Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ HamBlade: a tale of action, romance and betrayal ❯ Super Fun Fishing Day! The Dark Ham Shadow Arives ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: mechag 
It was a nice and sunny saturday. Hamtaro and the Hams were having a fishing day. Everyone was all happy and stuff exept Stan. " Dang This is so BOring!" Stan said in a bored tone. " What are we gonna do with the fish once we cath em eh" "Uh.." said Boss. " I never really planned what to do after that" Everyone dropped down. "Hey I got one"! Hamtaro yelled! "Everyone help me pull!" Everyone helped him pull the fish out. It was a huge carp. "Bijou would you like to have half of the fish?", Hamtaro offerd. "Oui sure! Thank you Hamtaro" Boss watched them rip the fish in half, smile and laugh dispite all the fish blood on their faces. He felt like he was going to explode all over. He felt like telling Hamtaro to stay away from her,but Hamtaro was his best friend. He didn't want to hurt him. It was always this thought that kept Boss from kicking the crap out of Hamtaro. "Uhh Boss?" the voice woke Boss frome his trance. "You got fish blood on your face. Can I lick it?" It was Oxnard. "No way!" Suddenly everyone turned around at the sound of OKWEEEEEEEEEEEE! "It's Penelope!" ,said Pashmina. Panda saw Penelope floating down the river. Suddenly a huge carp that was bigger than the one Hamtaro caught opened it's mouth and swallowed Penelope whole. "PENELOPE!!!" screamed Pashmina. "Don't worry Pashmina I'll save her", said Howdy. "NO me!!!" said Dexter. "I will" Howdy and Dexter began fighting as usuall. Boss and Hamtaro jumped onto the carp. Hamtaro climbed into the mouth while Boss tried to stop it.
Hamtaro was inside the mouth of the fish looking for Penelope. It really wasn't that hard. All he had to do is follow the Okyooos. He looked down and saw Penelope hanging onto the uvila
Boss began to bite ferosiously until the carp stopped in a corner. Suddenly a huge bulge appeared in the carps sidebloody Penelope. "Well that sucked", said Hamtaro. " She was hanging on the esophogus. Good thing I grabbed her"
When everybody settled down they heard a stange evil cackle. They turned to face a totally black hamster wearing a black cape carrying a familar looking black trident.
" Heh heh I hoped you enjoyed the ride"
"Who the CRAP are you", said Boss.
Hamtaro looked up. "Is thet trident.."
"Yes" said the black ham. "It's Spat's. I've made some ajustments to it but it is Spat's. We're old pals".
"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY DID YOU THROW PENELOPE INTO THE RIVER!" screamed Pashmina "OH I'm terribly sorry in all the exitment I forgot to tell you my name. My name is Shadow and as you can see I like black alot". Suddenly a dark portal appeared behind Shadow. " Oh my time runs short butdon't worry Ham-Hams I will see you all again soon... REAL soon". Shadow than walked into the portal and dissapeared. The ham-hams wern't sure but it was as if they could feel an evil aura surrounding them.
Ok I revised the chapter. I'll do this to the others before I post chapter 5
Anime/Manga: Hamtaro Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Martial Arts / Comedy / Adventure / Action | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 11.09.2003 | Updated On: 12.17.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 8 | Visits: 304 | Status: Completed

It was a nice and sunny saturday. Hamtaro and the Hams were having a fishing day. Everyone was all happy and stuff exept Stan. " Dang This is so BOring!" Stan said in a bored tone. " What are we gonna do with the fish once we cath em eh" "Uh.." said Boss. " I never really planned what to do after that" Everyone dropped down. "Hey I got one"! Hamtaro yelled! "Everyone help me pull!" Everyone helped him pull the fish out. It was a huge carp. "Bijou would you like to have half of the fish?", Hamtaro offerd. "Oui sure! Thank you Hamtaro" Boss watched them rip the fish in half, smile and laugh dispite all the fish blood on their faces. He felt like he was going to explode all over. He felt like telling Hamtaro to stay away from her,but Hamtaro was his best friend. He didn't want to hurt him. It was always this thought that kept Boss from kicking the crap out of Hamtaro. "Uhh Boss?" the voice woke Boss frome his trance. "You got fish blood on your face. Can I lick it?" It was Oxnard. "No way!" Suddenly everyone turned around at the sound of OKWEEEEEEEEEEEE! "It's Penelope!" ,said Pashmina. Panda saw Penelope floating down the river. Suddenly a huge carp that was bigger than the one Hamtaro caught opened it's mouth and swallowed Penelope whole. "PENELOPE!!!" screamed Pashmina. "Don't worry Pashmina I'll save her", said Howdy. "NO me!!!" said Dexter. "I will" Howdy and Dexter began fighting as usuall. Boss and Hamtaro jumped onto the carp. Hamtaro climbed into the mouth while Boss tried to stop it.
Hamtaro was inside the mouth of the fish looking for Penelope. It really wasn't that hard. All he had to do is follow the Okyooos. He looked down and saw Penelope hanging onto the uvila
Boss began to bite ferosiously until the carp stopped in a corner. Suddenly a huge bulge appeared in the carps sidebloody Penelope. "Well that sucked", said Hamtaro. " She was hanging on the esophogus. Good thing I grabbed her"
When everybody settled down they heard a stange evil cackle. They turned to face a totally black hamster wearing a black cape carrying a familar looking black trident.
" Heh heh I hoped you enjoyed the ride"
"Who the CRAP are you", said Boss.
Hamtaro looked up. "Is thet trident.."
"Yes" said the black ham. "It's Spat's. I've made some ajustments to it but it is Spat's. We're old pals".
"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY DID YOU THROW PENELOPE INTO THE RIVER!" screamed Pashmina "OH I'm terribly sorry in all the exitment I forgot to tell you my name. My name is Shadow and as you can see I like black alot". Suddenly a dark portal appeared behind Shadow. " Oh my time runs short butdon't worry Ham-Hams I will see you all again soon... REAL soon". Shadow than walked into the portal and dissapeared. The ham-hams wern't sure but it was as if they could feel an evil aura surrounding them.
Ok I revised the chapter. I'll do this to the others before I post chapter 5
Anime/Manga: Hamtaro Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Martial Arts / Comedy / Adventure / Action | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 11.09.2003 | Updated On: 12.17.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 8 | Visits: 304 | Status: Completed