbing his tender stomach.

Nathan stooped down and hauled Wufei to his feet.

"Lets get him to the authorities; they'll know what to do with him."







Liftin g Wufei over his shoulder Nathan allowed Max to precede him down the stairs. They had just gotten to the final flight when they where met by a young man coming up the stairs hampered with two bags of groceries and looking very flustered. He had on a pair of brown glasses that where partially hidden by his fall of hair that covered one side of his face.
"Oh thank god you found him" the pedestrian sighed. "I only left him for a few seconds," he rambled on "I saw this really cute girl that's at our school and I only meant to chat for a while, I tend to forget he's with me sometimes and when I turned round he was gone…. I do hope he didn't cause any trouble?" He looked expectantly at the pair, his eyes wide as he began chewing on his bottom lip "Oh shoot," he sighed dejectedly, " he did didn't he, what did he do this time… I had really hoped that just this once we could go out with out any hassle, the Dr's said that he'd be ok, that it would be fine to take him shopping and all and he's been really good."

Both Max and Nathan looked at each other in amazement; Nathan lowered Wufei down so that he was propped up against the wall and Max moved to stand just behind Nathan.

" This will set him back some, I know the Dr's will be upset that he relapsed" Taking a much needed breath of air the young man shifted one of the bags and held out his hand "I'm Triton Bloom, we work over at the circus across from town, Wufei here is my half brother, I got tickets if you're interested, front row seats" He put one of the bags down and fished in his trouser pockets, then jacket pocket looking for the tickets, finding them in his back trouser pocket… "I really am sorry if he caused any trouble, please don't take him to the police…" again he bit his lip " we'd both loose our work permits at the circus and its really a great place for us, we get to travel and meet interesting people and entertain them as well." He held out the tickets. "I promise to keep watch over him better this time… really…"

Max was trying real hard not to break out into giggles; he hid his face in Nathan's shoulder blade and tried to get a grip on himself. Nathan was speechless, he accepted the tickets and handed them over to Max, scowling at him as he did so, then moved over to Wufei and released him from the restraints. Triton smiled and gushed his thanks while trying to get Wufei to his feet and juggle the shopping bags; in the end Max offered to carry the bags while Triton and Nathan helped to drag Wufei out into the car park. Once secured in the passenger seat and the shopping placed in the back of the wagon, Triton thanked them again and drove off sedately.

Max creased up, laughing so hard he had to hold his stomach, it ached so much… Nathan on the other had wasn't pleased.

"We just let a fugitive escape and all you can do is laugh?" he gasped which only sent Max into another bout of laughter.

"Sorry" he gasped between laughs. "It's just that that guy really was funny and to think that they are brothers as well, it must be one hell of a show, I can't wait to see it." Max glanced at the tickets "great tonight is the last night before they move on" he tucked his arm into Nathan's and the pair walked back into the mall. "There's this great pair of leather trousers that I've seen that'll look so cool on you, and I can think of at least a few great shirts as well, We have to look our best cos I want to show us both off, sides maybe Zechs or Treize will come as well"

Nathan snorted at the thought of Zechs keeping his hands to himself long enough to watch the show. Max was so pleased that they'd get to go out in the evening. He chatted about what he intended to eat at the circus and what he hoped to see.

"I hear they have a knife act that is to die for" Max sniggered. "They strap this guy to a wheel and spin it while this girl throws knives at him… Ha, just think if she missed…." Max had found the shop he was looking for and steered Nathan inside. They spent the rest of the afternoon shopping for clothes; Nathan loved the fact that he could spend time with Max and took every opportunity to admire his physique or the way his body moved.

"Hey" Max stood in front of Nathan waving his hand. "Don't know about you, but I could do with feeding… it's been ages since we last ate." He managed to steer Nathan into a burger bar where they had a late lunch and chatted about the circus.

Treize stood in front of the full length mirror and twisted first left then right… trying to see if the new slacks he'd gotten where a proper fit.

"Do you think these make my bum look big?" he asked Zechs who was laid out on the bed reading some papers he'd picked up from the office.

"Depends on who's looking and for what reason?" Zechs replied absentmindedly.

Treize wandered over to the bed and sat down beside Zechs, brushing his long hair away from his face and behind his ear. He then reached over and took the papers away from Zechs laying them on the floor and lent in for a long slow kiss. Zechs rolled over onto his back, pulling Treize down onto him and deepening the kiss while allowing his hand to wander down Treize's muscular back and cupping his arse, squeezing the cheeks and arching his hips up into Treize's body, causing Treize to moan and grind his hips into Zechs.

