Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Ham-Hams goning online! Enter the world ❯ A Devils’ Bargain... ( Chapter 27 )

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Chapter 27

A Devils' Bargain...

Raishiuko and Nike are in some small town near Mt. Gloom.

Nike: Yeah. How much for the Super Mountain Rope?

Shop Guy: For you, 15000 coins.

Nike: What?! Just for a piece of rope?

Raishiuko: Let me try. *to Shop guy* Can we make a bargain? Like say, 8000 coins?

Shop Guy: 10000.

Raishiuko: 5000.

Shop Guy: 3000! Take it or leave it.

Raishiuko: Okay. *pays for rope, and gets it* Thank you very much.

They leave.

Shop Guy: Ha ha. You sure know how to make a deal. *realizes something* Hey! Wait a minute! Doh! I'm such an idiot!

As Nike and Raishiuko headed for the cliffs-

Nike: Hey nice move back there.

Raishiuko: Thanks. You got to know how to close a deal. And know the right type of people to make it with.

They chuckle.

Nike: But seriously. With this rope, I think we can scale the entire Mt. Gloom.

Raishiuko: Or maybe two.

They chuckle again.

Nike: Come on. Let's go before it gets dark.

Raishiuko: Right behind you.

They are now traveling up some mountain trail to the top.

Raishiuko: Whoa. Hey look! *she points to the aura lights in the sky* isn't that cool.

Nike: It sure is, very nice. Let's keep going.

They keep going, traveling on the sides. Raishiuko nearly slips.

Nike: Careful. It's a long fall from here.

He nearly slips himself.

Raishiuko: Watch yourself tiger. You can fall down too.

Nike: Thanks a lot, well are you ready?

Raishiuko: As ready as I'll ever be.

So they begin to scale the heights of Mt. Gloom unsure of what they might find.

Meanwhile far away on Iris Lancor had brought the unconscious ham-hams to the temple of Iris.

Lancor: These fools are constantly getting in the way, but I now understand why I'm always defeated. They use their loving and just feelings to prevail so by keeping them in suspended animation there not a threat.

He soon entered a large room where a large glass case enclosed a mysterious being inside.

Lancor: This must hold a powerful source that can possibly destroy this world. It reacts to pure hearts so having them here will set it free.

He then placed the hams each in a boxed chamber and saw their pure heart energy being transferred into the chamber of the sleeping figure.

Lancor: With this power I can take rightful control over this world.

Just then the chamber encasing the sleeping figure had been given the power and started glowing-

Lancor: Yes it's happening! Soon I'll be all powerful!

T.W then awoke with a stare of anger and pride on his face.

Lancor: What are you doing up, what does this mean?

T.W began to shine in an amazing light as Hamtaro began to awaken-

Hamtaro: What's going on?

The mysterious being inside the glass chamber was freed and merged with T.W-
Lancor: This isn't possible!

Hamtaro and Lancor watched in amazement as T.W and the mysterious being emerged into a half ham, half human entity.

Lancor: How could this happen, unless… He's the one.

Entity: Lancor, you've brought pain and miserable to this world and the people, creatures and players that inhabit it. Leave now or get your just desserts.


Entity: I'm what you might say is the spirit of Iris, except I'm not what you think. I'm merely the body you see before you. The real power that's been able to suppress you is from these plucky creatures. There feelings, their love and their pain as well as anger revived this body but it took someone like T.W, with his raging justice and beautiful heart could merge us together.

Lancor: I understand now, I played into your hand.

Entity: In a sense, even if you hadn't tried to claim to power for yourself this outcome still would have been realized. I ask with one last time, leave this place and repair the damage you have done.

Lancor: Never, I don't care how strong you are *Charges up energy* I won't back down for anything!

He fires an amazing dark beam at the entity-

Hamtaro: Spirit, T.W, watch out!

Entity: I summon the harp of peace!

That's when T.W's great sword emerged only it was now human sized to match his new body. Its bright shine blocked the attack and greatly weakened Lancor.

Entity: Even though you've brought pain and suffering I still think you have kindness inside you, allow me to heal you and give you a new perspective.

A perspective of the good and just feelings you once shared.

He then aimed the point of his sword and shot a beam of illumination at Lancor purifying all his evil power. His armor transformed into regal and honorable sheen and he was so horrified he logged out then and there.

Hamtaro was amazed at what he just saw and the entity lowered form the sky and walked towards Hamtaro who felt a little nervous.

Entity: Before I return complete control to T.W I just want to say thank you to all your friends for doing your best to save this world. While you all still have a purpose and a roll to play you, T.W and Raishiuko have something that brought this realization to life, Raishiuko's brave and loyal spirit, T.W's cunning and beautiful soul and your pure and righteous heart. Also the one you call Boss also has a role to fulfill and to this I gave him a special gift-

He then pulls out a red rose thorns and all and throws it towards him and in a sudden gust of wind the petals flew on Boss and transformed his armor and weapons to an utmost high level. The thorny stem landed in Bijou's paws though it didn't prick her it transformed into a glorious staff made entirely of crystal.

