Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Ham-Hams goning online! Enter the world ❯ Learn the thrill of battle! Two girls, four hams and two faries ( Chapter 5 )
Learn the thrill of battle! Two girls, 4 hams, and two fairies
The hams didn't know what to do as the slime creatures came closer. Boss then went in front of his comrades and fixed his eyes toward the unknown creature.
Hamtaro: Boss what are you doing?
Boss took out his shovel from his backpack and assumed a fighting pose.
Boss: I'm going to take them down!
T.W: How crazy can you get?! WE don't know how strong they are.
Boss refused to listen and charged at one of them and whacked it hard and it was beaten.
Boss: Ha! I did it.
T.W: Great,
Then an electronic buzzing noise came from Boss's backpack, he took it off and opened it to see his C.R.A.P-C showing readings from Boss's charge.
C.R.A.P-C: You've gained 50 EXP, now at level 2.
T.W: He leveled up, great now he'll gloat about it
Indeed as Boss went into a victory dance.
Boss: I knew I'd be an expert at this game
Then T.W grabbed him by the ear annoyingly and said-
T.W: Well before you begin your speech we have more of the deranged audience to deal with!
The remaining slimes came closer.
T.W: Let me help this time.
T.W charged at two of them and grabbing one in each hand gave them a leg breaker kick and a reversal throw defeating them both. He then took out his C.R.A.P-C unit and saw its readings.
C.R.A.P-C: Now at level 4! You've earned a battle card.
Then a card materialized in front of T.W, he grabbed it remembering that the mysterious hamster told them about battle cards to defend with, plus he read it in the manual. He then walks over to Boss who's blushing a bit and said-
T.W: Who's bad now?
Boss didn't say anything and then one of the slimes grabs Bijou by her hair.
Bijou: Let go of me!! Get your really filthy hands off my favorite hair ribbons!
Boss heard her friends cry for help and came running towards her.
Boss: Don't worry Bijou I'm coming, Hamtaro grab that thing!
Hamtaro grabbed the slime trying to get it off Bijou's head, he succeeds and throws it in the air, Boss jumps high and sticks his shovel right down into its gelatin body, and it dissolves into nothing and is beaten. His C.R.A.P-C unit shows he's earned 10 EXP and turns to see a slime come from behind and has him ensnared in its jiggly organless body.
All: Boss!
Boss struggles to get free but once inside the wiggly inside inside in unbreakable.
T.W: What do we do?!
Bijou: We have to act fast!
Hamtaro: T.W maybe the card you won can help.
T.W looked at to see a picture of floppy disk with angel wings and a heart on the disk.
T.W: Yeah this could help, according to the description it's called "Data modify" and it can be used 3 ways. It can take out large numbers of enemies in one shot, heal yourself and comrades on command and give you a strong defensive weapon.
T.W then attached the C.R.A.P-C unit on his right arm and slashed it through the card slot-
T.W: Data modify! Attack command, full area delete!
Then the C.R.A.P-C glowed bright and points of beaming whit light attacked all the slimes defeating them all, Boss was now free and quickly got up and ran over to Bijou. Then the C.R.A.P-C said-
C.R.A.P-C: Now at level 6, sending you new battle card.
Another card materialized and T.W took it and put it and the other card in the C.R.A.P-C's card reader pocket located over the monitor.
Hamtaro: That was amazing; I can't wait to get a card.
Boss: Bijou, are you okay?
Bijou: Oui, I'm just fine.
T.W: Well you should feel lucky.
Boss: What?
T.W: If they had been stronger Bijou and all of us could've been hurt, when will you learn to choose your battles, we might've been better off running.
Boss: Listen kid I've been around a lot longer than you have and sometimes the only wait to know is to charge in head on, and I should know I'm a field ham after all.
T.W: But this is different-
T.W walked to the sign leading them back into town.
We're in a whole other world now, things here are different from our world. If we don't use caution someone could seriously hurt. Do you shuttered to think what happen if that card didn't show up?!
Boss hangs his head in shame seeing truth in T.W's words, then Bijou lifted his head up with her gentle paws and said-
Bijou: He's right you know, we have to be more careful in future. In order to find Laura and a way out of here we have to see the sides to everyone's version of the story..
Boss: What do you mean?
Bijou: We're a team, and as part of a team we have to make unanimous decision while keeping our individual aspects in perspective.
Boss: I don't often here you talk like that, it's certainly another way of looking at it.
Bijou: I think maybe I got it from Maxwell once. So are you ready to go?
Boss thought long and hard and soon got up from the ground and said-
Boss: Well let's not stand around, let's go!
