Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ Hamtaro and Penelope ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The ham-ham girls had been feeling strange lately. A desire they had felt brewing inside them was growing stronger and stronger, and it had only began two days ago. Sandy's feeling of caring for Maxwell had changed to something else…it was similar, but there was a new desire, an emptiness that needed to be filled. Bijou was shocked when she found that her desire was not for Hamtaro, the one that she thought she loved, but actually for her timid friend, Oxnard, while Penelope, who had become a young lady ham now, had her eyes set on Hamtaro, that robust, and charming hamster. But Penelope still wore that blanket over her head, but she would gladly take it off for Hamtaro, but the difference between her desires and the other girls, was that she KNEW what it was that she desired. And as for Pashmina, well, she wouldn't tell the other girls who she desired, she wasn't embarrassed, but she was still finding it hard to believe herself of who she desired.

“ I cannot stop thinking about him”, Bijou said with a concerned frown on her face.

“ I'm sure Oxnard would be honored to mate with you!” Penelope exclaimed, trying to encourage Bijou.

“ Huh?”, all the girl hams, except Penelope, said in unison.

“ What?” , Penelope said, looking at the faces that had fallen on her, “ That is the desire you're talking about, right?”

“ I do not know….” Bijou replied, somewhat sadly, “ I feel like there is an emptiness, and only that Oxnard could fill it…”

Penelope burst out giggling and started to play with Bijou's ribbons, “ Yes, you want him to be your mate. That is definitely it!”, she shouted and fell over, giggling, though she was an adult now, Penelope had still hung onto some of her girlish playfulness.

“ Well what should I do…?” Bijou asked hesitantly.

Penelope was about to answer, when low and behold, she saw Oxnard approaching. She grinned wickedly and said , “ You do nothing, I will handle it.”. Then Penelope was off like a shot toward Oxnard, Bijou tried to call her back, but it was too late.

“ Hi there Oxnard!”, Penelope called out cutely.

“ Oh, hi Penelope” Oxnard replied with a smile and a casual twitch of the ear.

“ Hey Oxy.”

“ Yes Penelope?”

“ What would you say if I told you that Bijou liked you?”

Upon those words, Oxnard shrieked and dove to the ground like an air raid had gone off, there he lay, shivering pathetically.

“ Oh you have got to be frickin' kidding me!”, Penelope shouted in frustration, “ Oxnard, get up, you're embarrassing yourself!”. But the shivering hamster did not move. In a fever of impatience , Penelope jumped up in a shout, “ I SAID GET UP , LITTLE MAN!”, and in the heated exasperation, she field goal kicked Oxnard in the ass, flinging him straight over to the girls. Penelope's eyes hung wide open, the she giggled, merely declaring, “oops!”.

The girls looked down at the “Amazing Flying Oxnard” that had landed before them, now he was sitting, looking at Bijou, and shaking in a nervous fear.

Bijou smiled and gently caressed Oxnard's face with her gentle paw,” Please don't be afraid of me Oxnard.”

Bijou's touch had apparently relaxed Oxnard somewhat, and after he worked up the courage, he finally said, “ So what Penelope told me…….was……true?”

Bijou nodded softly, while blushing deeply, then she said, “ If you're not interested…..I understand.”

“ No Bijou,” Oxnard began, “ I am ….uh..interested…Because you see…well….I have always..ahem…..uh… liked you.”

Pashmina and Sandy giggled, making Oxnard feel embarrassed, but Bijou simply pulled Oxnard close, her arms about his neck and said softly, “ Just ignore them”. Then she smiled and kissed Oxnard gently. Oxnard was justifiably nervous, but after a few moments, he got into and kissed her back, pulling her into a deep embrace.

“ Awwww,” Pashmina and Sandy said in unison as the two ham-hams shared their first experience of love and passion.

“ So…Will you accept me as--” Bijou stared to say.

“ I would be honored if you would be my mate.”, Oxnard said.

Bijou smiled, and then kissed Oxnard again, this time a French kiss.