Entity: Please try and free Lancor of his evil and befriend him before you think destroying him is the right answer.

Hamtaro: I promise.

Then the a white light encasing a spirit flew from the body and T.W regained control-

(Still in the ham-human body)

T.W: I'm glad you're ok.

Hamtaro: You too.

T.W: The spirit told me just before he left that the others will be fine; in fact I'll wake them up now.

T.W then waves his sword and in a flash of light the others regain copiousness and awoke-

Boss: What happened, where are we?

Then he saw his new armor and weapons-

Boss: And what am I wearing?

C.R.A.P-C: Weapon and armor upgrade, now at level 160!

Boss: Wow!

Sandy: Hey, look up there!

Everyone then saw T.W in his new body, Hamtaro explained the whole situation.

Boss: What? Is that why I have this new armor? I thought I already had the legendary Warrior class.

T.W: I think you do. But I think you just have new armor and abilities. Also your level is higher than before.

Bijou: And this staff…*sees staff* Where did this come from?

Hamtaro's C.R.A.P-C- beeps. He got e-mail.

E-Mail: Hamtaro...We want to talk to you about something. Could you come to the town near Mt. Iris?


Hamtaro: Looks like we're going down the mountain.

After they leave the temple they start walking down.

Hamtaro: So T.W told me that he was giving Lancor back his good. He told me the spirit of Iris claimed that Lancor has a good side somewhere.

T.W: Yeah. And apparently we have revive the good that he once had.

Sandy: So Lancor's actually good, never would've guessed.

Boss: Hmph, I'm not totally sold on the fact that someone as rotten as him is good, I'd say that spirit of Iris has been imprisoned too long and is not thinking straight.

T.W then grabbed him by the ear and twisted it a bit-

Boss: I wish you'd stop doing that!

T.W: For your information if I hadn't merged with the spirit at just that moment who knows what might've happened, and I guessed he wasn't thinking when he said you had a great role to play and gave you an upgrade.

Hakeru: I'm having a hard time believing it myself.

T.W quickly lets go of Boss's ear and he fell to the ground, giving full attention to Hakeru.

Hakeru: I mean think of all he's done, what would supposedly nice guy turn nasty?

T.W: That I don't know but what I do know is that before we take anymore extreme measures we have to find out more about him.

Hamtaro: That's right, we need to know more than we do now so we can stop him.

Boss stubbly got up and brushed himself off-

Boss: Well that makes sense at least, but how do we go about it?

Hamtaro: We'll find a way Boss; hopefully the others have an idea.

Meanwhile... in some building in the real world.... Someone was at their computer and his face was hidden by shadows and his eyes hidden by a VR visor-


Lancor: What happened to me? What was it that gave me that armor...? How did this happen?

*he remembers when Entity was purifying him*


Lancor: What does he know about me being good? He doesn't know anything about me. Never did, never will. ....But yet...If I was given such ugly armor, would it appear if I was pure evil? Or what if....Oh who cares. I'm still the most powerful player in the game. And I'm going to rule it. No rodents are going to stop me. No one will!

Then he had a thought struck him sharply inside him-


Lancor: Now that I think about it, I was weakened in the game and I still feel it here. Could those rodents and kids be right? Is it possible that this game is a reality in its own right? And if so the people and creatures created in the game world are as real as I am?

Meanwhile back in the world of Digital life the hams meet up with Raishiuko and Nike and stayed in a large inn room to rest and discuss information, as they all sat in a circle on the hardwood floor the hams explains what happened to them and there was a thick tension in the air.

Nike: So you think Lancor has a good side? Are you sure that's what the spirit said?

Boss: That's what I said, who'd thought we'd agree?

T.W: I know it's weird but believe me I just know it.

We then flashed back to the last confrontation with Lancor and T.W had merged with the spirit of Iris-

Hamtaro and Lancor watched in amazement as T.W and the mysterious being emerged into a half ham, half human entity.

Lancor: How could this happen, unless… He's the one.

Entity: Lancor, you've brought pain and miserable to this world and the people, creatures and players that inhabit it. Leave now or get your just desserts.


Entity: I'm what you might say is the spirit of Iris, except I'm not what you think. I'm merely the body you see before you. The real power that's been able to suppress you is from these plucky creatures. There feelings, their love and their pain as well as anger revived this body but it took someone like T.W, with his raging justice and beautiful heart could merge us together.

Lancor: I understand now, I played into your hand.