"I think you have a great bum and intend to keep it that way through rigorous exercise" Zechs stated before flipping Treize over onto his back and unfastening his shirt, allowing his fingers to caress the contours of Treize's chest, tweaking the nipple ring that sat snugly against the caramel nipple. Sliding the shirt over well formed shoulders. Treize felt Zech's questing fingers and arched into the caress writhing against the cool sheets. He toed off his shoes and raised his arse, to aid the removal of his trousers and boxers, which fell onto the floor. Zechs shifted lower on the bed and paid particular attention to Treize's navel while holding his hips still.

"Please?" Treize quested, sliding his fingers into Zech's hair and trying to coax his lovers head lower.

Zechs nipped at Treize's hip bone, following the contours down to his inner thigh, spreading Treize's legs to allow for better access. His questing tongue bathing first one and then both balls before taking them into his mouth, rolling them around and gently sucking them while a slender finger pressed against and into Treize's opening… Zechs smiled to himself as he released the tender globes and began to pay particular attention to Treize's neglected length, swirling his tongue around its head coaxing a bead of pre-cum onto its tip before lowering his lips around its head and taking in his full length, Treize arched into the mouth making soft coaxing noises. Keeping Treize distracted Zechs added a second then third finger stretching his lover in readiness. He felt Treize's body shudder and knew that his lover was very close to the edge. Withdrawing his fingers and mouth Zechs ignored the whimpers coming from his lovers lips. After divesting himself of his own clothes he moved back up Treize's body kissing him tenderly. Positioning his body between Treize's thighs, Zechs wrapped Treize's legs around his waist as he pressed forward slowly burying himself in his lover's still tight heat. Treize sighed contentedly feeling Zechs fill him and his body's weight shift so that he wasn't lying on him but instead bracing his elbows on either side of him and allowing his body's own natural grace to set a rhythm that would suit both of them. Zechs nibbled Treize's ear and jaw teasing more moans of pleasure from him as his body surged into him slowly. Treize felt he was flying high with the slow rhythmic thrusts and withdrawals pushing him ever closer to fulfilment. He wrapped his legs tighter around his lover urging him on. Zechs took his cue from Treize and quickened the pace. Reaching between them his fingers closed around Treize's neglected length and grasped it firmly, setting a fast rhythm. He could feel Treize tightening around him, felt his lovers' body arch up and Treize's release coat their stomachs even as he himself came with in Treize's depths marking his lover with his seed. Treize lay there wantonly sprawled out too exhausted to move and a contented smile on his face. Zechs gently pulled out and lay to the side reaching for the sheet to wipe Treize's release from his and his lovers' stomach.

The front door slammed downstairs and running foot steps echoed along the hallway and up the stairs. Zechs hastily threw a sheet over themselves before their door swung open and Max rushed in.

"We have tickets for the circus tonight and you two are coming as well" he stated before realizing that he was interrupting something. Turning a few shades of red he hastily marched back out the room shutting the door behind him.

"For the goddess sake, I thought you two where past that stage" he said behind the closed door. "Hurry up, we have take out downstairs getting cold and I'm hungry cos Nathan decided it best to wait for you two, instead of allowing me to eat in the car"

Zechs could hear the pout in Max's voice. He nudged Treize then slipped out of bed walking over to the bathroom.

"We could save time by showering together" Zechs pointed out "That is if you can move?"

He watched as Treize rolled over onto his front, raise up onto his hand and knees and crawl across the bed to the opposite side before backing off the bed and slowly straightening up.

"Shower would be nice" Treize said stiltedly making his way across the room and past Zechs into the bathroom. Smiling Zechs shut the door behind them. The sound of running water and sighs could be heard outside the bathroom, if anyone happened to have been stood outside the door…




Half hour later Treize and Zechs made their way sedately down the stairs and into the dining room. Max stood by the French windows while Nathan sat playing with his knife and fork. Hearing the pair come into the room Max turned and rushed over to his chair, sitting down and waiting for the others.

"I thought you two where never coming down… we don't have much time. Food first then change into something more casual 'cos we have tickets for the circus and I want to go." Max all but stamped his foot in his declaration. Treize looked to Nathan who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Where did you get tickets Max? The circus has been sold out for days?" Zechs asked as he took his seat beside Treize and across from Max and Nathan.

Max reached across the table and pulled a carton on chow-mein out of the brown bag sat in the middle of the table. He then took out three more cartons and pushed one each towards the others. Then sat down and opened his own and dug into it.

