Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Ham-Hams goning online! Enter the world ❯ The mysterious mail, time to Class Up Ham-Hams! ( Chapter 6 )
Chapter 6
The Mysterious Mail, Time to Class Up Ham-Hams!
Raishiuko: Hmm. HH Club. I wonder what group that is.
Osimaru: Hey Ivit. How come you haven't mentioned about groups?
Ivit: Well you don't get to do it until after beating Yackon. But since you were both in the room when it was defeated, and you did do some damage to Yackon, you both gain EXP, Which counts as a Boss KO to you too.
Onaka: In the case being, now that you've defeated your first boss, you can now form teams and maybe start a party when higher leveled.
Both: Cool.
Ivit: In fact, you two together can be a team.
Raishiuko: I get it. So shall we Osimaru?
Osimaru: You bet!
Fi: Fi! Fi!
A door opens.
Raishiuko: What's that?
Onaka: That's not right. When did a door get here. The exit is over there.
He points to the other door.
Osimaru: Why don't we check it out?
Raishiuko: Yeah. If this wasn't there, then maybe it might have treasures.
They start for the door.
Now Hamtaro (level 0), T.W. (level 6), Boss (level 2), and Bijou (level 0), have gone down the alley where the signal is at.
T.W.: This is the place.
Hamtaro: Hmm. *sniffs the ground and air* I could smell something coming from over here.
Boss: I don't see anything but a wall. And a few garbage cans.
Bijou: But the tracker points here, so she must be here somewhere.
Hamtaro: Laura! Where are you!
Then a light emits and a portal appears.
T.W.: It says she's in there!
Hamtaro: Hang on Laura! I'm coming!
He jumps in. And so does T.W.
Boss: You go first. Just in case someone might attack while behind us.
Bijou: Thank you Boss but I can take care of myself.
She jumps in.
Boss: Oh boy.
He jumps in and the portal fades. Now they land inside the dungeon.
T.W.: We must be in the Training Dungeon.
Hamtaro: She's in here?
Then a map appears from T.W's C.R.A.P-C-. The dungeon map.
T.W.: And that must be the dungeon map. All games have one.
Hamtaro: I wonder what the red, green, and skull icons mean.
T.W.: Hang on. *presses stuff* Here we go
A legend of icons are displayed.
Bijou: Red means treasure, Green means player, and Skull means Boss.
Boss: Boss? You mean there's someone named Boss here? Or is it just me?
T.W.: I think it means the dungeon boss. Not you Boss.
Boss: Oh. Whew.
Hamtaro: Maybe those green arrows up there are Laura and Kana. Since there's two of them.
T.W.: And us down here, and a few more over there?
Sees another group of green.
Boss: Maybe someone else is here besides us.
Hamtaro: Well come on! Maybe we'll find Laura!
They dash into the dungeon. They go into different corridors and run into Blue Slimes.
Hamtaro: More slimes!
T.W.: They look different.
Checks MSU.
MSU: Slime. Level 2. Type: Water
Boss: Yeah. One level higher and a different element. *to Hamtaro* I think you and
Bijou should take these on. I mean you are at level zero and all.
T.W.: You too Boss.
Boss: What?
Hamtaro: He's right. You're only level two.
Bijou: And we should all get to T.W's point of level so we can do well against harder monsters.
Boss: Fine with me.
The slimes attack and Hamtaro, Bijou, and Boss attack. Boss takes down one slime and advances to level 4. Bijou slashes a card with a picture of a bow and arrow which forms in her paws. She pulls the string and an arrow is shown.
Bijou: Purity arrow!
She shoots an arrow to destroy two at once.
C.R.A.P-C-: Bijou now at level 4!
Hamtaro: My turn!
He rams one of the slime into a wall and gets dizzy. But it reforms and more slime appear.
T.W.: Want me to kill them?
A card falls onto Hamtaro.
Hamtaro: A card!
T.W.: Try slashing it!
He does so. It has a lightning bolt striking (like the card Rageiki).
Hamtaro: Instant KO!
Then all the slimes get destroyed by lightning and the card is also destroyed.
Hamtaro: Aww.
More cards fall on Hamtaro.
Hamtaro: More cards!
Puts them in card holder.
C.R.A.P-C-: Hamtaro now level 7!
Hamtaro: Whoa! Level 7!
T.W.: Aww. One level higher than me.
Boss: Dang.
Bijou: Good job Hamtaro!
Hamtaro: Ha ha ha! This is fun!
Boss: (Bijou never cheers for me when I do something amazingly good like that.)
T.W could sense Boss's jealousy and thought-
T.W: I hope we are with the others soon, maybe then he'll go back yo his usual self.
C.R.A.P-C-: HH Club now over level 1. Please select class.
All there monitors show different people as five different classes.