Entity: In a sense, even if you hadn't tried to claim to power for yourself this outcome still would have been realized. I ask with one last time, leave this place and repair the damage you have done.

Lancor: Never, I don't care how strong you are *Charges up energy* I won't back down for anything!

He fires an amazing dark beam at the entity-

Hamtaro: Spirit, T.W, watch out!

Entity: I summon the harp of peace!

That's when T.W's great sword emerged only it was now human sized to match his new body. Its bright shine blocked the attack and greatly weakened Lancor.

Entity: Even though you've brought pain and suffering I still think you have kindness inside you, allow me to heal you and give you a new perspective.

A perspective of the good and just feelings you once shared.

He then aimed the point of his sword and shot a beam of illumination at Lancor purifying all his evil power. His armor transformed into a regal and honorable sheen and he was so horrified he logged out then and there-

We return to the present.

T.W: When his armor changed, I saw something different in him. I don't know what it was but it was definitely not evil.

Hamtaro: He's right I felt it too.

Raishiuko: This is all hard to believe, I mean I don't think you're lying but it's still hard to believe. If only we knew more about him.

Voice: Well I can help there.

Everyone turned to see it was Jullianno who had entered the room-

Hamtaro: Long time no see, so you have some info on Lancor?

Jullianno: Yes but you best remained seated for this.

He then walks over to them carrying a floppy disk-

Hamtaro: Hey I've seen that before, a flop-p!

(Question mark on his head)

T.W: A what?

Hamtaro: You know a flop-p; it was something that's square and tasteless as a dinner plate.

T.W: I still don't follow.

Hamtaro then turns to Raishiuko-

Hamtaro: You probably don't remember but you had taken that yellow flop-p to where your dad works and it got lost, luckily I found it.

Raishiuko: That was you too, so it was in my bag and that's how it got in my pocket.

(Light bulb over his head)

T.W: Oh yeah you told me that story, well in actual fact it's a floppy disk. It's what your store computer data on like a picture or a piece of written text.

Hamtaro: Oh, well that's easier to remember. I think.

Jullianno then went over to a computer on the desk and inserted the disk inside-

The computer turned on and started flashing pictures and text in stellar patterns and then went back. It went white and a picture of Lancor appeared alongside his character information.

Jullianno: Look closely at his profile; I think you'll be surprised.

Raishiuko took a closer look and saw something that shocked her and everyone-

T.W: This says-

Jullianno: Yes according to this it seems that Lancor doesn't live in the area we're in now. He in fact lives in an apartment complex in San Francisco. That's all we know as he's personal info is kept especially top secret since his attacks.

Hakeru: He's from America?

Jullianno: Yes and that's not all, since this world is has a reality as ours the encounter with the spirit of Iris weakened his character and himself. But with more viruses and programs at his disposal he's still a threat to both worlds.

Raishiuko: What do we do now, how can we stop someone that far away from here?

Everyone racked their brains and that's when T.W got an idea.

T.W: I know, Hamtaro and I can head to San Francisco, find Lancor's apartment and destroy his digital arms and at the same time find the goodness inside him.

Hakeru: Are you kidding that could be dangerous, what if something happened to you?

T.W: Dangerous things happen here too so it's not so different.

Hamtaro: He's right; the only way the danger stops is if we shut it down from offline.

Bijou: But Hakeru's right and it could be dangerous, are sure it's all worth it?

Boss: Listen to her; she knows what she's saying. It's been a rough road for all of us and while your plan might work if it doesn't there's more to loose than just a game.

Hamtaro: We know, but what choice do we have? If we stop now the players, people and creatures that inhabit this world will be in danger. We have to stop him while he's out for awhile.

Raishiuko: But how will you reach his apartment in time and how do you even plan to get there?

They looked at each other and simply said-

Hamtaro and T.W: We have friends in high places.

Soon after they all stocked up on items and had weapon upgrades our party leaves the town and heads further down the mountain Soon after Hamtaro and T.W logged out while the others continued their journey. While everyone heads out of town, something happens.

Hamtaro: Hey? You feel that?

T.W: Feel what?

The ground shakes.

Hamtaro: That.

The ground is shaking like it's an earthquake!

Boss: Booooooyyyyy I reaaaaalllllyyyyy haaaaaaattttee thisssssssss!!!!!

Then a giant worm like monster appears from the ground.

MSU processing…

Name: Core Worm

Level: 120

Type: Worm Beast

The worm roars and goes back underground.

Raishiuko: Where'd it go?

The worm appears from under the party and sends them flying.

Dexter: Freeze!

He uses Time Magic to try to freeze the worm, but it misses as the worm goes under. The worm pops up and roars.

Bijou: No you don't.

She points her staff at the worm, ands tries to attack with it. But

Nothing happens.

