Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ HamBlade: a tale of action, romance and betrayal ❯ The Wrath Of Shadow ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: mechag 
"Man" said Sandy. "That Shadow is so uncool". Okyoo! not to ask. "I'm afraid" whined Bijou" "No need to be afraid baby", said Stan. He was about to say something else but he heard foot steps. 15 of them acctully. The ham-hams wern't sure of what happened next but they could see someone hitting them on the neck.
"BIJOU!" screamed Hamtaro when he woke up.
A voice that seemed to come out of nowhere said: "Come to my hideout on the hill with the black tower on it and we'll discuss your girlfriend"
"Black Tower?" Maxwell said "My human said he saw one a couple days ago. He said it was probably just some teens having fun" "OMYGOSH" Oxnard piped up. "We gotta get home our humans are probably back already!" So the Hams all headed home.
"Dear Diary", wrote Laura. I got my lunch money stolen today so I had to eat a mystry meat sandwhich. It was moving! Than I got beat up by some punks. Finally I went into the boys bathroom and got beat up again. When I woke up my head was in the urinal. Today was a great day and I bet tomorrow will be an even better day!" "Girl" thought Hamtaro, "you are seriously scaring me" "Whats the matter Hamtaro? You look sad" "Yeah the Ham I like might be dead". Soon Laura went to sleep Hamtaro couldn't do the same. He thought of Bijou and how he loved her and if she was alive or not. Finally he forced himself to sleep.
Soon it was morning and all the Ham-Hams gathered and headed for the Black Tower. Maxwell lead the way. It turned out the tower wan't too far from the river where the whole mess started. The tower was about the size of a 5 year old human. It was made out of black clay. Boss pushed open a small door. The Ham-Hams were amazed. The tower had a huge flight of stairs leading up to the top"Well should we go?" asked Maxwell. "Yeah" Hamtaro said while nodding. It was a long way to the top. the Ham-Hams were sweating puddles by the time they reached the top. The top was some sort of throne roo. Shadow stood an a big chair grinning eviley. Bijou was hanging next to Shadow wih chains tied to her arms. Hamtaro made a gallant leap towred Shadow. Shadow knocked Hamtaro away with his trident. "Welcome Hams" said Shadow with a sneer on his face. "I knew you wouldn't come her willingly so I had to use some force". Shadow looked at Bijou. Bijou just wimpered. "I'm going to make you weaklings an offer. Join my ranks and I'll free your friend and once we rule the world, you can have 1/4 of it". Everyone was silent until Howdy piped up. "Well maybye for half.." "HOWDY!", everyone said in unison. "Just kiddin, just kiddin" "Even if you gave us the WHOLE world we would't join you!" said Pashmina. "Okyoo". "Fine", said Shadow in a bored tone. "Fine i'll stick to my origanal plan" "and what was it?", asked Boss. "I kill you all" . Shadow snapped his fingers. After a second or two 15 hamsters wearing black armor were in front of Shadow bowing down to him. "Eradicate them all". Immidiatly the dark knights began to attack. The hams ran down the stairs with the knights on their tails. Soon they were cornered near the door. "I have an idea" said Dexter as the knights began to slash at him with their claws. "This tower is near the river right?. Well if we used our strongest diggers we can dig a passage way through the river. Then the water will flood the tower and we can escape" "Good thinkin Dex" said Pashmina. "Now whos gonna dig?" asked Maxwell. "I will" said Boss. Cappy and Panda raised their paws. Alright guys" yelled Hamtaro. "start Diggin! The diggers began to dig. The hams fought the knights with as much strength as they had. After an hour or so Hamtaro felt water on the floor. After that a huge stream of water gushed out of the hole. Boss,Panda and Cappy all came flying out. The knights tried to run up the stairs but slipped on the floor and were knocked out. The hams all ran out the door. After catching their brath Hamtaro realized something. "We fogot Bijou." Quickly Hamtaro opened the door and scurried in he swam to the stair case and ran to the top trying to beat the raising water level. Hamtaro found Bijou trembling with fear. With all his might he pulled on the chains. They came off rather easily. Bijou cluthed Hamtaro in fear and relief. "Hold me" , she said as water began to reach the top. Hamtaro and Bijou sucked in a big gush of air and swam down still holding on tight to each other. By the time they reached the bottom Hamtaro felt like his lungs were going to explode. He tried to open the door but he didn't have enough strength left. The door opened and Hamtaro could see Oxnard pulling on it. The lovers gushed out of the tower. "Shadow may still be alive", someone said. I saw a black thing running out" Hamtaro and Bijou didn't pay any attention to this. They just held on to each other tight.
