Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Love Battles on the Floor Again ❯ battles to the finals pt2 ( Chapter 22 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
It was now time for Boss and Miri to go head to head, with the winner going into the finals. Well, this is it. My very first run in these tournaments and I'm almost there. thought Boss. I can't believe my skills have gotten me this far. Well, it's time to shine my man... However, it's been a while since I've been on the floor with Miri, so I better not let my guard down.
Miri also had similar though going through her mind as well. Well Boss, I sure hope you've gotten better since last time. I still remember how disturbed you were after you were robbed of having Bijou the last time I was around. It took you at the very end of the song. But with that in mind, I hope you give an interesting run and a fun time while we're together...
"Since we're going to be going a Nonstop run, I sure hope this match of ours is close." said Boss.
"Same here, Boss. Same here." Miri agreed.
"I'm not giving anything less than 'greatest', Miri, so that's what I expect to get from you."
"Don't worry about getting favored treatment. Even though I like you and we're friends, it doesn't mean that I'm gonna give you any mercy. And I know you'll do the same thing, so let's just have our matchup."
Since this is the semifinals, the beat has already been set and the choices already at random. As the first song started, which was Vook Vook, Boss and Miri shake paws, then turned to the screen. The quick beat caught Miri off guard, but Boss knew of this song and stepped without trouble. Whoa, this isn't what I expected from a song like this. Miri thought.
Miri's taken by stupor from this song, I better keep my bar high so I can start whittling hers down. thought Boss.
Jam had also just found his way into the crowd to watch the battle. Interesting.... he thought.
Halfway through the song, Boss' bar was maxed out and Miri's bar was starting to feel Boss' steps. Despite the whittling, Miri stepped onward. "I dun like this song." she stated.
"Come on girl, tough it out." said Boss.
Look at Boss, he's raping the bar... Jam thought.
"Will this song ever end...." Miri said to herself.
Miri got out of there barely and Boss was still "raping the bar" and whittling Miri's in the process. The next song was Dr. M ("M" referring to of course, Mozart). Okay, this has some rapid steps to it. thought Miri.
You're doing great, Boss. Keep it going. Boss mentally encouraged himself.
Kit-n-Kat looked at these two competitors. "Man, that girl's not doing so well, she just might lose." he said.
"You shouldn't doubt an underdog." Kit-n-Kat turned to see Jam.
"Shouldn't you be in the doubles competition?"
"Yes, I am in the doubles, but I have to give my spiritual presence to my classmates you know." Jam answered.
"Classmates?" How did he know about "The One" having students? Oh yeah, this guy is one of "The One's" pupils. "So tell me about your sensei.... Is he really that great?"
"He's very tolerant."
Meanwhile, Miri got to the point where Boss was no longer eating up her bar, now she was starting to regain some leverage. Okay Boss, no more being a nice girl. thought Miri. The next song is where I tear a hole in you.
The third song slowed its pace down, it wasn't speedy at all. Thus, the perfect way to enjoy a breather for Love is a Danger Zone. As the song began, Boss and Miri were evenly matched. "It seems like he's a very patient person." said Kit-n-Kat. "Perhaps I may meet him someday."
"That would be cool to see." said Jam, "Kit-n-Kat versus 'The One' on the floor. I'd pay to see that matchup."
Man, she hasn't missed a beat here. thought Boss.
Bring it on, Boss. thought Miri.
When the chorus came up, Miri's steps started eating away at Boss' bar. He knew this was happening because everytime he hit a perfect step, his guage wouldn't move. Keep steady til the end... Boss encouraged himself mentally. You may not be getting and footing, but you aren't losig any either.
Man, he knows how to keep his bar protected.... thought Miri. I can't even whittle it down. It's not even moving.... If he hits some style, it might break my offensive on his meter.
Man toughed it out to the end of the song and the final stretch started playing. The last dance was Osikospost, and the full version of the song at that. When the song started playing, the battlers started moving. All to soon the blitz on the step patterns blazed at their stamina. Just by looking at the way they stepped, you could tell that the level of fatigue was even on both of them. "Well, you can't say this isn't one for the books." said Miri.
"You can say again." said Boss.
"Well, you can't say this isn't one for the books."
Jam had finished his chat with Kit-n-Kat and thw two decided to watch the remainder of Boss and Miri's battle. However, Jam was in the crowd as he told Kit-n-Kat he would be rejoining his partner Roll. Well, at least this is what I didn't miss in the singles competition. he thought.
"Man, I'm beat." said Boss.
"That makes two of us." said Miri. "But as the saying goes, 'There's no rest for the weary.' Boss."
A third of the song later, the bars are low and fatigue meets the players, the last chorus comes in. Boss, feeling confident, attempts to lay it all down since he had raped Miri's bar so that they were even. Go for broke, Boss, this match is yours. The steps came in normally, then a quick blitz, more steps followed normally, then another blitz. Boss hit the third set of normal steps properly, but when it came to the blitz.....
.....he got some bad footing and fell off the floor. What bad timing, the steps gave him no mercy as his guage was empty by the time he stood back up to face the screen. Shim-ma-taaaaaaaaaa! he yelled in his mind. I can't believe I fell....
Jam shook his head, That has to suck big time. he thought. He's definitely gonna be mad for a long time.
Boss, though really mad, stepped of the floor. Though he was mad that his defeat was so messed up, he cheered Miri on until she cleared the song. Miri finished up with a "B" grade. "Well Miri, you won. Good job." said Boss.
"Hey thanks, that--Wait, are you crying?"
Miri went to consult Boss. "Yeah, I'm crying. All the hard work I put into this tournament, only to lose because I fell."
"And to think, this is the first one of these I've been in, this sucks big time." Boss wiped his face and rose to his feet. "However, in the process, I beat two of the strongest members of the Comet Crew and I made it to the semis, it's not too bad."
"That's true," Kit-n-Kat stepped in. "And since the other branch of the tournament got a bye, that means you did very well, Boss. For your very first tournament, you finished third place."
"That means I get a medal, right?" asked Boss.
"Yup, at the awards ceremony that takes place at the end of the Ball."
"Ah, my successes, it brings tears of joys that wash away my tears of sorrow."
That's Boss for you, a big, gruff, teddy bear-type ham. thought Miri.
Boss extended his paw to Miri. "Well, at least I lost to one of my friends, so it really isn't so bad."
Miri shook Boss' paw. "Yeah, good fight, Boss."
"Good luck in the finals, Miri. I'll be routing for you, so don't let me down."
"It's a deal."
ah, finally finished after so long, send some reviews, y'all.