Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Boss finds a home ❯ New kids ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

New kids


Laura: hey Conan look there is three new students

Conan: your right

Girl: hello I was wondering if you know were this class is me and my 2 brothers just moved here and we don't know the place that good

Laura: sure just follow use we have the same class

Girl: wait a sec John Matt get over her I found some one who in are class!

John: hi I'm john

Matt: I'm Matt

Girl: and I'm Sora


John was a little taller then Conan wore glasses and had brown hair.

Matt was taller then Laura and also had brown hair.

Sora was the same height as Laura had brown hair that was probley as long as Conan's hair.


Conan: are you triplets?

John: yeah I was born first then Matt then Sora

Laura: we better get going she said as she smiled at Matt

(When Laura and the other got in Matt was sited behind Laura and John in front of Conan and Sora in back of Conan)

Laura: that's good were all around each other

(as a couple of hours went by they had a break)

Conan: so do any of you own hamsters

John: no but we have cats and dogs Sora did have a hamster but it died

Conan: I have a hamster name Oxnard

Laura: and I have a hamster named hamtaro here(she shows a picture that she drew of him to Matt then Conan grabs her picture out and shows John)

John: that Oxnard looks cool

Laura: I also have a dog

(John and Matt show them both pictures they drew off there dogs)

Laura: your both are like 10 times better then use

John and Matt: thanks(they say as they blush)

(a couple of more hours go by and it's the end of school)

Laura: I'm Home(she runs up to her room)

Hamtaro: bout time you got back

Laura: Three new kids are at my school hamtaro and One is really cute

Hamtaro: I thought you like that Travis kid

Laura: what I'm I saying