Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ You Don't Know ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, some Japanese company does. I don't own the song, You Don't Know, either 98° does.

<AN: slightly AU and OOC. Sorry it may have some grammar and spelling mistakes, but it's only the rough draft. I'll fix all later I just want to get them posted when I'm done with them so I can continue with the other stories before I lose my muse. Last time it was gone for a year. One more thing: <these> are subconcious thoughts and the lyrics to the song!>

You Don't Know
by Oyuki

Noin sat alone in her darkened room. <Who can know the emptiness inside?> It was dark because she had the drapes drawn, not because it was dark outside. Actually it was a beautiful sunny day outside without a cloud in sight. <Every time I see your face.> She sat inside because she was depressed, but then again, when wasn't she depressed these days? Most days she was depressed because of him, Zechs; he couldn't see that they were perfect together. <Do you wonder why I turn away when you look at me.> If only he would notice her, or find out how much she loved him, but he was blind; she was too much of a coward to tell him her real feelings, too proud to show weakness by admitting her feelings to him. She would only do so if he showed any interest in her; the moment he did, the moment he saw her as the woman she was, then she would let him know how much he loved him. <Never wanting your eyes to see.> Inside, she was dying for his love and he didn't eve know it.

<Baby 'cause you don't know how I feel...> He only saw her as his friend, and this killed her. She would give her life for him, and he knew it. If only he would show her a small portion of affection for her. The kind of affection one has for a life partner, not one's buddy. <Living my life without you.> It wasn't like he didn't live her, he did. He just didn't love her the way she loved him. He loved her with the kind of live one would have for his best friend, his brother maybe.

Alas, today was different. This morning she had gotten a letter from her home in Italy. War had broken out on Earth, and her home had been destroyed in a bombardment in her home town. Her parents had been inside. Nobody knew yet, and she wouldn't tell. Not even Zechs, but he would find out. He always found out things like these. She didn't know how, but she was sure he already knew of the tragedy back on Earth.

He would come, she was sure. He would come and feel sorry for her, and maybe try and comfort her. <I'll give you all my love, heart and soul.> That wasn't enough; she needed more than friendship from him right now, more than friendship in her life. He was everything to her, she had no one else now... <Risking it all on a chance.>

~*~*The Next Day~*~*

She looked at the letter in something akin to horror. She closed her eyes and tried to wake up from her latest nightmare, but she knew it wasn't a nightmare at all, just pure reality. <All I ever wanted in this world... > She was leaving. She had been transferred from Lake Victoria to God only knows where. She had received her orders, she was holding the letter in her trembling hands. Plain in black and white she had been ordered to pack for relocation.

"I don't want to leave you," she sobbed lightly, her tears staining her ivory cheeks. She straightened her spine and wiped her tears with the back of her hands. She was a soldier, not a weak child, she knew she had to follow orders. Zechs knew she was leaving, but when she met up with him later that day he didn't say anything. Didn't even mention her family's death. It seemed, to her, that he hadn't even noticed how distant she had been for the last couple of days, and if he had then he didn't show it. <Baby I found in you.>

She prayed that night. <And now I lie awake, alone at night.> Prayed like she hadn't prayed since she was a child in Italy. She prayed to God for a sign, a sign that would tell her Zechs loved her. It didn't come. She'd been restless all night, waiting, but her sign didn't come. <So afraid now to close my eyes.> It was almost time for her to get up and leave, so she gave up trying to sleep and sat up in her bed. She tried one more time, "Please, God please, let him love me. Please, I will do anything, anything to have his heart with me, even if we are apart." It was only a whisper, but it had all her emotions behind it.

He came to say goodbye. She was just coming out of her room when she turned the corner and there he was. He saw her bags in her hands and offered to carry them outside for her, but she refused politely. <I'd give you the world if your love was mine.> They walked outside together where she saw a military jeep waiting for her. The jeep would take her to the spaceport, then she would arrive at her location where she would await further orders. He helped her put her bags in the jeep and stood next to her for a few seconds. <You don't know what it's like... > All he said was, "See ya 'round, Noin," and with a wave of his hand turned on his heel and walked away to where his friends where standing. <Loving you all this time.>

<Now when I need you the most... > "See ya!" she called with a wave of her own and a fake smile plastered to her lips. With that she climbed into the jeep. "Who knows when, if ever, we'll meet again," she whispered to herself.

<AN: Second fic, short and sweet--er-- bittersweet? Ok ok, more bitter than sweet but it's my story, and I don't feel like apologizing. Don't hate me! Yes I know, I did it again. It's sad. If you're a nice reader and review I might do a happy ending to my next story!>