Bijou: What? Why doesn't it work

The worm dives for her, but Boss comes in and slices it away from her.

Boss: Come on wormy! I know you can do better!

The worm lost a lot of HP. So it goes underground again.

Boss: Come on! Get back here!

He goes after the worm underground. Then he runs out in fright as the

worm pops out at full speed.

Raishiuko: *slashes a card* Purity Arrow shot!

She shoots an energy arrow with an energy bow. It strikes the worm

before it goes underground again.

T.W: This guy likes to duck and cover.

Core Worm appears again.

T.W: Try this! *he raises his hands and strange symbols surround him*

Enlightenment Circle!

The symbols form an energy ring and surround the worm-

Boss: Now I can finish it!

He takes off and powers up his axe. He does many slices and sends the

worm back into the hole.

Boss: Yes I'm the man!

After a long moment, the worm comes up again!

Boss: Aw come on.

He gets slapped hard by the beast.

Bijou: Boss no!

Hamtaro: That's it!

He charges and hits the worm, who hits back. Then a rope goes around the beast's neck.

Howdy: Not so fast, Now, stay!

The rope glows and the monster roars. Just then, some blasts hit the worm.

It's from Haruki and Daichi!

Haruki: Miss anything?

T.W: Not much, you're just in time guys.

Haruki: Let's kick butt.

Now they both attack the monster with great force. The monster falls again.

Daichi: That outta stop him.

After a bit, the monster returns to the ground and attacks by popping out from underground.

Daichi: Or...maybe not.

Osimaru came on the scene flying on Fi and AD is behind them.

Osimaru: Hey guys!

Raishiuko: Hey Osimaru! You came to help!

Osimaru: You know it girl! No one else we know has one of these.

Fi and AD begin the assault.

AD: This one is a stubborn one alright.

Fi: May take awhile.

They fight the monster. Fi and AD shoot fire at it. The worm goes in and out of the ground. Attacking back and forth-

Bijou: Hey Haruki catch!

She tosses the crystal staff to Haruki and catches it-

Haruki: Thanks, not let's test it out.

Haruki then used the staff and created a blue bracelet that instantly latched onto Osimaru and began to glow. Fi and AD fused together to become an Arcadia beast.

The newly formed beast took form and begun a mighty attack on the Core Worm. First they scratched it a few times, then shoot feather darts at it. The worm retreat underground. Then the Arcadia Beast used a mighty tornado flame attack into the ground. The worm pops out all in flames.

Hamtaro: Way the go!

The beast lands as the worm falls. Then it struggles to rise again.

Then all of a sudden, the monster gets roped around the neck by, Howdy!

Howdy: Okay, as Monster Tamer I say, sit!

The rope glows and the monster is subdued. After a bit the monster goes

over to Howdy.

Hamtaro: Be careful! It may still attack.

Howdy: Relax. He's no more than a kitten now. Right Wormy?

The worm, now Wormy, rubs against Howdy. Then the Arcadia beast

reverted back to Fi and the Arcadia Dragon.

Howdy's C.R.A.P-C: You can now summon the core worm to assist you, now at level 112.

The core worm then glows and becomes a card which Howdy keeps in the card pocket.

Soon after they all explained everything to Haruki's

party and Osimaru. Osimaru and Haruki still can't believe what happened and how they fused.

Osimaru: Fi how did you do that?

Fi explains that when Arcadia phoenixes or dragons feel close to their masters or mistresses fuse with another to become and Arcadia beast.

AD: I'm glad I got to fuse with you friend.

Fi: Me too.

Later...everyone is prepared to let Hamtaro and T.W log out and go to

San Francisco.

Hamtaro: Alright everyone. We're going, and please

Don't worry about us.

Raishiuko: I bet you'll be fine.

Boss: If you don't come back, don't expect me to go looking for you T.W!


T.W: Gee Thanks for the support; I doubt we'll need it.

They then turn there backs from each other hard for one to understand the other as always.

Hamtaro: Well T, looks like we're going then.

Hamtaro and T.W prepare to log out.

Raishiuko: I love you Hamtaro.

Hamtaro: I love you too.

They log out. Leaving their friends behind-

Hakeru: You be careful, both of you.

Now out in the real world our duo appear atop the window ledge in Laura's room with the wind brushed against their fur-

T.W: I'd forgotten how it feels to have the sunny air touch your ears.

Hamtaro: Me too.

T.W: Well we better get going, it's a long way to San Francisco and if my plan works it could take all day.

He then took out his magic umbrella and they each took hold and flew off into the meadows where T.W had a notion.

Where will they end up, can they reach San Francisco in time to stop Lancor offline? And what of Raishiuko and the others, find out next time!

I'm so sorry this long but I hope it was worth it. Please review and be in-depth