“ Should we leave you two alone?” Pashmina asked.

“ No,” Bijou blushed, “ We're going to wait till later tonight, when our humans have gone to sleep.”

“ Ok….hey…..where's Penelope?” Pashmina said, looking around.

Penelope grinned, for when she had kicked Oxnard over to the others, she saw Hamtaro off in the distance, now she was hiding behind some leaves, following Hamtaro, and she giggled quietly as she thought to herself, “ Now, I'm gonna make that boy mine!”

“ Tikitiki, Tikitiki” Hamtaro said as he walked along, simply admiring the beautiful sunny day, until of course, he was pounced on from behind. Hamtaro went tumbling and fell flat on his stomach, and behind him, he heard a mischievous giggle. Hamtaro sat up and turned to see Penelope. “ Hey, what was that for?”

Penelope simply pushed Hamtaro down on his back and straddled him, then removed her blanket for the first time. Her light tan fur seemed to shine in the sunlight . She smiled as she fluffed her fur, then grinned seductively down at Hamtaro, caressing his chest.

“ I don't know what's going on but I don't think it should be!” Hamtaro said nervously.

“ Oh be quite you silly boy,” Penelope said while licking his neck, “ Besides…..your body seems to disagree with you”, Penelope grinned, looking down at him.

“ I uhh, umm”, Hamtaro stuttered.

“ Oh come on. Stop the innocent act Hamtaro. I know you want me, your body doesn't lie…..Now touch me.” Penelope said, while gently rubbing her body up and down his, trying to entice him.

“ No I can't”, Hamtaro said.

Penelope looked down and saw the frightened hamster, she sighed, then got off, “ Fine!”, she shouted, “ Then act like a child for all your life, “ Then walked away from Hamtaro and sat down, her back turned to him, crying.

Hamtaro, feeling guilty….and regretful, he felt a strange enjoyment of what Penelope had tried to do, but he didn't know what it was, so he tried to resist, and had hurt Penelope's feelings in the process.

“ I'm sorry Penelope,” Hamtaro said, walking to her.

“ Go away….” Penelope said, still crying.

“ Please, I'm really sorry!” Hamtaro pleased.

“ No, I'm sorry……I tried to force you to do something you didn't want to.” Penelope said.

“ It's not that I didn't……I was just…..surprised”, Hamtaro replied.

“ What are you talking about?”

“ I didn't know what you wanted to do….But …..I admit I kinda liked it……though I had no clue what it was.”

Penelope turned to Hamtaro and said, “ I wanted to mate with you…”

Hamtaro blinked, still confused, but he figured he sort of like it anyway, and he didn't want to make Penelope upset, so he said, “ You can.”

Penelope giggled, blushing a little, then gently laid Hamtaro on his back this time, straddling him again, and gently eased her pussy onto his ham cock ( I need help) and she moaned gently which soon intensified to a loud moan, with a cringe of pain as her hymen broke. Soon the pain eased and she began to ride him slowly, and they gently moaned to together. Penelope then took Hamtaro's paws and put them to her breasts. Soon she began to go harder and faster, bouncing up and down on Hamtaro's cock, screaming his name in pleasure as Hamtaro lay back, moaning loudly in deep pleasure, never before had he felt a sensation as wonderful as this. Soon Hamtaro got the idea and raised himself up, then pushed Penelope on her back and spread her legs. Penelope smiled and blushed in a pleasant surprise. Hamtaro began to pound his cock in and out of her , going in deeper, and as hard as he could go. Penelope writhed beneath Hamtaro and arched her back, moaning with delight. Hamtaro continued to go faster and deeper, as Penelope clung to him, her paws raking down his back and her hind legs wrapped around his waist as she whimpered in the pleasure of this heated passion.

Space Ghost: And they came hard against each other as they both screamed in ecstasy. Then, after it had ended, Penelope fell limply into Hamtaro's arms, spent, and thoroughly exhausted, which was mutual with Hamtaro. Then they slept together in each other's arms in the field after their erotic experience.