Hamtaro: What's this?
T.W.: I think this is when we decide what we want to be.
Boss: Hmm. This fighter looks good.
Presses Fighter icon. He gets some armor on him, a helmet, and his shovel turns into a small axe.
Boss: Whoa! Cool!
He also gets new cards for Fighter types.
Boss: This is so cool.
T.W.: Hmm. I wonder.
Presses Pop star icon. He gets retro 70's outfit with a denim vest with a peace sign on the left, a white shirt with a rainbow on it, and some ham-size platform shoes and a microphone. Gets a Rod in a brown belt. As well as Pop star type cards and other battle cards.
T.W.: Wicked!
Bijou presses the White Mage icon and gets a white robe and a Cure Staff. And White Mage type cards.
Bijou: Amazing.
Hamtaro selects the Soldier icon. He gets armor like Boss's but different (say, the one he wore in "The Legendary Ham-Ham"). He gets a sword in a sheath and Soldier Type cards.
Hamtaro: Wow! I'm a soldier!
Bijou: We all have new classes!
Boss: Yes! Let's see them slimes get me now!
T.W.: I could get used to this.
Checks Dungeon Map.
T.W.: Oh no! The green icons of Laura and Kana are gone!
Hamtaro: Oh no!
Bijou: What happened to the other green icons that we saw before? They are gone too
Boss: Let's get going. Maybe we'll find out in the room they left in.
They head for the boss room, which is empty.
Hamtaro: No one's here.
Hamtaro and Bijou go into the center of the room. Boss and T.W. see something up on
the ceiling.
Boss and T.W.: Look out!
Boss pushes Bijou out of the way and T.W. pushes Hamtaro out of way. The lands on where H+B were.
Bijou: What is that thing?
Hamtaro: I don't know.
Checks MSU.
Yackon. Level 15. Type: Unknown.
Hamtaro: Level 15? That's higher than all of us!
T.W.: Not unless we work together. Come on!
Hamtaro and Boss charge at Yackon and strike with their weapons which does some damage.
Hamtaro: Hey! These weapons are good.
Boss: My axe is better than the shovel was.
Yackon gets up. T.W. slashes a magic card. Which he got when turning into Pop star.
T.W.: Deluge!
Water and musical notes comes down onto Yackon. Doing damage. Bijou slashes a card
Bijou: Magic Restore!
Everyone (except Yackon) gets there magic restored.
Boss: Um. Bijou. We didn't use any magic yet.
Bijou: Oops. Sorry.
Yackon then shoots fireball Bijou and she gets knocked into a wall.
Boss: Bijou! *to Yackon* Pick on someone your own size!
He starts to charge right at Yackon, but gets smacked away.
Hamtaro: Boss! *to Yackon* that's it! *slashes a card* Power-Up!
An aura surrounds Hamtaro. He charges for Yackon. Hamtaro jumps and does a sword
Beam attack. Yackon gets major damage is near death.
Bijou: Good work Hamtaro!
Boss: Yeah, good work Hamtaro.
T.W.: Okay, now to rid of the beast.
He takes out his rod and slashes a card through the reader.
T.W.: Spell of Concealment!
His rod shoots a bolt of energy at Yackon, which surrounds him. Then a portal appears
under him, and he sinks into it. Everyone gets two levels.
C.R.A.P-C-: Group level up, by one level!
Hamtaro: I guess since this is a group we get an additional level.
T.W.: I think that's how it works.
Bijou: Good work you two. You both did a good job.
Hamtaro: Well it wasn't just us, Boss...
Bijou: I healed him up and now he's fine. And I think he'll do a better job next time.
Boss: Yeah.
T.W.: You not mad Boss?
Boss: Nah. I made a foolish move there. I guess I need to improve a lot.
Hamtaro: Good. Now that that's settled, let's go find Laura.
C.R.A.P-C-: You got mail!
Hamtaro: Huh?
Checks message.
Hamtaro: "To HH Club. Whoever you are, we have responded to your last message. Since you said you know us, maybe we could meet somewhere.
Raishiuko (Hamtaro)
Bijou: Who do you think of sent us that message?
T.W.: And what did it mean? We never sent them anything?
Boss: Weird. But it says that this Raishiuko has the same username as Hamtaro.
Hamtaro: Like the one we're on. And just like Laura was on so...it must've been Laura! I knew she's here!
T.W.: Let's IM her back and tell her where to meet her.
Boss: Well let's first find out where she went. The map showed the icons of her and Kana go this way.
Goes to door Laura went through.
Hamtaro: Alright Boss!
They open the door. They appear in a strange forest.
Hamtaro: Where are we?
Where are they now? Where's Raishiuko (Laura) in this forest. And what were the other ham-hams doing this whole time? Find out next time.