TO BE Continued. reveiws please
Anime/Manga: Hamtaro Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Martial Arts / Comedy / Adventure / Action | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 11.09.2003 | Updated On: 12.17.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 16 | Visits: 296 | Status: Completed

"Man" said Sandy. "That Shadow is so uncool". Okyoo! not to ask. "I'm afraid" whined Bijou" "No need to be afraid baby", said Stan. He was about to say something else but he heard foot steps. 15 of them acctully. The ham-hams wern't sure of what happened next but they could see someone hitting them on the neck.
"BIJOU!" screamed Hamtaro when he woke up.
A voice that seemed to come out of nowhere said: "Come to my hideout on the hill with the black tower on it and we'll discuss your girlfriend"
"Black Tower?" Maxwell said "My human said he saw one a couple days ago. He said it was probably just some teens having fun" "OMYGOSH" Oxnard piped up. "We gotta get home our humans are probably back already!" So the Hams all headed home.
"Dear Diary", wrote Laura. I got my lunch money stolen today so I had to eat a mystry meat sandwhich. It was moving! Than I got beat up by some punks. Finally I went into the boys bathroom and got beat up again. When I woke up my head was in the urinal. Today was a great day and I bet tomorrow will be an even better day!" "Girl" thought Hamtaro, "you are seriously scaring me" "Whats the matter Hamtaro? You look sad" "Yeah the Ham I like might be dead". Soon Laura went to sleep Hamtaro couldn't do the same. He thought of Bijou and how he loved her and if she was alive or not. Finally he forced himself to sleep.
Soon it was morning and all the Ham-Hams gathered and headed for the Black Tower. Maxwell lead the way. It turned out the tower wan't too far from the river where the whole mess started. The tower was about the size of a 5 year old human. It was made out of black clay. Boss pushed open a small door. The Ham-Hams were amazed. The tower had a huge flight of stairs leading up to the top"Well should we go?" asked Maxwell. "Yeah" Hamtaro said while nodding. It was a long way to the top. the Ham-Hams were sweating puddles by the time they reached the top. The top was some sort of throne roo. Shadow stood an a big chair grinning eviley. Bijou was hanging next to Shadow wih chains tied to her arms. Hamtaro made a gallant leap towred Shadow. Shadow knocked Hamtaro away with his trident. "Welcome Hams" said Shadow with a sneer on his face. "I knew you wouldn't come her willingly so I had to use some force". Shadow looked at Bijou. Bijou just wimpered. "I'm going to make you weaklings an offer. Join my ranks and I'll free your friend and once we rule the world, you can have 1/4 of it". Everyone was silent until Howdy piped up. "Well maybye for half.." "HOWDY!", everyone said in unison. "Just kiddin, just kiddin" "Even if you gave us the WHOLE world we would't join you!" said Pashmina. "Okyoo". "Fine", said Shadow in a bored tone. "Fine i'll stick to my origanal plan" "and what was it?", asked Boss. "I kill you all" . Shadow snapped his fingers. After a second or two 15 hamsters wearing black armor were in front of Shadow bowing down to him. "Eradicate them all". Immidiatly the dark knights began to attack. The hams ran down the stairs with the knights on their tails. Soon they were cornered near the door. "I have an idea" said Dexter as the knights began to slash at him with their claws. "This tower is near the river right?. Well if we used our strongest diggers we can dig a passage way through the river. Then the water will flood the tower and we can escape" "Good thinkin Dex" said Pashmina. "Now whos gonna dig?" asked Maxwell. "I will" said Boss. Cappy and Panda raised their paws. Alright guys" yelled Hamtaro. "start Diggin! The diggers began to dig. The hams fought the knights with as much strength as they had. After an hour or so Hamtaro felt water on the floor. After that a huge stream of water gushed out of the hole. Boss,Panda and Cappy all came flying out. The knights tried to run up the stairs but slipped on the floor and were knocked out. The hams all ran out the door. After catching their brath Hamtaro realized something. "We fogot Bijou." Quickly Hamtaro opened the door and scurried in he swam to the stair case and ran to the top trying to beat the raising water level. Hamtaro found Bijou trembling with fear. With all his might he pulled on the chains. They came off rather easily. Bijou cluthed Hamtaro in fear and relief. "Hold me" , she said as water began to reach the top. Hamtaro and Bijou sucked in a big gush of air and swam down still holding on tight to each other. By the time they reached the bottom Hamtaro felt like his lungs were going to explode. He tried to open the door but he didn't have enough strength left. The door opened and Hamtaro could see Oxnard pulling on it. The lovers gushed out of the tower. "Shadow may still be alive", someone said. I saw a black thing running out" Hamtaro and Bijou didn't pay any attention to this. They just held on to each other tight.
TO BE Continued. reveiws please
Anime/Manga: Hamtaro Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Martial Arts / Comedy / Adventure / Action | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 11.09.2003 | Updated On: 12.17.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 16 | Visits: 296 | Status: Completed