Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Boss finds a home ❯ Boss's story ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Boss's story


(hamtaro walks into the ham-ham's house and he hears boss singing)

Hamtaro: whats the matter with boss?

Bijoue: Boss tell Hamtaro your great story

Cappy: yeah it's a good one to

(Boss runs over and starts to tell it)


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boss: were I'm I

girl: look dad he's up

Boss: I wonder who she is

Girl: I'm Sora

Boss: did she just hear me?!!!

Sora: you got scratched by a cat and knocked out

(then Sora gives him some hamster treats that she brought)

Sora dad: he was proble a field hamster(then he lives the room)

Sora: well if you field hamster maybe I can keep you

(Boss looks really sad)

Sora: you must have some hamster friends huh little guy

Boss: yeah a lot of them

Sora: well you can invent them over anytime and maybe you can sometimes stay were ever you live and sometimes you can stay and sleep here

(Boss jumps on her hand and she looks at him)

Sora:I wonder if you have a name maybe it should be Fred


Sora dad: my boss

(when Sora dad said boss he did something)

Sora: so your name is Boss

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Oxnard: so boss your not a field hamster anymore are you?

Boss: I'm still a field hamster

Bijou: I just loved that story

Hamtaro: I'm happy for you boss

Boss:im iventing you all over to she said I could bring my frineds back and she not in school because it is Saturday

All: we'll come

(They all follow boss)

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Conna and Laura: Thanks for inviting us john and Matt

(Conna and Laura walk out and Matt and John go to the basement)

Sora: Boss is that you

(boss walks out then the ham-hams come out)

Sora: I see you brought you friends (grabs some sunflower seeds and gives them all one a piece

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Boss: see I told you she was nice she even likes snoozer ….SNOOZER!!!!!!!???!

Hamtaro: how did he get here

Pashmina: But he never gets up and look his up and walking

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