T.W: Right.
So the three friends followed the map on T.W's C.R.A.P-C to the alley. Meanwhile in the dungeon Raishiuko prepares to take on Yackon, Osimaru, Invit and Onaka watch as Laura takes out her deck of cards and puts them in the card pocket of her C.R.A.P-C.
Raishiuko: Yackon! Hear me when I say I'll defeat you!
She then takes a card with a picture of a disk armor like in Rygar and slashes it through-
Raishiuko: Summon disk armor!
Then her C.R.A.P-C unit glowed and disk armor appears in her hands. She took the glove attached to the disk armor and slips it on tight. She then takes out another card with the picture of white fire-
Raishiuko then winds her body up and flicks the disk armor like a Frisbee yelling-
(Winds then throws)
Raishiuko: Fire of light, HA!
The armor goes flying hitting Yackon doing heavy damage.
Osimaru: Wow!
Onaka: She's already executing combos, she could be the one to save this world.
Osimaru: What?
Yackon was down and weakened but still alive.
The light powered disk armor whisks back in her hands like a boomerang and fade away.
Raishiuko: What so I do now?
Onaka: Use the Fairy's hand mirror, it will collect his soul.
Raishiuko: Collect his soul?
She then took the hand mirror from her bag.
Onaka: Now find a card to slash.
Raishiuko looked through her deck and found a card different from the others. It was red and had a picture of a beautiful thick and wide sword in a magical armor. She slashes it through yelling-
Raishiuko: Divine angel blade!!!!
She draws the Lighthawk saber from the sheath on her back and it transforms into a new beautiful sword with a hologram of angel wings on it until she waved it around.
Osimaru: What card was that?
Onaka: It's a rare perfect level 10 battle/weapon card, the divine angel blade.
A white aura emitted from the gorgeously powerful blade and as she sling it toward Yackon she shouts-
Raishiuko: Eclipse meteor!!!!
A beam of off yellow light zooms out from the blade and inflicts heavy damage and is defeated, but just before he disappears she then yells-
Raishiuko: Soul of Yackon hear me now, become good and well by entering the mirror!
She then points the mirror right at him and as the body long faded the soul of him entered the mirror no longer evil and was contained inside. She puts the mirror away and her sword returns to the Lighthawk saber it once was. Her C.R.A.P-C racked up her EXP and said-
C.R.A.P-C: You are now at level 15! Please take these cards as your prize.
Then 10 cards materialized in front of her, she takes them and puts them in the card pocket. The others came to her and congratulate her for winning and leveling up. Then they leave the dungeon and sit at a bench in the town square to talk.
Raishiuko: So you got my e-mail?
Osimaru: Yep, on the way into the dungeon, I heard a noise coming from my C.R.A.P-C and found I had a message, it was form you. I would've sent one back so we could meet but then I ran into Yackon and well-
She then looked at her lap to see the chibi phoenix she rescued feeling safe at her side.
Raishiuko: Well it wasn't all bad, you made a new friend who really likes you.
Ivit: Yes indeed, white mages often attract chibi phoenixes for there kind emitting aura, they often like to stay with you like pets.
Raishiuko: Why don't you keep it Kana, er-Omarisu. I imagine it has no where else to go.
Osimaru: Well I guess I could, but it needs a name.
Raishiuko: How about Fi, you know for phoenix?
Osimaru: That's sound good, what do you think?
Chibi phoenix: Fi!
Osimaru: Okay then from here on out you'll be known as Fi.
Fi: Fi!
He snuggled up against her lap feeling content.
Osimaru: I'm glad Oxnard isn't seeing this, he'd be so jealous.
Raishiuko: Well he's still young like a baby, babies need lots of attention.
Osimaru: That reminds me what will happen to Fi when I log out?
Ivit: I'll take him to your cyber home and look after him until you get back.
Osimaru: Oh that's good thanks Ivit.
Raishiuko: All this talk of pets makes me wonder about Hamtaro, I hope he's okay back home.
Just then her C.R.A.P-C starts making noise-
C.R.A.P-C: You've got mail!
Raishiuko: Mail for me? I wonder who it's from.
She presses a button that looks like an envelope, her mail comes up on screen.
(Reading the e-mail)
Raishiuko: Hi we know you in the real world, if you can please respond. I wonder if it's someone from class.
Osimaru: Who sent it?
Raishiuko: Well the member address says-
The HH club. It seems it's a group of people.
It seems the hams have sent Laura a message but which group? Find out next time!
Well short but it will all come together