"You won't believe how we got them" Max said, waving his chopsticks around. "This guy tried to kidnap me and Nate kicked his butt, then the guy's brother came to get him and it turns out they both work at the circus and the nerdy guy gave us tickets for tonight if we promised not to go to the police." Max then dug into his food and left it for Nathan to explain what had happened, while Treize and Zechs ate and listened with amused expressions.



Treize decided to wear form fitting black jeans with a red and gold muscle t-shirt and black track shoes. While Zechs had on a pair of stone washed jeans and matching t-shirt and shoes.

Max had his usual black shirt and trousers on, while Nathan had on green shirt and brown cords with tan lace ups. They all looked smart enough in a casual way. Zechs was voted to drive and the 4x4 was picked to take them to the circus. Max and Nathan sat in the back listening to their own walkmans while Treize and Zechs chatted. As they approached the area designated for the circus car park Max watched out the car window. Awe struck by the bright lights, big-top and stalls that circled the field in which the circus sat. Quickly leaving the car, Max fidgeted from one foot to the other while waiting for Zechs, Treize and Nathan to exit the car. He grabbed Treize's arm and pulled him along leaving Nathan to wait for Zechs to lock the car doors

"We have to get food in" Max said steering Treize over to the popcorn and candyfloss stalls.

"You'll be sick Max, its only been two hours since you last ate."
"Yeah, but it goes with the scene Treize, you need this stuff to make it original" Max countered.

Smiling Treize handed Max a few credits telling him to entertain himself while he ordered the popcorn, corndogs and candyfloss







M ax made his way over to the stalls that provided other forms of entertainment. They where also brightly coloured and lit with fairy lights. Nathan stood behind Max as he tried to hit a coconut off its pin with a very hard ball, he missed the first time but hit it with the second ball, earning himself a coconut. Smiling Max handed to coconut to Nathan and then made his way over to the next stall that had airguns and cards that you had to hit with the pellets. Checking the weapon, Max sighted it , aimed and fired, hitting the card dead centre…

"Smart ass" came a comment from behind him "Bet you can't do it three times in a row"

Max turned a grinning face toward the person who'd commented, his eyes widening when he found a pair of deep sea blue eyes smiling into his.

"Done" said Max

"You will be" came another voice.

Max turned to the second voice and his gaze was held by a pair of ice blue eyes framed by messy chocolate brown hair.

Max pulled his gaze away and faced the targets…shouldering the gun he fired three times hitting each target square in the middle.

"We have a winner folks." the stall man shouted. Handing Max a huge white tiger and taking the gun off him. Max's grin spread across his face, lighting his eyes. He hugged the tiger tightly turning towards his new friends, shifting the tiger he held out his hand to the blond boy with deep blue eyes.

"Max Solo and my friend is Nathan Bowman"

"Quatre Winner" Quatre smiled shaking Max's hand. "My friends name is Heero Yuy"

Max turned to Heero and shook his hand also, noting that only Quatre offered to shake Nathan's hand or acknowledge him.

"Are you here to watch the show?" Quatre enquired.

Max nodded and began searching the crowd for Treize and Zechs.

"We got free tickets from this weird guy in town. Him and his brother are part of the show, I think he said. Either way they work here and gave us some tickets, so I invited Treize and Zechs as well as Nathan here. We're making a night of it." Max spied his friends and waved them over.

Treize watched with amusement as Heero all but snarled at him as he and Zechs approached the group.

" I see you've already made new friends Max . Introduce us please?"

Quatre stepped forward and held out his hand.

"Quatre Winner." Treize stated " I've heard so much about you. It is indeed a pleasure to finally come face to face with you. I trust that your family are well?"

Taken slightly aback Quatre grasped the hand firmly, smiling.

"Treize Khushrenada." he acknowledged "To the best of my knowledge my family are all well thank you."

Treize's gaze then focused on Heero and his smile widened.
"Heero Yuy. My, my. It seems that a reunion is on the cards this day. Are the rest of your little group present?"

Heero stood stock still, knowing that if he moved it would be to end Treize's life. He raised his eyes up and past Treize to focus on Zechs stood behind him. He could tell that the former prince was watching his every move and the slightly raised eyebrow was of piqued interest only.

"Oi" Max voiced, confused at the turn of events. "What gives here?"

Attention once again focused on Max, Treize took his arm and lead them over to the big-top.

"Come Max, the show is about to start."